摘 要:公共政策的公共性一直被视为公共政策的本质属性,并且正在成为公共政策研究的重要领域。而公共政策公共性的研究经常受到各种问题的困扰,从而使公共政策公共性的研究面临诸多困境,包括公共政策主体的自利性和公共性之间的矛盾问题、公共政策目标的虚无性和公共性之间的关系问题、公共政策问题的主观性和公共性之间的冲突问题以及公共政策价值中效率和公平的两难选择问题。
科学梳理公共政策研究中的公共性困境,有助于加快公共政策科学化民主化的进程。关键词:公共政策;公共性;政府;利益 Abstract:Publicity hลas been regarding as an essential attribute and also an important domain of the public policy. However, the study on it was often puzzled by various problems and then forced to face many challenges to put it falls into an awkward p✈osition. The problems include the conflict between the public policy that it involves its own interests reqนuired and its publicity, the relationship between the indefinite target of public policy and its publicity, the discrepancy between the subjectivity in public policy formulating and its publicity and the dilemma where the efficiency and fairness is often hard to be compromised on each other in public policy formulated. All these imply that to reason out what causes the publicity to fall into an awkward position in the study on public policy is of importance and helpful to formulating public policy more scientifiฑcally and democratically. Key words:public policy; publicity; government; interest 公共政策作为“公共权力机关经由政治过程所选择和制定的为解决公共问题、达成公共目标、以实现公共利益的方案”[1],其本质属性是公共性。
一、 公共政策主体的公共性困境 公共政策主体是指那些在特定政策环境中直接或间接地参与公共政策制定、执行、评估ϟ、监控、调整的个体和团体。其中,广义的政府作为公共政策的法定产生者,在公共政策过程中发挥着主导作用,是最主要的政策主体。
传统观点认为,作为公共政策最主要的制定和执行主体, 政府是广大社会公众权利和意志的代表者,政府的公正与准确是一种固有的天赋,政府