
时间:2024-09-21 13:45:47 来源:作文网 作者:管理员

单元作文 > :thank,you,so,much,for,your是由小学生作文网为您精心收集,如果觉得好,请把这篇文章复制到您的博客或告诉您的朋友,以下是thank,you,so,much,for,your的正文:



1、- Thank you ever so much for your lovely gift. 多谢你感谢你可爱的礼物

- _________

A:Never mind

B:I'm glad you like it. 我很高兴你喜欢它。

C:Please don't say so.

D:No, It's not so good.


2、- What a beautiful dress you have on today! 多么美丽的你穿的这件衣服今天! - _________

A:It is suitable for me.

B:No, it isn't.

C:You want to have one, too?

D:Thank you. 谢谢


3、- I think he is a good lecturer. 我认为他是一个很好的讲师。

- _________

A:Sorry, it doesn't matter.

B:So do I. 我也一样。

C:Yes. It's a good idea.

D:I don't mind.


4、- Let me introduce myself. I'm steward.让我自我介绍一下。我是管家。

- _________

A:What a pleasure.

B:Pleased to meet you. 很高兴认识你。

C:I don't know.

D:Thanks a lot.


5、- Can you help me? 你能帮我吗?当然。

- _________

A:No, I don't know.

B:Sure. What is it? 这是什么?

C:Don't mention it.

D:That's it.


6、- 寻常的日子也飘香I have an appointment with Dr. Edward. 我约了爱德华博士。

- _________

A:Please wait for a minute. 请等一分钟。

B:Are you sick?

C:Tell me about your appointment.

D:Dr. Edward didn't tell me.


7、- Hello, could I speak to Mike please? 你好,我可以和迈克吗?

- _________

A:Who are you?

B:Who is speaking? 请问是谁打来的?

C:What's wrong?



8、- Paul, this is my friend, Ann. 保罗,这是我的朋友,安。

- _________

A:Very well, thank you.

B:How do you like the party?

C:Glad to meet you, Jack.

D:Glad to meet you, Ann. 很高兴认识你,安。


9、- Come and see me if you have time. 来见我,如果你有时间。

- _________

A:I can't.

B:I'll think it over.

C:Thank you.

D:I will. 我会的。


10、- She is running a fever, but now it is under control. 她是发烧,但现在它在控制之下。 - _________

A:She is running fast.

B:I will go and see her after work. 我下班后去看看她。

C:Her mother does not run.

D:She is running away from home.


11、- Can I ask you a few questions? 我能问你几个问题吗?

- _________

A:What do you do?

B:It's a good idea.

C:No, thanks.

D:Certainly. 当然。


12、- Hi, is Thomas there? 嗨,是托马斯吗?等等。

- _________

A:Who are you?

B:Sorry, I'll call him.

C:Hold on. I'll get him. 我要让他来接电话. .

D:Yes, Thomas is me.


13、- _________ I think you have given me the wrong change. 我认为你所赐给我的错的改变。 - I'm sorry about that.


B:Excuse me, 对不起,

C:Good idea,

D:How are you,


14、- Well done and _________. 好,祝贺

- Thank you very much!

A:not at all


C:that's right

D:you are welcome


15、- Take these pills three times a day. Come back and see me in a week. 把这些药一天三次。回来看我在一个星期。

- _________

A:Thank you very much indeed. 确实非常感谢你。

B:I can't make it.

C:I haven't decided yet.

D:Good idea!


16、- Bring me the bill, please. 请把帐单拿来。。

- _________

A:You are welcome.

B:Please wait for a moment, sir. 请稍等,先生

C:I'll hurry up.

D:Be quick.


17、- My son won the first prize in the writing contest! 我的儿子得了一等奖作文比赛!

- _________

A:Congratulations! 恭喜你!

B:Are you sure of that?

C:What a pity!

D:It's terrible.


18、- Would you please show me your bankbook? 请出示您的存折吗?

- _________

A:Sorry, I have no idea.

B:Here you are. 给你。

C:Come with me.

D:Yes, I'd like to.


19、- May I speak to Dr. Brown? 我可以和布朗医生吗?

- _________

A:Yes, he is not in at the moment.

B:No, you can't.

C:Yes, this is Brown speaking. 是的,这是布朗。

D:Sorry, speaking.



20、I heard you got a full mark in the English exam. Congratulations! 我听说你得了满分英语考试。 - _________ 恭喜你!

A:Oh, no, no.

B:No, I didn't do very well.

C:Thanks. 谢谢。

D:Don't praise me.


