
时间:2024-09-23 03:11:38 来源:作文网 作者:管理员

摘 要:我国税制为适应入世的需要,按照WTO的有关规则进行调整,而增值税的调整主要是实行增值税的转型,即由生产型增值税转向消费型增值税。



关键词: 入世 增值税 转型

Abstract: In view of requirements of entry into WTO, the national taxation system will be adjusted according to the related regulation of WTO. Among which the adjustment of VAT mainly focuses on the transform, i.e. from production VAT to consumer VAT.

This essay has taken different types of VAT as research object. By analyzing the pros and cons of the production VAT currently practiced in China, it raised the necessity of implementing consumer VAT at this ♪stage. Meanwhile, it calls for attention to the potential problems by operation of consumer VAT in line with our current economic situation.

This essay first explains the definition of VAT and making comparison and analysis on 3 types of VAT: Production VAT, Income VAT and Consumer VAT. Although theoretically production VAT is less superior over consumer VAT, the launch of it in 1994 is in accordance with our situation at that time. It guarantees the revenue, eliminates malign inflฌation and impสroves employment rate. However, its negative effects show gradually. These include not in favor of encouraging expansion in investment, repetitive taxation, greater taxation burden over enterprises, not in favor of✡ domestic products over overseas’ competitors, etc. In view of limitation of the production VAT and the requirements of current economic development, it is a must to transfer from production VAT to consumer VAT. Meanwhile the followi ヅng measures can be taken to make up for the great shrinkage in VAT revenue caused by the implementation of consumer VAT: allocating the refund of fixed assets balance by years, unifying VAT tax rate, abolishing previous low tax rate, imposing new taxations advisably.

Keyword: Entry into WTO , VAT, Tran

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