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Module 1

Zhou Kai (1)

When Zhou Kai's mother saw him heading towards the front door without a jacket on, she eyed him anxiously. "Zhou Kai, where are you going?" she asked. "To the park. I'm going to play football," said Zhou Kai. "But it's raining! You'll catch a bad cold," said his mother. "No, I won't. I'll be fine," said Zhou Kai, as he opened the door. "Zhou Kai, you'll get ill. You know you will. You can at least go and get your jacket." "OK, OK." Zhou Kai went and did as he was told. Zhou Kai (2)

My mother has always made sure we eat very healthily, and fresh fruit and vegetables are a very important part of our diet. We live near the sea and we have fish about four times a week. We don’t eat much fat or sugar. A lot of my school friends eat sweets every day but I’m lucky because I don’t have a sweet tooth—I’d rather eat a nice piece of fruit. And I’m not too heavy, so I never have to diet, or anything like that.

I’m quite healthy. I very rarely get colds, although, unusually for me, I had a bad cold and a bit of a fever last week. But that’s because I was stupid enough to play football in the rain. I don’t often get things like flu either. Last winter almost all my classmates got flu — but I didn’t. I think I don’t get these things because I take a lot of exercise and I’m very fit. Two years ago I broke my arm while playing football. The injury was quite painful and I couldn’t move my arm for a month—I hated that.

So as you can see from what I’ve said, I’m a normal kind of person. But there’s one thing I really love — I’m crazy about football. I’m captain of the class team at school and I’m also a member of the Senior High team. Because of this, I make sure that I have a good diet, and as I’ve said, this isn’t a problem because my mother feeds us so well.






我妈妈经常保证我们吃得健康,而且我们的食谱里新鲜的水果和蔬菜占了很重要的部分。我们生活在海边,每周我们吃4次的鱼。我们并不多吃太多的脂肪和糖。许多我学校的朋友每天都吃糖,但是我很幸运因为我没有好吃甜食的习惯----我更喜欢来一快水果。并且我不胖,所以 我不用节食或者这一类的东西。



Module 2 Story of a drug addict

My name is Adam Rouse. I'm 19 years old and I used to be a drug addict. I first started using drugs when I was 15. I bought cannabis from a man in the street. I continued to buy cannabis from the same man for about six months. One day, he offered me some crack cocaine.

Cocaine is a powerfully addictive drug. Some drug users inject cocaine, others smoke it. Both ways are dangerous. Users who inject the drug are also in more danger if they share needles with other users.

Crack cocaine is the most addictive form of cocaine. Users become addicted to crack cocaine much more easily if they smoke it. Smoking allows cocaine to reach the brain very quickly.

When I went back to the man again, I wanted more crack cocaine. But he asked me for a lot of money. I didn't have enough money so he didn't give me any drugs. I was in terrible pain.

The next day, I broke into a house and stole a television and a video recorder. I took them to the drug dealer. He told me to take them to a shop in a nearby street. The man in the shop gave me some money. I took the money to the drug dealer and he gave me some more crack cocaine.

Using cocaine increases the user's heart rate and blood pressure. As a result, cocaine users sometimes have heart attacks. Smoking c-co also causes anti-social behaviour.

By this time, I was addicted to crack cocaine. If I didn't have any drugs, I was in terrible pain. And I had to steal something every day to pay for the drugs. One day the police took me to the police station.

The next day, a doctor came to see me. He told me that I could die if I didn't stop taking crack cocaine, so I took his advice and determined to stop immediately. Now I work in a centre for drug addicts, helping others to stop taking drugs.



可卡因是一种很容易让人上瘾的毒品。有些吸毒者注射可卡因,有些则吸入体内。两种方式都很危险。如果那些注射毒品的人和其他吸毒者共用针头的话,他们也会有更大的危险。 强效纯可卡因是最能让人上瘾的一种可卡因。毒品使用者如果直接吸入体内的话会更容易上瘾。吸入的方式可以让可卡因很快进入大脑。

当我再次回到这个男人那里的时候, 我想要更多的强效纯可卡因。但是他问我要很多钱。我没有足够的钱,所以他就再也不给我毒品了。我痛苦得要命。





第二天, 一位医生来看我。他告诉我, 如果我不停止吸食可卡因我可能会死, 我听取了医生的劝告,立刻停了。现在我在一家戒毒中心工作,帮助其他人戒毒。

Module 3 Music

The Great Composers of 18th Century

Joseph Haydn(1732-1809) was an Austrian composer and is known as "the father of the symphony". Other composers had written symphonies before Haydn, but he changed the symphony into a long piece for a large orchestra.

