英语作文 > :我喜欢春天,英语短文是由小学生作文网为您精心收集,如果觉得好,请把这篇文章复制到您的博客或告诉您的朋友,以下是我喜欢春天,英语短文的正文:
1、训练学生通过一两条具体原因,写出你为什喜欢春天这个季节。 2.作文指导过程中,渗透审美的思想教育。
1. 写出特点是这节课训练重点。这个季节与众不同的地方。不
看到它后的感觉;看到后你想到了什么?你想去干什么? 师:现在你能说说你还知道三个方面的哪些特点吗?
1. 师:找准了这个季节的特点,怎样写出它的特点呢?
(1) 它有什么特点?
(2) 通过什么描写写出它的特点?
(3) 生在文中找出描写的句子,评析后得出方法:
2.我们作文时要注意,描写景色的语言要恰当。(板书:要恰当) 3.师:一定要真实反映自己的心理感受。
1.你准备从哪些方面写春天?它有什么特点?(指一行同学说) 2.请一学生上来按照小黑板上规定的题目、特点、原因、着重描写的方面等项写提纲,其它同学在下面列提纲。
以挫折为话题的作文春天是万物复苏的季节。春姑娘迈着轻盈的步子,去唤醒沉睡了一个冬天的动物和植物。春姑娘来到河岸旁,用柔软的双手去抚摸着那光秃秃的柳条,不一会儿,那柳条上便抽出了鹅黄色的嫩叶,远远望去,那挺拔的柳条就象一位亭亭玉立的少女。春姑娘又来到了一片枯黄的草地前,她轻轻地撒下了春的气息,顿时,小草从地底下探出了嫩绿的小脑袋,好奇地张望着这个世界。草地一下子焕然一新,就象披上了一件绿色的外套,漂亮极了 。小花儿也不甘示弱,张开了一朵朵含苞欲放的花蕾,一阵微风吹过,小花摇摆起它那婀娜多姿的身体,淡淡的清香引来了勤劳的蜜蜂和美丽的蝴碟,它们围着花儿翩翩起舞,为大地那绿色的外套上添加鲜艳的花纹。春姑娘继续向前走,走啊走啊,它看见了田野里冬眠的青蛙,于是春姑娘用她那神奇的“魔法”唤醒了睡梦中的青蛙,青蛙便开始用它那特有的歌喉,响亮地唱起只有它自己才能听懂的歌曲。青蛙的叫声吵醒了小鸟,一下子,大地热闹起来,“叽叽叽,叽叽叽”,小鸟也唱起了美妙的“歌曲”,从这
个树枝上,一下子又飞到那边的树枝上,为大地增添了不少的生机。 春姑娘就这样走啊走啊,它走遍大地的每一个角落。在春姑娘走过的地方,立刻就呈现出一片生机盎然的景象,那就是春姑娘留下的足迹。
一、 出示作文要求:我喜欢春天,英语短文
1、 通过一两条具体原因写一个你的春天,要注意写出春天的特
2、 语句通顺,条理清晰。
二、 读一读自己的评语,说说存在的不足之处。
三、 两人一组,在组内讨论:如何修改提高本次作文的质量
四、 教师读一些写得好的同学的作文。
1、 说一说他们作文中的优点。
2、 说一说你从她的作文中取到了什么经。
五、 修改自己的作文。
六、 读一读修改好了的作文。
我喜欢的季节 My Favorite Season—Spring
Springis my favorite season. In spring days, everything comes out. While you arewalking outside, your eyes will be filled with green.
Inspring days, our world is a sunny place, which is covered with green trees andcolorful flowers, so it can be described as a paradise. Especially when you arein the countryside, you can see green mountains, vast fields, clean streams,and all the living creatures, coexisting harmoniously. All of them make up themost beautiful picture in the world.
Inspring days, the sun shines brightly, and there's also some pleasant breeze. Sohow charming it is while feeling the spring wind blow us. It's also wonderfulto enjoy the beautiful sunshine. You will also get a lot of refreshments whilehaving a walk outside.
