
时间:2024-09-20 17:50:56 来源:作文网 作者:管理员

文档大全 > :假如你是李华,国际学校的教师是由小学生作文网为您精心收集,如果觉得好,请把这篇文章复制到您的博客或告诉您的朋友,以下是假如你是李华,国际学校的教师的正文:

第一篇:《8B Unit 2-2 教师版(深沪牛津版)》

2. 短语默写

1. What‟s the matter?


2. take place = happen 发生 3. look down upon/ on sb. 瞧不起、俯视 4. instead of


5. more than =over 多于、超过

6. give sb. a good impression 给某人留下好的印象

make a good impression on sb. 给某人留下好的印象 7. keep contact with / make contact with 与某人保持联系 8. remind sb. of sth.提醒某人某事 9. reply to 回复

10. shake hands with 和…握手 11. decide to do sth. 决定做…… 12. try doing sth. / try to do sth. 13. part-time jobs 兼职

full-time jobs 全职

14. walk over to / go to sb. 走向… , 走上去




(一) 结构

--------Doing 动名词

“(not) V+ ing”——将动词名词化,在句中可作主语、宾语、表语和定语。




1. He felt like _____________ nothing.他不想吃东西。

2. They ________________________________ happily. 他们忍不住高兴地笑了。 3. I‟m used to __________________________ on foot. 我习惯了步行上班。 4. The boy _____________________________ friends with. 这个男孩值得交往。 5. I prefer ______________ to _________________ music. 我喜欢看书,不喜欢听音乐。 【eating;couldn‟t help laughing; going to work; is worth making; reading; listening to】 Grammar Practice


1. —Have you finished ______the novel? —Not yet. I‟ll try ______it back to you before Saturday. A. reading, giving

B. to read, to give

C. reading, to give 2. —What‟s the matter?

D. to read, giving假如你是李华,国际学校的教师

—I am having trouble _____ my book. A. finding

B. find ,

C. finding out, D.to find

3. —Would you mind _____ a little bit ______? —I can‟t follow you. A. speak, more slowly C. speak, more slow

B. speaking, more slow D. speaking, more slowly

4. Maria _____shy, but now she is quite outgoing. She ________ lots of friends since years ago. A. was used to be, has made B. is used to be, made C. was used to being, has made

D. used to be, has made

5. The boy enjoys ______ the radio and goes ______ on Sundays. A. listening; to swimming C. listen to; swimming

B. listening to; swimming D. to listen; swim

6. How about ______ to the cinema ______Sunday? A. go, on

B. to go, at C. going, on D. will go, at

7. The little boy is busy ______ his homework now . A. do

B. to do

C. doing

D. does

8. We kept ______ the ball to each other, and they began to get ________.

A. to pass; angry B. passing; angry C. passing; angry D. past; angrily 9. Don't forget _____ this book to John when you ______ him. A. to return; see B. returning; see C. return; will see D. to return ; will see 10. —We'd better _______ out for a walk instead of _______ TV. Don't you think so? —OK. Let's go.

A. to go, to watch B. going, watching C. going, watch D. go, watching


1. 区别以下几组动词

2. 特殊用法

“need, require, want, be worth+ V-ing” —— “需要与值得”主动形式表被动意义 e.g. Your car needs/ requires/ wants cleaning/ to be cleaned. 你的车需要洗了。 e.g. Her method is worth trying. 她的方法值得试一下。

【要去做某事;做过某事;停下来去做另一件事;停止做某事;努力做某事;尝试某事;努力做某事;意味着某事;继续做另一件事;继续某事】 3. A sleeping bag VS a sleeping person?

第一个sleeping是_______________;表示_______________; 第二个sleeping是_______________;表示_______________。 【动名词,功能;现在分词,状态】

Grammar Practice基础


1. Don't forget ____________ (return) this book to John when you ____________ (see) him. 2. This bike is not worth ____________ (repair). You‟d better ____________ (buy) a new one. 3. ---Your clothes need ____________. ---Why not ____________ it today?(wash)

4. ---Have you finished ____________ (read) the novel? ---Not yet. I‟ll try ____________ (give) it back to you before Saturday.

