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I. Reading Comprehension:

Passage 1

Every youth has to make the best use of his school days. Students will become the most intelligent members of the society. It is necessary for them to prepare for taking the duties that will fall upon them in the future. Wisdom and foresight ask all students to take their duties well. As future masters of the society, students must get prepared for a difficult life. In other words, it is their lot to face life's hardships. One who is bodily weak cannot hope to have great success. It is very important, therefore, for students to become physically strong and healthy by taking regular physical exercises.

To make themselves really useful, students are hoped to specialize along some line of study. Their great wishes should be rather to know everything about something than to know something about everything. The twenty-first century has no place for those who have not special knowledge or training.

Moreover, students must gain the habit of self-research. This means that they should not rely only upon their teachers or textbooks. The world is full of truths. Classroom work alone will not make one achieve much toward the goal of perfection. Students should rely upon their own efforts and try to be active seekers of knowledge if they expect to enter upon a successful life.

1. What is the duty of a student according to the author? D

A. To have wisdom and foresight.

B. To know everything about something.

C. To be an active seeker of knowledge.

D. To shoulder the social responsibilities.

2. How can a student get prepared to face life hardships? C

A. To become a master of the society.

B. To cultivate the habits of self-research.

C. To take regular physical exercises.

D. To perform their duties well.

3. A good student should learn to know ________. A

A. everything about something

B. something about everything

C. everything about everything

D. something about something

4. Where should the students learn according to the author? C

A. In the classroom.

B. Outside the classroom.

C. Both in the classroom and outside the classroom.

D. Neither in the classroom nor outside the classroom.

5. Who should the students rely on for their learning according to the text? D

A. Their teachers.

B. Their textbooks.

C. Themselves.

D. Not only their teachers and textbooks but also themselves.

Passage 2

Modern mass-production methods lower the costs of making goods, and thus give us better values. At the same time, American science and technology is constantly at work improving the quality of products. In this way, better quality products at good values are continually being brought to the people of all income groups.

As an example of how this works, when facial tissues were first put on market in 1924, they were made in limited quantities and sold at 65 cents per box of 200. People like these facial tissues immediately and began asking for them when they went into different stores. Because there was such a demand for the product, manufacturers began making tissues in larger and larger quantities; their production costs were lowered, so that the cost of tissues went down. In the meanwhile, the quality of facial tissues was constantly improving, because more manufacturers went into the business of making tissues, and each manufacturer strove to make his product better than his competitors’. Today instead of costing 65 cents, a box of 200 tissues costs around one third of that price, and they are both softer and stronger.

When people are free to compete --- when they are free to make more things and make them better --- everyone benefits.

6. In regard to the production of goods in greater quantities, the author states that ____D_____.

A. the price of the goods should drop

B. the quality of the goods should improve

C. the price and quality should both rise

D. the quality should rise and the price should drop

7. When the demand for facial tissues increased, ___C____.

A. the supply was quickly exhausted

B. its price went up

C. more manufacturers went into the business of making tissues

D. the manufacturers tired to improve its quality

8. Improved quality of facial tissues resulted from ____D______.

A. mass-production methods

B. popular demand of a better product

C. decrease in production costs

D. competition among manufacturers

9. According to the passage we can see that lower prices and better quality occur ________.

A. as a result of the effect of one on the other

B. when the demand exceed the supply

C. independently of each other

D. always at the same time

10. The author believes that in a nation where free enterprise exists, manufacturers will produce


A. whatever they

B. better quality goods

C. more than they are able to sell

D. less than they are able to sell

Passage 3

Ask three people to look out the same window at a busy street corner and tell you what they see. Chances are you will receive three different answers. Each person sees the same scene, but each perceives something different about it.

Perceiving goes on in our minds. Of the three people who look out the window, one may say that he sees a policeman giving a motorist a ticket. Another may say that he sees a rush-hour traffic jam at the intersection. The third may tell you that he sees a woman trying to cross the street with four children in tow. For perception is the mind’s interpretation of what the senses---in this case our eyes---tell us.

