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The black robin (旅鸫) is one of the world's rarest birds. It is a small, wild bird, and it lives only on the island of Little Mangere, off the coast of New Zealand. In 1967 there were about fifty black robins there; in 1977 there were fewer than ten.46 Energetic steps are being taken to preserve the black robin. 47 The idea is to buy an-other island nearby as a special home, a “reserve”, for threatened wild life, including bl学期ack robins. The organizers say that Little Mangere should then be

restocked (重新准备) with the robin's food. Thousands of the required plants are at present being cultivated in New Zealand.

Is all this concern a waste of human effort? 48 Are we losing our sense of what is reasonable and what is unreasonable?

In the earth's long, long past hundreds of kinds of creatures have evolved, risen to a degree of success and died out. In the long, long future there will be many new and different forms of life. Those creatures that adapt themselves successfully to what the earth offers will survive for a long time.49 This is nature's proven method of operation.

The rule of selection “the survival of the fittest” is the one by which human beings have themselves arrived on the scene. We, being one of the most adaptable creatures the earth has yet produced, may last longer than most, 50 You may take it

as another rule that when, at last, human beings show signs of dying out, no other creature will extend a paw (爪) to postpone our departure. On the contrary, we will be hurried out.

Life seems to have grown too tough for black robins. I leave you to judge whether we should try to do anything about it.

A Some creatures, certain small animals, insects and birds, will almost certainly outlast (比……长久)man, for they seem even more adaptable.

B Those that fail to meet the challenges will disappear early.

C Detailed studies are going on, and a public appeal for money has been made.

D Both represent orders in the classification of life.

E Is it any business of ours whether the black robin survives or dies out? F These are the only black robins left in the world.

参考答案:46F 47C 48E 49B 50A




Humor and laughter are good for us . These is increasing evidence that they can heal us physically, mentally, emotionally , and spiritually . In fact every system of the body responds to laughter in some positive, healing way . So how can we get more laughter into our lives ? ______ (46) Psychologist and author, Steve Wilson, has some answers.

Many people believe that we are born with a sense of humor. They think, “either you’ve got it, or you don’t ” Dr . Wilson points out that this is false ______ (47)

The parts of the brain and central nervous system that control laughing and smiling are mature at birth ______ (48) (After all, when a baby laughs , we don’t rush over and 我和书的故事500字say. “That! kid has a great sense of humor!”) A sense of humor is something that you can develop over a lifetime .

Sometimes people think that they don’t have a good sense of humor because they are not good juke tellers . Dr . Wilson reminds us that telling jokes is only one of many ways to express humor . ______ (49) Then we will make others laugh , too .

A person who has a true sense of humor is willing and able to see the funny side of everyday life . One of the best definitions of a sense of humor is “ the ability to see the nonserious element in a situation”. Consider this sign from a2016职称英语答案23补全短文

story window .Any faulty merchandise will be cheerfully replaced with merchandise of equal qua读海伦凯勒有感lity . The store manager probably placed the sign in the window to impress customers with the store’s excellent service ______ (50) As Dr . Wilson says, “a good sense of humor means that you don’t have to be funny , you just have to see what’s funny”.

A. Everyone experiences this emotion.

B. Is it possible to develop a sense of humor?

C. He advises us to lose our inhibitions (抑制) and try to laugh at ourselves.

D. However, that does not mean that infants have a sense of humor.

E. What is true , however, is that we are born with the capacity to laugh and smile.

F. He had a serious purpose, but if you have s sense of humor, you will probably find the sign funny!

参考答案:46. B 47. E 48. D 49. C 50.F




第一篇What we take from and give to the sea

As long as we have been on earth, we have used the sea around us. We take from the ocean, and we give to it.

We take fishes from the ocean –and silver drift dissolved in the waters of the sea, too. But the sea does not give them up by simple evaporation. Other gifts from the sea are pearls, sponges and Seaweed becomes food of many kinds – even candy, and ice cream – as well as medicine. But ocean water becomes fresh water when the salts are removed. In the future, we will find ourselves depending more and more on fresh water from the sea. into it, we may need the sea and its gifts more than ever.

We are finally learning that if we destroy our seas, we might also destroy ourselves. Hopefully, it is not too late.



