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山东省临沂市某重点中学2015-2016学年高二英语上学期期中试题 注意事项:





第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)




1. What are the speakers mainly talking about?

A. Their study.

ability. B. Their nationality. C. Their language

2. How much will the woman pay for the skirt?

A.£35. B.£30. C. £20.

3. Why does the boy make the phone call?

A. To get a book back.

B. To borrow a book. C. To get a message.

4. What is the woman doing?

A. Telling a story.

B. Reporting a game. C. Telling an accident.

5. What do we know about the woman?

A. She wants to relax.

B. She is a footballer. C. She loves movies.




6. What is the man's problem?

A. He lost a suitcase.


7. What will the woman do next?

A. Repair the suitcase.




8. What do we know about the man?

A. He traveled a lot.

in Peru for years.

9. How many countries has the man been to?

A. Nearly 25. B. Nearly 60. C. Almost 65. B. He is tired of his job. C. He was B. Get another lock. C. Check over the B. His keys are gone. C. He broke his


10. What is the relationship between the speakers?

A. Colleagues. B. Secretary and boss. C. Secretary and customer.

11. What do we know about Elaine Strong?

A. She is out. B. She is busy. C. She is ill.

12. What does描写童年的作文 the man want the woman to do?

A. Fix his fax machine (传真机).

B. Fax him something.

C. Ask Elaine to call back.


13. What can we learn from the conversation?

A. The woman loves cool summer.

B. The man is British.

C. It is rather cold in winter in Britain.

14. What is true about the summer in Britain according to the conversation?

A. There's always good sunshine.

B. It snows sometimes.are,you,afraid,of,becoming。

C. It can be cold most of the time.

15. What do we know about clothes in Britain?

A. It's not very easy to get good ones.

B. They're of good quality but expensive.

C. They're of good quality and cheap.

16. What probably is the British people's attitude towards dressing?

A. Many people like wearing casual clothes (便装,休闲装).

B. Casual clothes are common in office.

C. Men prefer suits in social situations.


17. Where does the conversation take place?

A. At an airport waiting hall. B. At a restaurant.

C. On a plane.

18. What do we know about the man?

A. He went to London during World War II.

B. He has been to several European cities.

C. He has never been abroad.

19. How soon will the man get to London?

A. In six hours.

B. In four hours. C. In two hours.

20. What can we learn about the man?

A. He was a teacher.

B. He just retired from the Army.

C. He is traveling together with his wife.

第二部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分40分)

第一节 (共15小题,每小题2分,满分30分)

阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。 A

Tu Youyou is the first Chinese scientist to win a Nobel Prize for work carried out within China. The last time a Chinese national won a Nobel Prize was in 2012, when Mo Yan got the literature award.

Tu Youyou is a Chinese medical scientist, pharmaceutical(制药的,药品的)chemist, and educator. She was awarded the Nobel Prize in medicine for discovering artemisinin, known as "Qing-hao-su" in Chinese. It's a drug that has greatly reduced the mortality(死亡率)rate for patients suffering from malaria(疟疾).

Tu was born in Ningbo in east China on December 30, 1930. She studied at the

Peking University School of Medicine.

Tu also read traditional Chinese medicine for two and a half years. She started her research on anti-Malaria medicine at the China Academy of Chinese Medical Sciences. She led a team that selected 640 different types of Traditional Chinese Medicines from over 2,000 candidate prescriptions, ancient texts, and folk remedies(救济方法)for possible leads for her research.

She conducted experiments in over 200 kinds of traditional Chinese medicines and experienced over 380 failures. She finally discovered the artemisinin in 1971. In 1972, she and her colleagues obtained the pure substance, and named it Qinghaosu or artemisinin now commonly called in the west.

The news of Tu's winning of the Nobel Medicine Prize soon occupies the Chinese media. And people are talking about this exciting news on the social media. Many people are saying Tu is the pride of Chinese people and also Chinese female scientists.are,you,afraid,of,becoming。

And many people are putting their thumbs up for the Traditional Chinese Medicine, because Tu's finding and achievements demonstrate the Traditional Chinese Medicine, and the treatments, are proven to be scientific.

Many people are saying that more people should pay attention to the rich and long history of the Traditional Chinese Medicine in the future, for many possbile cures of universal healthcare challenges in the world.

