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第一篇:《2013M7U2 一轮同步复习测试》

M7U2 Fit for life

ⅠComplete the following sentence


2. 这幅图片向我们展示了小女孩迎接下班回来的母亲的感人一刻.




4. 大家都知道,参加锻炼有助于延长人的寿命___________________________________________________.

5. 是在什么地方你遇见你的老朋友的?(用强调句)_______________________________________________.

6. 我向老师寻小学3年级作文求帮助,他建议我要和他人合作(用定语从句)______________________________________.

7. 过了10多年才有人把青霉素转化成20世纪的神奇药品。


8. 很难克服烟瘾,最好是远离它._____________________________________________________________. II. Multiple choice

1. Education is to a human soul _______ sculpture is to a block of marble. A. that B. which C. what D. where

2. —— Have you been to the Great Wall?——Perhaps not in my memory. _______, it might have been during

my early childhood. A. If any B. If ever C. If once D. If not 3. —Oh, how depressed! I‟m bound to lose to him in tomorrow‟s competition.-——-Cheer up!In fact,he is ____ than you.A.not more nervous more nervous less nervous D.a little less nervous 4. It is such a good place _____everybody wants to visit ____ it is well-known all over the world.

A. which; that B. as; as C. as; that D. that; which

5. I had been puzzled over the problem for over an hour without any result, ______ all at once a solution flashed across my mind. A. while B. when C. then D. as

6. Attention, please. All of you students _______ remain in their seats until all the papers have been collected.

A. can B. will C. may D. shall

7. Misunderstandings _____from lack from social communication, unless ______ properly, may lead to serious problems. A. arisen; handling B. arising; handled C. rising; handled D. risen; handling

8. The book was written in 1946, ______ the education system has witnessed great changes.

A. since when B. after which C. since then D. during which

9. ______ with modern facilities, the lab is intended to seat more than 2000 students, _____ excites all of them.

A. Equipped; that B. Having equipped; that C. Equipping; as D. Equipped; which

10. John acknowledged ________ the midterm examination.

A.not to pass B.passing not C.not passing D.didn‟t pass

11. ________your calculations are correct,we should travel northeast.

A.To be assumed B.To assume C.Assuming D.Assumed

12. The parcel that he ________ five kilograms.

A.weighed is weighed B.had weighed weighs C.has weighed is weighed D. weighed weighs

13. Not that I‟m ________ to go to see the film with you,but that I have to do my homework now.

A.incapable B.unwilling C.unfit D.inconvenient

14. The visitors spoke of their desire ________ visiting the Great Wall,which is a familiar sight ________ most

of the Beijing residents.;with;by C.of;on D.for;to

15. —How about the price of these washing machines? —They are at least equal ________ price ________ those at other stores.;to;with;to;as

16 A reading room is ________ you can read newspapers and magazines as well as books. which B.that C.where D.the place

III Cloze test

Oh God! I think I was about seven when my sisters and I pulled this stupid stunt(惊险动作).

I remember we were watching TV when we heard my 61. ______, Chris, yelling from the backyard. We all

62. ______ out to see what happened. 63. ______ we finally located him, he was in a tree 64. ______ from the

highest tree branch. Crying, he explained he had climbed up the tree and couldn‟t get down. One of us should climb up but we couldn‟t 65. ______ to get him moving down.

Luckily, my youngest sister, Ka, five then, had seen a(n) 66. ______ situation. She suggested we grab a 67. ______, hold it under the branch, and tell him to 68. ______ so we could catch him. My other sister, Yams, one year younger than me, looked at me eagerly to 69. ______ her idea and I said “Yeah, let‟s try that.”

Immediately we 70. ______ a sheet and held it beneath the tree. Now mind you, the ages holding this blanket were 71. ______ from seven to five, thus the sheet was probably being held up to our waist and also close to touching the ground. But we were 72. ______ it could work.

Chris, my brother, aged four, looked down at us with hesitation, asking in a 73. ______ voice, “Are you sure I‟ll land on the blanket?” But because of a problem at 74. ______ with his tongue being a bit attached to the mouth, it came out like this, “Ah you sho awill lan on da blanked?” “Yup!” I told him, “We‟re sure!” and he let go.

