
时间:2024-09-21 03:31:57 来源:作文网 作者:管理员

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第一篇:《A new word has suddenly become wildly popular in China》

A new word has suddenly become wildly popular in China - "tuhao" - which loosely translated means "nouveau riche". There have been more than 100 million references to the word "tuhao" on social media since early September. It's being used to describe everything from the new People's Daily building, to expensive celebrity weddings full of bling, and the new gold-coloured iPhone.

In Chinese "tu" means earth, and "hao" means rich. To say someone is tuhao is to imply they come from a poor peasant background, and have made it rich quick - but don't quite have the manners, or sophistication to go along with it. It's like the term "nouveau riche", says Professor Steve Tsang at the School of Contemporary Chinese Studies in Nottingham - but has even more

negative connotations, suggesting a certain vulgarity.

"Tuhao" is actually an old word - dating back perhaps as far as the Southern Dynasty 1,500 years ago - but it has always meant something rather different. During the communist revolution, from the 1920s to early 1950s, it was widely used to refer to landholders and gentry who would bully those beneath them. This new usage of the term took off in September after a widely-shared joke about a rich, but unhappy man, who goes to a Buddhist monk for advice,

expecting to be told to live a more simple life. The monk replies instead with the phrase: "Tuhao, let's be friends!"

Chinese internet users are highly creative in their use of language, and are constantly inventing, and re-inventing words as a way of getting past

censorship rules. But in this case, its popularity seems to be down to the fact that it encapsulates China's changing society so well - many people sneer at those with wealth, but are secretly jealous.

一个新词最近突然在中国爆红——“土豪”,勉强可以翻译为“nouveau riche”(法语:暴发户)。九月份上旬以来,“土豪”一词在中国社交网络上出现了1亿多次。


在汉语中,“土” 即庸俗、土气,“豪” 即富贵。说某人是土豪即意味着此人出身卑微,后来突然暴富——却没有培养出和物质财富相应的礼貌风范和城府。来自诺丁汉大学的当代中国研究学院教授曾锐生表示,土豪有点像是法语中nouveau riche 暴发户,但指代更消极,还稍嫌粗俗









第一部分 单项填空(共20小题;每小题1分,满分20分)

1. He argued ______ cheating in exam, and insisted that it was ______ argument that cheating was harmful to anyone anywhere.

A. for; beyond B. against; over C. for; over D. against; beyond

2. Tony lent me the money, ______ that I’d do the same for him.

A. hoping B. to hope C. hoped D. having hoped

3. –Isn’t that Ann’s husband over there?

–No. It ______ be him. I’m sure he doesn’t wear glasses.

A. can’t B. has to C. won’t D. may not

4. The discovery of new evidence led to ______.

A. the criminal having sentenced to death B. the criminal to be sentenced to death

C. the criminal being sentenced to death D. the criminal sentencing to death

5. Two-thirds of the land _____ been destroyed by pollution and the majority of the farmers _____ to leave their hometown.

A. has; have B. have; has C. has; has D. have; have

6. Do you know how many people ______ up to now?

A. were invited B. have been invited C. had invited D. had been invited

7. Steven wasn’t saying anything, but the professor smiled at him _____ he had done something very clever.

A. in case B. as if C. while D. though

8. No one can accept the blame for something ______ was someone else’s fault.

A. which B. as C. that D. what

9. Only by increasing the income of the poor workers ______ .

A. they will work harder and more creatively

B. they work harder and more creatively

C. did they work harder and more creatively

D. will they work harder and more creatively

10. It isn’t wise for parents to buy ______ their child is asking for.

A. what B. whatever C. whichever D. that

11._____ many times, the excited students just couldn’t calmed themselves down.

A. Having been warned B. Having warned

C. They having been warned D. Warning

12. He was very depressed when his proposal was ______ again.

A. turned in B. turned out C. turned up D. turned down

13. We learned to dive, ________ meals outside and sleep in a tent.

A. cooked B. cook C. cooking D. to cook

14. Do you have any idea when the project will be carried out?

—No, but I have heard that it was not until last month _______ it was approved.

A. that B. when C. since D. Before

15. The newly built cafe, the walls of_______ are painted light green, is really a peaceful place for us, specially after hard work.

A. that B. it C. what D. Which

16. Meeting President Xi was a precious moment for the villagers, ________they will

treasure forever.

