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我最爱的人The Person I Love The Most

My elder sister is the person I love the most. She is two years older than me. We grow up together, play together and share the same room. In fact, we share all the things. I would dress her clothes and she would wear my shoes. I would tell her all my secret, so does her. She will help me with my homework. No matter what I do, she will stands behind me.


Sometimes she even fight for me. She is the one who knows me the best. I love her more than anyone.


学校里一件难忘的事An Unforgettable Thing in School

One of my roommate often talk when he sleeps. He talked about all kinds of things.For example ,last night, I had a hard jod to fall asleep .I read a novel to make my eyes feel sleepy.When I was concentrated to the story ,I heard he said:"how much do you want?" It sounds like he was arguing a price with somebody , I was very strange ,so I asked:" Are you awake?what are you talking about?" there was not reply . At that time , he begain to talk agin:"OK, OK."It was the first time I heart him talk, so I did afraid of that and unforgettable.


读书的好处 The Benefits of Reading

I think reading is important in the whole life for people. There are many benefits of reading. Firstly, reading increases our knowledge and we can learn the world affairs without going out. Secondly, reading is a good way to improve reading and writing skills. Before you learn to write, you must know how others write. Thirdly, reading can broaden our knowledge and horizon, which is important to job hunting in the future. Finally, reading helps us become self-cultivation that would be

beneficial to our whole life. Therefore, start to reading, no matter how old you are and what you are doing. Then, you may find the great charm and benefits of reading.


伤心的一天(日记)A Sad Day(Diary)

Last friday evening, I bought a a second-hand bike. This bike looked like my last bike that was stolen last term. But I was so happy that I have a bike again. However, it was so unlucky that the bike was stolen on Sunday in the campus when I was having class. That bike I just had ride three times. It was such a sad thing. I hate the thieves who stole three bikes of mine. It seems that I don’t have the right to own a bike . I was disappointed at buying a bike again.

上周五的晚上,我买了一辆个二手自行车。这辆自行车看起来和我上学期被偷的那辆很像。不过我很高兴我又有一辆自行车了。然而,非常的不幸,星期天早上自行车在在校园里被偷了,那时候我正在上课。那辆我才刚刚骑了三次。这是一件难过的事。我讨厌偷了我三辆自行车的小偷。就像我不值得拥有一辆自行车的样子。 我对再要买一辆自行感到很失望。

伤心的一天(日记)A Sad Day(Diary)


Last friday evening, I bought a a second-hand bike. This bike looked like my last bike that was stolen last term. But I was so happy that I have a bike again. However, it was so unlucky that the bike was stolen on Sunday in the campus when I was having class. That bike I just had ride three times. It was such a sad thing. I hate the thieves who stole three bikes of mine. It seems that I don’t have the right to own a bike . I was disappointed at buying a bike again.

上周五的晚上,我买了一辆个二手自行车。这辆自行车看起来和我上学期被偷的那辆很像。不过我很高兴我又有一辆自行车了。然而,非常的不幸,星期天早上自行车在在校园里被偷了,那时候我正在上课。那辆我才刚刚骑了三次。这是一件难过的事。我讨厌偷了我三辆自行车的小偷。就像我不值得拥有一辆自行车的样子。 我对再要买一辆自行感到很失望。

我的生活(小学)My Life(primary school)


My life is very simple. On usual, my mother will wake me up at seven o’clock in the

morning. And then I start grooming. After that I walk to school for breakfast and then have class. I have maths, Chinese, drawing and singing classes. How busy I am. Half past four in the afternoon is my free time. But when I get home. I have to finish my homework and wash myself before dinner. After dinner time, great time comes. I can watch TV for two hours

because I have to go to bed at nine. on weekends, I always go out with friends or sometimes help my mother with farm work.


关于春节I Don’t Like Spring Festival Any




Spring Festival was my favorite Chinese festival when I was a child. At that time, I had a great time. Every year at that time I could dress new clothes, get lucky money from relatives and seldom receive criticism from my mother. 缺憾Everything seems such wonderful. However, as I grow up, I find Spring Festival is less and less interesting. I just feel that as usual. What’s worse, with the fireworks, I find Spring Festival is a noisy festival. So I don’t like it any more.


关于春节I Don’t Like Spring Festival Any More

作者:adreep来源:互联网时间:2013-03-11 Spring Festival was my favorite Chinese festival when I was a child. At that time, I had a great time. Every year at that time I could dress new clothes, get lucky money from relatives and seldom receive criticism from my mother. Everything seems such wonderful. However, as I grow up, I find Spring Festival is less and less interesting. I just feel that as usual. What’s worse, with the fireworks, I find Spring Festival is a noisy festival. So I don’t like it any more. 在我还是个孩子的时候春节是我最喜欢的中国节日。那时候,我过得很开心。每一年那个时我都可以穿新衣服,从亲戚那里得到压岁钱而且很少被妈妈批评。所有的事情好像是那么的美好。然而,随着我的成长,我越来越觉得春节已变得无趣。我只是觉得它就像平时一样。而且,我觉得因为烟花爆竹,春节变成了一个嘈杂的节日。所以我不再喜欢它了。 拯救我们的生活 Saving Our Life 作者:adreep来源:互联网时间:2013-02-20

It is very important to deal with the rubbish in cities. If we don't deal with the rubbish problem, the rubbish in cities will pollute the environment and it is bad for our health. So some effective measures must be taken to save our life. Firstly, we should classify them according to different kinds of rubbish. Secondly, we should recycle the newspaper and glasses. Thirdly,

the dirty water must be well handled. Last, laws about environmental protection must be made. We should begin from ourselves to protect our environment and save our life.


给朋友的一封信 A Letter to A Friend

作者:adreep来源:互联网时间:2013-02-20 Dear Jim, Last Sunday my classmates and I went to Xiangshan Park. We met at 7 o'clock at the school gate. The weather in Beijing that day was great. At around 8 o'clock, we arrived at Xiangshan Park. There is a high tree on the bottom of the hill. We had a party and played games under the tree. Then we climbed to the top of Xiangshan Mountain. It wa口袋里的爸爸s not very difficult for us to do it. Next, we had lunch at the top of the hill. It was delicious. After lunch, we saw some birds. They were friendly. And we saw a whole picture of Beijing. "What a beautiful city!" I said. At that moment, we all felt so proud. I live in Beijing now. The 2008 Olympic games was held here. I hope you can visit to Beijing in the future and I am sure you’ll like here. 失物招领 lost and found 作者:adreep来源:互联网时间:2013-03-11













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