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第一篇:《河北省保定市2015届高三上学期11月摸底考试英语试题 Word版含答案》






1.答第一卷前,考生务必将自己的姓名、准考证号填写在本试卷和答题卡相对应的位置上。 2.选出每小题答案后,用铅笔把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑。如需改动,用橡皮擦干净后,再选涂其他答案标号。写在本试卷上无效。 第一部分



第一节(共5小题,每小题1.5分 满分7.5分)

听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A,B,C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。 1. Where does the man go probably?

A. To the supermarket. B. To the hospital. 2. What was the woman's problem? A. She didn't know the speed limit. B.She forgot to wear the seat belt. C. She drove too fast.

3. What did the woman do last weekend? A. Left home for work.

B. Went for a walk near her home. C. Went boating with her family. 4. What do we know about the man? A. He has difficulty waking up. B. He likes collecting clocks. C. He gets up late every day.

5. How does the woman probably get to work? A. On foot B.By bus C. By bike 第二节(共15小题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5分)


听第6段材料。回答第6、7题。 6. What seems to be the man's problem?

C.To the restaurant.

A. Keeping his room clean every day. B. Getting along with his roommate. C. Having trouble going to sleep.

7. What does the woman suggest the man do?

A. Try to get more sleep. B, Learn to be tolerant. C. Talk to Charlie 听第7段材料,回答第8、9题.

8. What does the man think of the new restaurant? A. It is too noisy.

B. Its service is unsatisfactory. C. Its dishes taste terrible.

9. What's the probable relationship between the two speakers? A. Husband and wife. H. Mother and son. C. Waiter and customer.


10. How many languages has the man learned to speak? A. Two. B. Three. C. Four. 11. Why did the man give up learning Chinese? A. He thought it difficult to speak. B. He didn't get enough time to practice it. C. He thought it hard to learn the Chinese character. 12. What is the man?

A. Language teacher. B. Salesman. C. Reporter. 听第9段材料,回答第13至16题。 13. What are the two speakers talking about? A. Buying holiday presents. B. Making a Christmas plan. C Sharing opinions on friendship.

14. What does the woman always give her friends? A. Fruit. B Chocolate. 15. What does the woman say about Mary? A. She likes Christmas cards. B. She prefers fruit to coffee. C. She is trying to lose weight.

16. How does the woman feel about Tim's suggestion?

A. Doubtful. B. Unpractical.生活需要勇气 C. Satisfied. 听第10段材料,回答第17至20题。 17. What is the meeting about?


A. Moving to a new campus. B. Running a new school. C. Hiring new teachers.

18. What does the speaker say about Agriculture students? A. They need bigger places. B. They will stay where they are.

C.They will have their labs ready in a week. 19. What is the plan for the History Department? A. The teachers won't move forever. B. Everybody will stay in the old building. C, The students will move to the new building. 20. Who will be in the downtown building?

A. Arts students. B, Law students. C.Engineering students. 第二部分阅读理解(共两节,满分40分)





Words like "thanks" and "please" have become pet phrases for Na Yuegang. As one of the volunteers at this year’s Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) forum(论坛), he assists more than 100 international representatives.

But Na Yuegang is not alone. More than 600 volunteers from 13 universities in Beijing contribute to the APEC meeting, according to Beijing Daily.

Students take advantage of opportunities to put their skills and interests to work at the forum, and in return they gain valuable work experience and connections.

Na Yuegang is an international politics major at Beijing Language and Culture University, and he’s a language enthusiast. In addition to English, he speaks both Thai and Cantonese. He uses his talents to help determine where delegates are from based on their accents.He even gets to use his language skills to communicate with staffers.

Through communicating with delegates, he’s developed a deeper understanding of his college major. “Here, I learn the meeting’s agenda(日程安排), how the delegates work, and get a feel for the atmosphere of this international event.” he says.

"This experience has made me more curious about the relationship between China and other nations," he says "I want to study these relationships, if possible.”

Xu Han, 21, an English major at Beijing University of Technology, is approaching the conference from a different angle. Her job is to introduce delegates to China’s technological innovations like 3D printing machines produced by technological company Tiertime. She is also in charge of showing off cultural relics and she does it all in English.

Once, she did a lot of preparation for the process behind a carved lacquer ware(漆器制品)technique to meet a Thai representative's curiosity. In only four days, she read more than 100 pages of notes.

She did her own research online as well. Through her own research she's gained the ability to speak about the subject with confidence.