A. it B. one C. that D. What

17. On Sundays there were a lot of children playing in the park, ____ parents seated

together joking.

A. their B. whose C. which D. Where

18. Obviously the measures taken by the local government have ______________ the solution to drinking water problems in this region. A. contributed to B. referred to C. turned to D. devoted to

19. To our belief, clothes and blankets have been _______among the people in that

earthquake stricken area.

A. distributed B. separated C. contributed D. donated

20. I’m as busy as a bee; ________ you bother me with so many questions now?

A. can B. shall C. must D. may 第二部分:阅读理解(共两节,满分50分)

第一节 (共15小题;每小题2.5分,满分37.5分)


SHANGHAI---The 12th International Processing, Packaging & End-Line Printing Exhibition opens at Shanghai New International Expo Centre ( to July 13)

Tel: 021 6209 5209

HONGKONG---The Hong Kong International Textile and Garment Machinery and Technology Fair 2006 opens at Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre ( to July 14).

Tel: +852 2584 4333


SHANGHAI---The China(Shanghai) International Wedding Photographic Equipment Exhibition (Autumn) opens at Shanghai Mart ( to July16 ).

Tel: 021 6272 2828

HARBIN, Heilongjiang Province---The Ninth Harbin International Automobile Industry Exhibition and Sports Centre ( to July 17 ).

Tel : 0451 5363 5464

FRIDAY, July 14

HONG KONG---The Hong Kong Wedding, Banquet & Wedding Accessories Expo 2006 opens at Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre ( to July 16 ). Tel: +852 2367 8385


SHANGHAI---The 14th Shanghai International Advertising Technology & Equipment Exhibition / Shanghai International Media Technology & Equipment

opens at Shanghai New International Expo Centre ( to July 22 ).

Tel: 021 6328 8899

SHANGHAI---The Shanghai International Outdoor AD Illuminating Technology & Equipment Exhibition, Outdoor Media Promotion Exhibition opens at Shanghai New International Expo Centre ( to July 22 ).

Tel: 021 6321 7522

SHANGHAI---PAPERTECH Shanghai 2006 opens at Shanghai New International Expo Centre ( to July 22 ).a,new,word,has,suddenly,become。

Tel: 021 6328 8899

21.More exhibitions are held in _______

A.Shanghai New International Expo Centre

B.Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre


C.Shanghai Mart

D.Harbin International conference, Exhibition and Sports Centre

22.How many exhibitions can you attend on July 15______

A.one B.two C.three D.four

23.The text is likely to be a (an)________

A.business diary

B.product advertisement

C.private timetable



A new word has suddenly become wildly popular in China —"tuhao" — which loosely translated means "nouveau riche". There have been more than 100 million references to the word "tuhao" on social media since early September.

It's being used to describe everything from the new People's Dail成长足迹范文y building, to expensive celebrity weddings full of bling, and the new gold-coloured iPhone.

In Chinese "tu" means earth and "hao" means rich. To say someone is tuhao is to imply they come from春暖花开 a poor peasant background, and have made it rich quick — but don't quite have the manners, or sophistication to go along with it. It's like the term "nouveau riche", says Professor Steve Tsang at the School of Contemporary Chinese Studies in Nottingham - but has even more negative meanings, suggesting a certain vulgarity(粗俗).

"Tuhao" is actually an old word, dating back perhaps as far as the Southern

Dynasty 1,500 years ago,but it has always meant something rather different. During the communist revolution, from the 1920s to early 1950s, it was widely used to refer to landholders and gentry who would bully those beneath them.

This new usage of the term took off in September after a widely-shared joke

about a rich, but unhappy man, who goes to a Buddhist monk for advice, expecting to be told to live a more simple life. The monk replies instead with the phrase: "Tuhao, let's be friends!"

Chinese Internet users are highly creative in their use of language, and are

constantly inventing, and re-inventing words as a way of getting past censorship(审查) rules. But in this case, its popularity seems to be down to the fact that it expresses

China's changing society so well —secretly jealous.

