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命题人:赵 进 审批:

第一部分: 多项选择 从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。

1. Heavy drinking used to be acceptable, but as drunken driving has caused so many tragedies, public opinion is no longer ________.

A. accurate B. tolerant C. appropriate D. reliable

2. "I was shocked and _________ at that time, but at the same time it made me cherish my sporting life even more. I will take it as a lesson and be more careful in the future." The famous sports star Sun Yang said.

A. excited B. contented C. admired D. depressed

3. Liu Shengli, who was born into a sugar art family in Zhengzhou, Henan province, chose to carry on the handicraft after graduating from university despite his father's ________.

A. opposition B. acquisition C. recognition D. principle

4. The Wudang Mountain, occupying an area of more than 200,000 square meters, possesses rich cultural and geological ________.

A. qualifications B. entertainments C. attractions D. applications

5. On World AIDS Day, ________ on Dec 1 every year, we remember the millions of people who have lost their lives to AIDS.

A. observed B. accelerated C. composed D. multiplied

6. In fact, as China's economy has rapidly grown, more Chinese families have been able to ________ musical instruments and music lessons for their children.

A. attain B. afford C. adapt D. approve

7. As technology continues to advance, we must learn and adapt ________ or we’ll risk becoming a dinosaur.

A. apparently B. instantly C. constantly D. eventually

8. As our plane was approaching our destination, the inexperienced pilot panicked, repeatedly stating that he couldn’t handle the task, so I ________ the task.

A. turned in B. turned over C. took in D. took over

9. Despite the fact that the big exam is drawing near, I suggest you ________ an evening a week for fun --- taking a walk with your parents, or treating yourself to an interesting movie.

A. set aside B. give away C. put off D. take up

10. To develop the New Economy, we must not only update our economy with advanced science and technology, but also ________ this new trend of development.

A. in search of B. in response to C. in terms of D. in addition to 第二部分:完形填空

A girl applied to a famous college. She was filling out an application form for the college when she the question: “Are you a leader”? She thought she had better be , so she answered it with “No”.

She was when she sent the application in that she’d heard from the college because of that answer. she received a letter back from the school, saying “We have numerous applications, and there will be some 112 new leaders school next year. We have decided to accept your because we feel it 箪瓢屡空is necessary that they have at least one ”

Should all of us be leaders all the time? Isn’t there a time when we should follow as well as and hung it on his office door. The sign read “I’m the boss”. The next day he came to work and noticed that someone had a different note on his door, which read “Your wife ”

The man may be the at work, but things are quite at home. In marriage

and family as well as most social , sometimes we lead and sometimes we follow the lead of another person. If the so-called boss happens to be a leader at work, he has probably learned that getting his own way all the time does not produce results. As it turns out, the best leaders are also excellent followers. Why?

First, good leaders leadership. They know when to follow and when to lead.

Second, good leaders their skills on following role models for the things they want to learn. They copy what they admire.

11. A. put forward B. figured out C. came across D. fell into

12. A. honest B. brief C. direct D. loyal

13. A. interested B. relieved C. determined D. convinced

14. A. even B. never C. certainly D. hardly

15. A. For B. And C. But D. So

16. A. reviewed B. rejected C. written D. considered

17. A. visiting B. finishing C. leaving D. attending

18. A. offer B. application C. apology D. explanation

19. A. dreamer B. speaker C. follower D. reporter

20. A. lead B. listen C. wait D. stop


21. A. medal B. signal C. symbol D. sign

22. A. dropped B. posted C. wrote D. sent

23. A. 那次我很感动recovered B. lied C. called D. cried

24. A. leader B. president C. headmaster D. director

25. A. wrong B. new C. slow D. different

26. A. gatherings B. relationships C. systems D. skills

27. A. political B. natural C. capable D. religious

28. A. good B. final C. negative D. similar

29. A. master B. respect C. learn D. share

30. A. use B. build C. teach D. accumulate



Garlos Slim’s proposal that we work a three-day week sounds crazy. But many, in 1922, thought Henry Ford was crazy when he announced that his staff would work a five-day week.

Our working week seems normal to us because it is what we all always do.

He certainly could be for those who are not ready to retire and whom he was most concerned about when he made his statement about a three-day week at a business conference in Paraguay. As Slim said, it no longer made sense for people to stop working in their fifties or sixties when they might still have up to a third of their lives ahead of them.

“People are going to have to work for more years, until they are 70 or 75, and just work three days a week-perhaps 11 hours a day,” he said.

Keeping older employees at work makes sense for societies, especially those with a decreasing number of young people who are expected to support long-lived pensioners.

