
时间:2024-09-22 06:50:54 来源:作文网 作者:管理员

教案 > :陕西省二模试卷答案是由小学生作文网为您精心收集,如果觉得好,请把这篇文章复制到您的博客或告诉您的朋友,以下是陕西省二模试卷答案的正文:






x10,xZ},那么MN( ) A.{x1x1} B. {1,0} C.{0} D.{0,1}

2. 已知→a=(cos40,sin40),→b=(cos80,-sin80),则→a·→b=( ) A. 1 B. 3

2.- 12


边长为2的正三角形,其俯视图轮廓为正方形,则其体积是( )




则S9等于( )

A. 18 B. 36 C 72 D无法确定

5.圆(x2)2y25关于直线xy10对称的圆的方程为( )

A.(x2)2y25 B.x2(y2)25

C.(x1)2(y1)25 D.(x1)2(y1)25



的离心率为( )

A C D7.设等比数列an的前n项和为Sn,若S32,S618,则S10

S( )


A.17 B.33 C.-31 D.-3

8. P是ABC所在平面内一点,若,其中R,则P点一定在(

A. ABC内部 B. AC边所在直线上 )



Ⅰ.单项选择 (10 分)

本题共有10个小题,请从每个小题的四个选项中,选出最佳答案 。 ( ) 1. ----- What about some drinks ?

----- ____________ .

A . Help yourself B . Good idea

C . You are welcome D. Me , too

( ) 2 . At first ,I thought the rule was strange ,But now I _________it.

A .was used to B used

C .am used to D .are used

( ) 3 . Allan is from _________ Japan , __________Asian country . He likes

playing _________ guitar , but not listening to ___________陕西省二模试卷答案

music .

A . / ; an ; the ;the B . a ; / ; / ; the

C . the ; an ; / ; the D . / ; / ; the ; the

( ) 4 . Andrew was very angry with __________ .

A . what did she say B . what she said

C . how she said D . how to say

( ) 5 . An old friend of my sister‟s always helps my brother and _______

with ______ English.

A . I ; our B . me ; ourselves C . I ; my D . me ; our

( ) 6 . Thanks for giving me ________ I wanted .

A . the information B . an information

C . the in formations D . information

( ) 7 . _________ for her made him angry .

A . Wait B . Waits C . Waited D . Waiting

( ) 8 . The price of this kind of TV set is very __________ .

A . expensive B . cheap C . high D . heavy

( ) 9 . Everyone _________ to have at least eight hours‟s sleep a night .

A . must B . had C . need D . would

( ) 10 . They prefer to be outside rather than _________ ?

A .staying at home B . stay at home

C to stay at home D .stays at home

Ⅱ.完型填空, (10分)

Imagine you receive an e-mail that looks something like this : ARE YOU GOING TO CLASS TODAY ? How message make you feel ?

‘Caps Lock ’on the computer . This e-mail‘sounds’like the 15 is shouting because using all capital letters in an e-mail is

Knowing when and when not to of online etiquette (礼仪) . Don‟t do anything online that you wouldn‟t do life . Don‟‟s yours . Do share your knowledge of the Internet with others .

( ) 11 . A . reading B . typing C . watching D . leaving

( ) 12 . A . some B . all C . any D . none

( ) 13 . A . but B . or C . and D . so

( ) 14. A . start B . begin C . forget D . remember

( ) 15 .A . writer B . worker C . nurse D . student

( ) 16. A . hardly B . carefully C . silently D . usually

( ) 17. A copy B believe C double D use

( ) 18. A. mistake B. advice C. example D. game

( ) 19. A digital B. real C. quiet D. healthy

( ) 20. A speak B . tell C. talk D. say

Ⅲ.阅读理解(共15个小题 , 计25分)

(A )

根据下面一篇短文的内容判断下列句子的正误 ,正确的用“A”表示 ,错误的用“B”表示

Have you ever wanted to stop teachers watching you in exams ? Well , that dream has come true for students at the Affilliated Middle School to Northeast Normal University (东北师大附中) in Changchun , Jilin .

Last week , 169 Junior 1 students there took their first no-teacher exam . After the teacher handed out the exam papers , he left the room and never came back . A student collected the papers when the exam ended . “That test满分作文 was not only a test of knowledge , but also a test of morals . We wanted to show students how important honesty is ,” said Cai Wenguo , the school‟s headmaster . Before the exam , students had to promise they would not cheat . “ I was happy and excited during the exam , because I left my teachers now trusted me , “ said Lang Yudan , a 13-year-old girl in Class 11 .

The school says no cheating happened in the test . Next year , it wants 80 percent of its exams to be without teachers

( )21. All of the students in the Affiliated Middle School to Northeast

Normal University took the no-teacher exam .

( ) 22 .The teacher was only present when handing out and collecting

the papers.

( ) 23 . The test was not only a test of knowledge , but also a test of

morals to the students .