How 75. ______ he was to trust us! And no matter how 76. ______ we held, Chris fell right 77. ______that sheet and landed on his stomach. This tiny seventy-pound boy had made a big 78. ______ right in the sheet!

Because he wasn‟t moving, we bent down to 79. ______ if he was still alive. Slowly, he uttered these five words, “Ah stee hi da flow!”, in other words, “I still hit the floor!” Poor little man!

Now Chris is fourteen and he still blames us about it. Any tree he climbs he can ge励志演说t down on his own and, 80. ______, he wants to be a fireman when he grows up.

61. A. neighbour B. brother C. classmate D. cousin

62. A. headed B. wandered C. waited D. stayed

63. A. After B. Since C. Though D. When

64. A. jumping B. looking C. hanging D. shaking

65. A. try B. manage C. plan D. decide

66. A. serious B. awkward C. similar D. ridiculous

67. A. sheet B. ladder C. quilt D. net

68. A. slide B. drop C. climb D. move

69. A. change B. offer C. prove D. confirm

70. A. bought B. took C. fetched D. snatched

71. A. counting B. lasting C. ranging D. decreasing

72. A. proud B. happy C. grateful D. confident

73. A. soft B. trembling C. frightening D. loud

74. A. birth B. school C. church D. table

75. A. lucky B. bright C. stupid D. careless

76. A. tight B. long C. high D. close

77. A. on B. under C. across D. through

78. A. noise B. swing C. mark D. hole

79. A. check B. sense C. prove D. claim

80. A. frankly B. strangely C. luckily D. obviously

IV Reading comprehension A

Getting rid of dirt, in the opinion of most people, is a good thing. However, there is nothing fixed about attitudes to dirt.

In the early 16th century, people thought that dirt on the skin was a means to block out disease, as medical opinion had it that washing off dirt with hot water could open up the skin and let ills in. A particular danger was thought to lie in public baths. By 1538, the French king had closed the bath houses in his kingdom. So did the king of England in 1546. Thus began a long time when the rich and the poor in Europe lived with dirt in a friendly way. Henry IV, King of France, was famously dirty. Upon learning that a nobleman had taken a bath, the king

ordered that, to avoid the attack of disease, the nobleman should not go out.

Though the belief in the merit of dirt was long-lived, dirt has no longer been regarded as a nice neighbor ever since the 18th century. Scientifically speaking, cleaning away dirt is good to health. Clean water supply and hand washing are practical means of preventing disease. Yet, it seems that standards of cleanliness have moved beyond science since World War Ⅱ. Advertisements repeatedly sell the idea: clothes need to be whiter than white, cloths ever softer, surfaces to shine. Has the hate for dirt, however, gone too far?

Attitudes to dirt still differ hugely nowadays. Many first-time parents nervously try to warn their children off touching dirt, which might be responsible for the spread of disease.On the contrary, Mary Ruebush, an American immunologist(免疫学家),encourages children to play in the dirt to build up a strong immune system. And the latter position is gaining some ground.

1. The kings of France and England in the 16thA. they lived healthily in a dirty environment. B. they thought bath houses were too dirty to stay in

C. they believed disease could be spread in public baths D. they considered bathing as the cause of skin disease

2.Which of the following best describes Henry IV‟s attitude to bathing?

A. Afraid. B. Curious. C. Approving. D. Uninterested.

3. How does the passage mainly develop?

A. By providing examples. B. By making comparisons.

C. By following the order of time. D. By following the order of importance.

4. What is the author‟s purpose in writing the passage?

A. To stress the role of dirt. B. To introduce the history of dirt.

C. To call attention to the danger of dirt. D. To present the change of views on dirt.


In a world with limited land, water and other natural resources(资源), the harm from the traditional business model is on the rise. Actually, the past decade has seen more and more forests disppearing and the globe becoming increasingly warm. People now realize that this unheathy situation must be changed, and that we must be able to develop in sustainable(可持续的)ways. That means growth with low carbon or development of sustainable products. In other words, we should keep the healthy while using its supply of natural resources.