我们从海里捕鱼——为了获取百万人的食物,我们每年在海里捕数千吨的鱼,甚至连鱼的骨 头也被用来做化肥。我们从海里获得物。制盐的一种办法就是将海水放在浅底的水池里直至水 分蒸发。除了盐之外,水蒸发以后还有别的矿物质留下来,还有不少金和银的漂流物溶解在海水里。但是这些物质不能通过海水的蒸发而被我们获取。海洋赐予我们的礼物还有珍珠丨海绵和海 草。珍珠能做成珠宝,海绵可用来作为清洗东西的物品,海草可加工成许多种食品,甚至糖果、 冰淇淋以及药品。不管你相不相信,淡水也是海洋赐予我们的礼物。海水不能饮用,其中有些物 质会致病。但是去掉海水中的盐分后,海水就变成了淡水。将来,我们会越来越依赖午从海水中 取来的淡水。

海洋给予我们食物、化肥、矿物、水资源以及其他的礼物。然而,我们又给予了大海什么呢? 垃圾。我们把大海当做垃圾桶的时候污染了大海。海洋虽然巨大无边,却无法容纳所有我们倾倒 进去的水。把垃圾往大海里倾倒就是在把海洋生物杀绝灭尽。然而,随着世界人口的增长,我们 也许将会比以往任何时候都需要海洋以及它给人类带来的东西。


第二篇 Common Questions about Dreams

Does everyone dream?

Yes. Research shows that we all dream. We have our most vivid dreams during a type of sleep called Rapid Eye Movement (REM) sleep. During REM sleep, the brain is very active. The eyes move quickly back and forth1 under the lids, and the large muscles of the body are relaxed. REM sleep occurs every 90-100 minutes, three to four times a night, and it night, too, but those dreams are less vivid.

Do people remember their dreams?

A few people remember their dreams. However, most people forget nearly everything that happened during the night — very hard to bring it back2. If you want to remember your dream,the best thing to do is to write it down as soon as you

wake up.

Are dreams in color?

Most dreams are in color. However, people may not be aware of it for two reasons : They don’t usually remember the details of their dreams, or they don’t notice the color because it is such a natural part of our lives. Do dreams have meaning?

Scientists continue to debate this issue.3 Some people use dreams to help them learn more about their feelings, thoughts, behavior, motives, and values. Others find that dreams can help them solve problems. It’s also true that artists, writers, and scientists often get creative ideas from dreams.

How can I learn to understand my dreams?

The most important thing to remember is that your dreams are personal. The people, actions, and situations in your dreams reflect your experience, your thoughts, and your feelings. Some dream experts believe that there are certain types of dreams that many people have,even if they come from different cultures or time periods. Usually, however, the same dream will have different meanings for different people. For example, an elephant in a dream may mean one thing to a zookeeper happening in your daily life. If you think hard and you are patient, perhaps the meaning of your dreams will become clearer to you.

第二篇 关于梦的常见问题











第三篇 Baby Talk

Babies normally start to talk when they are 13 to 15 months old. Ryan Jones is only eight months old, but he is already “talking” with his parents. When lie is hungry, he opens and closes his hand. This means milk. He also knows the signs for his favorite toy and the word more.

Ryan is not deaf, and his parents are not deaf, but his mother and father are teaching him to sign. They say a word and Ryan’s parents think that he will be a happier baby because he can communicate with them.

Ryan s parents are teaching Ryan to sign because of a man named Joseph Garcia. Although Garcia was not from a deaf family, he decided to learn American Sign Language (ASL). First, he took courses in ASL. Then he got a job helping deaf people communicate with hearing people. In his work, he saw many deaf parents sign to their infants. He noticed that these Garcia decided to try something new. He taught ASL to parents who were not deaf. The families started to teach signs and more parents took Garcia’s ASL classes. Like Ryan’s family, they were excited about signing with their babies. They wanted to give their babies a way to communicate before they could use spoken words.

Some people worry about signing to babies. They are afraid that these babies won’t feel a need to talk. Maybe they will opposite. Signing babies actually learned to speak earlier than other children. As they grow older, these children are more interested in books. They also score higher on intelligence tests1.

There is still a big question for parents: Which are the best signs to teach their babies? Some parents make their own _ There’s no clear answer, but we do know this: All signing babies and their families are talking quite a lot!


婴儿通常在1 ~15个月的时候开始说话。Ryan Jones刚刚8个月,但他已经开始和父母“说话”了。他饿的时候,就会把手一张一合,这个动作表示牛奶。他还懂得表示他最喜欢的玩具以及“更多”这个词。


Ryan的父母之所以教Ryan手语,是因为一名叫Joseph Garcia的人。Garcia也不是聋哑人,但他决定学习美国手语(ASL)。最开始的时候,他参加了一门相关课程的学习。之后,他得到了一份帮助聋哑人和正常人交流的工作,在工作中,他看到很多聋哑人父母用手语与他们的幼子交流。他注意到,这些孩子能比正常孩子更早地与他人交流。他们8个月大的时候就能通过手语进行交流,而到了1岁的时候,他们能使用多达50种手势。




第四篇The First Four Minutes

When do people decide whether or not they want to become friends? During their first four 而nutes together,


according to a book by Dr. Leonard Zunin. In his book,"Contact: The first four minutes", he offers this advice to You may have noticed that the average person does not give his undivided attention to someonehe has just When we are introduced to new people, the author suggests, we should try to appear friendly and self-confident. In general, he says,"People like people who like themselves1."

