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第一篇:《山东省淄博市2014届高三3月模拟考试 英语 Word版含答案》


英 语




2.第I卷每小题选出答案后,用2B铅笔把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑;如 需改动,用橡皮擦干净后,再选涂其它答案标号。






1.Considering the problems and the conflicts in the world,we feel it is__________great advice to promote_____________fairer and stronger United Nations!

A.a;a B.a;the C.不填;a D.不填;the

2.The famous scientist has been working hard since childhood.That is_____________he has gained so many achievements.

A.because B.what D.why

3.—Tomorrow we’ll have a party.

—Great.Whenever_____________of a party,I feel excited.

A.being informed be informed C.informing D.informed

4.—My deskmate has been admitted by Oxford University for her excellent grades. —______________That's wonderful.


C.That’s all right. B.Has she? D.Do you agree?

5.Joanna______________her QQ yesterday,or she would have come to the party last night.

A.mustn’t have opened B.shouldn’t have opened

C.couldn’t have opened D.needn’t have opened

6.It’s a pity that the famous old town_____________back to the Ming Dynasty was destroyed by afire. B.dated C.having dated D.being dated

7.—Look!Your city looks more beautiful with so many new apartment buildings.

—Yes,thousands of old houses______________over the past decade.

A.were torn down

C.have been torn down B.have torn down D.will be torn down

8.“In front of the hotel,”the guide said,“_______________.It is easily found.”

A.stands at all tree all tree stands B.does at all tree stand. a tall tree standing

9.Yesterday the police caught a thief,_______________they searched and found three iPhones in his pocket.

A.which B.whom C.for whom D.on which

10.How many tests will Americans have to pass_______________they get their driving licenses?

A.until B.if D.before




Getting back to nature is good for your mental health,according to new research.

worry is a major public health concern.Parks,.

Some studies there is a relationship between green space ,but researchers have not confirmed a cause and effect link.So Mathew R. White and colleagues the University of Exeter decided to try to pin it down.

They the metal health of hundreds of Britons who had moved from a grey city neighborhood to a greener one with who had moved oppositely.

Looking at the data over the of five years,they found that people who had moved to a greener area were happier—and stayed happier—after their move.

In a report in the journal Environmental Science & Technology,the researchers ,“Environmental policies to increase urban green space may have continuable public health benefits.”


12.A.which B.workers C.employees

D.folk B.that B.spaces C.where D.when D.matters D.suggested D.hobby D.into D.explained 13.A.energies 14.A.advised 16.A.from C.climates B.discussed C.submitted B.happiness C.time C.with l7.A.experimented

B.combined C.compared


19.A.course B.ones C.all

D.those D.effort D.doubt B.distance C.history B.imagine C.conclude

B 20.A.calculate

I had gone today to complete some unfinished business.It was a hot,sunny afternoon.I the ear mad was walking towards my destination, from a distance I saw all elderly man walking towards me in the opposite .

As we came close,I saw that he was walking ,in measured steps and there was a look of on his face.He Was not feeling comfortable,which I could clearly see.I

at him and then moved on,wanting to go quickly and complete my unfinished work.

I soon reached my destination,completed my work and was to where 写雨的古诗the Car was parked.when again from a distance I saw the man sitting on the road.I quickly walked to where he was sitting.

.I was concerned and asked him where he stayed as the was to drop him to his house in my car.He gave me the name of the place where he stayed. ,the name did not seem familiar and I did not want to just keep for the place,seeing the condition of my elderly friend.I quickly saw that were a few taxis.


to unknown places.the taxis and told the driver to drop my friend to his place.I told the driver where the destination was.The driver asked him for something, of the direction he had to take to reach the destination.,the driver told me the amount and I gave him the money.


22.A.while B.parked C.drove C.since


C.slowly D.abandoned D.when D.side D.constantly 23.A.direction B.way 24.A.quickly B.easily

25.A.surprise B.1uck


27.A.starting B.stared B.arriving B.same C.delight D.pain C.looked D.glared C.returning D.stopping C.curious D.attractive


C.fell D.about D.1ay 29.A.through B.around 30.A.bent B.sat

31.A.attention B.expression C.explanation D.intention

32.A.Besides B.Therefore C.However D.Otherwise

33.A.riding B.searching C.removing D.requiring

34.A.nearby B.faraway C.outside D.sideways

35.A.information B.suggestion C.opinion D.experience

36.A.helps B.guides C.1eads

C.called D.asked 37.A.ordered B.rang

38.A.turned out B.send out C.carry out D.find out


40.A.price B.memory C.record B.fare C.cost D.mark D.value




Following Christmas dinner,my family was relaxing around the kitchen table.The goodcooking smells still stayed.My sister,our chef, was enjoying the compliments.一“Delicious meal!”“Everything was wonderful.”Dad had risen from his chair and was contentedly standing nearby.

My nephew,never one to sit still for too long,began playing his new basketball around the table and throughout the kitchen.Upon nearing Dad,he stopped——almost uncertainly.With shaking,wrinkled hands,Dad had reached out for the ball.He did not speak,and the boy,confused,looked up and over at us.It took some convincing,but the ball was lightly passedover.

I watched my father closely to see what he would do.A playful smile appeared on his face.Holding the ball and reaching forward,Dad bounced it on the floor then caught it.This action was repeated.Nodding approvingly,he then turned towards our assembled group.Gently throwing the ball away,Dad began a game of catch.

The ball continued to be passed though eager pairs of outstretched hands.Cries of“Over here!”rang through the warm kitchen.Dad’s active participation in this game was remarkable to me,since he had advanced Alzheimer′s disease.This disease had robbed him of many memories and the recognition of people,places mid points in time.

