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The 34th Beijing International Marathon has acquired a new name among some disappointed participants: Smogathon.

第34届北京国际马拉松赛有了新名称,一些感到沮丧的选手称之为:霾拉松。 About 30,000 runners, many from other parts of China or abroad, awoke in the Chinese capital on Sunday to an orange sun glowing weakly through a dirty haze. 周日,大约三万名选手——其中许多来自中国其他地区及国外——在中国首都醒来,太阳透过肮脏的雾霭发出微弱的橙色光芒。

Some ran anyway. Some ran away. But no one canceled on the advice of the organizers, the Chinese Athletic Association and the Beijing Municipal Bureau of Sports, because those organization did not call it off. That sparked calls from

participants for the International Association of Athletics Federations, which has approved the 26-mile, or 42-kilometer, race, to set air quality standards in the future to avoid damaging the runners’ health. The association could not be reached by telephone on Sunday.

有的人还是决定参加比赛。有的人放弃了。但即便是放弃也并非出于组织者——中国田径协会及北京市体育局的建议,因为他们没有取消比赛。这促使参与者呼吁国际田联(International Association of Athletics Federations,简称IAAF),也就是核准了这项赛程为26英里(约合42公里)的马拉松赛事的机构,在未来设定空气质量标准,以避免选手健康受到损害。周日,记者无法通过电话与IAAF取得联系。

“Does the IAAF have guidelines?” asked Chas Pope, a British engineer who took part in the marathon on Sunday. “If they don’t, they should consider it,” said Mr. Pope, who has lived in Beijing for 11 years and runs several long-distance races each year.

周日参与马拉松比赛的英国工程师查斯·波普(Chas Pope)问道,“IAAF有设定标准吗?”他说,“如果没有的话,他们应该考虑一下。”波普在北京生活了11年,每年都会参加几场长跑比赛。

Skeptical that the air on Sunday would be good after what has been a smoggy autumn, Mr. Pope said he had only entered the half-marathon, which was on offer in addition to other, shorter distances.He started out wearing a face mask — a

common defense against Beijing’s gray air. Then, at the 10-kilometer mark, he took the mask off to see what it was catching. It was dark with dirt.


“It’s meant to be fun and good for your health,” Mr. Pope said of the marathon. But in such air, “it’s just plain ridiculous to be running,” he said. He abandoned the course. “Most of my expat friends pulled out,” he said. “And quite a few of my Chinese frie郭明义事迹nds too, but a lot didn’t. I think they don’t know as much about the health impact.”


Images on Twitter and Chinese social media showed Chinese runners sporting a variety of face protection, from light cloth masks to World War I-style gas masks. Twitter及中国社交媒体上的图像显示,中国的选手们戴着各种面部保护用品,从轻薄的口罩到第一次世界大战风格的防毒面具。

“Today’s race should definitely have been called off or rescheduled,” said Zhang Kai, Beijing-based campaigner with Greenpeace East Asia.

绿色和平东亚部(Greenpeace East Asia)北京办公室的工作人员张凯说,“今天的比赛明显应该取消,重新安排。”

“What happened today to this iconic sports even is just another reminder to the government that much remains to be done to China’s energy and industrial

structure” to solve pollution, said Mr. Zhang. “If the battle against pollution is a marathon, it is now time to catch up on speed.”


Still, many completed the race without masks, said Chen Mei, a mother of two who finished the 10-kilometer race she entered.


“For me it wasn’t too bad,” Ms. Chen said “I’m not a person who always wears a face mask.”


“I love Beijing, the city, and the pollution and the traffic,” she said. “It’s not Beijing’s fault, it’s everyone’s fault and we should all do something about it. Everybody complains about it, but nobody does anything. Nobody rides a bicycle instead of driving a car. And everyone wants more shops, more cars.”


Despite air pollution that reached a “severely polluted” score of 444 at a Chinese government air quality monitoring station near the marathon’s starting point on Sunday — an inauspicious number that sounds like the Chinese words for “death death death” — organizers decided not to halt the event on the grounds it would be “too difficult.” The reading represents a compilation of fine particulate matter or PM 2.5; coarser particulate matter, or PM10; and ozone, sulphur, carbon and nitrogen dioxide levels.


