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UNIT 3单元测试

一 单项选择 (25%)

1 There is even ___ traffic on the road at 8:00 a. m .

A much B more C a lot of D a little

2 Liu Yuru ,a Mongolia leader ,always thinks more of _____ than of _______ .

A him , other B the others ,him C himself ,the other D others , himself 3 It ________ me three days to finish the work .

A spent B cost C paid D took

4 The boy is always _____ .He is a(n ) _____ boy .

A sick ,bad B ill ,sick C sick ,ill D ill , bad 5 Work hard , _______ you will fall _______ others .

A and, behind B but ,back C or , behind D so , back 6 I don’t like eggs ______ milk ,but I like fish ______ meat .

A and ,or B or ,and C and, and D or , or 7 I will meet my grandparents _____ my car .

A by B in C to D on

8 We must play basketball ______ to win the cup .

A as good as possible B as well as possible

C as quick as we can D as fast as we can

9 Sally ,please ______ our dancing tomorrow ,will you ?

A join B join in C be a member D to play 10 The artist said that he hoped ______ drawing the picture soon .

A his son to finish B his son will finish C to finish D finish 11 Can you ________ ?

A listen anything strange B listen to strange anything

C hear strange anything D hear anything strange 12 She wore a dress _______ silk .

A made from B made of C was made of D was made from 13 Helen _______ a bus there but returned _____ a bike .

A by , on B took , by C on , on D took , on 14 He wanted to buy a pen _______ his son to write _________ .

A for ,/ B to , / C to , by D for ,with

15 We will ___ the game _____ your help .

A win , without B lose , with C win , with D beat , without 16 They tried nto ________ where the thief was .

A find B find out C look for D see

17 There _______ a basketball match next Friday .

A will have B is going to have C is going to be D will has 18 Climbing the hill will be _________ .

A a great fun B great fun C great funny D quite funny

19 Here comes the car .Let’s ________ .

A get it on B get on it C get it into D get into it

20 I really don’t know ________ next .

A how to do B what to do C when to do D where to do

21 Your son is 2 years old .You can’t leave him ________ .

A with himself B by himself C for himself D at himself

22 I found the book is very _______ .

A bore B bores C boring D bored

23 Our teacher gave us _______ on how to learn English well.

A much suggestion B many advices C a good advice D a good suggestion 24 He ______ three dys off , because he wants to visit Tian’anmen square .

A has B will have C is having D had

25 Students in our class usually ____ home at 5:00 .

A get to B reach to C arrive at D arrive


Kathy and Polly were good friends ,but they liked to play yricks on each other .

One day Kathy Polly in the street ,She said , “Hi, Polly ,It’s good to see you ”

“ can you see me when I not here ?” Polly asked . “Of course you here ”

“No , I’m not .” Polly said . “I’ll bet (打赌)you ten dollars I’m not here ”

“ ” Said Kathy . “ Ten dollars .Now prove (证明) you are not here ”

“It’” Smiled Polly , “Am I in Hongkong ?”

“No.” Said Kathy .

“Am I in Paris ?” Asked Polly .

“No ” said Kathy .

“If I’m not in HongKong and I’m not in Paris ,then I be somewhere else,right ? ”Polly said .

“Right .” said Kathy . “You must be somewhere else ”

Polly said , “And if I’m somewhere else .Ican’t be ”

“That’s very clever ,”Kathy began to smile . “But I can’t ”

“Why not ?” asked Polly . “We a bet .”

“Certainly ,”said Kathy . “But how can give you ten dollars you are not here ?”and with a laugh ,she went away .

26 A met B caught C looked at D invited

27 A What B Why C How D When

28 A sit B are C come D get

29 A No B Sure C All right D Of course

30 A hard 我的个人价值观怎么写 B easy C difficult D terrible

31 A can B need C may D must

32 A in HongKong B in Paris C here D there

33 A bring B prove C give D show


34 A happened B said C told D had

35 A and B till C so D if



Hi, everyone ! Welcome to the Friendship Club of our school !You will meet many new people here and make friends with each other .We have some advice for you .It will help you make many friends .

