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第一篇:《A couple of weeks ago》
A couple of weeks ago, when I learned the theme of today’s competition, I asked some of my roommates: “What does ‘faith’ mean to you?” Just coming back from a philosophy class, the girls were in a poetic mood: “Faith is what John Lennon had when he wrote the legendary song ‘Imagine’ and dreamed of ‘world peace’”, “Faith is what the Hebrews had when they followed Moses through the Red Sea in search of their freedom.” “And faith is what the
pilgrims had when they journeyed to that strange land on Mayflower, and started their pursuit of a new life.”
Thanks for the history lesson girls, but I 水浒传观后感was not asking for a great, historic event where faith might have altered the entire course of humanity. All I asked was “what does faith mean to you, to us, the individuals toiling with life’s hard choices each day?” Personally
speaking, faith is like oxygen: I didn’t know how precious it was until I ran the risk of losing it.
My heart stirs still every time memory brings me back to three years ago, when the devastating earthquake engulfed our country. As one of the few cities that took the hit the hardest that day, my hometown was suddenly devoured by a black hole of depression. Havingacoupleofweeksago阅读。
forsaken our worldly possessions, my family joined the army of tents every night, holding our breath and waiting for daybreak; having
abandoned the comfort of home, we managed to lift ourselves up, along with neighbors and friends, when each after-shock threatened to tear us down. As a politician once put it, in the face of disaster, we’re reminded that life can be unimaginably cruel, but it’s also in these moments, that we rediscover our common faith in life.
Indeed, during those dark hours, faith blazed in the courage of my math teacher Ms. Liu, when she stayed behind in a shaking building until she made sure that the last student had safely evacuated; faith radiated from the persistence of my dad when he kept his eyes wide open every single night, so that my mom and I could have a good night’s sleep; faith was ignited from the empathy of my next-door neighbor, when she took a stranger that was in shock into her arms and consoled him with her warm embrace. In the end, faith was rekindled in the passion of me and my fellow classmates, who immediately got back to preparing for our College Entrance
Examination the very next day, with gritted teeth, and a conviction as steady as a rock.
Ladies and gentlemen, this is what faith means to me. It’s the small voice in our ears that says: be strong, be good, and don’t give up whenever we’re frustrated by life. That's why after three years, my friends and family have picked themselves up, dusted themselves off
and with tougher spirits, begun again their journey towards a better future.
At last, to twist the lyrics of last year’s charity song, I call upon my fellow young friends to chant together with me, in the name of faith, for all those who are still suffering in Haiti, Japan and Myanmar: when I get older, I will be stronger, they’ll call me faith, just like a waving flag. Let us carry above our heads the waving flag called Faith, and let its many inspirations lift us up from where we belong
第二篇:《A couple of weeks ago》acoupleofweeksago阅读。
Good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen:
Today, my topic is that China is the word that has changed the world. China is not only a word, but also a kind of high quality porcelains originally made in China, a symbol that has been well known all around the world, a culture that has been producing great effects on the world literature. Above all, it is a nation that stands in the East like a giant.
China is a nation with a history of five thousand years. So China began to change the world at the very beginning. Chinese porcelain, say, china, was one of the greatest inventions of Ancient China. Europeans began to make copies of those beautiful Chinese porcelains as soon as they were introduced to Europe in seventeenth century. China made the whole of European porcelain industry blossom. At the same time, it promoted the development of European economic history and the European Industry Revolution. Moreover, four great inventions of Ancient China are known to every household. They gave enormous impetuses to China’s politics, economics, and civilization. What’s more, they made great contributions to the world civilization.acoupleofweeksago阅读。
China has changed the world from the past to the present. Now, more and more people in overseas countries start to learn Chinese and turn to a Confucius Institute in their own countries as their first choice learning Chinese language and Chinese culture. As a second culture, Chinese culture has enriched the life and world outlook of the learners. This trend, so to speak, is gathering momentum and is there to stay. Apart from their love for Chinese cuisine, more and more learners of Chinese language are turning to Chinese acupuncture, herbal medicines, and martial arts. They are also interested in kung fu films, fashions and crafts.acoupleofweeksago阅读。
So China is the very word that has changed the world. We are proud that we are Chinese. I wish China, our motherland, is more thriving in the years ahead.
第三篇:《couple of weeks ago》
couple of weeks ago, when I learned the theme of today’s competition, I asked some of my roommates: ‚What does ‘faith’ mean to you?‛ Just coming back from a philosophy class, the girls were in a poetic mood: ‚Faith is what John Lennon had when he wrote the legendary song ‘Imagine’ and dreamed of ‘world peace’‛, ‚Faith is what the Hebrews had when they followed Moses through the Red Sea in search of their freedom.‛ ‚And faith is what the pilgrims had when they journeyed to that strange land on Mayflower, and started their pursuit of a new life.‛
Thanks for the history lesson girls, but I was not asking for a great, historic event where faith might have altered the entire course of humanity. All I asked was ‚what does faith mean to you, to us, the individuals toiling with life’s hard choices each day?‛ Personally speaking, faith is like oxygen: I didn’t know how precious it was until I ran the risk of losing it.acoupleofweeksago阅读。
My heart stirs still every time memory brings me back to three years ago, when the devastating earthquake engulfed our country. As one of the few cities that took the hit the hardest that day, my hometown was suddenly devoured by a black hole of depression. Having forsaken our worldly possessions, my family joined theacoupleofweeksago阅读。
army of tents every night, holding our breath and waiting for daybreak; having abandoned the comfort of home, we managed to lift ourselves up, along with neighbors and friends, when each after-shock threatened to tear us down. As a politician once put it, in the face of disaster, we’re reminded that life can be unimaginably cruel, but it’s also in these moments, that we rediscover our common faith in life.