On the other hand, we should not make the other person think we are too sure of ourselves. It is important to appear interested and sympathetic, realizing that the other person has his own needs. fears, ana hopes.

Hearing such advice, one might say, "But I'm not a friendly, self-confident person. That's not my nature. It would be dishonest for me to act that way." to a new car. It may be unfamiliar at first, but it goes much better than the old one."

But isn't it dishonest to give the appearance of friendly self-confidence when. we don't actually feel that way? Perhaps, but according to Dr.Zunin,"total honesty" is not always good for social relationships2, especially during the first, few minutes of contact. There is a time for everything, and a certain amount of play-acting may be best for the first few minutes of centact with a stranger3. That is not the time to complain about one's health or to mention faults one fmds in other people. It is not the time to tell the whole truth about one's opinions and impressions.

after they have been apart. Dr. Zunin suggests that these first few minutes together be treated with care. If there are unpleasant matters to be discussed, they should be dealt with later.


The author says that interpersonal relations should be taught as a required course4 in everyschool, along 译文:最初四分钟

人们什么时候决定他们是否愿意成为朋友?按列奥纳多?祖尼博士的书中所说是在他们相处 的最初四分钟。在他的书《接触:最初四分钟》里,他向所有对开始新的友谊感兴趣的人们提出 了这样的建议:“每次你在社交场合遇到什么人时,全神贯注地注意他四分钟。许多人如果这样做 了的话,他们的生活就会完全不同。”;


作者建议,当我们被介绍给新认识的人时,我们应该尽力显得友好和自信。一般讲,他说: “人们喜欢那些有自信心的人。”

另一方面我们不能让别人觉得我们太自以为是。表现出感兴趣、、有同情心,能意识到别人有 他们自己的需要、担心和希望是很重要的。

听到这样的建议,有人或许会说:“但是我不是一个友好的、自信的人。那不是我的天性。我 如果那样做将是不诚实的。” ’

作为回答,祖尼博士说只要我们稍加练习就可以帮助我们改变社交习惯。对我们选择的个 性上的改变我们会慢慢习惯。“这就像适应一辆新车, 一开始会觉得陌生,但它比旧车好开。”

但是当我们不觉得友好且自信的时候却给人那样的表象,这是诚实吗?可能是,但是祖尼博 士认为在社会关系上“绝对的诚实”并非总是好的,尤其是在接触的最初四分钟里。任何事情都 有时间限制。在和陌生人接触的头几分钟i适当演一点儿戏是最合适不过的了。那种时候不适于 抱怨健康状况或谈论别人的缺点,也不适于全盘托出某人的观点和印象。

以上有关陌生人的建议有很多也适合于家庭成员和朋友间的关系。对于丈夫和妻子或父母与 孩子来说,久别重逢的前几分钟最容易出问题。祖尼博士建议认真对待离别重逢的最初四分钟。 如果有不愉快的事情需要讨论,也应该稍后再说。

作者说每个学校都应该把人与人之间的关系作为必修课,和阅读、写作、数学等一起上。他 认为一生中的成功主要看我们如何与别人相处。至少这和我们拥有的知识一样重要。

第五篇 Financial Risks

Several types of financial risk are encountered in international marketing; the major problems include commercial, political, and foreign exchange risk. include solvency, default, or refusal to pay bills. The major risk, however, is competition which can only be dealt goods delivered, a dispute over contract terms, or any other disagreement over which payment is withheld. One alternatives for the exporter were reducing the price, reselling the potatoes, or shipping them home again, each involving considerable cost.

Political risk relates to2 the problems of war or revolution, currency inconvertibility3, expropriation or expulsion, and restriction or cancellation of import against political risk. As many companies have discovered, sometimes there is no way to avoid political risk4, so marketers must be prepared to assume them or give up doing business in a particular market.

Exchange-rate fluctuations inevitably cause problems, but for many years, most firms could take protective International Business Machine Corporation, for example, reported that exchange losses resulted in a dramatic 21.6 percent drop in their earnings in the third quarter of 1981. Before rates were permitted to float, devaluations of major currencies were infrequent and usually could be anticipated, but exchange-rate fluctuations in the float system are daily affairs.


国际金融市场的风险存在几种类型,主要是商业风险、政治风险和外汇风险。 商业风险事实上是日常商务活动中一般的信用风险。包括偿债能力、违约和拒绝付款。然而 竞争才是最主要的风险,需要持续有效的管理和营销才能在竞争中立足。国际市场的二个独特的 风险是金融调节方面的风险。这种风险产生于有关货物质量、合同条款及货款不兑现方面引起的 争执。例如,有一家公司将几百吨脱水土豆运给德国一家批发商,这位批发商经过检验认为这些 土豆的味道和质地不合标准。对于出口商这方来说,可以降低价格、另寻买主或将土豆运回国内, 两者均需要付出相当大的代价。


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