5. He used to ____________ at seven. Now he has got used to ____________ at six. (get up) 6. ---What did you see just now?

---I saw two men doctors ____________ (come) out of the house.

【to return/see; repairing/buy; washing/wash; reading/to give; get up/getting up;coming】


——Body Language



1.贯穿人类历史,人们都会使用身体语言进行交流.身体语言像口头语言一样重要. 2.当你的朋友伤心的时候,一个微笑或许比语言更有用. 3.在嘈杂的环境下,使用身体语言去交流会更加容易.


 常用单词: facial adj.面部的

 常用短语:

1.the eye contract 目光的接触 3.the first impression 第一印象 4. be tied to 与……有联系 5. interpersonal distance 人际距离 6. personal space 个人空间


7. express one‟s feelings 表达某人的感情 8. look at sb. up and down 上下打量…… 9. facial expression 面部表情 10. read body gestures 解读肢体动作 11. fix one‟s eyes on 盯着

12. convey bad messages 传达不好的讯息 13. control different emotions 控制不同情感 14. arouse one‟s dislike 引起反感

15. better communicate with others 更好地与他人交流

 写作步骤:

第一步:确定体裁:议论文;确定时态:一般现在时;人称:第三人称 第二步:内容要点

1. 人们经常使用口语来与他人交流。

People usually communicate with others by spoken words. 2. 但是肢体语言在我们的生活中也被广泛使用。 However, body language is widely used in our daily life. 3. 当你见到长时间未见面的朋友你一定会对他微笑。

You must have smiled to your friend when you meet him again after a long time. 4. 贯穿人类历史,人们都会使用身体语言进行交流.身体语言像口头语言一样重要.

And it is obvious that through human being‟s history, people used body language to communicatewith others frequently.

5. 在嘈杂的环境下,你无法通过口头语言来获得别人的理解,所以你会用手势之类的肢体语言。 As well as when you are surrounded by noises, you cannot make yourself understood by words so youuse gestures which are body language to express your ideas. 6. 总之,肢体语言和口头语言一样重要。

2.the main means of communication 主要交际手段

sensitive adj.敏感的

impression n.印象 deliver vt.传递

gesture n.手势,姿势 distance n.距离

第二篇:《8B Unit 1-2 教师版(深沪牛津版)》

Unit 1 Helping those in need

Lesson 2




(一) 结构

“(not) + (to) + V原”—— 肯定用to do,to前加not变否定,注意无to不定式 e.g. He wanted down. 他想坐下。(带to) e.g. Let him down. 让他坐下。(不带to) e.g. Mom told me too late. (否定形式) (二) 常考用法

【try, forget, remember, hope, wish, agree, choose, fail, refuse, make sure, take turns, want, plan , try one’s best, begin/start, love/like(注意to do/doing区别)】 【ask, encourage, prefer, tell, warn】 (三) 特殊用法假如你是李华,国际学校的教师

2. 注意“疑问词+ to do”结构假如你是李华,国际学校的教师

What to do VS How to do it? 区别在于哪?_what充当宾语,how充当方式状语__ 解释:do what/ do it by…

(1) I don’t know what I should do to solve the problem. I don’t know ____what to do_ to solve the problem. (2)Do you know how we can solve the problem? Do you know ___how to solve the problem__.

【练一练】 一、单项选择

1. The young soldier really doesn’t knowhard.

A. what to do, crying B. how to do, cryin对手作文g C. when to do, cry D. where to do, cry 2. A. To sleep, turned off B. Sleeping, turned on C. Sleep, turned off

D. Having slept, turned on

A. do, win B. does, won C. did, to win D. are doing winning

the help of my mother.

A. give up, under B. give it up, under C. to give up, with D. giving up, with

the problem.