Firstly ,be friendly and polite to everyone in the club .This will make people comfortable when they talk to you .Rude people are not welcome here and usually asked to leave .

Secondly ,be honest and truthful .We hope that our members can trust and believe each other and will not be hurt by another member .If we find you are telling lies to other members ,we will ask you to leave the club ..

Thirdly ,be a good listener and keep your friends’ secrets .This will make your friends trust you and it will help you know more about your friends .If you share your friends’ secrets with someone else ,you will hurt their feeling .

Finally , be generous and helpful to your friends .Sharing thoughts and ideas will help you know more about each other and become better friends .

Please remember our advice when you come to the club .We meet every Friday afternoon and hope to see you there soon !

36 The friendship Club is for ________ .

A meetin new people and making friends B making friends with teachers

C meeting people who don’t go to school D doing homework with friends

37 People should be friendly and polite ,because _______ .

A it can be easy to meet new people . B rude people are not welcome

C it can help make peopple feel comfortable D people will like to talk to you

38 What will help your frineds trust and believe you ?hi,everyone,welcome,to,the,friendship。

A Share their secrets with each other B tell lies to themhi,everyone,welcome,to,the,friendship。

C Keep their secrets and be a good listener D tell jokes to them

39 Which one of the following is NOT the advice from the Friendship Club ?

A Be honest to your friends and don’t tell lies

B Share ideas and friends’ secrets with others

C Be generous and helpful to your friends

D Be friendly and helpful to your friends

40 People will ask you to leave the Friendship Club if you ______ your friends .

A are not honest and tell lies to B share your ideas and thoughts with

C are friendly and polite to D are generous and helpful to


Some words ,though different in spelling ,sounds the same .This will cause misunderstanding (误解)easily .It happened that Will Knott had a conversation with Mr.Watt on the phone ,and that they misunderstood “Will Knott ”for “will not ”and “Watt” for “what” .

Mr. Knott was a teacher .He taught in a big school in London .He lived a long way from his school ,so he was usually quite tired when he got home .

At nine o’clock one night ,when he was in bed ,the telephone bell rang ,and he picked up the phone , “This is White Bridge 3165.Who’s speaking ,please ?”

“Watt” a man answered . “What’s your name ,please ?” “Watt’s my name,” was the answer . “Yes ,I ask you that ,what’s your name?”Mr. Knott said again .

“I told you .Watt’s my name ,” said the other man , “Are you Mr.Jack Smith ?”

“No, I’m Knott,” answered Mr. Knott . “Will you give me your name ,please ?”said Mr.Watt. “Will Knott” answered Mr. Knott .Both Mr.Watt and Mr. Knott put down their telephones angrily and thought , “That was a rude ,stupid man !”

41 Mr. Knott _______ a conversation with Mr. Watt on the phone before that time .

A often had B never had C always had D seldom had

42 Mr. Watt really wanted to telephone _________.

A his teacher B his brother C Mr. Will Knott D Jack Smith

43 Mr. Watt got angry because _________.

A he heard the other ssay “I will not tell you my name ”

B Mr.Will Knott spoke rudely

C he couldn’t understand the other on the phone .

D he was thought (被认为)a rude ,stupid man .

44 ______ told his name three times on the phone .

A Both of them B Neither of them C Mr Will Knott D Mr .Watt

45 The passage tells us that _____ will cause misunderstandings.

A spelling mistakes B wrong pronunciation

C words with the same sound D wrong phone number


1 I’ve got a pain in my _________ (胃),doctor .

2 I r_________ a letter from my friend in Canada yesterday .

3 HuJintao is the __________(主席) of China .

4 The Eiffel Tower is made of m__________.

5 We will take ________ (长途汽车) to Shanghai .

6 To Chinese people ,English is a kind of f________ language .

7 My teacher told us not to climb those big _______(岩石)

8 I w_______ why she came to school late this morning .

9 The song and dance p________ here are great .

10 They are watching the tennis f__看图写话2年级______.


1 Don’t worry .We are all your __________ (support)

2 He is ________ (interest) in English than I .

3 Believe ______ (you).You are the best ones in Grade 8 .

4 Please help _________to some oranges and make _______stay at home .(you)

5 The Great Wall is one of the most ________ _________ (wonder) in China .

6 He wrote _____ _____ ______(care) in the class .So the teacher asked him to write it again . 7 What a ________ (cheer) song ! It made me cry .

