if i am a teacher英语

时间:2024-09-20 09:25:26 来源:作文网 作者:管理员

英语作文 > :if i am a teacher英语是由小学生作文网为您精心收集,如果觉得好,请把这篇文章复制到您的博客或告诉您的朋友,以下是if i am a teacher英语的正文:

n does a lot of housework every evening, but now he ____________his schoolmates with their lessons.

A. help

B. is helping

C. helps

D. has helped妈妈 我想对你说作文

15. The sun is____________ , far away from the earth.

A. much

B. very

C. far

D. so

16. Everything seems all right, ____________ ?

A. doesn't it

B. won't it

C. hasn't it

D. don't they

17. ____________ , I found all the seats were taken.

A. To enter the classroom

B. Entered the classroom

C. Entering the classroom

D. To be entered the classroom

18. ____________ in this light, the matter is not as serious as people generally suppose.

A. To see

B. Seen

C. Seeing

D. Being seen

19. A party is the____________ activity I want to take part in.

A. just

B. good

C. most

D. very

20. You were silly not ____________your car.

A. to lock

B. to have locked

C. locking

D. having locked

21. I am sorry____________ written you a letter at the time.

A. to have not

B. to not have

C. not to have

D. not having

22. They found a pile of gold at the entrance. There was____________ more inside the cave.

A. yet

B. still

C. many

D. lot of

23. The teacher asked us ____________ so much noise.

A. don't make

B. not make

C. not making

D. not to make

24. Kate said that ____________.

A. she had finished writing the composition the night before

B. she had finished writing the composition last day

C. I finished writing the composition on the last night

D. she finished writing the composition before the night

25. As a result of my laziness, I failed____________my work in time.

A. and finished

B. to finish

C. and finishing

D. to finished

26. I can't find my dictionary.I wonder whether Mary____________it now.

A. have

B. has

C. is having

D. had

27. There____________more than 300,000 kinds of plants on the earth.

A. is

B. are existing

C. exists

D. exist

28. Robert is said to____________abroad, but I don't know what country he studied in.

A. to have studied

B. to study

C. to be studying

D. to have been studying

29. This company was the first____________portable radios as well as cassette tape recorders in the world.

A. producing

B. to produce

C. having produced


D. produced

30. The little girl must have lain there for a long time,____________ ?

A. mustn't she

B. hasn't she

C. wasn't she

D. didn't she

31. It was____________ the instruments were handled.

A. with great care

B. greatly care

C. with great care that


D. carefully

32. You aren't using this typewriter, ____________ ?

A. are you

B. do you

C. will you

D. have you

33. Middle school boys____________not to smoke.

A. always tell

B. are told always

C. are always told

D. is always told

34. The class ____________ over, we had a ____________discussion.

A. been ... heat

B. being ... heated

C. is ... heating

D. be ... heated

35. "I'm sorry to have kept you waiting." "Oh, not at all. I ____________here only a few minutes."

A. have been

B. had been

C. was

D. will

36. ____________ in simple English, the book is easy to understand.

A. Writing

B. Written

C. To write

D. Being written

37. "Did you enjoy last night's concert?""Yes. Though the last piece__________rather poorly. "

A. was played

B. played

C. was playing

D. playing

38. I suppose you're not serious, ____________ ?

A. don't I

B. do I

C. aren't you

D. are you

39. My wife said in her letter that she would appreciate ____________ from you sometime.

A. to have heard

B. to hear

C. for hearing

D. hearing

40. The complicated problem can be solved by the computer within ____________ a few seconds.

A. even

B. just

C. exact

D. very

41. I don't know whether you happen____________, but I am going to study in the U.S.A this September.

A. to be heard

B. to be hearing

C. to hear

D. to have heard


42. Only when the plan failed____________ his mistakes.

A. did he realize

B. does he realize

C. he realized

D. he realizes

43. The purpose of new technology is to make life easier,____________it more difficult.

if i am a teacher英语(六)

If I am a teacher in a Confucius institute in the foreign country, I would impart Chinese calligraphy to my students.

As we all know, Chinese characters can be retraced 4000 BC signs, which suggests our long history and the wisdom of our ancestors. Through teaching Chinese calligraphy, I could tell my students many stories about ancient China to let them understand Chinese civilization and traditions better. What’s more, to write Chinese calligraphy correctly and beautifully, the students have to obey the rule of writing Chinese characters, from which students could learn the artistic value and the humanistic value of our characters. The way I teach will not be monotonous but vivid. At the very beginning, I will show them how to write every stroke of a character and teach them specifically. Aside from that, I will introduce different styles of calligraphy and let my students to choose what they like most. Last but not least, I really would like to add some associated knowledge, such as how to preserve writing brushes and how to choose an ink slab.

If I will have the chance to be a teacher like this, I will

endeavor to let the foreigners know and admire

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