A. to trouble, solving B. trouble , solving C. troubling, to solve D. troubled, to solve

A. sit, to be done B. not to sit, to do C. sitting, to do D. not sit, to be done to her.

A. to talk, listened B. talking, listen C. talking, listened D. to talk, listen

8. —I’m sorry, Imy exercise book at home. —Don’t forgetit to school tomorrow, please.

A. forget; to take B. left; to bring C. forget; to bring D. left; to take trouble. A. not to smile, the

A. come; climbing

B. to smile, /

C. not to laugh, /

D. to laugh, the

B. to come; to climb

C. to come; climbing D. coming; climbing

参考答案:AACCA BBBCC 二、用所给词正确形式填空

1. It took half an hour (get) to the World Park from Kitty’s school.

2. It was interesting (see) so many places of interest from all over the world. (save) time by using shorter words and phrases. 4. Kitty’s classmate Daniel taught himself how(make) a home page. (put) the photos in the correct order. 6. He made the girl (cry) yesterday. 7. It’s time for class. Please stop8. I’d like10. I really don’t know what __________(do) next.

参考答案:[to get; to see; to save; to make; put; cry; talking; to go; take; to do]


 【难点点拨】


结构:Make/have/see/hear/notice/watch/feel….+ sb. + do sth.

e.g. Mr. Lee made him wash the dishes.

二、以上结构变为被动语态,要还原to e.g. He was made to wash the dishes.


1. It is _______________________ a foreign language. 学习一门外语不容易。

2. We found ______ impossible ____________ the river. 我们发现横过河流是不可能的。 3. She is ______________________ all by herself. 她足够大可以独自旅行了。

4. The young man was often seen _____________ in the park. 我们经常看到这位年轻人在公园跳舞。 5. Is it necessary ____________ (learn) a foreign language? 6. It’s spring now. It’s time _____________ (plant) trees.

7. The speaker spoke too quickly for us ____________ (understand). 8. The little boy is not old enough________ (read).

9. I often hear people _________ (say) “__________ (see) is____________ (believe)”. 10. They said they had nothing _________ (worry) about.

参考答案:[not easy to learn; it/to cross; old enough to travel; to dance; to learn; to understand; to read; say/seeing/believing; to worry]

Part I 单项选择

1. It was foolish A. for, to leave A. for; tell

B. of, to leave B. of; say

C. for, leave C. to; speak

D. to, leave D. of; tell

2. It’s very nice me about it.

the news. A. necessary to tell, about

B. that necessary to, / D. it necessary to tell, / C. smiling C. to play C. stole C. worked

D. to smile D. playing D. stolen D. to work

C. necessary it to tell, about A. smile A. play A to steal A. work


4. The headmaster’s praise for our group singing yesterday made us allhappily.

B. smiled B. played B stealing B. working

6. A policeman saw two thieves ___ a girl’s mobile phone on a bus and he caught them at once. 7. They were made ____ fourteen hours a day. 8. Have you decided ____? A to go with whom C. whom go with 参考答案:BDDAD BDB Part II 语法填空

10. Energy drinks are not allowed ________ (make) in Australia but are brought in from New Zealand. 11. My advisor encouraged me ________ (take) a summer course to improve my writing skills. 12. They knew her very well. They had seen her ________ (grow) up from childhood. 13. Paul doesn’t have to be made ________ (learn). He always works hard. 14. ---It’s a long time since I saw my sister. ---Why not ________ (visit) her this weekend?

15. When he was in the office, he preferred ________ something rather than ________ nothing.(do) 16. I’d rather ________ on the land than ________ in a factory. (work) 参考答案:【to make; to take; grow; to learn; visit; to do/do; work/work】

B whom to go with D. with whom to go


根据中文大意和英文提示词语,写出意思连贯、符合逻辑、不少于50词的回信。信的开头和结尾已给出, 其字数不计入所要完成的回信内。 所给英文提示词语仅供选用。请不要写出你的校名和姓名。


提示词语:think, smile, respect, say hello to, wait in line, on time, happy

1. What is important for a middle school student? (Being polite


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