8 His grandma is ________ (bad) ill .and she must be sent to the hospital .


1 She didn’t do her homework .She watched TV at last .(用instead合并句子)

2 The ladies never hurt each other in the past ________ _______?(反意疑问句)

3 We were all very excited when we saw the Temple of Heaven.(用不定式改写句子) __________________________________________________________________

4 She wonders what she should do tomorrow.(同义句)

She _______ _____ ______ what ______ _____ tomorrow.

5 提问)



1 南京是一个名胜众多的古老城市。

2 我们花了两个多小时乘长途汽车到黄山的。

3 你们最好亲自去看看那幢旧的石头建筑。

4 城市路上交通十分拥挤,但到了高速公路上就变好了。

5 那对双胞胎太害怕了,以至于不敢独自待在家里。


UNIT 3单元测验答案

一 单项选择 (25%)

1—5BDDBC 6—10 BBBBC 11—15 DBDDC 16—20 BCBDB 21—25 BCDBD


26—30ACBCB 31—35 DCCDD


36—40 ACCBA 41—45 BDADC


1 stomach 2 received 3 President 4 metals 5 coaches

6 foreign 7 rocks 8 wonder 9 parades 10 final


11 supporters 12 more interested 13 yourselves 14 yourselves 15 yourselves

16 wonderful 17 wonders 18 the most carelessly 19 cheerless 20 badly


21 She watched TV instead of doing homework . 22 did they 23 We were all very excited to see the Temple of Heaven . 24 wants to know ,to do

25 Where and when will you arrive ?


26 Nanjing is an old city with a lot of places of interest .


27 It took us over two hours to get to the Yellow Mountain by coach .

28 You’d better go and see that old stone building for yourself .

29 There is a lot of traffic on the city roads ,but it gets better on the highway .

30 The twins were too frightened to stay at home by themselves .

第二篇:《8A Unit 1 单元检测》

8A Unit 1 单元检测 一、 用所给词的正确形式填空(15分)

1. My brother wants to be a __________ (社会的) worker.

2. weather is good for health.

4. He’when he has to make a speech.

5. He never tells lies. He is an ___________ (诚实的)boy.

6. May is a _____________(真正的) friend.

7. Sandy’s drawing is the best in the drawing ___________ (比赛).

8. What do you think of these ___________ (广告) on TV?.

9. What an 10. Her bright,(smile) eyes make her look smart.

11. She’s feeling even (bad) today. Tell her to go to see a doctor.

12. I often meet that (cheer) girl on my way home.

13. The water in my bottle is as (less) as that in yours.

14. I am ____________ (will) to teach these children.

15. --- What is the __________(high) of the tall man? --- About 2 meters.


( )1. This problem is very . That one is a little .

A easy; easier B easier; easier C easy; easy D easier; easy

( A large B larger C largest D the largest

( )3. Don't eat that meat. It smells ________. A. dirty B. delicious C. bad D badly

( )4. The Yellow River is ________ river in China.

A. the longest B. the longer C. the second longer D. the second longest

( )5. I hope you ________ me with my English.

A. can help B. to help C. help D. helping

( A their B them C theirs D they

( best student of all.

A .a; a B .an; the C. a; the D. the; the

( her classmates. She one of them now.

A. helps; is helping B. help; is helping C. is helping; helps D. helps; helps

( because we always have A. feels boring; something interesting B. feels bored; something interested

C. feel bored; something interesting D. feel bored; something interested

( A. tells jokes; to laugh B. tells jokes; laughing C. tell joke; laugh D. tells jokes; laugh

( )11. Please try your best to finish the work with ________ money and ________ people.

A. few; little B. a few; a little C. less; fewer D. fewer; less

( )12. My best friend tell others my .

A. should; secrets B. should not; secrets C. should not; a secret D. should not; secretly

( )13. Who is A. the shorter B. the shortest C. shortest D. shorter

( )14. Sally’


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