Many psychologists today are working to try to determine just how a person experiences or perceives the world around him. Using a scientific approach, these psychologists set up experiments in which they can control all of the factors. By measuring and charting the results of many experiments, they are trying to find out what makes different people perceive totally different things about the same sce邓小军ne.

11. The best title for this passage is .

A. How We See B. Learning About Our Minds Through Science

C. What Psychologists Perceive D. Interesting Experiments

12. Seeing and perceiving are .

A. the same action B. two actions carried on entirely by the eyes

C. two separate actions D. actions that take place at different times.

13. Perceiving is an action that takes place .

A. in our eyes.

B. only when we think very hard about something.

C. only under the directions of a psychologist

D. in every person’s mind

14. Perception involves what .

A. our senses tell us B. our minds interpret

C. we see with our eyes only D. both A and B

15. Psychologists study perception by A. setting up many experiments B. asking each other what they see

C. looking out of windows D. studying people’s eyes

Passage 4

About one hundred and thirty years ago, Thomas Edison of the US invented the light bulb(电灯). Edison's bulb has turned night into day ever since. But today, many want to turn the light off.

The European Union recently decided that by 2009, people should stop using the Edison-style light bulb. Instead, they should use compact fluorescent lamps (节能灯).

"CFLs save energy and last longer. They can save money in the long run," said a British official. CFLs use 67 percent (67%) less electricity than the older bulbs. They last up to 10 times longer. Scientists say that if everyone used CFLs, electricity use would be cut by 18 percent. There would also be much smaller amounts of greenhouse gas given off.

But it's difficult to make people change their lighting habits. First the CFLs are more expensive. They cost eight times the price of the older bulbs. Many people don't like the CFL bulb. They find it too bright. You cannot change the light of a CFL, either.

16. When was the Edison-style light bulb invented? B

A. Early this century. B. About 130 years ago.

C. A century ago. D. In the 1920s.

17. What do many people want today? A

A. To turn off the light. B. To make night even brighter.

C. To turn day into night. D. To turn night into day.

18. Who says that CFLs should take the place of the Edison-style light bulb? B

A. Great Britain. B. The European Union.

C. The United States. D. The United Nations.

19. CFLs are better than the traditional light bulb in that _________. D

A. they save electricity B. they last longer

C. they give off less greenhouse gas D. all of the above

20. Why is it difficult to change people’s lighting habits? B

A. CFLs are not safe.

B. CFLs cost more than the Edison-style light bulb.

C. You can adjust(调节) the light of a CFL.

D. People find CFLs are not bright enough.

II. Vocabulary and Structure

1. Just imagine Mary ___ C ____ in her favorite chair back home.

A. to sit B. sit C. sitting D. has been sat


2. Mr. Thomas found the coins while ___ A _____ in his back garden.

A. digging B. was digging C. dug D. being digging

3. Snap judgments, if ____ B ____, have usually been considered signs of immaturity or lack of

common sense.

A. taking seriously B. taken seriously

C. take seriously D. to be taken seriously

4. I'd offer to give you a lift if I ____D____ my car here.

A. have B. am having C. do have D. had

5. At the end of game, the whole crowd ____C____ their feet and cheered wildly.

A. emerged from B. rose from C. got to D. stood up

6. Being with his family for a few days I gained one or two insights ____A____ the reason he


behaves the way he does.

