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第一篇:《2014高考英语新题型专题 语法填空》

2014高考英语新题型专题 语法填空




What on earth does happiness mean? I can't give you its exact definition, but I'm sure if you love and help

1.________, you'll get it.

I'll never forget an old lady. She lives in 2.________ small house alone. It is said that her husband and her son

3.________ (die)in a road accident years ago. Her life is bitter, but she often helps others 4.________ a smile. Whenever it snows, she is always the first to clean the paths. She looks after several children living nearby. I am one of them. I often remember the stories she told us and her kind smile. Perhaps she is unlucky, but I think she is a happy person. Her life is full of 5.________ (laugh)and love.

But I'm sad to see some people getting their happiness in bad ways. They talk 6.________ (noise) in

cinemas and meeting rooms; they destroy trees to enjoy themselves and they laugh at others' shortcomings. Perhaps they feel happy at that time, 7.________ they will never get true happiness because they

8.________ (lose)their personality already.

Now I know what happiness is;9.________ means kindness, love and unselfishness. Above all, I have come to understand that 10.________ (bring)happiness to others is getting ourselves happiness.


Each of us fails from time to time. If we are wise, we accept these failures as a necessary part of the learning process. 1.________ all too often as parents and teachers, we do not allow our children to have the same right. We convey either by words or by actions that failure is something to be ashamed 2.________, and that nothing but top performance lives up to our expectations.

When I see a child subject to this kind of pressure, I think of Donnie. He was 3.________ shy and nervous perfectionist. His fear of failure 4.________ (keep) him from classroom games that other children played with joyous abandon. He seldom answered questions for fear 5.________ he might be wrong. He seldom

finished his work because he 6.________ (repeated) checked with me to be sure he hadn't made a mistake. I tried my best to build up 7.________ self-confidence. And I frequently asked God for direction. But nothing changed until midterm, 8.________ Mary Anne, a student teacher, was appointed to our classroom. She was young and pretty, and she loved children. My pupils, Donnie 9.________ (include), adored her. With her frequent 10.________ (courage), Donnie became confident.


Nowadays employees are supposed to make contributions to their companies. What is the 1.________ (value) contribution employees make to their companies, knowledge or judgment? I say judgment. Knowledge, no matter how broad, is useless 2.________ it is applied. And application takes judgment, 3.________ involves something of a sixth sense—a high performance of the mind.

This raises interesting questions about the best 4.________ (train) for today's business people. As Daniel Goleman suggests in 5.________ new book, Emotional Intelligence, the latest scientific findings seem to indicate that clever 6.________ inflexible people don't have the right stuff in an age when the suitable ability is the key 7.________ survival.

In 8.________ recent cover story, Time Magazine sorted through the current thinking on intelligence and reported, “New brain research suggests that emotions, not IQ, may be the true measure of human

intelligence.” The basic significance of the emotional intelligence that Time called “EQ” 9.________

(suggest) by management expert Karen Boylston: “Customers are telling businesses.I don't care whether every

member of your staff graduated from Harvard. I will take my business and go 10.________ I am

understood and treated with respect.”


This semester, a total of 129 monitoring (监视的) cameras were set up in our school. Stairs, hallways, gates are

1.________ equipped. Everybody is talking about it.

Most students have mixed opinions about the change. On the one hand, they think we're safer on campus. Just think: With 129 new high-definition (高分辨率的) cameras 2.________ (work) day and night, who would dare to break into school? All images recorded 3.________ (send) to the operation room. On the other hand, students think the cameras are peeping (窥视) on them as well. They think they aren't free to say

4.________ do what they want. The cameras remind them they have to behave 5.________, which makes them unhappy. They want their freedom and privacy. But at least our 6.________ (secure) is guaranteed. Also, we don't have to worry about our personal property. 7.________ is said, freedom is not something you are given, but something you have to fight 8.________. Giving some of my freedom in

exchange for safety is 9.____ ____ fair trade. If the cameras are watching what I am doing, let them watch! I don't behave any differently 10.________ other students. Moreover, even if they can monitor what I do, they can never get into my mind and know what I am thinking.


Even in China today, most 1.________ (ability) teenagers have to go to special schools to receive

2.________ education. I know people are trying to give them more help, comfort and care, 3.________ I don't agree with such idea.

Those people's life is difficult and frustrating, 4.________ we should give them a hand in their normal life. But despite their disability, they're complete. They have their own thoughts and feelings. We can't say disability will limit a person's life. So it's necessary for them to study 5.________ (depend) and equally just as normal people. If they 6.________ (ask) to go to the special school, they will probably treat

themselves 7.________ special, unlucky people. That will make them 8.________ (lose) hope.