He was born in a village in Austria, the son of a peasant. He had a beautiful singing voice. After studying music in Vienna, Haydn went to work at the court of a prince in eastern Austria, where he became director of music. Having worked there for 30 years, Haydn moved to London, where he was very successful.

Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart (l756-1791) was a composer, possibly the greatest musical genius of all time. He only lived 35 years and he composed more than 600 pieces of music.

Mozart was born in Salzburg, Austria. His father Leopold was a musician and orchestra conductor. Mozart had musical talent from a very early age. He learned to play the harpsichord when he was four, he started composing music when he was five, and when he was six, he played the harpsichord in a concert for the Empress of Austria.

By the time he was 14, Mozart had composed many pieces for the harpsichord, piano and violin, as well as for orchestras. While he was still a teenager, Mozart was already a big star and toured Europe giving concerts. Haydn met Mozart in 1781 (49-25) and was very impressed with him. "He is the greatest composer the world has known," he said. The two were friends until Mozart's death in 1791.

Ludwig van Beethoven (1770—l827) was born in Bonn, Germany. He showed musical talent when he was very young, and learned to play the violin and piano from his father, who was a singer. Mozart met Beethoven and was impressed by him. "He will give something wonderful to the world," he said.

Beethoven met Haydn in 1791, but was not impressed by the older man. After they had known each other for many years, Beethoven said, "He is a good composer, but he has taught me nothing." However, it was Haydn who encouraged Beethoven to move to Vienna.

Beethoven became very popular in the Austrian capital and stayed there for the rest of his life. As he grew older, he began to go deaf. He became completely deaf during the last years of his life, but he continued composing.


约瑟夫·海顿(1732 - 1809)是一个奥地利作曲家,被称为“交响乐之父”。在他之前,也有其他作曲家写过交响乐,但是他把交响乐曲改成了适合交响乐团演奏的长乐曲。 他出生在奥地利的一个村庄, 是一个农民的儿子。他有着美丽的嗓音。在维也纳学习音乐之后, 海顿去奥地利东部一个王子的宫廷工作,在那里他成了音乐指挥家。在那里工作了30年后,海顿搬到了伦敦。在那里,他非常成功。 沃尔夫冈.阿马德乌斯.莫扎特(l756 - 1791)是一个作曲家, 或许也是历史上最伟大的音乐天才。他只活了35岁, 却创作了600多首乐曲。 莫扎特出生于奥地利的萨尔斯堡。他的父亲利奥波德是一位音乐家和乐队指挥。莫扎特从很小的时候就已经有音乐天赋。他四岁时学会弹拨弦键琴, 五岁时开始作曲,六岁时就在一场音乐会上为奥地利皇后演奏拨弦键琴。 莫扎特到14岁时,不仅已经谱写了很多管弦乐曲,还谱写了许多拨弦键琴曲、,钢琴曲和小提琴曲。莫扎特还在青少年时期就成了明星,在欧洲各地巡回演出。海顿在1781年遇到莫扎特,莫扎特给他留下了深刻印象。“他是世界上最伟大的作曲家,”他说。直到1791年莫扎特去世,这两人一直是好朋友。 路德维格.范.贝多芬(1770 - l827)出生于德国波恩。他年少时就表现出音乐天赋。他父亲是位歌唱家,贝多芬从他那里学会了拉小提琴和钢琴。莫扎特遇见贝多芬, 对他印象深刻。“他一定会给世人带来美妙的音乐。”他说。 1791年贝多芬见到了海顿, 却未有很深印象。相识多年后,贝多芬说:“他是一个优秀的作曲家,却没有教会我什么。“然而,是海顿鼓励贝多芬搬到维也纳的。 贝多芬在奥地利首都很受欢迎,并在那里度过了余生。随着年龄的增长,他的耳朵变聋了。在他生命的最后几年,他晚上丧失了听觉, 但他仍然继续从事音乐创作。