Ihope we can enjoy the life of spring every day.
unit 1
Part 1
( b )1. In the beginning, Chaos, an amorphous, gaping void encompassing the entire universe… (para.1)
a. controlling b. surrounding c. causing
( c )2. Also born out of Chaos were Gaia, called Earth, or Mother Earth, and Uranus, the embodiment of the Sky and the Heavens„(para.3)
a. abstract concept b. personification c. concrete representation
( a )3. This satisfied Cronus, and Gaia was able to spirit the baby Zeus away to be raised in Crete, far from his grasping father. (para.6)
a. take away secretly b. inspirit c. blow
( c )4. Zeus needed his brothers and sisters’ help in slaying the tyrant „ (para.7) a. murdering b. defeating c. killing
( b )5. Metis, Zeus’s first wife, found a way of administering an emetic to Cronus „ (para.7) a. managing b. giving c. tendering
( b )6. The results were that all of his children, led by Zeus, vanquished Cronus forever into Tartarus’ domain„ (para.7)
a. won b. defeated c. disappeared
( c )7. All the others were left to fend for themselves in lands below Mount Olympus. (para.8) a. raise b. fight c. look after
( c )8. „ feasted endlessly on steaming hot game from the surrounding forests „ (para.9) a. wild animals b. pastime c. meat of hunted animals
( b )9. „ thus greatly improving their lot in life. (para.11)
a. luck b. fate c. living
( a )10. Impelled by her natural curiosity, Pandora opened the jar, and all the evils that plague men flew out and spread over the earth. (para.13)
a. driven b. stirred c. moved
Part 2
( a )1. He is also known to punish those that lie or break oaths. (para.2)
春游植物园作文a. formal promises b. offensive expressions c. declarations
( a )2. Zeus courted her unsuccessfully. (para.4)
a. tried to gain the love of b. sought c. flattered
( b )3. Hestia, the eldest sister of Zeus, is the goddess of the hearth fire, hence presiding over domestic life. (para.5)
a. performing b. controlling c. directing
( c )4. People traveled to it from all over the Greek world to divine the future. (para.10)
a. guess b. know c. foretell
( c )5. In addition to her natural gifts she has a magical girdle that compels anyone she wishes to我喜欢春天,英语短文
desire her. (para.12)
a. frees b. makes c. forces
Part 4
( c )1. He therefore committed the child to the care of a herdsman with orders to destroy him... (para.1)
a. referred b. performed c. entrusted
( a )2. Oedipus was not daunted by these alarming accounts... (para.3)
a. frightened b. nervous c. bothered
( a )3. Man, who in childhood creeps on hands and knees, in manhood walks erect... (para.3) a. upright b. direct c. raised
( b )4. The Sphinx was so mortified at the solving of her riddle that she cast herself down from the rock and perished. (para.3)
a. disciplined b. humiliated c. miserable
( c )5. The gratitude of the people for their deliverance was so great that they made Oedipus their king, giving him in marriage their queen Jocasta. (para.4)
a. liberation b. salvation c. rescue
Part 5
( a )1. Echo by her talk contrived to detain the goddess till the nymphs made their escape. (para.1)
a. delay b. fool c. cheat
( c )2. Nor did the mountain goats resort to it, „ neither was it defaced with fallen leaves or branches (para.6)
a. removed b. appeared c. deformed
( c )3. He stood gazing with admiration at tho升国旗感想se bright eyes, „the glow of health and exercise over all. (para.6)
a. carrying out b. piece of work c. physical activity
( b )4„.he cherished the flame that consumed him (para.7)
a. destroyed b. engaged fully c. used up
( c )5. He was transfixed; „ (para.7)
a. fixed fast b. impaled c. unable to move
Part 6
( b )1. So she summoned her son, Cupid, telling him to put a spell on Psyche.(para.1)
a. letter b. magic power c. word
( a )2. Always obedient, Cupid flew down to earth with two vials of potions. (para.2)
a. willing to obey b. rebellious c. pious
( b )3. Accidentally, he pricked her with one of his arrows, which would make someone fall in love instantly. (para.2)
a. stung b. pierced slightly c. stabbed
( b )4. Psyche roamed about looking for her husband but in vain, and eventually in desperation she went to the temple of Venus and prayed for help. (para.7)
a. walked b. wandered c. strayed
( a )5. Venus was livid, knowing well that Psyche could never have done this alone! (para.10)
a. extremely angry b. black-and-blue c. ashen
unit 2
part 1
( b )1. Within it, the perfectly opposed principles of Yin and Yang became balanced ... (para.1) a. practically b. completely c. in a perfect way
( a )2. In some versions of the story, Pangu is aided in this task by the four most prominent beasts... (para.2)
a. views b. translations c. accounts
( a )3. After the 18,000 years had elapsed, the sky became very high; the earth, dense and Pangu, extremely tall. (para.2)我喜欢春天,英语短文
