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英语作文 > :2015-2016吉林第三次英语调研测试是由小学生作文网为您精心收集,如果觉得好,请把这篇文章复制到您的博客或告诉您的朋友,以下是2015-2016吉林第三次英语调研测试的正文:

第一篇:《吉林省吉林市2016届高三第三次调研测试试题 英语》


英 语




第一部分:听力(共两节, 满分30分)

第一节(共5小题;每小题1.5分, 满分7.5分)


1. What does the woman mean?

A. She is lying. B. She is full. C. She is very hungry.

2. Where are the speakers?

A. At a concert. B. In a museum. C. In a movie.

3. How long did the man wait?

A. An hour. B. Fifteen minutes. C. Twenty minutes.

4. What is John going to do?

A. Watch TV. B. Go to the film. C. Go out for supper.

5. What is the most probable result of the conversation?

A. The man will make up papers.

B. The man will repeat his words.

C. The man will ask the woman for help.

第二节 (共15小题;每小题1.5分, 满分22.5分)



6. What does one need to do if he wants to join the library?

A. He needs to write down his name and address.

B. He needs to show some kind of identification with his name and address on it.

C. He needs to give his address.

7. Why does the woman want to borrow some books?

A. She wants to read them and enjoy herself.

B. She enjoys reading and can‟t live without books.

C. She wants some books to read on holiday this weekend.

8. What does the woman show at last?

A. Her driving license. B. Her bankbook. C. Her passport.


9. Where can the man get money?

A. The Dunnes Stores. B. The Allied Irish Bank.

10. Why does the man think it difficult to get to the bank?

A. The bank is a new one.

B. The man isn‟t familiar with the area.

C. The woman can‟t tell the way clearly.

11. What will the woman do for the man?

A. Go with him. B. Give him some money.

12. What is the relationship between the two speakers?

A. Strangers. B. Friends.


13. What does the man want to do?

A. Help her with her work.

B. Talk to her.

C. Invite her to a party.

14. What is the woman busy working on?

A. Her history paper. B. Her biology paper.

15. What did the professor tell the woman to do?

A. To cut down 10 pages.

B. To add another 10 pages to her paper.

C. To hand in her paper of over 10 pages on Friday.


16. What does the woman worry about?

A. Her weight. B. Her health.

17. What do you think the woman is going to do?

A. Buy a dancing machine. B. Walk every day.


18. How did Mr. Hill earn his living?

A. By farming.

B. By selling chicken and eggs.

C. By selling air-conditioning.

19. When did Mr. Hill‟s chickens lay hardly any eggs?

A. When it was cold in winter.

B. When it was warm in autumn.

C. When it was hot in summer.

20. Which word can best describe Mr. Hill?

A. Foolish. B. Generous.

第二部分:阅读理解 (共两节,满分40分)

第一节(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分) C. The Bank of Ireland. C. Draw a map. C. Workmates. C. Her test paper. C. Her work. C. Dance with the man. C. Humorous.



Modern life can be stressful. It‟s full of pressure and hardships, worries and annoyances. But2015-2016吉林第三次英语调研测试

after years of being dosed up by doctors and seeking solutions on the self-help shelves, can most common complaints be cured through your next holiday?

21. When celebrating the festival Just for Laugh in Montreal, you will __________.

A. empty your mind with meditation sessions

B. burst into tears by watching comedy films2015-2016吉林第三次英语调研测试

C. be thrilled and your depression will be removed

D. have discussions on the meaning of life

22. If you are thinking too much about work, you can spend a few days at _________.

A. the Wanderlust Festival

B. Ireland‟s matchmaking festival

C. Just for Laughs

D. HowTheLightGetsIn

23. According to the passage, we can learn the festival doctor specializes in _________.

A. offering a cure through the festival form

B. celebrating the festivals with the patients

C. treating people falling ill during festivals

D. listening to people‟s complaints during festivals


On a hot summer day in America a little boy decided to go for a swim in the old swimming hole behind his house. He dived into the cool water, not realizing that as he swam towards the middle of the lake, a crocodile (鳄鱼) was swimming toward him.

His mother in the house was looking out of the window and saw the two as they got closer and closer. In great fear, she ran toward the water, shouting to her son as loudly as she could. Hearing her voice, the little boy became alarmed and made a U-turn to swim to his mother. It was too late. Just as he reached her, the crocodile reached him. From the shore, the mother grabbed her little boy by the arms just as the crocodile snatched his legs. That began an incredible tug-of-war (拔河) between the go. A farmer happened to drive by, heard their screams, raced from his truck, took aim and shot the crocodile.

Remarkably, after weeks and weeks in the hospital, the little boy survived. His legs were extremely scarred by the attack of the animal. And, on his arms, were deep scratches where his mother's fingernails dug into his flesh in her effort to hang on to the son she loved.

The newspaper reporter, who interviewed the boy, asked if he would show him his scars. The boy lifted his legs. And then, with obvious pride, he said to the reporter, “But look at my arms. I have great scars on my arms, too. I have them because my Mom wouldn‟t let go.”

Never judge another person's scars, because you don't know how they were made.

24. Which of the following is most related to the underlined word “passionate”?

A. Anxious. B. Determined. C.开运动会的作文 Frightened. D. Courageous.

25. By saying “But look at my arms. I have great scars on my arms, too” in the

fourth paragraph, the boy really wants to show__________.