是对细颗粒物PM2.5、较粗颗粒物PM10,以及臭氧、硫磺、碳和二氧化氮水平的汇编。 At that pollution level the Chinese government advises: “Outdoor Sports Not Suitable, Avoid Outdoor Activities, Open Windows Not Recommended, Masks


Necessary and Air Purifier Necessary.” But instead of following this advice,

municipal authorities advised runners to “watch weather conditions” and make a decision about running based on their personal health.


The previous evening, with smog building, the organizers issued a text message

alerting runners to the possibility of “light to medium” smog. Runners should drink more water and eat foods that would cause them to spit more, they said.


“I’m sure many people dropped out, but I was surprised how many people finished,” Ms. Chen said.


“I saw a lot of young people running and I remembered how when I ran it once before a lot of young people dropped out,” she said. “You know, Chinese people didn’t use to have very strong physiques, but that’s really getting better.” “我看到很多年轻人在跑,我记得自己之前参加比赛时,很多年轻人都退出了,”她说。“大家都知道,中国人过去体格不是很强壮,但现在真的有所改善。”

In the end, the race was won by two Ethiopians: Girmay Birhanu Gebru won the men’s race in 2 hours, 10 minutes and 42 seconds while Fatuma Sado Dergo won the women’s in 2 hours, 30 minutes and 3 seconds, breaking Chinese women’s dominance of the race for the last 22 years.

最终,两名埃塞俄比亚人夺冠:吉尔梅·比尔哈努·格布鲁(Girmay Birhanu Gebru)以2小时10分42秒获得男子组冠军,法图马·萨多·杰尔戈(Fatuma Sado Dergo)以2小时

30分03秒获得女子组冠军,打破了中国女子选手过去22年在比赛中一统天下的局面。 The favored Chinese woman runner, Gong Lihua, told China News Net that the smog didn’t affect her too much but it interfered with many people’s ability to sweat, affecting their performance.


The men’s winner, Mr. Gebru, teold China News Net that he was satisfied with his performance given the adverse conditions.

男子组冠军格布鲁对中国新闻网表示,鉴于天气状况糟糕,他对自己的成绩很满意。 “Being able to run with this result under these weather conditions was not easy,” he said, in remarks translated from the Chinese.





[摘要] 本文结合传统消费者决策行为理论和网络消费者决策行为理论,分析得出影响C2C电子商务模式下网络消费者购买决策的两个因素:个人因素、C2C网站和商家构成的购物环境两个因素。并对这两个因素进行具体分析。

[关键字] C2C 电子商务 购买决策 影响因素


网络经济时代的到来使电子商务(Electronic Commerce, EC)得到了快速的发展。网络销售平台因具有产品多样化、成本的降低和不受时间空间限制等优势,使得C2C拥有巨大的发展空间。

网络购物与传统购物存在着差别,很多学者对网络消费者购物的决策行为进行了研究。文献[1]认为,网上消费者通过两个阶段的过程来作出他们的决定:浏览及选择阶段;评价、对比、做出购买决策。Jarvenpaa,Tractinsky,Vitale(2000)研究了消费者是否选择网上购买主要有两个原因:对网上购物的态度和对该网站知觉到的风险。而Chau,Au,Tam认为电子商务网站的信息呈现越有效,越容易使用,消费者对该网站的评价就越高,从而更易产生购物意图。Li Na和Zhang Ping提出了消费者网上购物态度和行为的研究模型,着重于态度和行为及其影响因素[4]。文献[5]认为账户安全,卖家信誉度等因素影响消费者的在线购买行为。本文针对C2C电子商务模式,结合传统购物方式,从消费者个人因素和购买环境因素两方面对消费者购买决策进行探讨和分析。




























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[2]Hei jden H V,Verhagen T,Creemers M. Predicting Online Purchase Behavior:Replications and Tests of Competing Models.Proceedings of the 34th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences,2001

[3]Li NaZhang Ping:Consumer online shopping attitudes and behavior: An assessment of research.Eighth Americas Conference on Information Systems, 2002.508~518




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