if i am a teacher英语

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the four treasures of the study, the gem of Chinese culture.

if i am a teacher英语(七)

I am a teacher

I'm just a teacher!

you work in education?

No,for-never, I'm just a teacher!

you are engineers of human souls?

No, I'm just a teacher!

your work is a wonderful thing the most brilliant career?

No, I'm just a teacher!

you are a hard gardeners, you are the spring silkworm spinning, you are the tears of wax torch?

No, I'm just a teacher!

teacher should have a higher sense of morality than others;

teachers should be just to contribute, without asking;

teachers destined not to seek material enjoyment;

teachers should be doing what others do not to the;

teachers should all have their own dedication to the motherland's education!

you a teacher?

that you should be able to train all students into the pillars of the motherland;

you should put all the tolerance and patience are dedicated to the motherland,afina-y, the next generation;

you should know: Only the teacher does not teach No school students do not understand;

you should be all-powerful, especially if you do a great class teacher, you should be all-rounder;

you should eat, and then out of milk; you should ... ...

I am confused, I am a ordinary person, I'm just a teacher.

I want to eat, I want to rest, I have my own hobbies,patrici-kaas, I want to peace of mind, like other industries, like to enjoy their lives, I hope that their work can be community recognition,

I want to be paid for the labor to get some return.

just that, wrong?

I'm just a teacher.

I have my helplessness,

I admit that the success of some students is not my credit, he has innate wisdom, I just point Boleyixia;

the failure of some students are not around I can I fully exhausted, but still nothing.

Some parents give up, the students decided to give up, leaving only the teacher is still trying to change something when,

how these teachers seem helpless, really do not know the point of performance improvement in the end give what their own.

I'm just a teacher,

I know t雨景作文o try to teach the students,

do their work,

the rest I really do not know what to do.


when students make mistakes,

our professional ethics or human-based care to point out their mistakes in time,

more accusations are fulfilled to your body.

parents say you should be very polite to speak to me child,

education experts say there should be more ways, more ways,

student said how can you criticize me, I hate you.

I'm confused,do-for, for what? I have to prove anything.

I am helpless,latest-find, I'm just doing what a teacher should do, I am helpless, I just society in China, the provisions do teachers should do.

If you speak good words, students already learned, and fools willing to curse! !

when all efforts are ineffective when,

addition to anger,avivere,

What else can I do?

parents do?

experts what can we do?

poor or front-line teachers,yramids-rr,

especially those who have no way to calculate the amount of labor's class teacher who clearly.

students to go out every day, drag racing,

parents know well, but no matter;

students know the dangers but did not listen;

teacher talking about every day, people when you are a fool, when One day a student is really an accident,weboi,


people first check that you have to do to the teacher education responsibility,

I talk every day,umbrella1,

necessary to criticize doting guy who scolded the child,ttelyho, they are the first responsible person ah.

every teacher fear of things,

every teacher more helpless they are not superhuman to us,

not the Flying Monkey King into the sea,

education in school,

there is no way we of,issuedate,

especially those great parents do not take you seriously when,

you can only pray that God bless those personality full of students not to crash.

cart before the horse, a non-reversed, that is today's education. teacher seeking a student learning, student said to see how I feel; teacher please students to cherish life, students say, forget it you tube to tube days, and you control this;

teachers ask Parents look after their children at home,yourtony, urging him to learn more, parents say that to see if I have time.

Everyone do their thing in the dry,

no way teachers educate all students,

teachers no way to stop the occurrence of all thing朋友的朋友s,

going to rain, in what ways we ?

some people who need the community to go out,

some people have to go to education law,newbn,

some people need more to hone talent.

suddenly thought of the word:

education is not incompetent,webqw, education is not everything! I'm just a teacher! !


, I Imagination,

if one day I can devote all our energies teaching them,

occasionally give students talk about life, truth,

do not have to worry about those who I have no way the students.

teaching is reasonable,lea-salonga, effective, and really we all love. Oh, think about it.

I'm just a teacher!

This entry was posted on 8/22/2010 9:40:59 PM and is filed under poworld. You can follow any responses. Tags:

By John Wayne Schlatter)

I am a teacher

I was born the first moment that a question leaped form the mouth of child.

I have been many people in many places.

I am Socrates exciting the youth of Athens to discover new ideas though the case of question.

I am Anne Sullivan tapping out the secrets of the universe into the outstreched hand of Helen Keller.

I am Aesop and Hans Christian Andersen revealing truth through countless stories.

The names of those who have practiced my profession ring like a hall of fame for humanity ……Buddha,Confucius,Moses and Jesus.

I am also those whose names and foues have long been forgotten but whose lessons and character will always be remembered in the accomplishments of their students.

I have wept for birth of their children and stood with head bowed int grief and confusion by graves dug too soon for bodies for too young . Throughout the confusion of a day.I have been called upon to be an actor ,friend ,nurse and doctor,coach,finder of lost


driver,psychologist,salesman,politician,and a keeper of the faith. Despite the maps ,charts,formulas, berbs,stories and books .I have really had nothing to teach,for my students really have only themselves to lean ,and I know it takes the whole world to tell you who you are. I am a paradox .I speak loudest when I listen the most .My greast gifts are in what I am willing to appreciatively receive from my student. Material wealth is not one of my goals,but I am a full-time treasure seeker in my guest for new apportunities for my students to use their talents and in my constant search for those talents that sometimes lie buried in self-defeat.

I am the most fortunate of all who labor .

A doctor is allowed to usher life into the world in one magic moment. I am allowed to see that life is reborn each day with new question ,ideas and friendships.

An architect knows that if he bulids with love the truth ,what he builds will last forever.

I am a marrior ,daily doing battle aganist

pressure,negativity,fear,conformity ,prejudice,ignorance and

apathy .BUt I have greast allies ,intelligence ,curiosity,parental support,indiviality,creativity,faith ,love and Laugher all rush to my banner with indomitable support .

And who do I have to thank for this wonderful life I am so furtumate to experience ,but you ,the public,the parents .For you have done me the great honor to entrust me with your greast couiribution to eternity your children.

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