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英语作文 > :围绕有志者事竟成的大学英语作文是由小学生作文网为您精心收集,如果觉得好,请把这篇文章复制到您的博客或告诉您的朋友,以下是围绕有志者事竟成的大学英语作文的正文:

第一篇:《有志者事竟成英语作文Where There Is a Will There Is a Way》

有志者事竟成英语作文Where There Is a Will There Is a Way

One of the most important things to success is a firm resolution. A great man is always one who has a firm resolution and an inflexible spirit. One will never succeed all his life without a firm will to get the final victory. As a rule , great tasks are accomplished by men of strong will. For example, Dr. Sun Yatsen, the founder of the Republic of

China, set the Chinese people free from the Manchurian rule through a long period of hard struggle. Many of his attempts failed and many of his followers were killed, but he had an inflexible spirit and stuck to his cause. Finally, he made the revolution of 1911 a success. A student who has no resolution will never succeed in his studies. The same is true of men in all walks of life. We must have a firm resolution first, if we wish to succeed. We must always remember the old saying that where there is a will, there is a way.有志者事竟成英语作文

第二篇:《有志者事竟成 英语范文Where There is a Will There is》

有志者事竟成Where There is a Will There is a Way

Where there is a will,there is a way. This statement means that if you are really determined to do something,however difficult it might be, you will eventually find a way to do it well.The important point is that you

must have the will to achieve success.围绕有志者事竟成的大学英语作文围绕有志者事竟成的大学英语作文

Ninety percent of the failures that occur are due to the fact that there

is no strong will involved.Many people simply say that they want something ,but they do not make any attempt to achieve it. So, instead of getting it, they use the feeblest excuse to explain the situation away.

On many occasions, people tend to exaggerate every minute obstacle ,making the objective impossible to attain. In reality, if they have the will to succeed,they can get rid of 模样the obstacles and achieve their围绕有志者事竟成的大学英语作文


Only those with an undaunted will and spirit can fight their way to final victory. Many a famous man has the same experience.They have attained their status because they have had the will to overcome apparently insuperable obstacles.Many artists,statesmen,writers and inventors have managed to succeed because they possess a fierce

will,which has helped them to achieve s作文意外的收获uccess.

From this, we can see that the main thing which one needs is a strong will.Weak-willed people never climb to the top. They crumble at the slightest use of force against them.Strong-willed people, on the other hand,will stand up against all odds and will make it a point to succeed围绕有志者事竟成的大学英语作文



  Many people are active in fighting against unfair treatment to colored people, women , animals and so on. Right now I am talking about fighting for respect to our environment. Though the environment doesn’t have a mouth to deprecate what humans have done to her, she retaliates through action. In the early years the Chinese cut down large quantities of trees, at the source of the yellow river, which led to the disappearance of big forests and terrible floods.


  As a result,the Huangtu plateau which was once covered with grass and forests was turned into barrens that supported fewer plants. Another example was in several developed countries. Because many chemical factories discharged poisonous gas without filtering it, cities were covered with so much poisonous gas that people were killed by the air they breathed in. What horrible scene! What we are suffering is only a small part of what the nature once suffered. If we don’t take action to show respect to the environment, we will have to face an increasingly awful situation. Measures should be taken to protect the environment on which we are relying.


  First governments should forbid destroying vegetation, rivers and lakes, oceans, as and the atmosphere as well. Second voices should be made to announce the public of the importance of protecting the environment. Third enterprises should pay special attention to the effect they have on the environment and work out solutions for the problems. Only by changing the way we treat the environment can we get along well with it. Only by saving the environment can we save ourselves.



关于团队的英语作文(一):团队重要性Importance of Teamwork

As teamwork is increasingly important in modern society,everyone should train his ability to cooperate with others.


Today's society is no longer a self-sufficient one,but one in which all the people depend on each other for existence.Only for existence,not to mention the pursuit and obtainment of happiness,one can't do without the ability to work harmoniously with others.In the highly developed society today,one can almost accomplish nothing without joint efforts.Every loaf of bread,every article of clothes,every house or apartment,every means of transportation is the product of cooperative efforts.We play with other children in kindergartens;we study with our classmates at schools;and we will work with our fellow workers or colleagues in factories or companies. What we have got through teamwork is not only self-improvement,personal success but also the satisfaction at both our devotion to common causes and the sense of collective honor.


To meet the needs of both personal improvement and the sophisticated society,we should learn to cooperate with each other and adjust to each other.Only in this way can we achieve successes and satisfy ourselves as well as the society.


关于团队的英语作文(二):团队合作非常重要Teamwork is very important


I am not fond of basketball,let alone to play it.But I have seen a wonderful basketball game between my class and postgraduate class.It is so wonderful that I cann't help asking myself "Is it real".The answer is pretty yes.I also learn a lot from the game.


First ,teamwork is very important.You are sure to fail if you play by yourself.So five members must play together and well orgnized.Second ,you should have a aim.In order to reach it,you should try your best.


Last,never give up whatever have happened.Even if you get low scores,you shouldn't give up.If there is a will,there is a way.If there is a will ,there is also a opportunity.And you can make failure into success.Believe yourself and believe your team.You are the best one.

关于团队的英语作文(3篇)文章关于团队的英语作文(3篇)出自Achieve Team Work

"Experience is the best teacher," people say. Indeed, the most important, and sometimes the hardest, lessons we learn in life come from our participation in situations.

