
时间:2024-09-21 08:27:00 来源:作文网 作者:管理员

英语作文 > :Nowadays,people,in,many,big,cities是由小学生作文网为您精心收集,如果觉得好,请把这篇文章复制到您的博客或告诉您的朋友,以下是Nowadays,people,in,many,big,cities的正文:


2015年高三第二次联合模拟考试 英 语 试 卷 答 案 第I卷

第一部分 听力 (共两节,满分30分)

1-5 ACABC 6-10 ABCBC 11-15 BAABC 16-20 ABACB

32-35 CCAB 36-40 BGDFE 第二部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分40分) 21-23 ABB 24-27 DABD 28-31 BCDA

第三部分 英语知识运用(共两节,满分45分)

第一节 完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)

41-45 CBDDA 46-50 CABCA 51-55 ACBCA 56-60 ABDBD


第二节语法填空 (共10个小题,每小题1.5分,满分15分)

61. strangely 62. until/ till/ before 63. mine 64. why

66. fearing 67. than 68. preparations 69. like

第四部分 写作(共两节,满分35分)

第一节 短文改错 (共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分) 65. a 70. needs

The Magic Tree House is written

story of two kids, Jack and his sister Annie, ^seem to be very excited about finding a tree house in the woods.


The them turns

Therefore/ Thus librarian


第二节 书面表达(满分25分)

Nowadays, people in many big cities are complaining about the heavy traffic. It has seriously influenced people’s daily life and economic development. To solve the problem, I’d like to put forward some pieces of advice.

For one thing, more streets and roads should be built. In this way, we can speed up the flow of buses and cars. For another, the number of bikes and cars can be limited, which can decrease the traffic flow. But the most important thing is that the number of private cars should be put under control. Meanwhile, buses should have their own special routes which cannot be used by other vehicles. Besides, underground train and city train should be developed quickly.

I do hope my suggestions will be taken.


(Text 1)

W: Are you getting to Saratoga by bus or by train?

M: I don’t know yet. But Al同学聚会倡议书ex suggests me driving there.Nowadays,people,in,many,big,cities。

(Text 21)

M: What are you doing after graduation?

W: I’m not certain. I may become a teacher. But maybe I’ll be practicing law. What about you?

M: Well, things change all too quickly. I’d rather wait and see.

(Text 3)

W: Joe would like us to save a place for him.

M: For him? Won’t he get to the theatre before us? He said he would start half an hour earlier than us.

(Text 4)

M: Could you tell me where Dr. Brown’s office is?

W: It’s on the fifth floor, but the elevator can only go to the fourth. So you’ll have to use the stairs. It’s the seventh room on

the left.

(Text 5)

W: Hey, John. What are you doing?

M: I’m looking through the Wanted ads of this newspaper. I need to get a part-time job to pay my school tuition fee. Maybe I

can be a tour guide in the future.

W: Well, good luck.

(Text 6)

M: Did you go to the basketball game on Friday?

W: No, I couldn’t make it. I saw a football game with my boyfriend.

M: You missed a really good game.

W: Oh, really? Who won? Loncoln High or Frankfurt High?Nowadays,people,in,many,big,cities。

M: Neither of them. Our school did! They played really well.

W: Too bad I missed it. I really wanted to go.

M: Yeah, you should have. Really exciting.Nowadays,people,in,many,big,cities。

W: I’ll make sure and make it to the next one.

(Text 7)

W: What can I do for you?

M: I am trying to find this book.

W: What’s the problem?

M: It doesn’t seem like this library has it.

W: Have you checked the computer?

M: I have already.

W: What did it say?

M: It says the book is on the shelf, but I didn’t find it there.

W: I can always borrow the book from another library.

M: You can do that?

W: I’ll make the call and contact you when it gets in.

M: That’s fantastic. Thank you.

(Text 8)

W: I hope there’ll be plenty to eat there. I’m starving.

M: Don’t worry about that. Amanda’s a great cook. Did you ask her if we should bring anything?

W: Yeah. A bottle of wine. I got some white.

M: Why did you get white? Do you know what she’s serving?

W: I think she said she’s cooking fish.

M: Oh, that sounds good. Let’s see. Do you want me to pick you up?

M: Well, when did she say, six-thirty or seven o’clock?

W: Seven.

M: Then I have time to walk, so let’s just meet at Pat’s house.

W: OK.

M: But could you give me a ride home after dinner?

W: Sure. No problem. See you there in about half an hour then.

(Text 9)

W: What’s the matter, honey?

M: Ah, everybody at the office is sick, the work keeps piling up, uh… I’m getting blamed for it.Nowadays,people,in,many,big,cities。

W: Oh, well, come on, it can’t be as bad as all that.

M: Well, it is, yeah. I …I can’t take much more of it. I…I mean it keeps getting worse. I’ve got to do something about it.

W: Oh. Well, maybe there’s another way to look at it, like… look at it this way. If you hired a temporary typist, now

wouldn’t that take some of the pressure off you?

M: Yeah…we…we…well, oh, what’s, what the point of hiring a temporary typist? The typist we got already should be able

to handle… no, it’s other problems. The typing’s not the problem.

W: Well, when we talked about this last week you thought a typist might help.

M: Ahh, well that was last week. Now, I…I don’t know, I couldn’t care less.

