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毕 业 论 文

题 目: 学院(直属系): 继 续 教 育 学 院 年级、 专业: 学 生 姓 名: 陈 俊 学 号:

100101030034 指 导 教 师: 刘 琦 网 站: 九块九包邮

目 录

第一章 绪 论......................................................................................... 6


1.1 施工组织设计的概念 ........................................................................ 6

1.2 施工组织设计的作用 ........................................................................ 6

1.3 施工组织设计的内容及分类 ............................................................ 8

1.4 施工组织设计的编制 ........................................................................ 9

1.5 进度计划的概念及作用 .................................................................. 10

1.6 施工进度计划的编制 ...................................................................... 10

第二章 射洪县新建法院审判楼工程的施工组织设计研究与分析 ........ 12

2.1 工程概况及工程特点 ...................................................................... 12

2.2 人员配备计划................................................................................... 15

2.3 工程的总体部署介绍及分析 .......................................................... 16

2.4 工程进度计划分析 .......................................................................... 22

第三章 射洪县法院审判综合楼程进度研究及对策 ................................ 26

3.1 施工总进度延误原因分析及解决方案 .......................................... 26

3.2 工程月进度及施工工期拖延原因分析及解决方案 ...................... 29


结 论 ............................................................................................................... 34

摘 要



施工组织设计是指导一个拟建或在建工程进行施工准备或施工生产的技术经济文件。施工组织设计的编制依据是根据国家对建设项目的相关要求以及主、客观条件,对工程施工生产的全过程采用科学的方法所进行的一系列筹划安排活动,针对活动过程可预控活动结果[1] 。


Modern building engineering construction is a multi-disciplinary, multi professional complex system engineering. For the construction of production at a construction site, workers have all kinds of building materials, construction machinery and production experience and work skills; must obey the laws of building production, comply with the technical specifications for production and technical documents. How will the labor, materials, machines and tools in the space according to a certain position, time according to the order of, the number according to certain proportion organic organization, unified command, in order to achieve the desired goal, is the core of construction organization and management issues. The construction organization to coordinate the whole construction process, promote technological progress, to achieve safe and civilized construction, is the key to enhance the development of the enterprise competition ability, promote the construction of the play.

Construction organization design is the construction of the project throughout the construction process of the idea of ideas and specific arrangements, is the core and soul of the construction organization and management. Its purpose is to make the project

speed, good quality, high efficiency, so that the whole project to obtain the relative effect of the optimal in construction. Engineering construction is a very complex organization and management, and civil products compared with the general industrial products, there are some notable characteristics. Fixed product place: product rooted in the earth, according to the use requirements are fixed in different locations, once in position, it will be permanently fixed. Flow of production workers, machinery and equipment: because of the fixed location of the product, so the production workers, machinery and equipment will change with the construction site and continuous flow.

Construction organization design is guided by a proposed or under construction project construction preparation and construction technology economy file. Based on the preparation of the construction organization design is in accordance with the relevant requirements of the state on construction project as well as the subjective and objective conditions, the construction of the entire process of production using scientific methods for a series of planning activities, the activities of controllable activity results 。


毕 业 论 文

题 目: 学院(直属系): 继 续 教 育 学 院 年级、 专业: 学 生 姓 名: 陈 俊 学 号: 100101030034 指 导

教 师: 刘 琦 完 成 时 间: 2014年 3 月 10 日

目 录

第一章 绪 论......................................................................................... 6

1.1 施工组织设计的概念 ........................................................................ 6

1.2 施工组织设计的作用 ........................................................................ 6

1.3 施工组织设计的内容及分类 ............................................................ 8

1.4 施工组织设计的编制 ........................................................................ 9

1.5 进度计划的概念及作用 .................................................................. 10

1.6 施工进度计划的编制 ...................................................................... 10

第二章 射洪县新建法院审判楼工程的施工组织设计研究与分析 ........ 12

2.1 工程概况及工程特点 ...................................................................... 12

2.2 人员配备计划................................................................................... 15

2.3 工程的总体部署介绍及分析 .......................................................... 16

2.4 工程进度计划分析 .......................................................................... 22

第三章 射洪县法院审判综合楼程进度研究及对策 ................................ 26

3.1 施工总进度延误原因分析及解决方案 .......................................... 26

3.2 工程月进度及施工工期拖延原因分析及解决方案 ...................... 29

结 论 ............................................................................................................... 34

摘 要



施工组织设计是指导一个拟建或在建工程进行施工准备或施工生产的技术经济文件。施工组织设计的编制依据是根据国家对建设项目的相关要求以及主、客观条件,对工程施工生产的全过程采用科学的方法所进行的一系列筹划安排活动,针对活动过程可预控活动结果[1] 。土木工程论文。