Indeed, during those dark hours, faith blazed in the courage of my math teacher Ms. Liu, when she stayed behind in a shaking building until she made sure that the last student had safely evacuated; faith radiated from the persistence of my dad when he kept his eyes wide open every single night, so that my mom and I could have a good night’s sleep; faith was ignited from the empathy of my next-door neighbor, when she took a stranger that was in shock into her arms and consoled him with her warm embrace. In the end, faith was rekindled in the passion of me and my fellow classmates, who immediately got back to preparing for our College Entrance Examination the very next day, with gritted teeth, and a conviction as steady as a rock.
Ladies and gentlemen, this is what faith means to me. It’s the small voice in our ears that says: be strong, be good, and don’
t give up whenever we’re frustrated by life. That's why after three years, my friends and family have picked themselves up, dusted themselves off and with tougher spirits, begun again their journey towards a better future.
At last, to twist the lyrics of last year’s charity song, I call upon my fellow young friends to chant together with me, in the name of faith, for all those who are still suffering in Haiti, Japan and Myanmar: when I g我们的校园et older, I will be stronger, they’ll call me faith, just like a waving flag. Let us carry above our heads the waving flag called Faith, and let its many inspirations lift us up from where we belong.
壬子 A.虞山去吴城才百里 去:距离。 B.余已治筇屐,不能阻 治:治理。【《游虞山记》阅读答案】阅读答案D.余识其言,欲问道往游 识:懂得。 6.下列各组句子中,加点词的意义和用法都相同的一组是( ) (3分) A. ①辛丑秋,将之江阴 ②之二虫又何知 B. ①始焉欣欣,继焉索索 ②或师焉,或否焉,小学而大遗 C. ①取径以南,益露奇境 ②愿以十五城请易璧 D. ①沾衣湿裘,而余与客难暂留矣 ②吾尝跂而望矣 7.下面的六句话,分别编为四组,全都属于作者登山所见情景的一组是( ) (3分) ①舟行山下,望剑门入云际 ②神物爪角痕,时隐时露 ③龙与神斗,龙不胜,破其山而去 ④云光黯甚,迷漫一色, 莫辨瀛海 ⑤齦腭摩天,崭绝中断 ⑥水下奔如虹,颓风逆施,倒跃而上 A.①②④ B.①③⑥ C.②④⑤ D.③⑤⑥ 8.下列对原文有关内容的分析和概括,正确的一项是( ) (3分) A.沈德潜曾经先后两次乘船赴江阴,在中途路过虞山时都很想登山游览,但由于船夫的欺骗,最终都没能成游。 B.同行的友人因天要下雨不想登山,而沈德潜却因对游览虞山渴望已久,于是不顾友人的阻挠,坚持游山。 C.在游山途中,沈德潜向山僧打听山上名胜并想游尽它,但由于连续二十多天都是阴雨连绵,只得遗憾地离去。 D.沈德潜游览后感到,天下胜景若未能尽览,留有余地,反而意味无穷;若一览无遗,有时反而觉得兴味索然。 第五篇:《中考课外文言文阅读《汉明帝尊师》阅读答案》 中考课外文言文阅读《汉明帝尊师》阅读答案 中考课外文言文阅读 7. (2010·浙江省东阳市,21-23,8分) 汉明帝尊师 上自为太子,受《尚书》于桓荣,及即帝位,犹尊荣以买鱼师礼。尝幸太常府,令荣坐东面,设几杖,会百官及荣门生数百人,上亲自执业③;诸生或避位发难④,上谦曰:“太师在是。”既罢,悉以太官供具赐太常家。荣每疾病,帝辄遣使者存问,太官、太医相望于道。及笃,上疏谢恩,让还爵士⑤。帝幸其家问起居⑥,入街,下车,拥经而前,抚荣垂涕,赐以床茵、帷帐、刀剑、衣被,良久乃去。【中考课外文言文阅读《汉明帝尊师》阅读答案】中考课外文言文阅读《汉明帝尊师》阅读答案。自是诸侯、将军、大夫问疾者,不敢复乘 本文来自学优高考网end#车到门,皆拜床下。荣卒,帝亲自变服临丧送葬,赐冢茔于首山之阳。子郁当嗣⑦,让其兄子泛;帝不许,郁乃受封,而悉以租入与之。帝以郁为侍中。 注:①〖上〗汉明帝刘庄。②〖幸〗驾幸,到。【中考课外文言文阅读《汉明帝尊师》阅读答案】文章中考课外文言文阅读《汉明帝尊师》阅读答案出自) ③拥经而前( )④抚荣垂涕() 22.翻译句子(2分) 荣每疾病,帝辄遣使者存问。【中考课外文言文阅读《汉明帝尊师》阅读答案】阅读答案全部 走上前 眼泪 22 每当桓荣患病,汉明帝就派使者去慰问。 23 围绕“尊师”回答即可。 acoupleofweeksago阅读由小学生作文网收集整理,转载请注明出处!