
时间:2025-01-13 20:07:55 来源:作文网 作者:管理员


摘 要:通过对双模压缩态光场和两个电子干涉器件相互作用的研究,得到了两个电子干涉器件中电子密度的关联,并采用归1化关联函数来描述这种关联,发现通过选择合适的初始相位差,量子关联可以很好地从双模压缩态光场转移到电子。


The transfer of quantum correlation from two-mode squeezed vacuum field to two electron inตterference devices

Abstract: Through investigating the interaction between the two-mode squeezed vacuum field and two electron interference devices, and using tบhe normalized correlation function to describe the correlation, we ۵find that the quantum correlation can be transferred to the electron density from the field efficiently by choosing the initial phase difference appropriately.

Key words: two-mode squeezed vacuum state; normalized correlation function; qฒuantum correlation


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