21. As Chinese people who have won the Nobel Prize in 21st century according to the passage?

A. Yang Zhenning and Tu Youyou B. Tu Youyou and Mo Yanare,you,afraid,of,becoming。

C. Mo Yan and Yang Zhenning D. Tu Youyou and Li Zhengdao

22. Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?

A. Tu Youyou is the first Chinese scientist to win a Nobel Prize

B. Tu Youyou is a Chinese medical scientist, pharmaceutical physicist and educator.

C. Tu Youyou is eighty-five years old this year.

D. Tu Youyou finally discovered the artemisinin in 1972 after over 380 failures.

23. Th成长的故事作文300字e underlined word “demonstrate” in the 7th paragraph means .

A. prove B. expose C. contribute D. approve

24. Which of the following is Not mentioned in the text?

A. The news of Tu's winning of the Nobel Medicine Prize spreads throughout China quickly.

B. Many people think highly of Tu and Tu's finding and achievements.

C. More people should pay attention to the history of the Traditional Chinese Medicine in the future.

D. We should respect the Chinese female scientists and learn from them. B

Are you afraid of becoming old?Are you tired of the wrinkles(皱纹)on your face? LifeCell,the breakthrough in anti-aging(抗衰老的)science, will help you be the one who only gets better with age. Wrinkles will disappear within seconds. Try it for yourself and take years off your skin!

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Almost nobody knows this.

Human eyes cannot see a wrinkle! What makes wrinkles visible is their darkness against the rest of your skin. So it's the shadows of your wrinkles that make you look old. Once natural light is bounced into a wrinkle, its shadow appears almost invisible with LifeCell on it.

Everyone will notice the difference.

Your new smooth, youthful-looking skin doesn't wash off once you wash your face. A series of studies have proved the amazing long-term function of the active ingredients(活性成分)in LifeCell. Most of the research on these ingredients has been conducted by the medical departments of Harvard University, Yale University, Cornell University and Oxford University.

LifeCell contains 6 anti-aging ingredients to bring you youthful appearance, possibly completely erase the appearance of wrinkles, and take 10 to 15 years off your appearance.

When you use LifeCell, make sure to apply it to the oldest wrinkles you have first. How do you know what your oldest wrinkles are? Here's a hint: They are not on your face. A human's oldest wrinkles are on fingers. Just take a look at a baby's tiny hands. Their little fingers are full of wrinkles.

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25.What is the main function of LifeCell?

A. Slowing down aging. B. Helping keep healthy.




Unit 9 when was it invented ?

Section A

一: 1.


invented 2.invention 3.adjustable 4.heat 5.slippers 二: 1~5 CBCCC

三: 1. What, used for 2. Who , invented 3. is , cleaned 4.must be repaired 5. to see

Section B

一: 1.notice 2. salty 3.produced 4. remain 5.pleasant

二: 2.too thin accident 3.According to, was discovered 4. by mistake this way ,in the end 6.fell into

三: 1~5:AADCD 6~10:BDBDC 11~12 :AC

四: for, on, Who , think, are, inwentions, is , most Self Check and Readingare,you,afraid,of,becoming。

一: 1.century 2.knock 3.below 4.wooden 5.towards 6.

developing 7.divided 9.aim 10.create

二: 1.helpful 2.invention 3.salt 4.the most popular 6.wood

三: 1.It is believed 2.named 3. to learn 4.was sent 5.was handed in 6.Was ,cleaned 7.found him 8.When was, invented

四: 1~5:BADBA 6~10:CADAB

五: 1~5:ABCAC

6.He grew vegetables in his garden and sold them.With the money he set up a chemical lab.

7.Yes.Because he was awarded 1368 separate and distinct patents during his lifetime.

8.February 11th,1847 9.October 18th ,1931 10.America 11.Built a lab 12. 1368

13. His first patented invention was an electrical vote recorder in 1868.

14. 1876~1877,invented the phonograph.

