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Chinese women who are dating non-Chinese guys often express various issues which displease them – and the issues are mostly due to cultural differences. One of our forum readers sent us a list of what he considers the ten most common complaints of Chinese girlfriends。

1.You don’t carry my handbag!


Most foreign boyfriends believe that carrying a handbag of a girlfriend is basically the opposite of manliness. But this is a very common demand of Chinese girlfriends. Chinese girls usually carry useless and unnecessary stuff in their bags。


2. You don’t text or call me three times a day!


Chinese girlfriends usually demand that you stay in contact with them during the day and show that you care for them by calling or sending them text messages at least two or three times a day。


3. You don’t meet me often!


If you don’t visit or meet your girlfriend often she will call you selfish and this is a word Chinese girls use if you don’t do something they want. However, for foreigners this word does not seem so strong and they consider it quite normal to be called selfish。


4. Give less time to your friends!


Sometimes, Chinese girls will complain that they don’t like your friends, but this is not exactly true: They just want the guy to spend less time with his friends and more with them。


5. Why don’t you take me to the bar?


She will often complain that you don’t take her when you go out to a bar and she will accuse you of not taking her because of various reasons。


6. No fashion sense


She wants you to dress like she wants you to dress and she wants you to look like she wants you to look. Chinese dress sense is very different to other countries and it’s quite difficult to follow。

7. You don’t know Chinese culture。


You will hear this sentence very often from your Chinese girlfriend – that you should learn more about Chinese culture and start following it。


8. Eat more!


It sounds weird but it’s true: A Chinese girlfriend will suggest that you eat more and “get healthier”. The more you eat the healthier you will be – this is a Chinese saying and they truly follow it and try it on their boyfriends。


9.Eat less!


Sooner or later you will start eating more and another complaint you will get is that you eat so much. Your Chinese girlfriend will start saying that you should eat less and this will be good for your health. Suddenly, the above-mentioned Chinese saying and perception will change。


10. Shopping


her shopping. Yes! She is right – take her shopping often, even window shopping. She wants to hang out with you。




内容简介 本书选取的所有内容均来自美国著名教育家麦加菲主编的原版图书, 语言地道,遣词造句生动活泼,为读者呈现最原汁原味的英语。包含12章,131篇文章,近400幅绘画,内容大体涵盖了自然、动物、人物、诚实、自律、勤 奋等。通过阅读本书不仅仅提高阅读能力,还能全面提高读者的综合素质,尽显经典教材的魅力。部分文章附有背景知识,或是对文章作者的生平进行简单的介绍, 或是对文中的相关内容作必要的补充说明,让读者彻底理解该文章。每篇文章的后面都附带有练习题及答案。通过做练习,可以帮助读者进一步了解文章的主旨和意 义。书中精选的篇章有的是名人们毕生求证后留下的人生准则和经验,有的是脍炙人口、历史源远流长的诗歌,也有颇受人民大众欢迎的演讲词,内容贴近日常生 活,既可以启迪人生智慧,使读者领悟人生哲理,提高自身素质和修养,又可以让读者在表达思想情感、写作、演讲和翻译时借鉴。为了方便读者阅读,每篇文章都 附有译文,编者在编译的过程中反复推敲,力求翻译言简意赅,而且对文中的一些重点单词和短语均进行了注释。让读者身临其境地体会句子的使用场景,便于读者 现学现用

作者简介 美国著名教育家,1845年开始任大学哲学教授。他编写了一套从一级到六级的读物。这套读物一面世就受到人们的欢迎,有37州把这套读物当做教材。在这100多年里,销量高达1.3亿册,美国《出版周刊》在评选“人类出版史上最畅销的10本书”时,将其列为第三位。

自然 Nature

1. 夏日 A Summer Day

2. 树叶之语 What the Leaf Said

3. 一场大雪 A Snowstorm

4. 雷雨 The Thunderstorm

5. 冰山 An Iceberg

6. 黎明 Dawn

7. 约塞米蒂瀑布 The Falls of the Yosemite

8. 咖啡 Coffee

9. 太阳的影响 The Influences of the Sun

10. 黄昏颂歌 Evening Hymn

11. 小鸟的晨曲 Birdie’s Morning Song

12. 约翰尼遇到的第一场暴风雪 Johnny’s First Snowstorm

动物 AnimalTrue,Manliness。

1. 蜂鸟 Humming Birds

2. 老虎 The Tiger 3. 威利和邦斯 Willie and Bounce 4. 小白猫 The White Kitten 5. 海狸 The Beaver 6. 鸟类的朋友 Bird Friends 7. 猴子 The Monkey 8. 狮子 The Lion 9. 鹰 The Eagle 10. 鸟儿趣闻 Anecdotes of Birds 11. 鹌鹑 About Quail