For my part, you can't learn everything from a book. And only practice makes you a successful person.

To begin with, first-hand experience is important for a child. When we were children, we learned the fundamental lessons of life solely from experience.

That is to say, parents teach us by experience such as how to walk steadily, how to cope with the adults, and so on and so forth. Secondly, first-hand experience is also important for an adolescent.

At school, we do not learn everything from books, in that few books can teach us successfully how to meet new people and make more friends.

Finally, as we leave adolescence behind and enter adult life, no book can teach us how to fal思君不见下渝州l in love and get married. But experiencing our own triumphs and disasters is really the only way to learn how to live a successful life.


To conclude, knowledge gained both from experience and from books have their respective roles to play in our life.

However, in my view, I think the former one is more important than the latter one.

The most important lessons can't be taught; they have to be experienced.

















同等学力英语作文第一步是仔细审题,考生要仔细阅读试题要求及相关信息,准确把握出题者意图,考生在拿到作文题后切勿唯恐时间不够, 提笔就写,一旦写的内容偏离了题目的要求, 等到发现了再改就来不及了。

同等学力英语考生可根据题目类别, 弄清文体的要求, 并判明文章的种类(议论文、说明文、记叙文), 同时确定文章要阐明的主题或要表达的中心思想, 若题目已经给提供了提纲, 还要注意弄清各提纲要点之间的逻辑关系。


同等学力英语作文要做到表达清楚, 文字连贯, 文章各段落就必须根据提纲所确立的不同主题句来展开, 而且各段落的主题句将段落的各个部分凝聚在一起, 流利地表现出段落所要表现的思想, 使阅卷老师能够清楚的看到段落中各部分以及段落之间的联系。

同等学力英语考生切忌将记忆里比较熟悉的句子生拉硬扯地弄进作文, 使作文结构松散, 意思不明确, 甚至会偏离主题。建议同学们在写作中要采用明确的主题句, 使每个段落都是紧紧围绕主题句写作, 还要注意使用连接词, 例如besides, first, thus, second, as a result 等等, 使得整个文章主题思想清楚, 文字浑然一体。

另外,在写作中, 使用正确的句子结构, 选择恰当的词汇, 这就需要勤学多练。尤其在开始练习写作的初始阶段, 可勤查语法书和字典等工具书, 背记常用词和短语, 扩大词汇量, 拓展知识面。要深刻理解所背词语的内在含义, 并了解他们所使用的语言环境。

同等学力英语作文复习备考时, 请务必认真阅读本书的后面关于写作方面的论述, 模仿并熟记一些常用的过渡词和英语句型, 以及一些英语范文,切忌自编自造汉语式的英语句式和词组, 养成不良的写作习惯。一定要注意使用学习过的,比较熟悉有把握的句式和词汇。其次, 在考试过程中, 对于那些拿不稳, 没有把握的句子, 尽量采取“ 回避政策”。


对于基础相对薄弱的在职人士,对英语写作没有信心, 通常不敢大胆地使用自己已经掌握的语言基础知识, 包括英语句法知识。结果整篇文章都是以主语、谓语、宾语句式为主的简单句子, 文章因此显得刻板, 毫无生气。实际上, 同汉语一样, 同等学力英语的句子结构也是丰富多彩, 变化多样的, 同样的一个意义可以用多种句子结构来表达。例如:

The villagers took great care of the old man.

The old man was taken great care of (by the villagers).


Great care was taken of the old man (by the villagers).



有些意志品质类的文章,如果加入一句相关的谚语会让你的文章大放光彩。但是不能直接写句子。加一个模板句型:An ancient oriental philosopher said,“谚语”.一位古老东方的先哲曾经说过,…有同学说西方的谚语为什么用东方的先哲呢?比如:Where there is a will, there is a way.是西方的谚语,中国也有有志者,事竟成的语句。文化都是相通的,可以放心来用。建议大家在闲暇的时候多翻看一下英文的谚语,积少成多,相信对大家一定有所帮助。


Writing (30 minutes, 15 points)

2016年同等学力英语写作技巧(含习题)文章2016年同等学力英语写作技巧(含习题)出自interesting cartoon, a retailer finds out the reason why sales in his store decrease: customers are too busy talking on their cell phones that they can only spare one hand to hold the stuff they bought. The picture vividly portrays the omnipresence of cell phones, which are playing an important role in our ordinary life.

The popularity of cell phones is mushrooming towards every corner of the world. The advantages and convenience brought by cell phones are obvious. First of all, a portable phone immensely facilitates the communication among individuals, as it takes mere seconds to call any cell phone bearer regardless of his locati我的中国梦on. Moreover, given the more frequent information exchanges, cell phones make businesses much easier. Sometimes a huge order is determined when people are traveling somewhere.

However, people should be cautious of the excessive reliance on cell phones. It is not rare to hear complaints from women that their husbands do most of their business on the phone even at home. In my view, the machine is a useful component of our life, but is never the whole of our world. After all, the most effective communication is to spend time with some people who love and care.






stuff: n. 东西

omnipresent: adj. 无所不在的

mushroom: v. 迅速增加,迅速成长

portable: adj. 便携的,轻便的


immensely: adv. 非常,巨大地

facilitate: v. 使容易,使便利

bearer: n. 携带者

regardless: adj. 不管,不顾

excessive: adj. 过度的

component: n. 组成部分,成分

after all: 毕竟


热门排行: 2016拜年词 好词