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091031NA Speaking Question 1

Describe a person who always makes you laugh. Explain why the person is funny. Include details and examples in your explanation.

sample answer:

091031NA Speaking Question 2 Some people prefer to live in a place most of their life. Other people prefer to move to different places. Which do you prefer and why? Use specific reasons and examples to support your response.

sample answer:

I prefer to move around a lot instead of settling in one place because first of all I believe most people’s growth comes with the changes in their lives. For example, after finishing my junior high school in China, I decided to go to Canada. This gives me an opportunity to be instructed in an entirely different manner. I’ve become a more indepe斑羚飞渡读后感ndent thinker and learned how to look at things from different perspectives. If I were still studying in China, I quite doubt I would learn all this. Secondly, I think that by moving around, people are able to experience diverse circumstances which give them new experiences and broaden their views, and thus they can get more comprehensive understanding of the world, the society and life itself.

090403NA Speaking Question 1

童年学到了什么东西? What did you learn in your childhood?

sample answer:what,should,you,do,if,you,are。

090403NA Speaking Question 2

有人喜欢把时间排得很满,有人喜欢留很多free time。你呢?Some people like to have a tight schedule while others prefer to have a lot of free time. What about you? sample answer:

100130NA Speaking Question:1:

Among the following three types of books – mystery, science fiction and biography, which do you like the least? Explain why.

sample answer

100130NA Speaking Question 2: Do you like to travel alone or with your family members? Explain your answer with details and examples.

sample answer:

100213NA Speaking Question1:

What kind of activity do you enjoying doing most at school? Explain why you enjoy doing this activity.

sample answer

100213NA Speaking Question 2: Do you agree or disagree with the following statement: Artists (painters, musicians, etc.) are born and not taught.

sample answer 1:

sample answer 2:

1,What suggestions would you give to a friend who wants to improve his/her score in class?

sample answer:

Well, I think there are many ways that h/she can make use of to enhance his/her academic performance. He can join a study group where h/she can ask other group members for clarifying difficult points. I would also advise him to preview what the professor is going to discuss the next day and review what the professor has taught. That way he/she will understand better the teaching content and the knowledge will retain much longer. Also make full use of the office hours, if he/she encounters difficulties, the professor is always glad to offer a helping hand.

2,Some people like to purchase books from a book store while others like to borrow books from the library. Which do you prefer and why?

sample answer:

I prefer buying books to borrowing books. True, borrowing books can save you a lot of money and you can get almost any book, even the latest releases if you are willing to wait or join a queue. However, you have to return it on time even if you have not finished it. However, by buying the book, you can read it wherever you want and whenever you want, and once you have read it, you can lend it to friends and family or even give it as a gift. Another strength of owing books is that we can take whatever notes on the margin of the pages of the books.what,should,you,do,if,you,are。


1,One of your friends wants to drop out of college. Do you think it is a good idea or not? Why?

sample answer:


开放英语(1)作业 3(Units 13-18) A. going to

第一部分 交际用语(10分) C. are going to 1一5小题:阅读下面的小对话,判断答语是否恰当,恰当()18. She ________ a teacher in Shanghai last year. 的选A(Right),不恰当的选B(Wrong),并将答案写在各 A. is 题前的( )中。(每题2分,共10分) C. were

1.一How are you feeling? ()19. My housewarming party is ________ Mary’s. --- I feel much better. Thank you. B. different as B. Wrong. C. as different as 2.一 How was your day yesterday? ()20. ________ prepare everything today? 一I've got a bad cough. A. How about A. Right. C. What about 3.一 Why don’t we have a barbecue? ()21. I have an English class ________ a week. 一That's a good idea. A. three 一件有趣的事300字B. three time B. Wrong. 4.一What time does the Swimming Pool close? ()22. Chris usually goes to the gym ________ the

--- On Tuesday. weekend. A. Right. A. from B. in

5.一What was the party like? --- It was great. ()23. I’m bad at spelling, but Jane is ________than me. B. Wrong. A. bad C. less

第二部分 词汇与结构(40分) ()24. _________ of these two books do you prefer?

B. What 6一25小题:阅读下面的句子,选择正确答案,并将所选项C. How 的字母符号写在各题前的( )中。(每题2分,共40分) () 25. --The classroom is not big enough for 50 students. ( )6. _______any yoga classes in the evenings? -- Yes, I agree. It’s ______.

A. Is there B. no big C. Have C. not small enough ()7. Which is _________,the Yangtze River or the Yellow River? 第三部分 句型变换 (15分) A. a bit long C. more long 26-30小题:根据括号里的提示改写下列句子。(每题3分, ()8. I'm _________ a list of things to buy. 共15分) A. doing 26 . (用 how划线部分提问) C. having How does he go to work? ()9. Rose is experienced _________ training. (用when 对划线部分 B. of 提问 ) C. on When is she flying for Pairs?

