
时间:2024-12-26 23:28:28 来源:作文网 作者:管理员

摘 บ要:光控太阳能照明系统是光伏应用的重要领域,这类光伏系统的工作条件非常苛刻,必须根据其特点,进行仔细的系统优化设计,才能确保其长期稳定地工作。由于系统每天工作的时间长短不一样,在光伏系统设计时,可以根据当地不同月份的日落和日出之间的无日照小时数减1,来作为光控太阳能照明系统的工作时间,以确定其各月不同的负载日耗电量。


Abstract: Light-control solar lighting system is where the photovoltaic mostly applied. For this kind of the photovoltaic system, the working condition is very harshness. Only by a careful optimum sizing method according to the characteristics♥ can its long-lasting and stable working ability be ensured. As the working hours of the system differ from day to day, it’s advisable that to determine its different daily power consumption every month, one should have the local non-sunshine time between sunset and sunrise minus one hour, serving as the working hours of the light-control solar lightning system. Judging by its maximum daily power consumption, days of autonomy of the battery can also be determined. The optimum tilted anฑgle of the photovoltaic array needs to be bigger than that of the ordinary stand-alone photovoltaic system. 论文关键词:光伏方阵;照明系统;光控;最佳倾角; Key words: photovoltaic array, lighting system, ligสht-control, optimum tilted angle

1、引言 近年来,随着太阳能光伏发电的发展,光伏产品种类不断增加,应用范围迅速扩大,太阳能照明系统就是其中增长最快的光伏产品之一,量多面广,现已成为全球推广数量最多的光伏应用产品。在大发展中,各种产品的质量参差不齐,有些为了片面追求经济效益,或者限于技术水平,不少产品根本没有按照光伏发电的工作特点和运行规律来进行设计,因而使得系统无法长期正常地运行,这种现象在太阳能照明系统尤其突出。

因此必须推广太阳能照明系统的ฆ优化设计,通过科学的计算方法,达到可靠性和经济性的最佳结合,做到既能保证系统的稳定可靠运行,又能尽量减少系统规模,降低费用,达到最佳化的配置。 太阳能照明系统种类很多,根据使用场所的不同,主要应用于航标灯、草坪灯、庭院灯、路灯、交通信号灯、室内外照明灯等。



2、光控太阳能照明的特点 光控照明系统是以自然光线

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