Today, sustainable development is a popular trend in many countries. According to a recent study, the global market for low-carbon energy will become three times bigger over the next decade. China, for example, has set its mind on leading that market, hoping to seize chances in the new round of the global energy resolution. It is now trying hard to made full use of wind and solar energy, and is spending a huge amount of money making electric cars and high-speed trains. In addition, we are also seeing great growth in the global markets for sustainable products such as palm oil(棕榈油), which is produced without cutting down valuabe rainforest. In recent years the markets for sustainable products have grown more than 50%.

Governments can fully develop the potential of these new markets. First, they can set high targets for reducing carbon emissions(排放) and targets for saving and reusing energy. Besides, stronger arrangement of public resouces like forests can also help to speed up the development. Finally, governments can avoid the huge public expenses that are taking us in the wrong direction, and redirecting some of those expenses can accerlarate the change from the traditional model to a sustainable one.

The major challenge of this century is to find ways to meet the needs of a growing population within the limits of this single planet. That is no small task, but it offers abundant new chances for sustainable product industries.

5. The traditional business model is harmful because of all the following EXCEPT that____.

A. it makes the world warmer B. it consumes natural resouces

C. it brings severe damage to future D. it makes growth hard to continue

6. What can we infer from Paragraph2?

A. China lacks wind and solar energy B. China is the leader of the low-carbon market

C. High-speed trains are a low-carbon development D. Palm oil is made at the cost of valuable forests

7. To fully develop the low-carbon markets governments can______.

A. cut public expenses B. forbid carbon emission C. develop public resources D. encourage energy conservation

8. We can learn from the last paragraph that business have many chances to _______.

A. develop sustainable products B. explore new natural resources

C. make full use of natural resources D. deal with the major challenge

9. What is the main purpose of the passage?

A. To introduce a new business model B. To compare two business models

C. To predict a change of the global markets D. To advocate sustainable development

Ⅴ. 任务型阅读(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)

The latest scientific studies show that the sun and the oceans have far more important influences on the world's climate than human activity.

The head of the Nongovernmental International Panel on Climate Change (NIPCC), Professor Fred Singer, put forward a suggestion to the UN-sponsored(资助) IPCC. He said, “We donated our time and best efforts to produce this report out of concern that the IPCC gave us an incorrect reason for global-warming based on incomplete and faulty science.”

“Global-warming news has led to the demand for unrealistic efficiency(功效) standards for cars, the construction of uneconomic wind and solar energy stations, the establishment of large production facilities for uneconomic fuels such as ethanol(乙醇) from corn, requirements that electric companies buy expensive power from so-called„renewable‟energy sources, and plans to reduce, at considerable expense, carbon dioxide(二氧化碳) from power plants.

“While it is absolutely nothing wrong to increase energy efficiency, they cannot be regarded as a realistic means to control climate. In addition, policies have been developed that try to hide the huge cost of greenhouse gas controls.

“Seeing science clearly misused to shape public policies that have the potential to cause serious economic harm, particularly on low-income groups, we choose to speak up for science at a time when too few people outside the scientific community know what is happening, and too few scientists who know the truth have to speak out against the IPCC.”

NIPCC is what its name suggests: an international organization of non- governmental scientists and scholars who have come together to understand the causes and consequences of climate change.

“Because we don't believe climate change is caused by human greenhouse gas, we are able to look at evidence the IPCC ignores. Because we do not work for any governments, we can make our research more scientific and fairer.”

71. Climate 72. organization/group/panel 73. supported/sponsored

74. efforts 75.little 76. demand/need 77. constructed/built

78. energy 79. public/people 80. influence/affect




















However but except


In a world with limited land, water and other natural resources (资源), the harm from the traditional business model is on the rise. Actually, the past decades has seenhat this unhealthy situation must be changed, and that we must be able to develop in sustainable ways. That means growth with low carbon or development of sustainable products. In other words, we should keep the earth healthy while using its supply of natural resources.