She's constantly on the look out for opportunities to grow. 21. The main purpose of this text is to A. make a brief introduction of the APEC forum B. praise the student volunteers at the APEC forum C. show the students' hardwork at the APEC forum

D .encourage students to take personal development opportunities 22. From the text we can learn that Na Yuegang A. majors in English language B. can speak more than three languages

C.helps many representatives with their daily work D. starts to take interest in international relationship 23.Which of the following words can best describe XuHan? A. Deligent and skillful B.Smart and creative C. Honest and kind D. Proud and talktive 24. What would be the best title? A. APEC Forum

B. Students Work Hard at APEC Meeting C. Students Make a Hit at APEC Forum D. Experience Comes from Practice


A. Matthew McConaughey C. Amy Adams A. Blue Jasmine

B. Leonardo DiCaprio D. Jared Leto

25. Who wins the best film comedy actor title at the 71st Golden Globe Awards?

26. If you want to see your favorite star Elisabeth Moss, you should watch_____________.

B. Breaking Bad

C. House of Cards D. Top of the Lake

27. Which of the following is the best TV film at the 71st Golden Globe Awards? A The Great Beauty

B.Mandela:Long Walk to Freedom

D.Dancing on the Edge


Holidays are really important. Many of us have childhood memories of summer holidays when we were taken away from home to experience new environments and learn in different ways.

But holidays are expensive and,unobtainable. Even the cheapest holidays require travel and other additional costs that are difficult for many families to meet.

For working parents,the long summer break can be a very difficult problem for childcare. When an annual leave allowance amounts to only five weeks,there is a need to spread this across the year. Couples can find themselves taking 有关关爱的作文leave in turn in order to care for children who are on holiday.

The schools that I visit in Nottingham are full of experienced staff committed(承诺) to giving our children a caring and inspiring learning environment. The number of children receiving free school meals is quite large in Nottingham and many schools have breakfast clubs to make sure that children get a healthy start to the day.

Most schools undertake programs of group or individual educational support. Schools also have an important role in safeguarding children's welfare through the ongoing touch and support with their pupils. During the long summer holidays,much of this is missed.

In setting out its plans for a five-term year,Nottingham City Council is seeking to reduce the summer holiday down to four and a half weeks, with a more balanced five terms of roughly eight weeks, each followed by a two-week break.We believe this will give real “down time” for school staff and pupils alike but will be short enough not to cause a real break in learning. C. Behind the Candelabra



命题人: 命题学校:崇仁一中words,like,thanks,and,please,have,become,pet,phrases,for。

第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)略





Words like "thanks" and "please" have become pet phrases for Na Yuegang. As one of the volunteers at this year’s Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) forum(论坛), he assists more than 100 international representatives.

But Na Yuegang is not alone. More than 600 volunteers from 13 universities in Beijing contribute to the APEC meeting, according to Beijing Daily.

Students take advantage of opportunities to put their skills and interests to work at the forum, and in return they gain valuable work experience and connections.

Na Yuegang is an international politics major at Beijing Language and Culture University, and he’s a language enthusiast. In addition to English, he speaks both Thai and

Cantonese. He uses his talents to help determine where delegates are from based on their accents.He even gets to use his language skills to communicate with staffers. Through communicating with delegates, he’s developed a deeper understanding of his college major. “Here, I learn the meeting’s agenda(日程安排), how the delegates work, and get a feel for the atmosphere of this international event.” he says.

"This experience has made me more curious about the relationship between China and other nations," he says "I want to study these relationships, if possible.”

Xu Han, 21, an English major at Beijing University of Technology, is approaching the conference from a different angle. Her job is to introduce delegates to China’s

technological innovations like 3D printing machines produced by technological company Tiertime. She is also in charge of showing off cultural relics and she does it all in English.

Once, she did a lot of preparation for the process behind a carved lacquer ware(漆器制品)technique to meet a Thai representative's curiosity. In only four days, she read more than 100 pages of notes.

She did her own research online as well. Through her own research she's gained the ability to speak about the subject with confidence.

She's constantly on the look out for opportunities to grow.

21. The main purpose of this text is to

A. make a brief introduction of the APEC forum

B. praise the student volunteers at the APEC forumwords,like,thanks,and,please,have,become,pet,phrases,for。

C. show the students' hardwork at the APEC forum

D .encourage students to take personal development opportunities

22. From the text we can learn that Na Yuegang

A. majors in English language

B. can speak more than three languages

C.helps many representatives with their daily work

D. starts to take interest in national relationship

23.Which of the following words can best describe XuHan?