Module 4 Fine Arts—Western, Chinese and Pop Arts

This is a painting by the Spanish artist, Picasso, considered to be the greatest western artist of the twentieth century. Picasso and another painter, George Braque, started Cubism, one of the most important of all modern art movements. Cubist artists painted objects and people, with different aspects of the object or person showing at the same time.

This painting by contemporary American artist Roy Lichtenstein (1923—1997) is a world famous example of pop art. Pop art (from the word "popular") was an important modern art movement that aimed to show ordinary twentieth-century city life. For example, it shows things such as soup cans and advertisements.

Qi Baishi (1863 - l957), one of China's greatest painters, followed the traditional Chinese style of painting. Chinese painting is known for its brush drawings in black inks and natural colours. Qi Baishi observed the world of nature very carefully, and his paintings are special because of this.

Xu Beihong (l895 -1953) was one of China's best-known twentieth-century artists. Like Qi Baishi, Xu painted in the traditional Chinese style. Both painters have a beautiful brush line. Xu Beihong believed that artists should show reality, but not just imitate it. Instead, a picture should try to show the "life" of its subject. He is most famous for his lively paintings of horses. I'm studying art at school, and I enjoy it a lot, although I can get tired of looking at pictures all the time. I'm crazy about the paintings of Qi Baishi, and this delightful picture of the little shrimps is such a lovely example of his work. But I can't stand that picture of a golden-haired girl. I think it's stupid.

My parents are fond of going to art galleries and often take me with them, so I've developed an interest in art. I must say, I love that picture of the six horses. They look so alive. It's by a Chinese artist, isn't it! I can tell by the style. I think the painting of the young girl is probably by Picasso. I really like him. I think he's an extraordinary artist.

这是西班牙画家毕加索的一幅油画, 他被认为是20世纪西方最伟大的画家。毕加索和另一个画家乔治·布拉克创立了立体派, 这是所有现代艺术流派中最重要的流派之一。在描述物体或人的时候,立体派画家会同时展现对象的多个不同侧面。

这幅由当代美国艺术家洛伊.李奇登斯坦(1923 - 1997)所画的油画是波普艺术闻名于世的典范。波普艺术(源自“popular”这个词)是一个重要的现代艺术流派, 着眼于展示20世纪普通的城市生活。比如, 它会展示一些诸如汤罐头和广告之类的物品。

齐白石(1863-1957)是中国最伟大的画家之一,沿用了中国传统的绘画风格。中国画用毛笔蘸墨和天然颜料画成,并依此而著称。齐白石对大自然观察得非常仔细, 他的作品也以此为特色。

徐悲鸿(1953-l895)是中国二十世纪最著名的艺术家之一。与齐白石一样, 他也遵循了中国传统的绘画风格。他们两个的作品都具有优美的线条。徐悲鸿认为艺术家应该表现现实,而不仅仅是临摹它。相反, 一幅画应该努力展示主题的“生命力”。他以画生动形象的马而著称。 我在学校学习艺术,我很热爱艺术,虽然老看图会看腻。我非常喜欢齐白石的画,这幅可爱的小虾图就是展现他作品的生动例子。但是我受不了那幅金发女孩的画。我觉得看起来挺傻的。 我父母喜欢去美术馆, 他们经常带我一起去, 我因此对艺术产生了兴趣。我得说,我很喜欢这幅画了六匹马的画。它们看起来栩栩如生。这是中国画家画的,对吧?我可以从画的风格上判断出来。我认为那幅年轻女孩的画可能是毕加索的作品。我真的很喜欢他。我认为他是一个非凡的艺术家。

Module 5

Chinese Taikonaut back on Earth!

China's first taikonaut, Lieutenant Colonel Yang Liwei, landed safely this morning in the Shenzhou V capsule in Inner Mongolia, 300 kilometres northwest of Beijing. Yang was in space for twenty-one and a half hours and made 14 orbits of the earth.

