
时间:2024-09-21 00:27:17 来源:作文网 作者:管理员

单元作文 > :Over,the,Spring,Festival,,holiday,,there,,was,,a,,big是由小学生作文网为您精心收集,如果觉得好,请把这篇文章复制到您的博客或告诉您的朋友,以下是Over,the,Spring,Festival,,holiday,,there,,was,,a,,big的正文:








3画秋天的景色、注:带*号的词可以在后面的小词典里找到,请尽管使用。 祝你成功!

卷Ⅰ 选择题(共80分)

一、听力 (本题有15小题,共20分。1-10小题每题1分,11-15小题每题2分。请选出一



1. What will the man do this afternoon?

2. What




3. How much is the schoolbag?

4. Which sign are the speakers talking about?

5. How does Sam feel?



6. Where does the woman want to go?

A. To a bank. B. To a cinema. C. To a hospital.

7. How long will it take the woman to go there by bus?

A. 5 minutes, B. 10 minutes. C. 15 minutes.


8. Where does the conversation most probably take place?

A. In a boat. B. In a house C. In an office.

9. What does Sally take to David?

A. Photos. B. Camera. C. A ticket.

10. What do Sally and David think of the trip?

A. Boring, B. Interesting. D. Dangerous.


11. A. Sara Jones B. Annie Smith C. Mary Black

12. A. writer B. reporter C. manager

13. A. gym B. library

C. school

14. A. Wednesday B. Thursday C. Friday

15. A. Asia B. Africa C. America


16、 —Here is _____eraser. Is _____eraser yours?

—Yes, it is. Thanks!

A. an;the B. the;an C. the;an D. an;an

17、 —Hello,what’s your favorite ________?


A. person B. animal C. subject D. country

18、 —This is _____handbag. Could you please give it to ________?


A. she;her B. hers;hers C. her;her

19、 —Do you speak English _________?

—Yes, I do. I can speak very _________ English.

A. good;well B. well; good C. well;well

20、 —When were you born?

—I was born ______a cold winter night.

A. at B. in C. on

21、 —Mary,I don’t know ____ you can come tomorrow morning.

—No problem! I’ll be here _____I’m free then.

A. if;if B. if; whether C. whether;till

22、 —Mike is the __________student to come to school these days.

—Yes, he is. He is the only ________American here!

A. one;one B. first;first C. one;first

23、 — Can you play the guitar?

—. I can play the violin.

A. needn't B. may not C. can't

24、 —To say is one thing, but to do is quite _________.

—Yes, it is true. Thanks!

A. other B. the other C. others

25、 —What club do you want ___________?

—A chess club, please!

A. join B. to join C. joining

26、 — What happened to Jackson?

—He________ because of his drink-driving.

A. is caught B. was caught C. has caught

27、 — We must______ using plastic bags in order to protect our earth..

— Yes, we mustn’t _________any more.

A. give out; put up B. give up; put off

C. give away; put away D. give in; put on

28、 —How far is it from your home_____________?

—It’s about fifteen minutes’ walk.

A. to here B. here C. from hereOver,the,Spring,Festival,,holiday,,there,,was,,a,,big。

29、 —Excuse me, do you know ________________?

—Oh, no! Nothing is wrong with her.

D. her;she D. good;good D. from D. whether;until D. first;one D. mustn't D. another D. joined D. will be caught D. in here

A. what’s wrong with her B. what wrong is with her

B. what is the matter to her 狐假虎威续写 D. what the matter is to herOver,the,Spring,Festival,,holiday,,there,,was,,a,,big。

30、 —Hello, your English is very good.


A. No, that’s not good B. With pleasure

C. Thanks a lot D. Yes, it is my pleasure



The common Chinese greeting of ―Ni chi le ma?‖ may soon

be replaced by a new greeting: ―Have you cleaned your plate?‖

Over the Spring Festival holiday there was a big effort to

get to curb their habit of ordering too much food in

restaurants because a lot of that food ended up being wasted.

Holiday eaters were urged to ―clean their plates ―and to take leftover food home in ―doggy bags*.‖

The impetus*behind the campaign was the surprising

government statistic* that over 200 billion Yuan is spent every

year food that ends up in the garbage bin. And in the middle of all this waste, statistics show that 128 people are living below the poor line and going hungry.

The ―clean your plate‖ campaign is part of a worldwide effort to stop delicious food from being wasted. The United Nations discover $1 trillion* (yes, that’s a very big number) worth of food is wasted each year. of that is lost during food production and transportation, an important percentage is attributed to waste by The United Nations Environment Program (UNEP) has started a campaign called ―Think. Eat. Save.‖ people aware of the problem.

Chinese actress Fan Bingbing is an ambassador* for UNEP and she encouraged people to upload of their ―clean plates ―to show their support for the program. Thousands of people their full stomachs.