Modern building engineering construction is a multi-disciplinary, multi professional complex system engineering. For the construction of production at a construction site, workers have all kinds of building materials, construction machinery and production experience and work skills; must obey the laws of building production, comply with the technical specifications for production and technical documents. How will the labor, materials, machines and tools in the space according to a certain position, time according to the order of, the number according to certain proportion organic organization, unified command, in order to achieve the desired goal, is the core of construction organization and management issues. The construction organization to coordinate the whole construction process, promote technological progress, to achieve safe and civilized construction, is the key to enhance the development of the enterprise competition ability, promote the construction of the play.

Construction organization design is the construction of the project throughout the construction process of the idea of ideas and specific arrangements, is the core and soul of the construction organization and management. Its purpose is to make the project

speed, good quality, high efficiency, so that the whole project to obtain the relative effect of the optimal in construction. Engineering construction is a very complex organization and management, and civil products compared with the general industrial products, there are some notable characteristics. Fixed product place: product rooted in the earth, according to the use requirements are fixed in different locations, once in position, it will be permanently fixed. Flow of production workers, machinery and equipment: because of the fixed location of the product, so the production workers, machinery and equipment will change with the construction site and continuous flow.

Construction organization design is guided by a proposed or under construction project construction preparation and construction technology economy file. Based on the preparation of the construction organization design is in accordance with the relevant requirements of the state on construction project as well as the subjective and objective conditions, the construction of the entire process of production using scientific methods for a series of planning activities, the activities of controllable activity results 。









关键词:混凝土; 裂缝; 成因;控制;


The problem of the concrete crack is a common and difficult

to solve practical engineering problem.

In this paper, from the design, material, mix ratio,

construction site maintenance and other causes of common cracks in concrete engineering are discussed. Reasons for concrete cracks, the concrete structure design, material selection,concrete mix design, and construction site maintenance and other aspects of the development of the crack control measures.

According to the related literature, and summarized the treatment method of concrete crack: surface treatment method, filling method, grouting method, structure method of reinforcement,


Keywords: concrete; crack; cause; control;

concrete replacement method, bionic


摘要 ······························· I Abstract ····························· II 1 概述 ····························· 1

1.1 课题的提出 .................................................. 1

1.2 本论文的研究内容 ............................................ 1

1.3本论文的研究方法 ............................................ 1

2 裂缝的成因 ·························· 3

2.1 设计原因 .................................................... 3

2.2 材料原因 .................................................... 3

2.3 混凝土配合比设计原因 ........................................ 4

2.4 施工及现场养护原因 .......................................... 4

2.5使用原因(外界因素) .......................................... 4

3 裂缝的控制措施 ························ 6

3.1 设计方面 .................................................... 6

3.1.1 设计中的‘抗’与‘放’ ................................ 6

3.1.2尽量避免结构断面突变带来应力集中 ....................... 6

3.1.3采用补偿收缩混凝土技术 ................................. 6

3.1.4 设计上要注意容易开裂部位 .............................. 6

3.2 材料选择 .................................................... 7

3.3 混凝土配合比设计 ............................................ 7

3.4 施工方面 .................................................... 8

3.4.1 模板的安装及拆除 ...................................... 8

3.4.2 混凝土的制备 .......................................... 8

3.4.3 混凝土的运输 .......................................... 9

3.4.4 混凝土的浇筑 .......................................... 9

3.4.5 混凝土的养护 .......................................... 9土木工程论文。

3.5 管理方面 ................成功的秘诀作文................................... 10

3.6 环境方面 ................................................... 10

4 混凝土裂缝的处理方法 ····················· 11

4.1 混凝土裂缝的处理方法 ....................................... 11

4.1.1.表面处理法 ........................................... 11

4.1.2填充法 ................................................ 11

4.1.3灌浆法 ................................................ 11

4.1.4.结构补强法 ........................................... 11

4.1.5混凝土置换法 .......................................... 11


4.1.6仿生自愈合法 .......................................... 11

5 结论 ····························· 12

5.1 混凝土裂缝产生原因 ......................................... 12

5.2 混凝土裂缝的控制措施 ....................................... 12土木工程论文。

5.3 混凝土裂缝的处理方法 ....................................... 12

致谢 ······························· 14 参考文献 ····························· 15

贵州广播电视大学(论文) 混凝土裂缝的成因与控制

1 概述

1.1 课题的提出



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热门排行: 2016拜年词 好词