12. 食米鸟 The Bobolink

13. 蝙蝠 BatsTrue,Manliness。

14. 三只小老鼠 Three Little Mice

15. 遇狼历险 An Adventure with Wolves

16. 小狗费得 The Little Dog Fido

正直诚信 Integrity

1. 破碎的窗户 The Broken Window

2. 寡妇与商人 The Widow and the Merchant

3. 模仿约翰·亚当斯的演讲 Supposed Speech of John Adams

4. 不要给我王冠 No Crown for Me

5. 一小块面包 The Little Loaf

6. 黄金准则 The Golden Rule

7. 扫烟囱的小男孩 The Little Chimneysweep Boy

8. 好兄弟 A Kind Brother

9. 寻找失主 Finding the Owner

勤奋进取 Diligence

1. 弗兰克和沙漏 Frank and the Hourglass

2. 懒惰的后果 Consequences of Idleness

3. 勤奋的益处 Advantages of Industry

4. 优秀源于勤奋 No Excellence without Labor 5. 知足的男孩 The Contented Boy 6. 蜜蜂 The Bee 7. 擦鞋童亨利 Henry, the Bootblack 8. 可怜的戴维 Poor Davy

9. 约翰?卡朋特 John Carpenter

10. 查理和罗伯 Charlie and Rob

勇敢 BraveryTrue,Manliness。

1. 勇敢和怯懦 Courage and Cowardice

2. 老鹰树 The Old Eagle Tree

3. 威利是如何逃出井的 How Willie Got Out of the Shaft

4. 黄昏冒险 An Evening Adventure

5. 真正的男子气概 True Manliness

6. 真正的勇敢放手也是一种幸福 True Courage

7. 疯狂的火车司机 The Crazy Engineer

8. 山 Mountains

9. 返航 Homeward Bound

10. 与老虎的较量 A Contest with Tigers

自律 Seif-discipline

1. 不满的钟摆 The Discontented Pendulum

2. 拉尔夫?维克 Ralph Wick

3. 闹钟 The Alarm Clock

4. 一切晚矣 Behind Time 5. 太迟了 A Moment Too Late 6. 控制自己的情绪 Control Your Temper 7. 如果我还是一个男孩 If I Were a Boy 8. 埃米没有赚到的钱 The Money Amy Did Not Earn 9. 劳动 Labor

10. 一分钟的自白 What the Minutes Say

人物 Figure

1. 华盛顿的性格 Character of Washington

2. 富兰克林的谈吐魅力 Colloquial Powers of Franklin

3. 哥伦布的性格 Character of Columbus

4. 拿破仑的性格 Character of Napoleon Bonaparte

5. 皮特先生的性格 Character of Mr. Pitt

6. 华盛顿颂歌 Eulogy on Washington

7. 本杰明·富兰克林初到费城 Franklin’s Entry intoPhiladelphia

8. 阿尔弗雷德大帝 Alfred the Great

9. 亚历山大大帝 Alexander the Great

10. 马丁?路德的性格 Character of Martin Luther

11. 小男孩和斧子 The Little Boy and the Hatchet

善良 Kindness

1. 善良的行为 Deeds of Kindness

2. 玛丽的硬币 Mary’s Dime

3. 山姆和哈里 Sam and Harry

4. 阳光苏茜 Susie Sunbeam

5. 微笑 Smiles

6. 孝顺之子 The Good SonTrue,Manliness。

7. 温柔的手 The Gentle Hand

8. 三个男孩和三个蛋糕 The Three Boys and the Three Cakes

9. 一个玩笑 A New Kind of Fun

10. 我同情他们 I Pity Them

11. 慷慨的俄罗斯农民 The Generous Russian Peasant

12. 善良的人永远不会被抛弃 The Righteous Never Forsaken 坚持毅力 Perseverance

1. 鲁滨逊?克鲁索的房子 Robinson Crusoe’s House

2. 坚持 Perseverance

3. 有志者事竟成 Where There Is a Will There Is a Way

4. 风暴中的轮船 A Ship in a Storm

5. 优秀的朗读者 The Good Reader

6. 微小的胜利 Little Victories

7. 建筑城堡 Castle-Building

8. 狐狸和鸭子 The Fox and the Ducks

好学善思 Learning

1. 学会思考 I Will Think of It

2. 正确的办法 The Right Way

3. 知识就是力量 Knowledge Is Power

4. 考试 The Examination

5. 才智与才能 Tact and Talent

6. 论读书 Of Studies

7. 读书的目标 A Definite Aim in Reading

8. 用自己的脑子配色 With Brains, Sir

9. 财产的起源 Origin of PropertyTrue,Manliness。

10. 人是如何推理的 How Men Reason

11. 科学的目标性局限性 Objects and Limits of Science 处事沟通 Communication

1. 回声 The Echo 2. 七根木棍 The Seven Sticks 3. 风和太阳 The Wind and the Sun 4. 海水为什么是咸的 Why the Sea Is Salt 5. 通往快乐的道路 The Way to Be Happy

