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武汉中学 2015-2016 学年度 高二上学期 9月月考试题


第二部分阅读理解 (共两节,满分40分)

第一节 (共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)



Great white shark(鲨鱼).Just hearing that name makes many people’s hair stand on end. In really,these big fish have more to fear from us than we do from them. For many years, people killed countless great white sharks in the waters around the United States.

But thanks to conservation(保护) efforts,great whites are making a comeback in the U.S. Two recent studies show that the population of these sharks is rising along the east and west coast. Why is the growing population of a killer fish something to celebrate? “When you fish too many of them,you start to lose balance in the environment,”says shark researcher Tobey Curtis. As the biggest killer,sharks help keep the populations of fish ,seals,and other creatures they eat from growing too large.

Despite their importance, great white sharks had long been hunted for their meat and their fins(鳍).Then,in 1997,the U.S.government passed a law that didn’t allow the hunting of great whites. Afterwards, the numbers of these sharks in the U.S.waters started to increase.

The law wasn’t the only thing that has helped great whites.Conservationists have also played a part in the sharks’ comeback.

The research group OCEARCH is using a method called tagging to help change people’s attitudes about great white.How does it work? An electronic device(设备)is attached to a shark’s fin.Every time the shark’s fin rises above the water ,the tag sends a signal to a satellite. That information is then sent to scientists at OCEARCH who share it with shark researchers worldwide. Just as important,they let the public follow each shark as it travels the world’s oceans.OCEARCH also gives each tagged shark a name to help people form a closer connection with the big fish.

The group’s most well-known shark is named Katharine.She was tagged last year near Cape Cod, Massachusetts. Since then, thousands of people have tracked Katharine’s movements on Twitter and the OCEARCH website.

This helps people see sharks in a new way. Chris Fischer ,the founder of OCEARCH believes learning to appreciate great whites will encourage people to do more to protect them.

21.The underlined part“makes many people’s hair stand on end”in Paragraph 1 can best be replaced by .

A.worries many people B.puzzles many people

C.interests many people D.frightens many people

22.The law passed in 1997 .

A.let scientists down B.seemed very helpful

C.needed to be changed D.made people like great whites

23.Katharine’s example is used to show that .

A.great whites are in fact lovely animals

B.the OCEARCH website has a lot of visitors

C.the number of great whites is growing quickly

D.OCEARCH help people get closer to great whites

24.What would be the best title for the text?

A.Great whites come back B.OCEARCH is working

C.Big killers are in danger D.Stop killing great whites


Over the past years, many cities and states have tried to put a tax(税) on sugary drink. Last week, Berkeley, California succeeded. The city in northern California will charge a penny-per-ounce tax on most sugary drinks. The tax is expected to raise more than $ 1 million every year to fight against obesity.

Makers of sugary drinks are against the tax. They say picking out one product will not solve the obesity problem in America. They also argue that a tax is an attack on personal freedom. “Families should be able to make the choice for their kids without the government stepping in,” said Chris Gindlesperger, a spokesperson for the American Beverage Association(美国饮料写会).

Gindlesperger says that the fight against obesity is more successful when the government partners with industry. He shows how the beverage industry worked with President Bill Clinton’s administration in the 1990s. They introduced water, milk, and fruit juice into a large number of schools, which took the place of sugary drinks. More recently, the beverage industry listened to First Lady Michelle Obama’s suggestion that labels(标签) on sugary drinks be clearer. Container of up to 20 ounces will show the total calories on the front.

Some people say a tax is a way to help reduce obesity in the U.S. “There is clear evidence that taxes result in less consumption(消费) of sugary drinks,” says Dr. Rachel Johnson, a spokesperson for the American Heart Association. She points to Mexico as an example. The country put up a tax on sugary drinks in January, and sales have already dropped by 10%. What’s more, sales of healthier drinks have increased Bottled water sales are up by 13%. Milk sales are up by 7%.

Another purpose of the tax is to raise money to fight childhood obesity. Money will be used to build playgrounds, create educational materials, and increase the sales of healthier foods. “We’ve already helped reduce obesity to some degree,” says Dr. Johnson. “I’m confident that we’re going to see even bigger progress soon.”

25. What does Gindlesperger think of the tax that Berkeley will charge?over,the,years,many,cities,and,states,have,tried,to,put。

A. It is much too high. B. It does not make sense.

C. It was introduce too late. D. It should be charged nationwide.

26. The underlined word “surefire” in Paragraph 4 can best be replaced by “________”.

A. good B. stupid C. strange D. new

27. What is the purpose of this text?

A. To ask kids to drink fewer sugary drinks.over,the,years,many,cities,and,states,have,tried,to,put。

B. To show how to fight childhood obesity.

C. To talk about different taxes in Berkeley.

D. To discuss if sugary drinks should be taxed.


From self-driving cars to carebots for elderly people, rapid development in technology has long represented a possible threat to many jobs normally performed by people. But experts now believe that almost 50 per cent of occupations existing today will be completely redundant by 2025 as artificial intelligence continues to transform businesses.