9.________ those people need most is confidence and dignity. Most of them hate 10.________ feeling that they always need others' help. They just want to prove themselves as we do.

In a word, help is essential, but we should give those people more individual space.


Poor student behaviour seems to be an 1.________ (increase) widespread problem and I think that modern lifestyles are probably responsible for this.

In many countries, the birth rate is decreasing so that families are smaller with 2.________ children. These children are often spoilt, not in terms of love and attention because 3.________ (work)

parents do not have the time for this, 4.________ in more material ways. They are allowed to have

5.________ they want, regardless of price, and to behave as they please. This means that the children grow up 6.________ consideration for others and without any understanding of 7.________ their standard of living comes from.

When they get to school age, they have not learned any self-control or discipline. Teachers continually complain

8.________ this problem and measures 9.________(take) to combat the situation. But I think the situation to the problem lies with the families, 10.________ need to be more aware of the future consequences of spoiling their children.


Beauty has always been regarded as something praiseworthy. Almost everyone thinks attractive people are happier and have more respectable jobs. But in the executive(主管的) circle, 1.________ can become a disadvantage.

While attractiveness is a positive factor for a man on his way up the executive ladder, it is 2.________

(harm) to a woman. Handsome male executives are considered to have more honesty than plainer men; effort and ability usually lead 3.________ their success. Attractive female executives are considered to have less honesty than unattractive 4.________ ;people do not connect their success with ability 5.________ with factors such as luck. All unattractive wo歌颂母爱的诗句men executives are thought to have more honesty and to be more capable than the attractive female executives. However, interestingly, the rise of the unattractive overnight successes 6.________ (connect) more to personal relationships and less to ability.

Attractive women are not thought to be able. This is true even in politics. Anne Bowman, a writer,

7.________ recently made a study, asked 125 undergraduate students to rank two groups of photographs, one of men and one of women, in order of attractiveness. And then the students were told the photographs were of candidates for political offices. They were asked to rank them again, in the order they would vote

8.________ them. The results showed that attractive males 9.________ (complete) defeated

unattractive men, but the women 10.________ (rank) most attractive by the students unchangeably received the fewest votes.


“Put yourself in someone else's shoes.” is 1.________ idiom that means if you imagine yourself to be in

another person's position, good or bad, you may understand how they feel, good or bad, or why they have done

2.________ they've done.

This idiom comes from the fact 3.________ a pair of perfectly fitting shoes for someone may not fit

another person as perfectly. So, literally, only if you put 4.________ another person's shoes can you feel how it is to walk in 5.________.

Metaphorically(比喻地) speaking, “their shoes” stands for other people's position. A local boy is detained(扣留) by the police 6.________ a theft, and one of his friends might 7.________ (private) say to himself: “I wouldn't want to be in his shoes now.” That is, he doesn't want 8.________ (put) into prison for stealing. By trying to “put on their shoes”, we try to imagine ourselves in 9.________ situation, by seeing things from their point of view, by thinking about how we would want to be treated if we were them.

Harper Lee, of course, 10.________ (express) this idea best in To Kill a Mockingbird: “You never really understand a person until you consider things from his point of view—until you climb inside of his skin and walk around in it.”



1.others 2.a 3.died 4.with 5.laughter 6.noisily 7.but 8.have lost

9.it 10.bringing


1.But 2.of 3.a 4.kept 5.that 6.repeatedly

7.his 8.when 9.included 10.encouragement


1.valuable 2.until/unless 3.which 4.training 5.his

6.but 7.to 8.a 9.was suggested 10.wherepoor,student,behaviour,seems。


1.all 2.working 3.are sent 4.or 5.themselves

6.security 7.As 8.for 9.a 10.from


1.disabled 2. their 3.but 4.so 5.independently

6.are asked 7.as 8.lose 9.What 10.the


1.increasingly 2.fewer 3.working 4.but 5.whatever

6.without 7.where 8.about 9.should be taken 10.who


1.it 2. harmful 3.to 4. ones 5. but 6.is connected 7. who 8. for 9.completely



1.an 2.what 3.that 4.on 5.them

7.privately 8.to be put 9.their

10.expressed/has expressedpoor,student,behaviour,seems。





One day a rich man took his son on a trip to the country. He wanted to show hispoor,student,behaviour,seems。

son how the poor lived so he could be thankful his wealth.

