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第一篇:《湖南省长沙四县一市2013届3月联考英语试题 Word版含答案》



Part I Listening Comprehension (30 marks) Section A (22.5 marks)

Directions: In this section you’ll hear six conversations between two speakers. For each conversation, there are several questions and each question is followed by 3 choices marked A, B and C. Listen carefully and then choose the best answer for each question.

You will hear each conversation TWICE. Example;

When will the magazine probably arrive? A. Wednesday. The answer is B. Conversation 1

1. What kind of book isn't discounted?

A. Science.

B. History. B. By bus.

C. Literature. C. By subway.

2. How does the man suggest the woman get there?

A. By taxi. Conversation 2

3. Where is the man going?

A. To a cinema. A. The man will walk.

B. The supermarket is behind the cinema.

C. The bank is between the cinema and the supermarket. Conversation 3

5. What is the probable relationship between the speakers? A. Teacher and student.

B. Father and daughter. C. Friends.

6. Why is the woman unhappy?

A. She has no idea about what to write. B. She doesn't like tomorrow’s class.

C. She misses her grandfather’s farm.

Conversation 4

7. What does the man want to book?

A. Three single rooms . B. Two double rooms. 8. How long will the man stay in the hotel? A. Two nights. B. Three nights. 9. When will the man arrive at the hotel?

C. Two single rooms. C. Four nights.

B. To a bank.

C. To a supermarket.

4. What do we learn from the conversation?

B. Thursday.

C. Friday.

A. Next Monday. B. Next Tuesday. Conversation 5

10. How many classes does the girl have ? A. Twelve. B. Eleven. 11.How does the boy feel in P.E. class? A. Tired. B. Relaxed. 12. What do we learn from the conversation? A. The girl likes playing basketball. B. The boy likes history . C. The boy is good at running. Conversation 6

13. Where does the conversation most probably take place?

A. In a classroom. B. In John’s home. 14. What happened to Tim?

A. He had nothing to do. B. He failed in an exam. 15. What will the woman do when they go to visit Tim? A. Give him a call.

B. Bring something to him. C. Help him do his homework. Section B (7.5 marks)

C. Next Friday.

C. Nine. C. Bored.

C. In a hospital. C. He fell ill.

Directions: In this section, you will hear a short passage. Listen carefully and then fill in the numbered blanks with the information you’ve heard. Fill in each blank with NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS.

You will hear the short passage TWICE.forty,years,ago,,finland。

Part П La图表作文nguage Knowledge (45 marks) Section A (15 marks)

Directions: Beneath each of the following sentences there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the one answer that best completes the sentence.


The wild flowers looked like a soft orange blanket the desert. A. covering

B. covered

C. cover

D. to cover

The answer is A.

21. On Oct 11, Mo Yan, 57, ______the first Chinese writer to win the top literary prize — Nobel


A. became

B. becomes

C. has become D. becoming

22. Three Kingdoms is a funny game ______ around the popular classical novel Romance of three

kingdoms by Luo Guanzhong. A. having built A. that

B. being built B. it

C. to be built C. this

D. built D. one

23. I prefer a house in a mountain village to______in such a large city as Changsha.

24. Experts said in a Tuesday statement ______southern China will continue to experience snow, rain and freezing temperatures for the next few days. A. if

B. that

C. whether

D. when

25. Gangnam Style is by 34-year-old South Korean singer Psy, who is seen dancing around the city

______ to ride a horse. A. pretended pretended

26. Sun Yang, a young Chinese swimming talent, _______ several gold medals before the 2012 London Olympics. win

27. It was snowing heavily. The homeless children felt cold, so they stood______ to each other. A. close

B. closely

C. closed

D. closing

28. _______ poetry unsuccessfully for several years, he was not certain whether to quit or to continue with his literary pursuit. A. To have writtenforty,years,ago,,finland。

A. you made

B. Writing

C. Written

D. Having written

D. you have made

A. won

B. has won

C. had won

D. were to

B. pretending

C. to be pretending



29. “Well done, John! Not a single mistake _______ in your exam paper this time!” said the teacher.

B. did you make

C. had you made

30. The country's highways were toll-free for passenger cars from 0:00 on February 9 to 24:00 on

February 15 ______ most Chinese went home for the Spring Festival and returned to work. A. so B. when C. and D. while 31. — Let’s play football together tomorrow afternoon —Ok, but how I wish I _____ it as skillfully as you. A. will play B. have played C. had played D. played 32. I have always been honest and straightforward, and it doesn’t matter ______ I’m talking to. A. who is it that B. who it is that C. it is who that D. it is whom that 33. Jonathan, an American who ______in China for three years, has read some ancient Chinese

classics in English and can name several ancient poets such as Li Bai.

A. worked working

34. According to the new traffic rules, those who ignore yellow lights, which warn passengers to

slow down ______the light turns red, should receive fines. A. before prevent skids. A. have asked Section B (18 marks)

Directions: For each blank in the following passage there are four words or phrases marked A, B, C and D. Fill in each blank with the word or phrase that best fits the context.

