【Abstract】objective To get know of HIV/syphilis infection status & influence factors among men who have sex with men in Xi’an; to provide scientific basis for drafting local AIDS prevention methods & interfering strategies. Methods A cross sectional survey was conducted among 800 MSM by face to face interviewing and blood samples were taken to✌ test HIV/syphilis. Result The rate of knowledge about HIV was 95.5%,HIV infection rate was 6.75%,Syphilis infection rate was 4.5%, HIV rate among people who have anal sex without condom or sometimes with condom in late 6 months was higher than those who have no anal sex and every sex with condom. Condom usage rate of people who had AIDS prevention consultin⌚g was higher than those who had no consulting; while the HIV rate was opposite. The HIV rate among syphilis people was higher than syphilis people. Conclusion the ADIS prevention knowledge of MSซM was good but the condom usage rate was low, indicating that the knowledge and behavior was separated. Consulting could improve the condom usage rate and redฐuce the HIV infection. Thus, entire and effective AIDS prevention consulting services, condom usage popularization and patient screening are significant methods for preventing and controlling of HIV infection and transmission.
【Key words】 MSM HIV Highly Risky Behaviors
1 对象与方法
1.1 调查对象1.2 调查、统计方法
1.3 检测方法
2 结果
2.1 人口学特征2.2 艾滋病知识知晓情况
对800人进行艾滋病防治知识调查,调查表中关于艾滋病传播的8个问题,答对6个及以上算知晓,知晓率为95.5%。2.3 性行为