15.1900~1910, invented and perfected and steel alkaline storage battery. Unit10 By the time I got outside ,the bus had already left Section A

一: 1.lock 2.verslept 3.rush 4.relative 5.broke

二: 1. had left 2.had left come 4.had cooked 5.doesn’t rain 6.had had 7. finishing 8.had learnt

三: 1~5:CBBAB

四: 1.walking, on time 2.been late for ,came ,close 3.go off ,overslept 4.broke down 5.ran off

Section B

一 : 1.exhausted 2.costume 3.ending 4.thrilled 5.empty 6.reveal 7.panic 8.describe 9.fooled 10.married

二: 1~5CABBD 6~10BAACD

三: 1.set off 2.get married 3.invited ,to watch 4.showed up much ,as 6.stay up 7.happened to 8.Hundreds of ,that 四: 1~5:BEDCA

Self Check and Reading

一: 1.met,hadn’t seen 2.crying go 4.have

learnt/learned 5.will be showed /shown

二: 1.too,to much as possible 3.had seen 4.has he 5.weren’t allowed

三: 1~5 CBCCD 6~10 BABDC

四: 1~5 TFFTF 6~10 CDBAC

Unit 11 could you please tell me where the restrooms are?

Section A

一: 1.shampoo 2.fresh 3.restrooms 4.department 5.escalator 二: the middle of 2.across from 3. In front

of 4.between 5.past

三: 1~6 CBCDCD

四: get to 2.if/whether there

is 3.when,leaves 4.where,is talk,they went 6.Take ,to ,Go past ,next t to

五: Excuse me , Sure, second , How , escalator/elevator, turn , past , between , and

Section B

一: 1.slides 2.organized 3.dresses

/inexpensive 5.uncrowded

二: 1~5 BCDAB 6~10 DCCBD

三: 1.where there is 2.if /whether there are 3,shall we 4.not get 5.took , to mend

Self check and reading

一: 1.lend 2.park 3.trouble 4.wonder 5,hand

二: 1~5 CACBB 6~10 BDBAC

三: 1.lend ,to 2.where ,is 3.spend on /buying 4.if/whether , goes 5.Could you tell me how I can get to the library? 6.ask for information politely 7.What ,sounds 8.Speaking ,enough 9.too many, depend on 10.talking, chang ,speak

四: 1~5 CACCD 6~10 ADBCA

五: 1~5TTFFF 6.They will die 7.On his farm 8.600 mils(away) 9.Two weeks 10.Yes,they did

Unit 12 You’are supposed to shake hands .

Section A

一: 1.bow 2.shake 3.relaxed 4.customs 5.greet

二: 1~5:BBADB

三: bring ,left 2.have asked 3.relaxed 4.Spending be 6.calling do

四: 1.Are you supposed , Yes ,are 2.are supposed to greet 3.What are ,supposed to do 4.don’t, have 5.are supposed to bow 6.supposed to arrive ,arrived 7.have asked ,were supposed 8.make plans to Section B

一: 1.forks 2.wipe,napkin 3.noise 4.full 5.point

二: 1.inviting having 4.get ,getting say 三: 1~5 BACBC 6~10 BAABD

四: 1.pick up 2.rude ,stick ,into 3.out of ,make ,feel difficult to be ,to doing

五: nervous, use, behave ,manners ,good/great /nice ,

polite ,supposed ,rules , point, walking

Self check and reading

一:1.unfamiliar 2.knife ,spoon 3.experiment 4.beside 5.Whose 二: 1.way ,to save /for saving 2.seem,familiar

to 3.alone ,bored 4.couldn’t help laughing 5.easier ,faster ,working 三: 1~5BADBB

四: 1~5DBDBD 6~10DBCAD

五: 1~5BBBDC 6~10FFTFT

六: 1.hardly 2.lost 3.right 5.comfortable 6.towards 7.matter 8.other 9.called 10.healthy

Unit 13 Rainy days make me sad .

Saction A

一: 2.hard 3.served 5.fair 6.uncomfortable 7.poiiution 8.scientific 9.stressed 10.owners 11.waiting 12.made 14.playing 15.walk

二: 1~5BCAAD 6~10 BCBBB

三: 1.takes them,to do 2.doesn’t make 3.Whatare,you,afraid,of,becoming。

does ,make ,feel,that 5.What ,think

四: 1~5 ECDAB

Section B

一: 1.shiny 2.truth 3.products 4.tastes 5.led 6.(to)compare 7.annoyed 8.keep out 9.schoolbag 10.designed

二: 1~5 ADCCA 6~8 BDB

三:1.working well 2.annoyed with


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