24. What is the best title of the passage?

A. Tuhao, a new popular word in China

B. The long history of Tuhao

C. The new usage of Tuhao

D. Tuhao, a newly-invented Chinese word

25. Which of the following may NOT be considered ―tuhao‖?

A. A vulgar nouveau riche

B. A bully landholder

C. A quick-rich peasant without proper manners

D. A Buddhist monk.

26. The last but one paragraph mainly tells us ______.

A. what the new usage of the word is

B. how the word becomes popular again

C. why the unhappy man went to the Buddhist monk

D. what advice the monk gave the unhappy man

27. What does the underlined word in the last paragraph mean?

A. respect B. envy C. laugh D. disbelieve


Carrot juice, because of its many healthy benefits, is commonly called the ―magic juice‖. It has been found that adding carrot juice to people’s diets greatly improves their health. And its delicious taste makes it popular with all members of the family as a beverage(饮料).

Carrot juice is one of the richest sources of Vitamin A that can be used in the daily diet. Lack of Vitamin A can cause dryness and damage to the skin, nails and hair. Drinking carrot juice to increase the Vitamin A in the diet is said to be good for many parts of the body, including the bones and teeth.

Drinking carrot juice is thought to be extremely helpful to the liver, because Vitamin A helps to clean the liver and reduce fat in it. And it is suggested that drinking carrot juice should be done regularly, rather than just from time to time.


Drinking carrot juice is also thought to improve the eyesight because of the Vitamin A in the juice. Lack of Vitamin A can lead to night blindness, which can be very dangerous, especially when the person is driving a car. An easy way to find out if you are lacking in Vitamin A is to walk from a bright room into a dark room. Your eyes may have some trouble in getting used to the changes of light if you are lacking in Vitamin A.

How can you make carrot juice? Wash some carrots well in cold water. Scrape(刮) them lightly, but do not peel them, as this will take away valuable Vitamins and minerals that lie close to the skin.

28. Lack of Vitamin A can lead to _______.

A. liver cancer B. broken bones C. complete blindness D. skin dryness

29. According to the passage, carrot juice_______ .

A. is popular because it is a magic cure for many diseases

B. can wash away the waste from the body

C. does a lot of good to the teeth and other parts of the body

D. may be harmful to the body if it is drunk too much.

30. We can learn from the fourth paragraph that ________.

A. you will find it easy to get used to the change of light if you lack Vitamin A

B. driving cars at night may lead to night blindness

C. walking from a bright room into a dark room may lead to night blindness

D. drinking carrot juice helps to protect your eyesight

31. What’s the best title of the passage?

A. Tips on How to Make Carrot Juice B. The Great Benefits of Carrot Juice

C. The Way to Keep Good Health D. A Healthy Diet for Patientsa,new,word,has,suddenly,become。


Finding relief from panic attacks may be difficult, because what works for one person is not always going to work for another. The most effective panic cure would be the one that helps people to learn to control their anxiety attacks, no matter how severely or frequently they happen. A good solution is the one that will ensure someone experiences fewer attacks as time passes.

The key to finding a great cure for panic attacks is finding one that works over the long term, not merely temporarily to relieve(减轻) the signs or symptoms of a panic attack. There is always the option of taking medication, but if someone wants to rely on that medication for the rest of their life, they are out of luck. Most doctors probably won't prescribe (开处方药 )anti-anxiety or anti-panic medicine for continuous use anyway.

People who keep an open mind and are willing to try out different solutions find success more quickly. When searching for a cure for panic attacks, don’t be afraid to ask plenty of questions, and study the opinions and real-life experiences of other people. Seek the advice of others who have suffered similar forms of attack, and notice where they have found success or failure.

The most important thing about finding relief is that it doesn’t always come in the form of a pill. There are methods to train the mind to get over a panic attack that take just a little effort and practice. In fact, these methods have proved helpful for thousands of people. Over time, the rate of recurrence (复发32. What would be the best title for the text?

A. The Causes of Panic

B. The Influence of Panic

C. Finding Cures for Panic Attacks

D. The Symptoms of Panic Attacks

33. What can we learn from the text?

A. Open-minded people usually find a cure for panic attacks earlier than others.

B. Taking medication is the key to finding a great cure for panic attacks.

C. You shouldn’t ask plenty of questions when searching for a cure for panic


D. Most doctors prescribe anti-anxiety or anti-panic medicine for continuous use.



英 语 试 卷

命题人:武汉四中 李燕 审题人:洪山高中 朱海光




21. Generally speaking, employers should not ______ themselves in the private affairs of their staff.

A. involve B. inform C. remind D. accuse

22. I must make good preparations for th


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热门排行: 2016拜年词 好词