A. into B. of C. on D. off

7. His thoughts were ___C____ from the subject by the arrival of his friends.

A. attracted B. suffered C. distracted D. related

8. She is a ___C___ woman who is certain of her ideas and actions.

A. significant B. aware C. confident D. intense

9. The method he used turned out to be ___A____ in improving the students' English.

A. effective B. able C. capable D. explicit

10. The boss refused to give any ___B____ on the fact that his workers were out of jobs.

A. response B. comment C. answer D. reply

11. They are teachers and don't realize ___A___ to start and run a company.

A. what it takes B. what takes it C. what they take D. what takes them

12. He refuses to let others speak and ____D____ every meeting.

A. confronts B. affects C. attaches D. dominates

13. The creating of the steam machine, by James Watt, was a(n) ____B____ idea.

A. spontaneous B. original C. previous D. cautious

14. Young children have a limited attention ___B_____ and can't focus on one activity for very


A. range B. span C. reach D. spread

15. The train was ____A____ slow I was almost two hours late.

A. so B. such C. very D. that

16. He's not got another job yet and it's not ___C___ he will for some time.

A. likes B. unlike C. likely D. like

17. She shared her deepest thoughts and fears in handwritten letters with Mary __B__ they were chatting in her living room.

A. although B. as if C. because D. for

18. He pretended to be very sick and she was __A__ into sympathy for him.

A. fooled B. taken C. prescribed D. affected

19. ____C__ I admit that the problems are difficult, I don't agree that they can't be solved.

A. For fear that B. Because C. While D. Until

20. I'm going to spend the winter vacation in Shanghai, __D____ I have relatives.

A. because B. which C. that D. where

21. If you try to learn too many things at a time, you may get ___D____.

A. alarmed B. scared C. surprised D. confused

22. ___C_____ else goes, I won't.

A. Who B. Whom C. Whoever D. He who

23. Thanks go to the trashmen who leave the streets __B______ each night.

A. cleanest B. cleaner C. cleaning D. more cleaner

24. I ____C____ he'd do something silly; he's been acting strangely all week.

A. may have known B. would know

C. have known D. had known

25. With the job ___A_____, he went to see a film with his colleagues.

A. done B. doing C. to do D. do

26. Neither his colleagues nor his mother ___B_____ his marriage to that girl.

A. accept B. accepts C. agree D. agrees

27. He makes up his mind to ____C___ the post till the end of the year.

A. keep in B. remain under C. stay at D. go on

28. Good managing of a company ___A_____ great efforts.

A. calls on B. calls out C. calls in D. calls at

29. Most people have no real idea how to change to healthy food, and Maureen was no ___C____.

A. foundation B. possibility C. exception D. ignorance

30. He always knew what time it was, as if by __A_____.

A. instinct B. imagination C. reaction D. reality

31. My uncle is great. In our family, he's __C____ his cooking.

A. famous about B. famous with

C. famous for D. famous in

32. The heating system here has an __D____ temperature control.

A. aggressive B. intentional C. accidental D. automatic




I. Reading Comprehension:

Passage 1

Ask three people to look out the same window at a busy street corner and tell you what they see. Chances are you will receive three different answers. Each person sees the same scene, but each perceives something different about it.

Perceiving goes on in our minds. Of the three people who look out the window, one may say that he sees a policeman giving a motorist a ticket. Another may say that he sees a rush-hour traffic jam at the intersection. The third may tell you that he sees a woman trying to cross the street with four children in tow. For perception is the mind’s interpretation of what the senses---in this case our eyes---tell us.

Many psychologists today are working to try to determine just how a person experiences or perceives the world around him. Using a scientific approach, these psychologists set up experiments in which they can control all of the factors. By measuring and charting the results of many experiments, they are trying to find out what makes different people perceive totally different things about the same scene.

1. The best title for this passage is .

A. How We See B. Learning About Our Minds Through Science


C. What Psychologists Perceive D. Interesting Experiments

2. Seeing and perceiving are .

A. the same action B. two actions carried on entirely by the eyes

C. two separate actions D. actions that take place at different times.

3. Perceiving is an action that takes place .

A. in our eyes.

B. only when we think very hard about something.

C. only under the directions of a psychologist

D. in every person’s mind

4. Perception involves what .

A. our senses tell us B. our minds interpret

C. we see with our eyes only D. both A and B

5. Psychologists study perception by .

A. setting up many experiments B. asking each other what they seeabout,one,hundred,,and,thirty,years。

C. looking out of windows D. studying people’s eyes

Passage 2

Benjamin Franklin was b


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