He appeared to be suggesting that these short-week workers earned the same as they did full-time. That is what happens at Telmex, his Mexican telecommunications company, where those qualified for retirement can choose to work four-day weeks on full pay.

Older workers elsewhere might prefer shorter weeks at reduced pay---eight or nine hours a day rather than 11. Their companies might benefit from keeping their experience while saving money on their salaries. What about everyone else? There are those who are unemployed, or in jobs at risk, and who would be delighted to have three secure, well-paid days of work a week.

Others in hospitals, supermarkets and petrol stations have to work at night, as well as on the weekend that Ford made rest time for his employees.

But a shorter week would work for many others if their companies agree to it.

I have managed about a dozen working parents working three or four days a week. They have, in almost all cases, been more productive and industrious than their colleagues working five days a week. They were generally more focused and better-organised.

Shorter weeks don’t work in every job, but they work in more jobs than most tradition-bound managers think. People living longer, in better health, are changing working life too. Slim’s idea is in tune with times.

31. What is the best title for this passage?

A. The three-day work per week isn’t a great idea.

B. The three-day work per week is a great idea.

C. The five-day work per week isn’t a great idea.

D. The five-day work per week is a great idea.

32. Why高中自我介绍 does Slim think it unwise for people in their fifties or sixties to retire?

A. The people in their fifties or sixties have much experience.

B. They have many children and old parents to support.

C. They have much interest in their former work.

D. They have longer life to live in their future.

33. Why is it reasonable for the older people to continue working?

A. It can reduce the young’s pressure to support their old parents.

B. It can make the older people live a longer life.

C. It can make the older people feel less dull.

D. It can make the older people live happier.

34. What can we infer from the passage?

A. Older workers elsewhere specially prefer shorter weeks at reduced pay.

B. Only a company values old workers’ working experience by reducing their salaries.

C. Slim encourages his retired employees to continue working.

D. All companies like their employees to work three days per week.


One key study published in 2009 in Occupational & Environmental Medicine analyzed data on 3,122 men to see whether the leadership qualities of their managers were associated with a risk for fatal or nonfatal heart attack and death due to heart disease.

Anna Nyberg, the lead author of the study and a researcher at the Stress Research Institute at Stockholm University, says there’s an important view from the research: “The longer you have worked at a workplace, the better or worse the situation becomes. So if you are working under a boss who stresses you in a destructive manner, and your possibilities or chances to change the situation are limited, you should try to change jobs as soon as possible.”

Research also has linked the degree to which supervisors demonstrate fairness (such as giving timely back information, including praise, and showing trust and respect) to employees’ blood pressure. A small 2003 study published in Occupational & Environmental Medicine found that workers’ blood pressure readings were significantly higher when they worked for supervisors they perceived unfavorably on such characters than when they worked for supervisors they viewed more favorably.

A more recent meta-analysis published in 2012 in the Journal of Applied Psychology looked at 279 studies to examine the associations between perceived unfairness and employee health; it found a link between unfairness and mental health complaints, such as depression, and physical troubles, such as sleep problems, high blood pressure and being overweight.

“One of the ways that bad bosses work is through people,” O’Connor, a psychotherapist in New York, says. “They play favorites and develop a network of informers, so that you don’t trust anybody and you really do feel more isolated. You feel that there must be

something wrong with me because everybody else seems to be getting along okay.”

This produces a fight-or-flight response, which causes your body to begin to change a lot — just as it would if you were running from a tiger baring its teeth, Kelloway says. Your breathing quickens and your heart beats faster as your body prepares to spring into action. When this stress response goes on too long or occurs too often, it can cause damage on the body by promoting other physiological changes that can increase the risk of a-long-time disease.

35. According to Anna Nyberg, what can you do if you work under an extremely bad boss?

A. Consult a psychologist. B. Complain to people within the workplace.

C. Quit your job instantly. D. Try to get used to the situation.

36. The underlined word “” in Para 5 is closest in meaning to__________.

A. scolding B. persuading C. trusting D. separating

37. What does the author mainly talk about in the last paragraph?

A. Why a bad boss can cause diseases.

B. Ways to reduces stress when faced with a bad boss.

C. The troubles of some a-long-time diseases.

D. How we can solve problems with bad bosses.

38. What might be the best title for the passage?

A. How to avoid a bad boss? B. Is your boss making you sick? C. How to deal with a bad boss? D. Are you working under a good boss? 第四部分:完成句子


good relationships with others. (keep)