The next fifteen years will see a revolution in how we work, and a corresponding revolution will necessarily take place on how we plan and think about workplaces,' said Peter Andrew, Director of Workplace Strategy for CBRE Asia Pacific.

A growing proportion of jobs in the future will require creativity intelligence, social skills and the ability to leverage artificial intelligence.

The report - Fast Forward 2030: business leaders and young people from Asia Pacific, Europe and North America. It shows that in the US technology already destroys more jobs that it creates. But the report states :” Losing occupations does not necessarily mean losing jobs – just changing what people do.” Growth in new jobs could occur as much, according to the research. |”the growth of 20 to 40 person companies that have the speed and technological know-how will directly challenge big companies.” It states.

A 2014 report by Pew Research found 52 percent of experts in artificial intelligence and robotics were optimistic about the future and believed there would still be enough jobs in the next few years . The optimistic pictured “a future in which robots do not take the place of more jobs than they created,” according to Aaron Smith, the report’s co-author. “technology will continue to affect jobs , but more jobs seem likely to be created. Although there have always been unemployed people, when we reached a few billion people there were billions of jobs. There is no shortage of things that need to be done and that will not change, ”Microsoft’s Jonathan Grudin told researchers. 28 We can infer from the text that in the future____\ A people will face many difficulties

B people will take up more creative jobs

C artificial intelligence will threaten people’s lives

D most jobs will be done in traditional workplaces

29 According to the report,____

A people won’t necessarily lose jobs

B big companies will face fewer challenge

C small companies will win against big companies D most people will become interested in technology 30 what if the attitude of most experts in artificial intelligence and robotics to the future?

A Mixed B worried C hopeful D doubtful

31 Jonathan Grudin’s words in the last paragraph suggest that___

A there will be enough jobs for people

B things will change a lot in a few years

C many people willbecome unemployed

D technology will totally change future jobs


Researchers from Standord University have developed a new material that can move heat out of buildings and into space. The researchers say the material can cool buildings even on hot days.

The cooling material is a very thin sheet with many layers that could be placed on a roof like solar panels. However, instead of turning sunlight into energy as solar panels do, the material turns heat into infrared radiation(红外辐射).

Shanhui Fan is an electrical engineering professor at Stanford University. He says that the panels have a layer of material that is like sand. He says that the panels act like a mirror,taking heat out of buildings and reflecting (反射) the light from the sun. He says both the heat and sunlight are sent 100 kilometers into outer space.

It's a structure that cools itself without electricity input, even under the sun. So, what it does is basically radiate heat to outer space and also reflect the sunlight so it doesn't get heated up by the sun. And the net result is you get something that if you put on the roof will have a temperature below ambient air temperature by a significant amount.

The panels are cool to the touch, even in the sun. Researchers say they can diminish the indoor temperature

Mr. Fan says it is like having a window into space. He says the heat is sent directly into space without warming the air.

He says buildings in developing countries that do not have electricity or air conditioning could use the panels.

The Stanford researchers described their technology in the science publication Nature. They say the main problem is creating actual cooling systems using the high-tech panels. They say it may be possible to develop a cooling spray that could be used on existing solid structures. The researchers believe the cooling spray technology could be developed in the next three to five years. They say as much as 15 percent of the energy used in the United States is spent providing power to air conditioning systems.

32 According to the text, the cooling material___

A is a kind of thick glass

B is made of solar panels

C can send heat into space

D can turn sunlight into energy

33 The underlined word “diminish” in Paragraph 5 can be replaced by___

A reduce B control C change D measure

34 what does the last paragraph mainly discuss?

A The various use s of cooling materials

B the characteristics of cooling system

C the main problems with cooling technology

D the future development of cooling technology

35 Which of the following could be the best title of this text?over,the,years,many,cities,and,states,have,tried,to,put。

A uses of solar panels rediscovered

B High-tech material cools buildingsover,the,years,many,cities,and,states,have,tried,to,put。

C scientists find new ways to store heat from the sun

D Cooling spray may be a new solution to power shortage


根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项,选项中有两项为多余选项。 It was another boring and sad day. I had come home from school, changed my clothes and got ready for work. I worked at a local restaurant as a busser(餐厅侍者助手worse I was busing that evening. It’s the same thing over and over again. Dealing with customers who complain about their food, where they are sitting and whether the piece of pie that they are Though it’s annoying ,we all have to learn to deal with it. elderly women watched how I was busing and working really hard to make sure every table was clean and ready for the next customers.