A. Deligent and skillful B.Shy and creative

C. Honest and kind D. Proud and mean

24. What would be the best title?

A. APEC Forum

B. Students Work Hard at APEC Meeting

C. Students Make a Hit at APEC Forum

D. Experience Comes from Practice


Back in September of 2005, on the first day of school, Martha Cochran, a social studies school teacher at Robinson High School, did something unforgettable. On the first day of school, with permission of the school headmaster, she took all of the desks out of the classroom.

The kids came into the first period. They walked in, and there were no desks. They looked around and said, "Ms Cochran, where are our desks?" And she said, "You can't have a desk until you tell me how you earn them.”

They thought, "Well, maybe it's our grades.”

"No," she said.

"Maybe it's our behavior. " And she told them, "No, it's not even your behavior. "

Second period, the same thing. Third period... By early afternoon television news reporters had gathered in Ms. Cochran’s class to find out about this crazy teacher.

The last period of the day, Martha Cochran gathered her class. They were at this time sitting on the ground floor around the sides of the room. "Throughout the day no one has really understood how you earn the ordinary desks in this classroom." she said, "Now I'm going to tell you. "

Martha Cochran went to the door of the classroom and opened it, and as she did, twenty-seven adults, who were fathers or mothers of the kids, walked into that classroom, each one having a school desk. And they placed those school desks in rows. And when they finished placing those desks, those kids for the first time in their lives understood how they earned those desks.

Martha said, "You don't have to earn those desks. They did it for you. They put them out there for you, but it's up to you to sit here responsibly to learn, to be good students and good citizens, because they paid a price for you to have that desk, and don't ever forget it! "

25. Why did Cochran take all the desks out of the classroom?

A. Because she wanted to punish the kids. B. Because she wanted to let kids know how they earned the desks.

C. Because kids didn't need any desks at her classes.

D. Because the desks were all broken.

26. Who give kids to have a chance to get education?

A. Teachers. B. The headmaster. C. Kids themselves. D. Kids' parents.

27. Which of the following is NOT TRUE according to the text?

A. Kids finally understood what their teacher meant by themselves.

B. The headmaster supported Ms. Cochran’s idea.

C. Kids studied without desks on the first day.

D. Kids' parents earned the desks for them.


Everyone looks forward to progress, whether in one’s personal life or in the general

society. Progress indicates a person’s ability to change the way he is living at the moment. Progress must lead to a better life and a brtter way of doing things.All these, however, remain true only in so far as people want to accept technology and move forward by finding new and more efficient ways of doing things.

However,at the back of the minds of many people,especially those who miss the “good old days”, efficiency comes with a price. When communication becomes efficient,people are able to contact one another no matter where they are and at whatever time they wish

to.The click of a button allows people miles apart to talk or to see each other without even leaving their homes. With the communication gadgets, such as mobile phones and iPads, people often do not take the effect to visit one another personally.A personal visit carries with it the additional feature of having to be in the person’s presence for as long as the visit lasts. We cannot unnecessarily excuse ourselves or turn the other person off. With efficiency also comes mass production. Such is the nature of factories and the

success of industrialization today. Factories have improved efficiency. Unskillful tasks are left to machines and products are better made and produced with greater accuracy than any human hand could ever have done. However, with the improvements in efficiency also comes the loss of the personal touch when making these products. For example, many handcrafts(手工艺品) are now produced in a factory. Although this means that supply is better able to increase demand, now that the supply is quick and efficient, the demand might fall because mass production lowers the quality of the handicraft and it is difficult to find unique designs on each item.

Nevertheless, 花落花开自有时we must not commit the mistake of analyzing progress only from one point of view. In fact, progress has allowed tradition to keep up. It is only with progress and the invention of new technology that many old products can be brought back to their old state. New technology is required for old products to stay old.

It is people’s attitude towards progress that causes the type of influence that technology has on society. Technology is flexible. There is no fixed way of making use of it.

Everything depends on people’s attitude. The worst effects of progress will fall on those who are unable to rethink their attitudes and views of society. When we accept progress and adapt it to suit our needs, a new “past” is created.

28.According to Paragraph 1, progress can benefit people when they are willing to _______.

A. live a better life B. look for better methods

C. change ways of living D. accept technology and advance steadily

29. The underlined word “gadgets” is closest in meaning to _______.

A. tools B. messages C. barriers D. skills

30. C



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