Thousands of Chinese couples got married on Friday because the date 4th January 2013 sounds like until death" when spoken in the Chinese language Mandarin. hoped the day would prove to be a lucky one on which to get married. At least 10,000 couples walked down the aisle in Beijing alone. registry offices were fully hopeful brides and bridegrooms braved freezing weather in the hope that the registrars could fit them in. The government had to on thousands of extra staff to hold the increased number of people wanting to get married. In Hong Kong, the city's five marriage registries were fully booked by September 20 last year. The city saw 558 people become husband and Some special dates people believe they are lucky. Matching days, months and years — like 12/12/12 and 11/11/11— are to bring good fortune. The next such date will be January 1st in the year 2101. Newlywed Chen Foshan told the website: "We to get married today a long time ago, if doomsday (世界末日) didn't come first." Marriage is becoming a big business in China because the country's middle class is rapidly. People much on ceremonies and receptions, which waste a lot of money. One of the biggest expenses is the wedding album. The happy couple is photographed at various locations wearing different costumes. Photos of the actual vows (誓言) or 36. A. endness 37. A. newlyweds 38. A. Because 39. A. booking 40. A. lie 41. A. wife

B. ending

C. ended

D. endless

B. have been asking

C. have been asked

D. ask

B. when

C. as

D. while

35. Because of the heavy snow and icy roads, drivers ______ to put chains on their vehicle tires to

B. works

C. is working




B. new blo幼儿园教师入党申请书ods C. newborns C. However C. booked C. lied C. couple

D. newsmakers

D. If D. bookable D. lay D. husband

B. Even though B. books B. play B. lady

42. A. clear

B. popular

C. uncool

D. warm D. believing

43. A. considered 44. A. asked

B. thinking B. liked

C. considering

C. promised

D. believed

D. healthy D. have D. exchanging

45. A. decreasing 46. A. cost

B. growing B. take B. wearing

C. wealthy C. spend C. havingforty,years,ago,,finla端午节作文300字左右nd。forty,years,ago,,finland。

47. A. buying Section C (12 marks)

Directions: Complete the following passage by filling in each blank with one word that best fits the context.

If you are feeling that life just cannot be any worse for you, it can be challenging to think positive thoughts. When we are stressed, upset, or in a negative state of mind, is important to shift those negative thoughts to something positive. If we don't, we only attract more "bad things."

It is often very hard to think positive when so many things are negative, but I can assure you that someone, somewhere is worse off you. We can choose to think differently beginning with the smallest steps.

you start with one small, positive thing repeat it during the course of your day, more positive situation: positive thoughts, feelings, opportunities and people will start showing up your life. With practice, you will find that over time, you will change your outlook and choose to be happy, regardless of the events around you. Part Ш Reading Comprehension (30 marks)

Directions: Read the following three passages. Each passage is followed by several questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the one that fits best according to the information given in the passage.forty,years,ago,,finland。


Forty years ago, Finland was a small, homogeneous (同种的) country with mediocre (中等的) public schools. Today, Finland is still small and, although it has grown more diverse, it is still much more homogeneous than countries such as the United States.

But no one calls Finland’s public schools mediocre any more.



A. everything B. anything C. something D. nothing

2. The form cannot be signed by anyone ______ yourself.

A. rather than B. other than C. more than D. better than

A. Until B. Unless C. If D. After

4.The road conditions there turned out to be very good,more than we

could B.what C.which D.that

5.You have failed two tests. You’d better start working harder,you won’t pass the course.


A.and C.but D.or

6.The number of foreign students attending Chinese universities ________ rising steadily since1990.

A. is B. are C. has been D. have been

7.This is the first time we a film in the cinema together as a family.

A. see B. had seen C. saw D. have seen

8.—Why don’t we choose that road to save time?

—The bridge to it __________.

A. has repaired B. is repaired C. is being repaired D. will be repaired

9. —You speak very good French!

—Thanks. I __________ French in Sichuan University for four years.

A. studied B. study C. was studying D. had studied

10.-What do you think of the movie?

-It’s fantastic. The only pity is that I __________ the beginning of it.

A missed B. had missed C. miss D. would miss


A.had been lying B.has been lying C.was lying D.has lain

12.If you don't like the drink you______, just leave it and try a different one.

A. ordered B. are ordering C. will order D. had ordered

13.I’m sure you will do better in the test because you ______ so hard this year.

A. studied B. had studied C. will study D. have been studying

14.A lot of people often forget that oral exams ______ to test our communicative ability.

A. design B. are designed C. are designing D. are being designed

15.When I got on the bus, I_____I had left my wallet at home.

A. was realizing B. realized C. have realized D. would realize

16.She was surprised to find the fridge empty; the child _____ everything!

A. had been eating B. had eaten C. have eaten D. have been eating

17.That piece of music sounds quite familiar. Who _________the piano upstairs?

A. has played B. played C. plays D. is playing

good reviews since it came out last month.

A.receives receiving C.will receive D.has received

19.—Have you finished reading Jane Eyre?

—No , I ______ my homework all day yesterday.

A. was doing B. would do C. has done D. do

20._________ the right kind of training , these teenage soccer players may one day grew the international stars.

A. Giving B. Having given C. To give D. Given

the famous actress as she entered the classroom.

A. looked at B. to look at C. to looking at D. look at

22. We are invited to a party _________in our club next Friday.

A. to be held B. held C. being held D. holding

23.I still remember to the Famen Temple and what I saw there.

A. to take B. to be taken C. taking D. being taken

24.A small plane crashed into a hillside five miles east of the city, _____all four people on board.

A. killed B. killing C. kills D. to kill

25.——Pity you missed the lecture on nuclear pollution.

——it, but I was busy preparing for a job interview.

A.attended B.had attended C.would sttend D.would have attended

go, at least wait until the storm is over.

A. can B. may C. must D. will


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