实施节能降耗增收节支对策 推进水务行业经济转型
【摘 要】本文通过已建厂八十多年的吉林市水务集团有限公司这个老企业,在面临挫折和挑战的水务工作中,坚持科学发展观,克难求进,充分发挥第一生产力的作用,全力实施节能降耗增收节支对策,取得了明显的成效,使企业在困境中得以安全稳定发展,推进了水务行业经济结构调整和增长方式的转变工作。
Carrying out the countermeasures of saving energy and reducing consumption and increasing revenue to promote the economic restructuring of the water supply
Li Dong 【Abstract】In this article,we introduced that Water(Group)CO.LTD of jilin city is an old enterprise. It has a long history of 80 years. In water supply,we have a lot of setbacks and challenges. We insist on the scientific outlook on developme♛nt,and having overcome♋ countless hardship,the primary productive force comes into effect. We strictly carried out the save energy and reduce consumption,increase revenues and reduce expenditures,and we get obviously effect. Our enterprise develops safely and stable in dชifficulties. The scientific development view and hard struggle and practice,strict economy have deep meaning.
【Key words】Save energy and reduce consumption;Fปrequency control;Reduce leak rate;Attemper optimization;Secondary water supply rebuild;Analysis of economy
1. 认清形势,坚定信念,创建资源节约型水务刻不容缓 2. 建设高质和谐水务的对策与效益
2.1 优化调度,突显高效设备的作用。 2.2 把好设计关,应用变频调速技术,使水泵在高效区工作。 除此以外,变频调速、恒压供水技术,在一水厂、二水厂和四水厂都得到应用,效果亦然。
2.3 大力降低供水管网的漏失率。 2.4 进行市区管网的二次供水改造,提高输配水能力,降低管网的能源消耗。
(1)新上了DN800、DN700、DN500三条过松花江管线,使全市船营、昌邑、龙潭、丰满四个城区达到联网供水。 。
2.5 开展增收节支活动成效可观。 3. 结束语