Xi Jinping, the new Chinese president, is urging people to be less wasteful and he told Party members to cut back on extravagant*holiday dinners and to be when spending the people’s money.

For some, though, Xi Jinping’s and Fan Bingbing’s advice don’t go far enough. Yuan Longping, a farming , caused a movement by saying that wasting food should be treated a crime*.

If not a crime, food is certainly a sin and it goes against what Xi Jinping calls, ―the Chinese tradition of being hard-working and saving.‖Having a ―clean plate‖ is just a traditional and responsible* thing to do. Have you cleaned your plate?

31. A. people B. person C. man D. woman

32. A. are asked B. asked C. were asked D. ask

33. A. in B. on C. at D. for

34. A. millions B. millions of C. million of D. million

35. A. who B. which C, that D. what

36. A. Most B. More C. Many

D. Much

37. A. and B. but C. or D. so

38. A. make B. making C. made D. to make

39. A. information B. message C. pictures D. news

40. A. go along with B. go out with C. go on with D. go across withOver,the,Spring,Festival,,holiday,,there,,was,,a,,big。

41. A. too B. also C. either D, as well

42. A. careful B. carefully C. more careful D. more carefully

43. A. artist B. pianist C. violinist D. scientist

44. A. as B. like C. for D. by

45. A. resting B. saving C. wasting D. leaving




2014 Brazil World Cup will be held from June 13 to July 13 in 2014 in Brazil. March 7, 2003, the International Football Association announced that the 2014 World Cup will be held in South America, It is again held in South America since Argentina in 1978. March 17 South American Football Association voted to Brazil to be the only fight for the right to host the country. On October 30, 2007 in Zurich, FIFA officially announced the 2014 Men's World Cup held in Brazil, which is once again host the soccer World Cup in Brazil after 1950, following

the last five continents round Office session.

Our last Premier* Wen Jiabao went to Shanxi province on April 2nd , 2012. He made a three-day visit to impoverished* Luliang. During his visit, he said that farmers’ right must be protected and he warned that no land should ever be taken against a farmer’s will. Now our new premier, Li Keqiang, came to the same places again and he made an important speech and told the people in the rural 谁动了我的奶酪areas that in not more than ten years, our country will become a stronger, modern country in the world.

The Beijing-Guangzhou High Speed Railway will be put into operation at the end of June, 2012. The journey takes about nine hours. The train can reach speeds of up to 380 kilometers an hour. The passenger volume* is expected to reach 160 million a year, marking a great step in China’s Railway development. On March 14, 2013, China Railway Corporation has been set up, and our Chinese railway will make rapid progress from now on. We hope we will have more and higher speed railways in the future.

46. The 2014 World Cup will be held in __________.

A. England B. Brazil C. the USA D. Shanghai, China

47. Who is the premier in our country now?

A. Wen Jiabao. B. Hu Jintao. C. Li Keqiang D. Xi Jinping.

48. China Railway Corporation was set up on _____________of 2013.

A. January 24 B. February 14 C. March 14 D. April 24









卷Ⅰ 选择题(共80分)

一、听力 (本题有15小题,共20分。1-10小题每题1分,11-15小题每题2分。请选出一个最符合题意



1. What will the man do this afternoon?

4. Which sign are the speakers talking about?



6. Where does the woman want to go?

A. To a bank. B. To a cinema. C. To a hospital.

7. How long will it take the woman to go there by bus?

A. 5 minutes, B. 10 minutes. C. 15 minutes.


8. Where does the conversation most probably take place?

A. In a boat. B. In a house C. In an office.

9. What does Sally take to David?

A. Photos. B. Camera. C. A ticket.

10. What do Sally and David think of the trip?

A. Boring, B. Interesting. D. Dangerous.


11. A. Sara Jones B. Annie Smith C. Mary Black

12. A. writer B. reporter C. manager

13. A. gym B. library C. school

14. A. Wednesday B. Thursday C. Friday

15. A. Asia B. Africa C. America


16、 —Here is _____eraser. Is _____eraser yours?

—Yes, it is. Thanks!

A. an;the B. the;an C. the;an D. an;an

17、 —Hello,what’s your favorite ________?

—Chinese. A. person B. animal C. subject D. country

18、 —This is _____handbag. Could you please give it to ________?


A. she;her B. hers;hers C. her;her D. her;she

19、 —Do you speak English _________?

—Yes, I do. I can speak very _________ English.

A. good;well B. well; good C. well;well D. good;good

20、 —When were you born?

—I was born ______a cold winter night.

A. at B. in C. on D. from

21、 —Mary,I don’t know ____ you can come tomorrow morning.

—No problem! I’ll be here _____I’m free then.

A. if;if B. if; whether C. whether;till D. whether;until

22、 —Mike is the __________student to come to school these days.


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