
时间:2024-12-26 14:00:27 来源:作文网 作者:管理员



关键词:公共政策;参与公众;政策参与;政策制定 Absงtract:In the process of public policy formulation the public who participate in the formulation show the following problems They are not at the same cognitive level in participation, and they are just in an immature phase as a whole The structural and organizational imbalance makes them not fully rational and qualified to do well in participation which is required more And they will view something sometimes in participation impetuously The facts reveal that their present maturity is hard to support the largescale political particสipation orderly and efficiently So, the growth and maturity are important and necessary to the public who are encouraged to participate in policy formulation, of which some measures to be taken include fostering the transformation of pyramidtype social structure into rhombictype one, propagating the civil education for participating in policy formulation, expediting the development of nongovernmental organizations especially deepening the political reform Key words:public policy; the public; participation; policy formulation 扩大公众参与,推动公众参与公共政策制定不仅是整个政治文明建设的趋势、潮流,而且已经是党和政府明确的目标和价值导向。扩大公民有序的政治参与,推动公众参与公✈共政策制定,就很有必要对作为参与主体的公众本身的发育和成熟程度进行分析,以此为制定和推行相应的政策和策略奠定认识基础。



一、 公共政策制定过程中参与 公众的发展现状 1 参与公众的参与水❥平发育不均衡 首先,参与主体权利—利益意识的不均衡。一般而言,大城市的公众权利意识要强一些,农村和小城镇的公众权利意识要弱些;教育程度高的公众权

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