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第一篇:《2014届高考英语一轮复习作业手册(23)模块7 Unit 4 Public transport(附详细解析)》

课时作业(二十三) [模块7 Unit 4 Public transport]



1.He was dismissed, because he had been warned to be ________ but was late again.

A.intelligent B.diligent

C.punctual D.available

2.To keep healthy, Professor Johnson ________ cycling as a regular form of exercise after he retired.

A.took up B.caught on

C.carried out D.made for

3.It is reported that some wild animals were found ________ in a big cave in the mountain. hide dead B.hidden dead

C.hiding dead D.hidden death

4.This is the better use that we ________ the limited space in our kitchen.

A.make of B.make up

C.make into D.make from

5.________ is up to all of ________ road users to make sure that we avoid accidents by paying attention to road safety.

A.It; our B.That; we

C.It; us D.This; our

6.—Because of the rain,we'll have to ________ the football match.

—I'm free next Sunday if you would like to play then.

A.advance B.postpone

C.abandon寒假的收获 D.advocate

7.She just didn't know how to express the beautiful feeling of studying in such a university________with a good atmosphere of studying English.

A.filling B.having filled

C.filled fill

8.I'd prefer to________my judgement until I find all the evidence.

A. show B. express C. pass D. reserve

9.—Do you think it is ________to judge a man only by his looks?

—I don't think so.

A.true B.real C.reliable D.relative

10.When I was twenty, I had to ________ before graduation and work in a clothes shop to help support my family.

A.come out B.stay out

C.leave out D.drop out

11.The police arrested________ thieves last night.

A.few B.a little

C.a handful of D.a great deal of

12.He started to explain, but she cut him short, ________ she had to put an end to it.

A.saying B.said say D.having said

13.An unlocked door is an invitation ________ theft.

A.for D.with

14.The organization's aim is to ________ people from all over the country who are suffering from the disease. up B.break up

C.gather up D.pick up

15.In some western countries, demand of graduates from MBA courses has ________.

A.turned down B.turned over

C.fallen down D.fallen over



Babies work hard to get ready to talk. They listen attentively, and at around 6 months of age start to babble(含糊不清地说) with passion while their brains figure out how to make sounds

“Babies start to lip­read when they learn to babble,” said David Lewkowicz, a psychologist who worked on the study. At that time, he says, infants probably connect the sound

of a word to the shape of a person's mouth when saying the word.

Lewkowicz and Amy Hansen­Tift, both of Florida Atlantic University in Boca Raton, conducted the experiments demonstrating babies' lip-reading skills. The scientists studied 179 infants from families where English is the main language spoken at home.

The children, who were divided into groups by age, wore special devices while they watched videos of a woman speaking English or speaking Spanish, which was a foreign language to the babies. The device kept track of where the child looked while watching each video.

Babbling babies between ages 8 and 12 months old watched the speaker's lips during every video. Babies who could talk also watched the speaker's lips—but only while viewing Spanish videos. While watching the English videos, babies who could talk switched to watching the woman's eyes. The scientists say these findings suggest that babies who already use words can look away from a speaker's mouth and toward the eyes for additional, nonverbal(非语言的) communication clues.

The new study is useful for understanding how babies learn to speak, but it also might help researchers understand disorders like autism. Children with autism have a hard time communicating clearly and forming relationships with people. Previous studies have shown that children with autism watch people's mouths and avoid eye contact by the time they are 2 years old. The new experiments suggest that prolonged(长时期的) lip-reading in younger children, between 1 and 2 years old, may be an early sign of impending(将发生的) problems.

“It's too soon to know if a longer period of lip­reading might be connected to autism,” said Rhea Paul, who is a psychologist and autism researcher at Yale University. She says the new study demonstrates, however, that “it is normal for infants to increasingly look away from adults' eyes and at their mouths from 6 to 12 months of age.”

16.The underlined word “gab” in the first paragraph can be replaced by “________”. B.communicate


17.Why did the researchers make the children wear special devices during the experiments?

A.To know how they would react to the videos emotionally.

B.To keep them always interested in watching all the videos.

C.To know what they would focus on while watching the videos.babies,work,hard。

D.To know which language they would be more interested in.

18.In the study, Lewkowicz and Amy Hansen-Tift found that ________.