In my younger years,playing with Dad was rare.To his credit,Dad worked hard and provided for us.He was very private and never showed nor shared much emotion.His game of choice was chess,which he did eventually teach me how to play.As an adult,I had become a caregiver and watched helplessly as Dad declined.Connecting moments between father and son had been few and far before he took the basketball.

I’m not sure how long we played catch.What I do know is that our game ended all too soon,and it was time to face the reality of dirty dishes piled high on countertops.The moment,though,will certainly last forever.On this Christmas,Dad gave me a special memory—one that I will always treasure.

41.Which of the following statements is true according to the first two paragraphs?

A.The author’s nephew liked sitting still for a long time.

B.The author’s father reached out for the basketball easily.

C.The author’s nephew passed the basketball to his father firmly.

D.The author’s family praised his sister for the Christmas dinner.

42.What does Paragraph 3 mainly tell us?

A.Why the author’s father began a game of catch.

B.How the author’s father played with basketball.

C.How the author’s family took part in the basket game.

D.What the author’s feeling was about his father’s action.

43.How did the author feel on his father’s active participation?

A.Worried. B.Amazed. C.Annoyed.D.Interested.

44.What can we learn about the author’s father?

A.He was outgoing and energetic.

B.He often played with the author.

C.He seldom talked with his family.

D.He taught the author to play basketball.

45.What is the main idea of the text?

A.The disable people should never give up.

B.A Christmas dinner will be remembered forever.

C.Communication with family is very important.

D.Small holiday moments add up to lasting memories.


Are you a bookworm? Is your head stuck in a book for long? If so,that’s a good thing.There are many benefits to reading.Getting into a good novel improves our literacy(读写能力).But who or what encourages us to pick up a book and start reading?

Of course,when we are young,our parents and teachers inspire us by introducing us to characters that we love—or love to hate.And there are the authors—the people who invent and write about these characters.Good writing can really catch our imagination.

One modern-day children’s author is J.K.Rowling,who’s known for her books about the wizard,Harry Potter.Last year she was named as a‘literacy hero’for her part in improving people’s love of reading.The UK’s National Literacy Trust awarded her the title for“turning a generation of children into readers.”

The Trust also honoured schoolchildren,a librarian and teachers for their effort in trying to get people to read.The actor, Henry Winkler, who has dyslexia(阅读障碍),Was also named for the books he has written about a boy with learning difficulties.

Reading books is more than an enjoyable pastime;it can also help people in difficult



英 语




2.第I卷每小题选出答案后,用2B铅笔把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑;如 需改动,用橡皮擦干净后,再选涂其它答案标号。






1.Considering the problems and the conflicts in the world,we feel it is__________great advice to promote_____________fairer and stronger United Nations!


A.a;a B.a;the C.不填;a D.不填;the

2.The famous scientist has been working hard since childhood.That is_____________he has gained so many achievements.

A.because B.what D.why

3.—Tomorrow we’ll have a party.

—Great.Whenever_____________of a party,I feel excited.

A.being informed be informed C.informing D.informed

4.—My deskmate has been admitted by Oxford University for her excellent grades. —______________That's wonderful.


B.Has she?

C.That’s all right. D.Do you agree?

5.Joanna______________her QQ yesterday,or she would have come to the party last night.

A.mustn’t have opened B.shouldn’t have opened

C.couldn’t have opened D.needn’t have opened

6.It’s a pity that the famous old town_____________back to the Ming Dynasty was destroyed by afire. B.dated C.having dated D.being dated

7.—Look!Your city looks more beautiful with so many new apartment buildings.

—Yes,thousands of old houses______________over the past decade.

A.were torn down

C.have been torn down B.have torn down D.will be torn downfollowing,christmas,dinner,my,family。

8.“In front of the hotel,”the guide said,“_______________.It is easily found.”

A.stands at all tree all tree stands B.does at all tree stand. a tall tree standing

9.Yesterday the police caught a thief,_______________they searched and found three iPhones in his pocket.

A.which B.whom C.for whom D.on which

10.How many tests will Americans have to pass_______________they get their driving licenses?

A.until B.if D.before




Getting back to nature is good for your mental health,according to new research.following,christmas,dinner,my,family。

Nearly 80 percent of in middle-and high-income countries live in cities, worry is a major public health concern.Parks,gardens and not always nearby.

,but researchers have not confirmed a cause and effect link.So Mathew R. White and colleagues

They the metal health of hundreds of Britons who had moved from a grey city neighborhood to a greener one with who had moved oppositely.

Looking at the data over the of five years,they found that people who had moved to a greener area were happier—and stayed happier—after their move.

In a report in the journal Environmental Science & Technology,the researchers ,“Environmental policies to increase urban green space may have continuable public health benefits.”


12.A描写老师的外貌.which B.workers C.employees B.that

B.spaces C.where

D.folk D.when D.matters D.suggested D.hobby D.into D.explained D.those D.effort D.doubt 13.A.energies 14.A.advised 16.A.from C.climates B.discussed C.submitted B.happiness C.time C.with l7.A.experimented 18.A.others 19.A.course B.combined C.compared B.ones C.all B.distance C.history B.imagine C.conclude

B 20.A.calculate

I had gone today to complete some unfinished business.It was a hot,sunny afternoon.I the ear mad was walking towards my destination, from a distance I saw all elderly man walking towards me in the opposite .

As we came close,I saw that he was walking ,in measured steps and t


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