40. Every time you a cigarette, remind yourself that you are a non-smoker. (feel) 每当你想要吸烟的时候,你就提醒你自己:你是不吸烟的人了。 41. I know you whether I’ve become more imaginative in my studying. (die)

42. The headmaster was on the point of driving away that he had left the important document in the office. (strike)

43. I your birthday party last night but for the fact that it was raining at that time. (attend)


44. Large quantities of information, as well as some timely help organization was built. (offer)


48. The book has helped me greatly in my daily communication, especially a good impression is a must. (work)

第二篇:《Module 7 A famous story知识点总结》

Module 7 A famous story

Unit 1 Alice was sitting with her sister by the river

1. It’s about a girl called Alice.

called 是 call 的过去分词,意为“叫做;称为”,放名词之后作定语。 Do you know the girl _________ (call) Betty?

be called… = be named… “被叫做;被称为”,是指某物、某人或某地被叫做……。The boy________ (call) Tony. with 的用法:

①“和;与”;常用来连接名词或代词,放句末。He will go home with his sister. 但当连接两个并列主语时,注意谓语动词用单数还是复数形式由第一个主语决定。如: He with his sister ________ (be) going home.

②“含有„„;带着„„”,如:My English teacher came in the classroom .

③ “用;被”,表示用某种工具做某事。如:He was killed with a knife. ④ “含有„„的;附带有„„”。如:I want to buy a house with a beautiful garden.

by the river 在河边

3. Alice followed it and fell down a hole in the ground.

follow “跟随;追随” 。常用短语:

follow sb. to do sth. “跟着某人做某事”,如:

Follow me ___________ (read) the new words.

follow sb. to + 某地 “跟随某人去某地”,如:

I will follow you to the school.

follow +“宾语或介词短语”。 如:Follow me. 跟我来。 fall down 跌倒,倒下。如:A car hit him and he fell down. fall off 从„„上掉下

fall over 向前跌倒;绊倒

fall behind 落后,掉队

fall asleep 睡着

4. And the Cheshire Cat was sitting in a tree and was smiling at everyone. 柴郡猫正坐在树上朝大家微笑。表达“在树上”可用介词in/on. 表示树上自然生长的(果实、树叶等),用on the tree;

表示其他东西落在树上或停留在树上的,用in the tree。

如:There is a bird _______ the tree.

There are many oranges ____ the orange tree.

smile at … 对…… 微笑; laugh at… 嘲笑……

5. Then Alice arrived at the March Hare’s house.

“arrive at + 小地方 arrive in + 大地方”,“到达某地”

Unit 2 She was thinking about her cat.

1. Once or twice she looked into her sister’s book.

once or twice的意思是“偶尔,一两次”。

如: I read some books in library once or twice a week.

2.“And what is a book for,” thought Alice, “without pictures or

conversations?” “没有插图也没有对话的书有什么用?”爱丽丝想。 What…for? 表示 “有什么用,为什么?”

如: What did Tony go with me for? 托尼为什么和我一起去?

3.She heard the rabbit say.

hear(听见),see(看见),notice(注意),find(发现)等词称为感官动词,后接动词时,用动词原型或动词+ing。当述说整件事情时,用动词原型。如:I often see the boy draw. 当强调动作正在发生时,用动词+ing。如:I saw the boy drawing when I came in.

4.Then the rabbit took a watch out of its ocket and look at it.

take out “拿出;取出”;take „out of „ “从„„取出/拿出„„”。如:The boy took his book out of his schoolbag.

5.Alice got u and ran across the field after it.

get u 起床;起来 run across „

across “通过;穿过”,是形容词,必须跟动词连用:go across;walk across;而它的动词cross,不能再加动词,即:动词 + across = cross。注意:across、cross 是指从物体的表面通过,比如说过马路,过街道,过桥或过河等。如:

Be careful when you go across the street/road.

through “通过;穿过”,指从空间一头穿到另一头,内部通过。 如:The river flows through the city.

6.Then Alice went down after it, but never thought about how she was going to get out again.

go down „ = walk down„ 沿着„„走

think about „ “想想;考虑”,指回想过去的事情或考虑某事、或某计划是否可行。如:We should think about this advice. think of„ “想起;想到”,指想起某人或某事物。

如:I can’t think of his name.

think over „ = think about „ carefully “仔细考虑;认真思考” 如:Let me think it over, I think we’ll find a way.

7.It was too dark to see anything.

too„ to„ “太„„而不能做„„”,有否定之意。句型:“主语 + be + too + 形容词 + to + 动词原型”。如:

The box is too heavy to carry.

8.Suddenly she landed on some dry leaves…

land on “落到……上”


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