A.all the babies watched the speaker's lips during every video

B.babies who couldn't talk watched the speaker's mouth during every video

C.babies who could talk watched the speaker's eyes during every video

D.babies who could talk watched the speaker's lips and eyes during every video

19.The sixth paragraph is intended to explain ________.

A.the early signs of autism in children babies learn to speak

C.the significance of the new study

D.the effects of autism on children


The King's School, Canterbury is an independent, coeducational secondary school. There are currently 791 pupils on the school roll(名单). The school has a long and distinguished history, and it is also one of the oldest charities in the country, providing scholarships to pupils and organizing a Charity of the Term.

The curriculum(课程) at King's is based on strong academic roots. It emphasizes and relies upon what is best in traditional independent school education: scholarly excellence supported by a caring and tutorial system, and a wide-ranging co-curricular programme. However, it is continually adapting and reacting to the changing demands of modern education: new subjects are added, new teaching techniques are adopted, and there is an increasing awareness of the need to provide programmes of study that match individual needs and skills.

The curriculum is divided into three units: the Lower School(Year 9 ), an introductory year; the Middle School(Years 10 and 11 ), working to GCSEs; and the Sixth Form(Years 12 and 13), taking AS and A levels.

Full details can be found in: Shell Guide and Handbook; Middle School Academic Guide 2009—2011; Middle School Academic Guide 2010—2012; Sixth Form Guide 2009—2011 and Sixth Form Guide 2010—2012.

Formal and structured educational support, for those who need it, is available at all levels. The well-stocked library is open 7 days and 6 evenings per week. ICT facilities (including the

Internet) are available for all and the whole school(studies within the houses as well as classrooms) is extensively networked.

Pupils are offered extensive career advice throughout their time at King's. Almost all go to university, either immediately or following a GAP year. The most popular university destinations are Cambridge, Bristol, Nottingham, Durham, Leeds, Oxford, Edinburgh, Manchester, and University College, London.

Director of Studies: Geoff Cocksworth: grc @ kings­

Examinations Officer: Elaine McDowell: eam @ kings­school. co. uk.

Click here for more information.

20.The best title of the passage might be ________.

A.The King's School

B.The Curriculum in Britain

C.New Teaching Techniques

D.British Education System

21.Which of the following is NOT true according to the passage?

A.The King's School, Canterbury is a famous high school in Britain.

B.The curriculum at King's is best in traditional and modern education.

C.All pupils of the school go to university immediately after they graduate.

D.Pupils' dormitories as well as classrooms are provided with network.

22.The following can be inferred from the passage EXCEPT that________.

A.the King's School focuses on pupils' individual development

B.pupils in the King's School who pass GCSEs will go to university

C.pupils in the King's School have an easy access to the school library

D.pupils in the King's School receive good education

23.The passage is probably taken from a ________.


C.magazine D.newspaper


Ⅰ.1.C 句意:他被解雇了,因为他被警告要严守时刻,但他又迟到了。punctual 意为


高一英语必修② Unit4 Wildlife protection练习题

一.语法练习,单项选择: 10%

1. I’ll be going to work on foot while my bicycle________.

(a) is being repaired (b) is repaired (c) will repaired (d) has been repaired

2. The radar sets ________for a long time without any trouble.

(a) have been running (b) have been run

(c) have run (d) were running

3. While the ice box________, a lot of defects were found.

(a) was being examined (b) was examined

(c) was examining (d) had been examined

4. Do you remember ________to Dr. Henry during your last visit?


(a) to be introduced (b) being introduced

(c)having introduced (d) to have introduced

5. The book if worthy of________.

(a) reading (b) read (c) having read (d) being read

6. I dislike ________while try to learn skiing.

(a) being looked at (b) looking at (c) to look at (d) having looked at

7. “Do you have any clothes ________today?” my mother asked.

(a) to wash (b)be washed (c) wash (d) to be washed

8. Excuse me, but it is time to have your temperature________.

(a) taking (b) to take (c) take (d) taken

9. Let teachers’ words________.

(a) being remembered (b) remembering (c) he remembered (d) remember

10. He has come to________.

(a) checked his blood pressure (b) having his blood pressure checked (c) have his blood pressure checked (d) have checked his blood pressure

二.句型转换. 20%

1. Milu deer has disappeared from China.

Milu deer has ______ ________ from China.