"It’s a great moment in the history of China — and also the greatest day of my life," said Yang. When he was orbiting in the capsule, he took photos of planet earth. "Our planet is so beautiful," he said.

The Beijing Space Control Centre said the flight was a "complete success". When Yang landed, Premier Wen Jiabao telephoned the Control Centre to offer his congratulations.

When Yang took off from Jiuquan in northwest China at 9 am yesterday, China became the third nation to send a man into space. Yang is the 431st person to travel in space, including astronauts from 32 countries. In total, these astronauts have spent more than 26,000 days in space.

While he was travelling in space, Yang spoke to two astronauts aboard the International Space Station, which is orbiting the earth, American astronaut Edward Lu and Russian cosmonaut Yuri Malenchenko. Lu, whose parents were born in China, spoke to Yang in Chinese during his flight. "Welcome to space," he said. Malenchenko said, "I am glad there is somebody else in space with us. It's great work by thousands and thousands of people from China."

Many countries around the world sent messages of congratulations. Sean from NASA (National Aeronautics and Space Administration) in the US said that Yang's space fiight was "an important historical achievement and NASA wishes China continuing success with its space flight programme". United Nations Secretary-General Kofi Annan called the flight "a step forward for the whole world".




北京航天指挥中心评论说飞行“圆满成功”。杨着陆后, 温家宝总理打电话给控制中心表示祝贺。

昨天上午9点,杨在中国西北部的酒泉起飞, 中国成为世界上第三个把人送入太空的国家。在来自32个国家的宇航员中,杨是第431位太空旅行者。这些宇航员总共在太空待的时间已经超过了26,000天。

在太空飞行时, 杨与两位正绕着地球飞行的国际空间站上工作的宇航员---美国宇航员爱德华·卢和俄罗斯宇航员尤里·马伦琴科通了话。爱德华·卢的父母出生在中国, 他用中文与飞行中的杨利伟交谈。他说:“欢迎来到太空。”马伦琴科说,“我很高兴有其他人和我们一起在太空。这是成千上万中国人们的伟大成就。”


篇二:《外研版高中英语必修2 单词表》


SH2 M1

fat n. 脂肪

fit adj. 健康的;强健的

flu n. (=influenza) 流行性感冒

rare adj. 稀少的;罕有的

toothache n. 牙痛

unhealthy adj. 不健康的;有碍健康的 wealthy adj. 富裕的;有钱的

rarely adv. 稀少地;极少地

proverb n. 谚语

anxious adj. 焦虑的;不安的;渴望的 captain n. 队长

injure vt. 伤害

injury n. 伤害;损伤;受伤处

pain n. 疼痛

painful adj. 疼痛的

normal adj. 正常的;一般的

lifestyle n. 生活方式

head vi. 朝……方向前进

eye vt. 注视;观看

overweight adj. (人)太胖的关于周末的作文;超重的 lung n. 肺

throat n. 喉咙;咽喉;嗓子

breathe vi. 呼吸

pneumonia n. 肺炎

prescription n. 处方

symptom n. 症状

X-ray n. X光

awful adj. 可怕的;吓人的

insurance n. 保险

questionnaire n. 问卷;问卷调查;调查表 be connected with 与……有联系

take exercise 锻炼


be crazy about 迷恋

have a temperature 发烧

lie down 躺下

begin with 以……开始

put … into … 将……投入……

become ill 生病

SH2 M2

drug n. 毒品;药品

bronchitis n. 支气管炎

cigarette n. 香烟

tobacco n. 烟草;烟丝

addictive adj. (药物等)上瘾的

cannabis n. 大麻

cocaine n. 可卡因

danger n. 危险

addict n. 对(药物等)上瘾的人;瘾君子 inject vt. 注射

needle n. (注射用的)针;针管

powerful adj. 有力的;(药等)有功效的 reduce vt. 减少

nearby adj. 附近的

burglary n. 盗窃;窃案;盗窃罪

crime n. 罪行;犯罪行为

criminal n. 罪犯



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