When they had finished their meals, I 辛德勒的名单观后感tool their plates back to the kitchen. They talked to me As they were leaving, they walked past me and one of them said to me in a confident and gentle voice,” You are going places.” And that was it. They left the restaurant and I was pretty They raised my spirits and gave me a reason to keep on working hard and to give it my all.

A I know I have got used to it

B I went to work feeling down

C They also asked what I planned to do in the future

D I had been busing since 5:00 pm and we were quite busy

E little things like that always annoy a lot of our employees

F Three elderly ladies walked in and sat at a table by the windows

G I had tears in my eyes, because they gave me a reason to believe in myself


第一节 完形填空 (共20小题;每小题15分,满分30分)

阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项 (A、B、C和D)中, 选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。

Most dogs have an easy life in the U.S. They eat, play, get attention from their___41___ and sleep. But some dogs work hard. They are called guide dogs. Guide dogs help___42___people move from place to place safely.

Guide dogs and their owners are a___43___. Guide dogs don’t lead the owners, and their owners don’t___44___control the guide dogs. They work together. The guide dogs don’t know where the owners want to go, so they___45___the owners’ instruction. The owners can’t see the obstacles(障碍物) along the way, so the dogs make decisions for the___46___of the owners. Guide dogs stop at all crossroads before___47___a street. They don’t see color, so they don’t know if the light is red or___48___. The owners decide if it is time to cross the street by listening to the sound of___49___. The dogs help the owners get on a bus or a train. They learn to___50___many tasks.

Most guide dogs are very___51___and friendly. A guide dog needs to work___52___distraction(分心) in noisy places, bad weather, crowds of people, and___53___situations. When you see a guide dog, it is important that you___54___that the dog needs to focus on its job. Don’t pet or talk to the dog. ___55___is very difficult, and it requires a dog’s full___56___.



第一部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分30分)





Nobody likes home economics(家政学). But restoring the program could help us in the fighting against obesity and chronic diseases today.

The home economics movement was founded on the belief that housework and food preparation were important subjects that should be studied scientifically. The first classes occurred in the agricultural and technical colleges that were built in the 1860s. When most departments of universities rejected women, home economics was a back door into higher education.

thIndeed, in the early 20 century, home economics was a serious subject. When few

people understood germ(微生物)theory and almost no one had heard of vitamins, home economics classes offered vital information about washing hands regularly, eating fruits and vegetables and not feedi我的小伙伴作文600字ng coffee to babies.

However, today we remember only the fixed ideas about home economics, forgetting the movement’s most important lessons on healthy eating and cooking. Too many Americans simply don’t know how to cook. Our diets, consisting of highly processed foods made cheaply outside the home, have contributed to many serious health problems. In the last decade, many cities and states have tried to tax junk food heavily or to ban the use of food stamps to buy soda. Clearly, many people are doubtful about any governmental steps to promote healthy eating. But what if the government put the tools of obesity prevention in the hands of children themselves by teaching them how to cook?

My first experience with home economics happened two decades ago when I was a seventh grader in a North Carolina public school. A year later, my father’s job took our family to Wales, where I attended a large school for a few months. It was the first time I had ever really cooked anything. I remember that it was fun, and with an instructor standing by, it wasn’t hard. Those lessons stuck with me when I first started cooking for my husband and myself after college and they will do. Teaching cooking in public schools can help solve some problems facing Americans today. The history of home economics shows it’s possible.

1.Home economics ______.

A.is a subject becoming more and more popular with Americans

B.is often used to help fight against obesity and chronic diseases

C.once offered women a special approach to university education

D.was first taught in the agricultural and technical colleges in the early 1900s

2.The third paragraph mainly tells us ______.

A.the importance of regular hand washing

B.the health benefits of fruits and vegetables

thC.the contents of home economics classes in the early 20 century


D.the significance of teaching home economics in the early 20 century

3.What does the author imply in the last paragraph?

A.Her family moved frequently in her childhood

B.Cooking classes have a far-reaching influence on her later life.

C.To receive a better education, she went to a large school in Wales

D.Teaching cooking is the key to solving Americans’ health problems


Self-esteem is all about how much we feel valued, loved , accepted and thought well of by others and how much we value , love and accept ourselves. People with healthy self-esteem are able to do better in school and find it easier to make friends. They tend to have better relationships with others, feel happier, find it easier to deal with mistakes and failures, and more likely to stick to something until they succeed. People with low self-esteem often feel as if no one will like them or accept them or that they don’t do well in anything.

The following ways may help you improve your self-esteem.

Try to stop thinking negative thoughts about yourself. If you’re used to focusing on your shortcomings, start thinking about positive aspects of yourself that overweigh them. It is good to aim high, but your goals for yourself should be within reach. That’s why you should set practical goals and never expect the impossible. Mistakes are part of learning, so view mistakes as learning opportunities. Accept that you make mistakes because everyone does. Also, you should recognize what


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