2. People hope that Taiwan will return our motherland as soon as possible.

______ ______ ________that Taiwan will return our mother land as soon as possible.

3. The old lady is sleeping peacefully.

The old lady is sleeping _________ ____________.

4. I got up so late that I was late for school.

I got up late. ________ ________ __________, I was late for school.

5. Although tourists like to watch us, they didn’t want to protect us.

They didn’t want to protect us ________ ________ tourists like to watch us.

三.填空. 30%

1. Do you know how did the world ______ ______ ______ ?你知道宇宙如何形成的吗?

2.In winter, you should cover something to ___________ the plants ______ the cold. 在冬天你应该盖上东西保护那些植物不要冻坏。

3.He is _____ great ____________. 他处于极度危险中。

4.He didn’t work hard. __ __ ______, he failed in the exam.他没有努力学习,因此他就在考试中失败了。

5.You should ____ ___________ _____ the signs when you are driving.当你驾驶的时候你应该注意标志。

6.My family lives _______ ________.我一家人相处融洽。

7. Dinosaurs ______ ______ millions of years ago.恐龙在几万年前就灭绝了。

9. The storm _____ a bad _______ _____ the crops.那暴风雨对庄稼有很坏的影响。

10. ______________________(根据) the radio, it will snow tomorrow.

11. The boy is __________________(渴望) a new bicycle.

12. Now, many new types of cell phones ________________(produce) to meet the need of the young people.babies,work,hard。

13. You should ___________________ the rainforest _________ I live.(你应该更加注意我所居住的雨林)

14. 多么美妙的一次经历啊!What ______________________________!

15. 同学们常嘲笑他走路的样子。(the way 引导的定语从句) ___________________________________

四.完型填空. 30%

There are about fifteen hundred languages in the world. But a few of them are very U.S.A., but in other parts of the world. About 200,000,000 speak it as their own language. It is difficult to say how many people are learning it as a language. Many millions are do so. Is it easy or difficult to learn English? Different people may have different . Have you ever ads( 广告) of this kind in the newspapers or magazines? "Learn English in six weeks, or your back..." "Easy and funny! Our records and master your English in a month. the first day your will be excellent. Just send ... " Of course, it never quite like this.

The only language that seems easy to learn is the mother tongue. We should that . If we could learn English in the same way, it would not seem so difficult. does. He listens to what people say. He tries what he hears. When he is using the language, talking in it, in it all the time. Just imagine how much that gets!

So it to say that learning English is easy, because a good command of much time. student's work for him.

1. A. not B. quite C. only D. 秋天的落叶作文very


2. A. difficult B. important C. necessary D. easy

3. A. native B. foreign C. useful D. mother

4. A. learning B. enjoying C. trying D. liking

5. A. questions B. problems C. ideas D. answers

6. A. found B. watched C. noticed D. known

7. A. knowledge B. time C. money D. English

8. A. make B. help C. let D. allow

9. A. From B. On C. Since D. After

10. A. spelling B. grammar C. English D. pronunciation

11. A. happened B. looked C. seemed D. felt

12. A. know B. remember C. understand D. think

13. A. students B. children C. babies D. grown-ups

14. A. Imagine B. Mind C. Do D. Think of

15. A. using B. thinking C. trying D. practicing

16. A. time B. money C. language D. practice

17. A. hard B. easy C. funny D. silly

18. A. depends B. tries C. has D. takes

19. A. uses B. takes C. gets D. costs

20. A. do B. work C. help D. master

五.阅读:下面是一篇杂志文章, 请将标有A—F的段落插入文章标号1-5的合适位置, 使这篇文章意义完整, 结构连贯;其中有一个段落是多余的。 10%

The earth's population has already doubled three times during the past century. Even at that, the human presence, which is clearly-seen almost everywhere on the earth, has had a greater impact (冲击) than simply numbers alone would be a sign.(1)____.

Use of that capacity has both advantages and disadvantages. On one hand, developments in technology have brought great benefits (益处) to almost all people. Most people today get close to goods and services that were once enjoyed only by the wealthy—in transportation, communication, nutrition, health care, entertainment, and so on.

(2)_____. The growth of agricultural technology has made possible a very large population but has brought great shortage on the soil and water that are needed to continue great deal of production.


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