
时间:2025-01-13 21:41:43 来源:作文网 作者:管理员



Scheme for quantum teleportation in cavity quantum electrodynamics

Abstract: In the first part of this paper, we have reviewed some progresses in the quantum information theory, such as cavity quantum electrodynamics , resonant☮ or non-resonant interaction between atoms and the cavity, quantum teleportation. We have prepared the three-atom W-class entang ☺led state, distinguished four mutually orthogonal W-class entangle☯d state and then realized the teleport ッation scheme with W-class entangled state in the context of cavity quantum electrodynamics 0623

20). We also generalize this idea to teleport unknown two-a✯tom entangled state. The main advantage is that there is no energy exchange between the atoms and the cavity due to the large detuning interaction between them, thus the requirement of the quality of the cavity is greatly loosened. .The reliability of the scheme has been greatly enhanced due to increasing one atom in the quantum channel.

Key words: cavity QED; entanglement; teleportation; quantum information


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