
时间:2024-12-27 00:29:38 来源:作文网 作者:管理员


With the national broadband Chinese and Internet plus strategy have been introduced andwell executed, as of the first half of 2017, Chinas broadband penetration rate has reached 67%, butcompared with developed countries, whether it is broadband access bandwidth or user penetrationrate is far below the level of them. Therefore, the potential of our countrys broadband market ishuge. The initial completion of 4G n ヅetwork has forced operators to transfer part of their resources tobroadband services, making broadband services stable and continuous investment in recent years.

This is also acce✞lerating the upgrading of broadband business, responding to the call of nat✍ionalspeed increase and cost reduction. Under the environment of traditional telecom business incomesaturation, the popularity of home broadband and upgrading of products become one of the mainsources of future revenue for operators. The three major operators are aware of the broad bandMarket after this, making the competitive broadband market more brutal. As the new entry ofbroadband service, XX mobile lacks a set of mature and stable broadband service marketing system.

This thesis mainly studies the marketing strategy of XX mobile broadband service according tothe 4P theory. First of all focus on external factors facing political and economic, society andtechnology four XX mobile PEST development environment analysis, analysis of the competitiveenvironment faced by XX mobile using five forces model, and then through the marketing strategyanalysis of XX mobile broadband business target market positioning, through empiricalinvestigation to subdivide the user groups, on the basis of the analyze the marketing strategyaccording to the theory of 4P. For the specific product design should cover the uneven levels ofconsumption capacity and the demand of different consumer groups; the price should be designed toensure that not only can realize the rapid penetration of broadband market, according to marketsegments to achieve differentiated pricing, and also can 4G portfolio pricing; promo€tion designshould embody the concept and content of the XX mobile broadband brand promotion, pricepromotion strategy give full play to the mobile phone business subsidies for broadband services;channel design to improve the development of direct sales channels and physical channels, richelectronic channels. In order to guarantee the smooth implementation of broadband marketingstrategy, the article finally puts forward three guarantee measures to improve broadband networkquality, optimize organization system structure and improve service quality.

  Key words : China Mobile,marketing strategy,Broadband service


第一章 绪 论

1.1 论文选题的研究背景与意义

1.1.1 研究背景

1.1.2 研究意义

1.2 研究方法和内容

1.2.1 研究方法

1.2.2 研究内容

1.3 特色与创新之处

1.3.1 论文的特色

1.3.2 论文的创新

  第二章 理论和文献综述

2.1 理论综述

2.1.1 目标市场营销战略

2.1.2 市 ☺场营销组合策略

2.1.3 PEST 宏观环境分析法

2.1.4 波特五力模型分析法

2.2 文献综述

第三章 XX 移动宽带业务市场营销环境分析

3.1 XX 移动宽带业务简介

3.2 PEST 环境分析

3.2.1 政治因素

3.2.2 经济因素

3.2.3 社会因素

3.2.4 技术因素

3.3 五力模型分析

3.3.1 供应商的议价能力

3.3.2 购买者的议价能力

3.3.3 新进入者的威胁

3.3.4 替代品的威胁

3.3.5 同业竞争者的竞争程度

第四章 XX 移动宽带业务目标市场定位分析

4.1 宽带业务需求现状调查

4.1.1 宽带业务普及率情况分析

4.1.2 用户使用宽带的主要因素分析

4.1.3 用户选择宽带的主要因素分析

4.2 宽带业务细分市场

4.2.1 按区域分布进行市场细分

4.2.2 按家庭生命周期和生命结构进行市场细分

4.3 宽带业务目标市场选择

4.3.1 不同区域分布的市场选择

4.3.2 不同家庭生命周期和生命结构的市场选择

4.4 宽带业务市场定位

  第五章 XX 移动宽带业务市场营销策略

5.1 产品设计225.2 价格设计

5.2.1 竞争性定价策略

5.2.2 差异化定价策略

5.2.3 组合定价策略

5.2.4 体验式定价策略

5.3 促销设计

5.3.1 市场传播设计

5.3.2 资费促销设计

5.4 渠道设计

5.4.1 直销渠道拓展策略

5.4.2 实体渠道拓展策略

5.4.3 电子渠道拓展策略

  第六章 营销策略实施保障

6.1 提高宽带网络质量

6.2 优化组织系统架构

6.3 提升服务质量



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