21、- Hello. Is Jim there? 你好。吉姆在吗?。

- _________

A:This is Jim. Who's speaking, please? 这是吉姆请问你是谁?

B:I'm afraid I won't be free.

C:This is the right number.

D:There's no hurry.


22、- Well done and _______ 做得好,

- Thank you very much!

A:not at all. 根本不是

B:congratulations to you.

C:that's right.

D:you are welcome.


23、- Could you buy some salt on your way home? 你能买一些盐在回家的路吗?

- _______

A:All right. 好吧。

B:Is that all?

C:Just a few.

D:Let me see.


24、- I've passed the examination. 我已经通过了考试。

- _______

A:What a pity.

B:I hate the exam.

C:Congratulations. 祝贺你。

D:Come on.


25、- Could you pass me the salt and pepper? 你能把盐和胡椒递给我吗?

- _______.

A:Sorry, I didn't know what you mean.

B:Ok, here you are. 好的,给你。

C:No, I won't.

D:I don't know.


26、- Congratulations! You won the first prize in the English speech contest.

- _______ 恭喜你!你得了一等奖英语演讲比赛。

A:Yes, I beat the others.

B:No, no, I didn't do it well.

C:Thank you. 谢谢

D:It's a pleasure.


27、- Hello, I'd like to speak to Jack, please. 你好,我想找杰克,请。

- _______

A:Yes, I'm Jack.

B:This is Jack speaking. 这就是杰克

C:It's me here.

D:This is me.



28、Our class won the girls' relay race in our school's sports meeting.

- _____________________ 我们班赢了女子接力赛跑在我们学校的运动会。 A:That's right.

B:Thanks a lot.

C:Congratulations! 恭喜你!

D:It's a pleasure.


29、-Could I borrow your car, please? 我可以借你的车吗?


A:Good idea.

B:No hurry.

C:With pleasure. 我乐意。

D:No surprise.


30、Thank you for your nice gifts. 谢谢你精美的礼物。

- _____________________

A:I'm glad you like it. 我很高兴你喜欢它。

B:No thanks.

C:It's very kind of you.

D:I'm sorry to hear that.




1. – Thank you so much for the book you sent me.

– _________________

(A) No, Thank you.

(B) I’m glad you like it.

(C) Please, don’t say so.

(D) No, it’

s not so good.


解答参考:[第二单元]B 此题考查有关“感谢与应答”的习惯用语。对别人赠送的礼物,不论轻重,都要表示感谢,这是礼貌。应答时,中国人往往采取一种谦逊的态度;而英美人却以迎合的态度来表达自己的心情。所以,I’m glad you like it. 是正确答案。

2. – It’s been a wonderful evening. Thank you very much.

– __________________

(A) My pleasure.

(B) I’m glad to hear that.

(C) No, thanks.

(D) It’

s ok.


解答参考:[第二单元]A 此题第一说话人说“晚会很棒,非常感谢。”,通常在这种情况下,听话人应该礼貌地表示感谢,可用My pleasure, 意为“你这么说,我很荣幸。”而It doesn’t matter. 通常用于应答别人的道歉,表示“没关系”;It’s ok. 不符合英语习惯;No, thanks. 又与句意不符。

3. –Thanks for the lovely party and the delicious food.

– _________________

(A) No, thanks.


(B) Never mind.

(C) All right.

(D) Don’

t mention it.


解答参考:[第二单元]D 同上题,考查对感谢的应答。我们可以说Don’t mention it. 或That’s all right. 但不能说All right。而No, thanks. (不,谢谢。) 和Never mind. (不要紧。),都与题意不符。

4. – You have won the football game. Congratulations!

– _________________

(A) We are really lucky.

(B) No one else could do it.

(C) Oh, not really.

(D) It’thank,you,so,much,for,your。

s nice of you to say so.


解答参考:[第二单元]D 当对方对你赢得足球赛而表示祝贺时,应按照英美国家的文化,真诚地表示感谢,这也是对说话人的尊重。如果一味谦虚说“不、没有、还差得远”等,反而就不礼貌了,这与中国人的习惯不太一样。所以,回答Oh, not really. 和We are really lucky. 都不对。此外,骄傲的回答No one else could do it. 也不恰当。 故只有It’s nice of you to say so. 是正确答案。

5. –Thanks, you saved my life!thank,you,so,much,for,your。

– _________________

(A) Oh, I’m afraid I didn’t do well enough.

(B) I’m glad I could help.

(C) No problem.

(D) It’

s not nece


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