Today, sustainable development is a proper trend in many countries. According to a recent study, the global market for low-carbon energy will become three times bigger over the next decades. China, for example, has set its mind on leading that market, hoping to seize chances in the new round of the global energy revolution. It is now trying hard to make full use of wind and solar energy, and is spending a huge amount of money making electric cars and high-speed trains. In

addition, we are also seeing great growth in the global markets for sustainable products such as palm oil ,which is produced without cutting down valuable rain-forest. In recent years the markets for sustainable products have grown by more than 50%.


Governments can fully develop the potential of these new markets. First, they can set high targets for reducing carbon emissions and targets for saving and reusing energy. Besides, stronger arrangement of public resources like forests can also help to speed up the development. Finally, governments can avoid the huge expenses that are taking us in the wrong direction, and redirecting some of those expenses can accelerate the change from traditional model to a sustainable one.

The major challenge of this century is to find ways to meet the needs of growing population within the limits if this single planet. That is no small task, but it offers abundant new chances for sustainable product industries.

41. The traditional business model is harmful because of all the following EXCEPT that ______.

A. It makes the world warmer

B. it consumes natural resources

C. it brings severe damage to forests

D. it makes growth hard to continue

42. What can we infer from Paragraph 2?

A. China lacks wind and solar energy.

B. China is the leader of the low-carbon market.

C. High-speed trains are a low-carbon development.

D. Palm oil is made at the cost of valuable forests.

43. To full develop the low-carbon markets, government can ______.

A. cut public expenses

B. forbid carbon emission

C. develop public resources

ahappyday的英语作文70the dream job英语作文among,all,legends,and,storiesmy,friend,had,a,chance,tomy,wife,and,i,have,always,been,friendly,with,the,clerkshow,do,your,reading,habitsmy,brother,and,were,in,orlandoone,afternoonmyson完形填空my,first,day,of,high,school,was,like,any,other,firstWhen,,my,,little,,brother,,and,,I,,were,,young,,my,,parents,,movedduring,this,summer,vacationloved,working,with,my,dadback,off,my,shitbefore,I,wenttoseniormy,class,and,I,visiteddario,and,his,mother,lovedmy,high,,many,othersmy,late,father,was,a,greatmy,name,is,maxmy,student,teaching,experiencemyinvention英语作文my,personality,has,always,beenmyfamilyhobbies作文带翻译my,friend,had,a,chance,to,make,a,tripi,can,still,hear,my,teammatemydiy作文You,know,my,loneliness,is,only,kept,for,you,,my,sweet,songs,are,only,sung,for,,daughters,birthdayone,day,I,pushed,my,cousinat,,myheaviestmy,summer,vacation,was,divided短文改错last,year,I,lost,mymy,summer,travel,started,terriblymy,wife,and,i,have,been,together,17,years,and,have,always,had,animals,,but,when,we,moved,to,abu,dhabi,we,decided,not,to,have,pets,,we,thought,we,couldWhen,I,was,young,,my,parents,ran,a,snack,bar,in,our,small,,mother,used,to,ask,me"what,is,the,most,important,part,of,the,body?"through,the,years,i,would,take,a,guess,at,what,i,thought,was,the,correct,answer.when,i,was,younger,i,thoughtwechat,was,launched,on,janFocused,on,in,my,opinionthis,morning,i,went,to,the,English,corner,near,my,homeIt___,her,ten,yearsThatafternoonwe  10  myfriend’shouse.Iwenttothedoorand  11  thebell.Soon,Jamiecametothedoorandlookedatmeinsurpriseforthe  12  visit.BeforeshecouldsayanythingI  13  ,“IhearyouwerehavingaharddayanddecidedtobringOnce,during,the,weekend,i,had,to,my,hometownwas,on,my,way,to,my,parentsyesterday,i,showed,to,mythe,first,hint,of,what,would,become,my,lifeLife,is,like,walking,in,the,snowthree,friends,and,,i,,wasrain,was,falling,as,my,sisterLife,in,an,American,high,school,is,an,interesting,and,exciting,experiencewe,all,have,our,favorite,teachers_,those,who,seem


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