W: Oh, honey. Hey look. Guess what I made you for supper.

M: Mm. What is it?

W: Roast rack of lamb. How about that?

M: Mmm. You’re a sweetheart. Are you trying to distract me?

W: Yes, I’m trying to distract you. Now why don’t you sit right down here, and I’ll go get dinner and put it on the table. (Text 10)

Do you want to know something about the history of weather? Don’t look at the sky. Don’t look for old weather reports. Looking at tree rings is more important. Correct reports date back only one century, but some trees can provide an exact record of the weather even further back.

It is natural that a tree would grow best in a climate with plenty of sunlight and rain fall. It is also expected that little sunlight or rain fall would limit the growth of a tree. The change from a favorable to an unfavorable climate can be determined by reading the pattern of rings in a tree trunk. To find out the weather of ten years ago, count the rings of a tree trunk from the outside to the inside. If the rings are close together, the climate was bad for the tree.

Studying tree rings is not only important for the history of weather, but also for the history of man. In a region of New Mexico 我的理想500you can find only sand—no trees and no people. However, many centuries ago a large population lived there. They left suddenly. Why? A scientist studied patterns of dead tree rings that had grown there. He decided that people had to leave because they had cut down all the trees. Trees were necessary to make fires and buildings. So, after they destroyed the trees, they had to move.



Passage 1


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Dear Diary,

Here I am in the middle of a city,350 miles far away from our farmhouse.Do you want to know why we move last week? Dad lost his job,and as Mom explained,“He was lucky to find other one.”His new job meant I had to say goodbye to my classmate,my school or just everything else I love in the world.To make matters bad,now I have to share a room with my younger sister,Maggie.Tomorrow is first day of school.I am awfully tiring,but I know I’ll never fall sleep.

Good night and remember,you,dear diary,is my only souvenir from my past life and my only friend.



Passage 2


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Two years before,I traveled to Brazil and I rented for a car.Unfortunate,I had an accident and hit another car,and I needed to stay in a hospital for at least two week.I called my parents,so I did not tell them what had happened.I knew that they will be worried about myself because I was so farther away,and that my mother would not sleep if she knew.Therefore,I told them interested stories and how I was enjoying Brazil.As a result,nobody knew truth.I still think that it was the right thing to do.

Passage 3


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I was playing at my cousin house.Since his family was rich than mine,he had more toys than I did.There was one on particular I’d always wanted.I put into my pocket when he wasn’t looking.I guessed,even at that age,I would never be able to enjoy to playing with the toy or faced my cousin again; I would always know I’d done something wrong.Late on,my aunt drove me home.When she dropped me off,I pulled out the toy slow and gave it back.She knows what had happened,but she thanked me and ever mentioned it again.

Passage 4


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After shopping,Mother and I went to a restaurant for lunch.I notice Mother looking at a nearby table occupy by an elderly woman and young couple.They ate silently,and it was clearly that things were not going well.As we left,Mother stopped on their table.“Excuse me,”she said,put her arm around the unhappy old woman.“You remind me so many of my mother.May I hug (拥抱) you?”The woman smiled happily as she accepted to it.After we left,I said,“That was very nice of you,Mother.So I didn’t think she looked like Grandma.”“Neither did me,”said Mother cheerfully.

Passage 5


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One rainy day while I was walking home with one of my friend,a truck came to a stop besides us.The driver put the window down and offered us a umbrella because he found we were wet through.I stood there and couldn’t believe in that a complete stranger is so thoughtful.The man insisted,so I grateful accepted the offer,thanked him and watched the truck disappear down the road.This man might need the umbrella himself,and he preferred to give it to everyone else.It was a lesson to us that it was possible give without expect anything in return.



Passage 1


A young man called Low-Carbon Brother become a hit on the Internet in .He suggests living a low-carbon life,which means using less energy in our daily life so that we can help reducing carbon dioxide in the air.For example,she always picks up some waste paper on the street or uses the blank side to write something.While he is watching TV,he always turns up the screen brightness to the minimum and turns off the light.Therefore,he goes to work by bike instead of driving.Some people think what he is doing is just a show.No one can live such a simply life with so many modern invention around us.As far as I am concerned,I am strongly in support his idea and his behavior.Although what he is doing has no huge effect on global warming,but he at least can enjoy a healthy life.

Passage 2


Dear Mom,

As Mother’s Day is approaching,I’d like to share with you a great many word. First of all,I want to tell you I am very grateful to you for which you have done for me.Thank you very much for bring me up to be happy and brave in a often difficult society.You not only give me precious life,and teach me how to tell right


Different people have different views on __________. Some people think that ________, while others argue that _________.

As far as I am concerned, I agree with the _______ opinion. For one thing, I firmly believe_______. For another, ________. Just think of _________, who_________.

Taking all these factors into consideration, we may safely come to the conclusion that ______________. Only if _____________can we ______________, just as the saying goes, _____________.

① 提出两种人的观点。需要起始句。

② 明确表示自己同意某个观点。态度需斩钉截铁。


There is no doubt that traffic congestion becomes a growing worry for the residents of most urban areas. Some major roads are regularly choked with traffic in rush hours. The limited transport capacity contributes largely to the vexing problem. How to solve the headache?



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热门排行: 2016拜年词 好词