A. how many scars and scratches he had

B. how deep the scars made by the crocodile were

C. how great and beloved his mother was

D. what a brave and courageous boy he was

26. In the story the writer intends to tell us that __________.


A. scars always remind people of their past experiences

B. it‟s dangerous to swim alone in the water

C. the boy also feels painful in his mind

D. scars do not necessarily mean pain at all times

27. Which of the following will be the best title for the text?

A. A Terrible Experience

B. Women Hold up Half the Sky

C. Scars of Love

D. Don't Judge by Appearances


Studying abroad will shape you in various ways. You will learn things you never would have if you had stayed home. When you are young and unattached, you should travel. Besides, you just might save a large sum of money. College is expensive in the United States. It‟s cheap or free in other countries even for foreigners, so why not get out of here and come back smarter?

More and more American students are currently studying at German colleges. That number has increased 20% over the last three years. Living costs are about $7,000 a year, which is even lower than in other European countries. Germany encourages international students. They create a multicultural landscape that benefits German students as well. According to a new report, Germany is home to six of the world‟s 100 best universities. These schools offer around 900 degrees completely in English and many German students speak the language.

You could be part of Finland‟s excellent education system. The Finns charge no tuition and offer a number of courses purely in English. They would be happy for you to add flavor to their school scene. Cost of living there is high. Be prepared for frosty winters that far north, but you will get that sweet midnight sun in the summer.

Many other European nations offer cheap or free college for foreign students, but if South America is more your thing, try Brazil. Most of the education will take place in Portuguese, so if that is in your plan you can study near beautiful beaches and jungles. The University of Sao Paulo and State University of Campinas are both highly ranked internationally. Your money will go a long way there, too.

Many of the lessons you will learn will be outside the classroom. Living on the economy in a foreign country will keep you on your toes. You will learn new customs, how to bargain, stay safe, budget and become more flexible with people. There is no better way to learn a language than by immersing yourself in it. At first, it will be the toughest thing you have ever done. Eventually, it will become second nature.

28. German universities are popular among US students mainly because _________.



英 语




第一部分:听力(共两节, 满分30分)

第一节(共5小题;每小题1.5分, 满分7.5分)


1. What does the woman mean?

A. She is lying. B. She is full. C. She is very hungry.

2. Where are the speakers?

A. At a concert. B. In a museum. C. In a movie.

3. How long did the man wait?

A. An hour. B. Fifteen minutes. C. Twenty minutes.

4. What is John going to do?

A. Watch TV. B. Go to the film. C. Go out for supper.

5. What is the most probable result of the conversation?

A. The man will make up papers.

B. The man will repeat his words.

C. The man will ask the woman for help.

第二节 (共15小题;每小题1.5分, 满分22.5分)



6. What does one need to do if he wants to join the library?

A. He needs to write down his name and address.

B. He needs to show some kind of identification with his name and address on it.

C. He needs to give his address.

7. Why does the woman want to borrow some books?

A. She wants to read them and enjoy herself.

B. She enjoys reading and can‟t live without books.

C. She wants some books to read on holiday this weekend.

8. What does the woman show at last?

A. Her driving license. B. Her bankbook. C. Her passport.



第三篇:《2015-2016年吉林省吉林市2016届高三第三次调研测试试题 理综化学word版 含答案》



注意:本试卷分第Ⅰ卷(选择题)和第Ⅱ卷(非选择题)两部分,满分300分,考试时间150分钟。 可能用到的相对原子量:H 1 C 12 N 14 O 16 Si 28 S 32 Na 23 Ti 48

Cu 64 Zn 65


一、选择题:本题包括13个小题,每小题6分,每小题只有一个选项符合题意。 7. 下列有关物质应用的说法正确的是 A. 烧碱可做食品干燥剂2015-2016吉林第三次英语调研测试

B. 经常接触铅笔芯易造成铅中毒 D. 蚕丝的主要成分是蛋白质

C. 盐类都可以用作调味品

8. 分子式为C7H12O4,其中只含二个—COOCH3基团的同分异构体(不考虑手性异构)共有 A. 4种

B. 5种

C. 6种

D. 7种

9. 将足量的稀盐酸加到由下列物质组成的固体混合物中,只能发生一种类型反应的是 A.Al、Cu、AgNO3

B.Na2O2、Na2SO3、BaCl2 D.Ba(NO3)2、Fe(OH)2、NaOH


10. 加热聚丙烯废塑料可以得到碳、氢气、甲烷、乙烯、丙烯、苯和甲苯。用右图所示装

置探究废旧塑料的再利用。下列叙述错误的是 ..A.装置乙的试管中可收集到芳香烃


B.装置丙中的试剂可吸收烯烃以获得卤代烃 C.最后收集的气体可做燃料



xMg+Mo3S4 MgxMo3S4,下列说法中正确的是 A. 充电时MgxMo3S4只发生还原反应 B.放电时Mo3S4只发生氧化反应

C. 充电时阳极反应式为 Mo3S42x—2xe= Mo3S4

D. 放电时负极反应式为xMg= xMg2+—2xe

12. 下列关于0.5mol·L—1NaHCO3溶液的说法正确的是

A. 溶质的电离方程式为NaHCO3=Na++H++CO32— B.加水稀释后,n(H+)与n(OH—)的乘积变大

C.离子浓度关系:c(Na+)+ c(H+)= c(OH—)+ c(HCO3—)+ c(CO32—) D.温度升高,c(HCO3—)增大

13. 甲、乙、丙、丁4种物质分别含2种或3种元素,它们的分子中均含18个电子,甲是气态氢化物,在




- 1 -

B.若乙与氧气的摩尔质量相同,则乙只能由2种元素组成 C.若丙中含有第2周期ⅣA族的元素,则丙可能是甲烷的同系物



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