( ) 24 . Before the exam , students had to promise they would not cheat .

( ) 25 . The students felt nervous during the no-teacher exam .

( B )

Mr. and Mrs. White arrived at London Airport at the end of a three-week holiday in Italy . It was hot there , so Mr. White took off the beard . But his passport photo showed him with his beard .

In the airport , an officer looked at the photo for a moment , and said , “ Will you excuse me ? Please sit down . I won‟t keep you long .” Then the officer walked away ,showed the photo to a second officer and said , “ I know that face . “ The second officer looked at the passport and asked where Mr. white had come from . When he heard that the Whites had just come back from Rome , the second officer‟s eyes lit up and said ,”An Englishman with a beard stole a painting in Rome on Friday . And that man just looks like the Englishman . . .” Suddenly , it come to the first officer who Mr. white was . He returned to him , and asked: “Did you teacher at Felltham High School ?” When Mr. white answered he did , the first officer smiled and said , “ I thought so . I‟m Alan Simpson . You taught me history . You haven‟t changed a lot .”

( ) 26 . Who was Mr. White ?

A. He was an English thief.

B. He was an officer.

C. He was Alan Simpson‟s history teacher.

D. We don‟t know.

( ) 27. Why did Mr. White take off his beard?

A. He wanted to look younger.

B. He wanted to change his looks.

C. It was very hot.

D. He knew that an English with a beard had stolen a


( ) 28. Where do you think Mr. White lived and worked?

A. In Italy.

B. In England.

C. In Rome.

D. We don‟t know.

( ) 29. According to the passage, which of the following is Right?陕西省二模试卷答案

A. Mr. and Mrs. White had a 3-day holiday in Rome.

B. The first officer thought Mr. White was a thief.

C. The second officer thought Mr. White had stolen a

painting in Rome.

D. Mr. White taught history at a college before.

( )30.“Suddenly, it came to the first officer who Mr. White was.”

This sentence means_____.

A. the first officer suddenly remembered who Mr. White


B. the first officer suddenly came up to Mr. White

C. Mr. White suddenly came up to the first officer

D. suddenly the first officer began to ask himself who Mr.

White was

( C )

( 1 ) Lovely dogs aged 5

I‟m moving and can‟t take him with me . Very good with children . I‟d like to give it away to a good home .

Tel : 863196

(2) Women „s dress : size 12 silk not worn $150

Also three dresses for girls between 5 and 9 . $50 each or

$120 the three .

More information call Laura at 569832 .


Welcome to Hilo’s Store陕西省二模试卷答案陕西省二模试卷答案

Bring any pair of your old shoes to us between now and 30

Sept . And you pay ten pounds less for any new pair of HILO shoes . Your old shoes will go to a Third World Country. Address : Stone Street Tel : 245591 245683

( ) 31 . You needn‟t pay if you want to get _______ .

A . a pair of shoes B . a woman‟s dress

C . a girl‟s dress D . a lovely dog

( ) 32 . Mrs. Mills is interested in the dresses , so she may call_______ .

A.863196 B. 569832 C. 245591 D. 245683


( ) 33 . Mrs. Mills had to pay _______ if she wants to buy two dresses , one

for herself and the other for her 7-year-old daughter .

A. $170 B. $190 C. $200 D. $270

( ) 34 . You can _______ with your old shoes if you buy a new pair in Hilo‟s

Store .

A . pay 10 pounds less B . pay less than 10 pounds

C. pay only 10 pounds D . pay nothing at all

( ) 35 . You can probably see the three ads above in _______ .

A. letters B newspapers

C . dictionaries D . students‟ books





.Tom said that he _________ the Palace Museum the next day .

2. 当我妈妈将来时我在读书。

I __________when my mother came back.


Li Ming ________________English.


It‟s not polite ____________(spit) in public places .

5. 使我们的门开着

keep our door ____________(close )

Ⅴ.任务型阅读(共10小题 ,计15分)

A 根据下面短文内容,完成下面的表格

Most of us don‟t think too much about world hunger . When we are hungry , we can always find something to eat --- usually something delicious . But in many parts of the world --- even in some rich countries --- adults and children go to bed hungry every day ,According to the World Hunger Program in Newport , Rhode Island , 780 million people in the world don‟t get enough to eat . One out of every of every six babies in the world is born underweight and even worse , one out of every three children is underweight at age five .

There are two main causes of hunger ---- food “ shortage “ and food “ poverty “ . A food shortage happens when there isn‟t enough food in an area to feed all the people that live there . This has happened recently in some African countries when there wasn‟t enough rain for people to grow the food they needed. Sometimes a food shortage affe开学第一课的作文cts just one part of a country, and other times the entire country is affected. Food poverty is the cause of hunger when people don‟t have enough money to buy food. There is plenty of food in the stores, but some people can‟t afford to buy enough food, so they go hungry.




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