B. himself (用对划线部分提C. myself 问where) ()11. When are you ______ London _________ Paris? Where is the bus stop?

A. leave,go to 29. They will go to the wedding reception. (改为否定句) C. leaving from,to They won’t go to the wedding reception. ()12. I think there will ________ 50 people at tomorrow's 30. He was at the party last night. (改为否定句) party. He wasn’t at the party last night. B. being C. are 第四部分 阅读理解 (20分) ()13. Carlos ________ serve the drinks and take the orders. 31-35小题:阅读下列短文,并根据短文内容判断其后的句 A. have to B. has 子是正确( Right ),还是错误(Wrong)。并将答案写在各题前的()中。(每题2分,共10分) ()14. Hurry up. We don't have ________ time. In Britain people usually have a doctor near their home or A. many in their town. This is the local doctor. You have to register with C. too many a doctor before you can make an appointment. You usually have ()15. I'll give _________. to fill in a form and the doctor examines you. Families often B. the book the man register with the same doctor. C. the book for the man Doctors often work together in groups, and the name of ()16. I am not feeling very well. I ________ to see the the place where they work is a Doctor’s Surgery. The doctor. government pays for his system, and it is free to go to see your B. should doctor. C. would If the doctor decides that you need treatment he can ()17.Tim ________ make a cake for the party. prescribe medicine. For example he can prescribe antibiotics for


an infection. Medicine can be tablets to take with water or liquid to drink. The doctor writes the prescription. You take the prescription to the chemist’s, and the chemist will make up to medicine for you. You usually have to pay some money for the medicine – but you don’t have to pay the full price.

()31. British people usually go a long way to see a doctor.

A. Right

()32. British families often register with the same doctor. B. Wrong

()33. Doctors always work alone in their won Doctor’s Surgery.

A. Right ()34. British people don’t have to pay when they see their doctor.

B. Wrong

()35. British people usually have to pay for their prescription at the chemist’s.

B. Wrong


What should I do at a party in England?

What do I do at the party?

You should always offer to get drinks for other people when you go to get a drink for yourself. You should introduce yourself to new people in the group. You should avoid personal questions about family until you know them better. Good topics of conversation are films, books, television programmes, holidays, jobs, the town you are in, etc.

You should ask for permission to smoke; say “Is it alright if I smoke?” Or, better, you should go outside to smoke. Many people don’t like the smell of smoke inside.

You shouldn’t drink too much! And never get drunk. What do I do when I leave?

If you are not a close friend of the hosts, you shouldn’t be the last to leave.what,should,you,do,if,you,are。

You should say秋声赋翻译 “Thank you” to the hosts and say “It was a lovely party. I really enjoyed myself.” And then you should go back to people you talked to and say “It was very nice to meet you.”

() 36. When you go to get a drink for yourself周记200字大全, you should ________.

A. introduce yourself first

B. C. ask for permission

()37. You should not talk about _____ with new people.

A. the town you are in B. television programmes

C. ()38. People don’t like the smell of smoke inside, so you should _______.

A. not smoke before you go to a party

C. smoke in the kitchen

()39. _________ get drunk at a party. B. It’s OK to

C. You should say sorry if you

()40. You say “It was very nice to meet you” when you _______.


A. meet other guests

C. meet your hosts

第五部分 翻译(15分)


41. You need to reduce your temperature. 你需要降温/退烧。

42. I feel worried about my exam next week. 我担心(我)下周的考试。

43. He is good at web-design, much better than her. 他擅长网络设计,比她强多了。

44. There are four candidates for this job. 有四名求职者申请这份工作。

45. We will make a decision before the 30th September. 我们将在9月30日之前做出决定。

第三篇:《what do you do if you should bump into an embarras》

1.what do you do if you should bump into an embarrassment?

I would try to be humorous when i should encounter an embarrassment, because a sense of humor costs nothing, but creates a lot. There are many ways to be humorous. For instance, we may get inspired by comedians. As we all know, good comedians often take themselves as the target of humor. In this way, they will not offend others. In the meantime, they can amuse the audience and achieve relaxing and cheerful effects. As far as embarrassment is concerned, don’t take yourself so seriously, and try to share the funny side of it with others.

2.What do you think is an ideal life?

In my opinion, the ideal life has different levels. First of all, the precondition of an ideal life is to satisfy the basic needs. Good and sufficient food, clothing and shelter make the material basis for an ideal life. However, the higher level of an ideal life comes to the mental sphere.When we talk with others, we may get inspired by their words or thoughts. In the meantime, we may give the inspiration to others; when we make progress inwork or study, we have a sense of achievement. Such situations show the state of mental ideal life. Lastly, it’s emotional ideal life. When we are together with the families, we feel happy; when we help others, we feel pleased; when others help us, we feel warm. That kind of feelings like happiness, pleasure, and warmth are the main factors of an emotional ideal life.

3.How important do you believe work is to a person?How should one strike the right balance between work and leisure?

The attitude towards the importance of work varies from person to person. Some people think they work to live, their goal for work is to make their lives more colorful and satisfying, earning more money to support themselves and their families. On the contrary,other people hold that they live to work.They put work above all else.


热门排行: 2016拜年词 好词