6. 我没有捕到的鱼 The Fish I Didn’t Catch

7. 泼冷水的方法 The Art of Discouragement

8. 一个故事,两种说法 Two Ways of Telling a StoryTrue,Manliness。

9. 一个难说的单词 A Hard Word

10. 不浪费,就不会缺乏 Waste Not, Want Not

11. 和蔼地说话 Speak Gently

精彩人生 Life

1. 年轻的教师 The Young Teacher

2. 敢于做正确的事 Dare to Do Right

3. 甲鱼汤 Turtle Soup

4. 算命先生 The Fortune Teller

5. 对逝者的哀思 Sorrow for the Dead

6. 燃烧的地面 Burning the Fallow

7. 乔治的美食 George’s Feast

8. 哈里的财富 Harry’s Riches

9. 生命之旅 The Journey of Life

10. 笛河上的磨坊主 The Miller of the Dee

11. 好奇的玛杰里 How Margery Wondered

12. 妈妈的礼物 Mamma’s Present 在线试读部分章节

A Summer Day

This is the way the morning dawns:

Rosy tints on flowers and trees, Winds that wake the birds and bees, Dewdrops on the fields and lawns— This is the way the morning dawns. This is the way the sun comes up: Gold on brook and glossy leaves, Mist that melts above the sheaves, Vine, and rose, and buttercup— This is the way the sun comes up. This is the way the river flows: Here a whirl, and there a dance; Slowly now, then, like a lance, Swiftly to the sea it goes— This is the way the river flows. This is the way the rain comes down: Tinkle, tinkle, drop by drop,

Over roof and chimney top;

Boughs that bend, and skies that frown—

第三篇:《Nick Vujicic》

Nick Vujicic

Teaching Class 4 Team 5 (Ann, Jody, Jane)

Can you imagine that a person leads a life without limbs? “No arms, no legs, no annoyance.” This is from Nick Vujicic. Nick Vujicic was born in Brisbane, Australia with the rare Tetra-amelia disorder: limbless, missing both arms at shoulder level, and legless but with two small feet, one of which has two toes. From the moment that he was born, his life was filled with hardships. However, he struggled against disability, held hope and found the real meaning of life.

When Vujicic was a little boy, his classmates always laughed at him for his 健康格言strange body with the ab吴健雄sence of all four limbs and his two feet toe, which made Vujicic extremely depressed. When Vujicic was eight years old, he couldn’t bear the suffering he got any longer and shouted out to his mother that he wanted to die. At that time Vujicic believed that only suicide could relief all those tortured feelings, therefore at the age of ten he tried to drown himself in the bathtub in home for three times which did not succeed.

“I couldn’t been here without my parents.” Vujicic

delivered his respect as well as appreciation towards his parents thousands of times before public, it was they who helped him meet the biggest challenge in his life, that was how to build up confidence and learn to love life. Vujicic’s father was a programmer and an accountant, he never gave up to teach Vujicic living independently with his two feet toe. Hence Vujicic tried to learn writing, typing, using a computer with the help of a special device that slid onto his big toe which he used to grip. It's worth mentioning that this device was invented by his parents.

Under days of nights of efforts, Vujicic eventually could comb his hair, brush his teeth, shave, answer the phone, get himself a glass of water and play drum pedals. His mother kept encouraging him to take the initiative and talk to the people who was looking at him strangely. Gradually, he made some friends and things were getting better. A key turning point in his life was when his mother showed him a newspaper article about a man dealing with a severe disability. The man conquered a large amount of difficulties and achieved his goal with persistence. This led Vujicic to realize that he wasn't the only one with major struggles. He started to embrace his situation and set his

own goal in his life. Every time he reflected that tough period of time about study experience, he always felt grateful to his parents who made him independent and let him integrate into the society.

When Vujicic grew 19, he came up with an idea that he wanted to give a lecture in university. Thus he began a long 入党个人自传范文journey seeking speech opportunities but he got constant rejection. Finally, Vujicic finally got a chance to make a five-minute-speech and $50 as salary after 52 attempt. From then on, he started his speaking career and fulfilled his dream of being able to


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