a. passed b. returned c. continued
( c )4. His body dissolved and his head became the mountains„(para.2)
a. melted b. disappeared c. broke up
part 2
( b )1. The Three Sorvereigns are ascribed various identities in different Chinese historical texts. (para. 3)
a. described b. referred to c. given
( a )2. They retired to Kunlun Mountians where the diving being approved their union and the siblings set about procreating the human race. (para. 4)
a. producing b. originating c. creating
( b )3. He instituted marriage and offered the first open air sacrifices to haven. (para. 4)
a. advanced b. established c. set forth
( c )4. He is also considered to have been a determining influence in establishing Chinese social order, in that allocated a name to each family. (para. 7)
a. ascribed b. classified c. designated
part 4
( a )1. Mencius was a Confucian follower who made major contributions to the spread of humanism in Confucian thought, declaring that man, by nature, was inherently good. (para.3) a. naturally b. particularly 粗心的我作文400字 c. normally
( b )2. „ he asserted that goodness is attainable only through education and conduct befitting one’s status. (para.4)
a. specific b. achievable c. measurable
( a )3„. the only way to preserve the social order was to impose discipline from above, and to strictly enforce laws. (para.5)
a. force b. order c. put
( a )4. The Legalists exalted the state above all, giving its prosperity and martial prowess priority over the welfare of the common people. (para.5)
a. outstanding ability b. art c. skill
( c )5. Mozi advocated frugality, condemning the Confucian emphasis on ritual and music, which he denounced as extravagant. (para.8)
a. declared b. informed c. strongly criticized
Part 7
( a )1. The art of war, then, is governed by five constant factors, to be taken into account in one’s
deliberations„ (para.2)
a. long and careful considerations b. slow movements c. careful thoughts
( b )2. The Moral Law causes the people to be in complete accord with their ruler„(para.2) a. agreement b. obedience c. subject
( b )3. Which of the two sovereigns is imbued with the Moral Law? (para.3)
a. enough b. filled c. spread
( a )4. On which side is discipline most rigorously enforced? (para.3)
a. strictly b. severely c. precisely
( a )5. Hold out baits to entice the enemy. (para.4)
a. tempt b. persuade c. attempt
unit 3
part 1
( c )1. During the few weeks at a time when he was at home, he would shuffle around the house making it nice and cozy for Sophie and her mother. (para.7)
a. drag his feet around b. move about c. rearrange
( a )2. Sophie slung her schoolbag on the floor and put a bowl of cat food out for Sherekan. (para.14)
a. threw b. put c. laid
( b )3. The girl in the mirror did not react with as much as a twitch. (para.21)
a. sudden convulsive movement b. sudden quick movement c. sudden pain
( b )4. Sophie;s father was not condemned to living with this straight dark hair. (para.26)
a. sentenced to b. forced into c. doomed to
( a )5. Her mother always went on about her difficult labor. (para.26)
a. the process of giving birth to a baby b. the supply of work c. physical work
( a )6. The mysterious letters had made Sophie’s head spin. (para.46)
a. become dizzy b. shake c. turn round quickly
( c )7. Clutching the two envelopes in her hand, Sophie ran through the garden, crouched down on all fours, and wormed her way through the hedge. (para.52)
a. lowered b. crawled c. squatted
( c )8. Sophie tried to console herself with the thought that this was probably the best solution to the whole problem. (para.58)
a. convince b. argue c. comfort
( c )9. Who had jolted Sophie out of her everyday existence and suddenly brought her face to face with the great riddles of the universe? (para.64)
a. awaked b. moved c. startled
( b )10. Her mind was in turmoil. (para.67)
a. in excitement b. in confusion c. in doubt
Part 2
( b )1. For the first time she began to feel that at school as well as everywhere else people were only concerned with trivialities. (para.3)
a. insignificance b. unimportant things c. important things
( b )2. Sophie noticed the touch of bitterness in Joanna’s tone. (para.14)
a. note b. trace c. style
( c )3. Philosophers’ search for the truth resembles a detective story. (para.38)
a. represents b. sounds c. is like
( b )4. What the dark side of the moon looks like was once shrouded in mystery. (para.39) a. blackened b. covered c. stayed
( a )5. We are not enthralled. We have seen a dog before. (para.59)
a. very fascinated b. exhausted c. excited
( c )6. It is obviously unlikely that you will ever stumble upon a creature from another planet. (para.65)
a. stamp upon b. step upon c. run into
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