They spent a couple of days and nights on the farm of would be

considered a poor family.


On their return the father asked his son (explain) what he had learnt.

The boy, who had remained silent and deep in thought on the journey home,

(reply) in a way that shocked his father.

The boy said he wanted to become a farmer. He envied the farmers who had the

beautiful night stars to give them light his family had only expensive

lanterns. His wish to have a farm he could go swimming in an endless river

instead of the garden pool in their home. Finally he asked his father, "What makes us

safer, large walls around our house friends that will protect us?"

the trip I thought we were rich but today I

learnt who is (true) rich. "With this the boy got up and walked away, leavingpoor,student,behaviour,seems。

his father sitting on their comfortable sofa, totally (speech).

31. for 32. what 33. to explain 34. replied 35. while/because/as 36. where/so 37. or 38. Before 39. truly 40. speechless


When I walked down the Third Avenue, I would love to look into the windows of the

little shops that sold old and beautiful things.Since I often took my walk after

)treasures inside. I saw things that told a story words, bits of history, often

something that was clearly one of a kind.

Some things looked as if they had not been cared for a long time, but I knew

)old people, too.I knew their value, and it hurt me when others missed it. I was raised


behave well, my sister and I respected other people, regardless of their age or color.

My grandmother was loved by all the people around her. She was known to be a wise

Old people should be treated as fine gold. They may be gradually tarnished(失去

光泽)by age, 39 they can be polished with respect. You might be surprised by 40

bright and shining qualities.

31.答案为cupped。 考查动词用法。

32.答案为the。 在语境中考查冠词的用法。

33.答案为without。 在语境中考查介词without 的使用。

34.答案为beauty。 考查构词法知识。

35.答案为how。 考查表语从句。

36.答案为Taught。 考查过去分词在语境中的使用。

37.答案为who。 考查非限制性定语从句的用法。

38.答案为even 或though。考查副词的用法及上下文的理解。

39.答案为but。 考查连词的用法 。

40.答案为their。 考查代词在语境中的使用。


When I was a ten-year-old girl, I was once asked to deliver a speech titled ―A

Real Test in My Life‖. To talk before the whole class! Just imagine how

(terrible) shy I was the moment I thought of that with so many eyes fixed upon me. I

had no other (choose), though. First I was to draft the speech and that was

just a piece of cake for me, because I was a good writer-something to pride myself

in. But the hard part (lie) in my oral presentation; to read from

paper was not allowed; I had to give the speech my memory and in front of

such a big audience! A real trial began when I stood on the platform with my legs

(tremble) and my mind blank. How much time had passed by, I didn’t know.

My listeners were still waiting, patiently and without any signs of rushing me.

Gradually I found

back, giving out my speech with difficulty. Finally I finished. Afterpoor,student,behaviour,seems。


seemed to be a hundred years, I found my audience applauding. I made it! From then

on, my fear of talking before an audience disappeared. Actually with my confidence

building I now turn out to be a great speaker. Looking back, I know the

greatest difficulty on our way to success is our fear; overcome it, we will be

able to achieve our goals.

31.答案为terribly。 考查词性转换,形容词转化为副词。

32.答案为choice。 考查词性转换,动词转化为名词。


33.答案为lay。 考查不规则动词的拼写。

34.答案为the。 考查冠词的用法,指前面的draft。

35.答案为from。 考查介语的用法。

36.答案为trembling。 考查动词的非谓语形式。

37.答案为myself。 考查反身带代词的用法。

38.答案为what。 考查疑问代词引导宾语从句的用法。

39.答案为up。 考查固定搭配中副词的用法 。

40.答案为and。 考查连词在语境中的使用。


When I opened my eyes in the morning, something was different.

It was light. I jumped up to look outside and sighed disappointment.

Fine snow covered the yard, dusted the top of my truck and whitened the road.

But that wasn’t the part. All the rain from yesterday (freeze)

solid – coating the needles on the trees in fantastic patterns, and (make) the

driveway very slippery. I had enough trouble not falling down when the ground was

dry; it might be safer for me to go back to bed now.

But my students were waiting for me.

I almost lost my balance when I finally got to the truck, but I managed to hold onpoor,student,behaviour,seems。

to the side mirror and saved .

My truck seemed to have no problem with the ice that covered the road. I drove

very slowly, When I got out of my truck at school, something silver caught my eye and I

suddenly realized I had so little trouble. There were crisscrossed chains in

diamond shapes aro


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