
时间:2024-09-21 19:36:54 来源:作文网 作者:管理员

英语作文 > :In,your,daily,life,,there,are,many,examples,where是由小学生作文网为您精心收集,如果觉得好,请把这篇文章复制到您的博客或告诉您的朋友,以下是In,your,daily,life,,there,are,many,examples,where的正文:

m B.sympathy D.wisdom

答案:A 总是充满愤怒和敌意的Anne表现出了她以前从未有过的温和(mildness)和友善。根据语境可知,前后形成对比,且所填词与goodwill相近,故A项正确。sympathy“同情”;calm“平静”;wisdom“智慧”。

14.A.experiment B.belief

C.sight D.condition

答案:D 他们把Anne转移到了楼上,她的健康状况(condition)在不断地好转。experiment“实验”;belief“信仰”;sight“视力”。故D项正确。

15.A.escaped B.finished

C.left D.survived


16.A.the others B.another

C.other D.others


17.A.potential B.status

C.affection D.satisfaction

答案:A 她看到Helen身上巨大的潜能(potential)。status“地位”;affection“喜爱,钟爱”;satisfaction“满意”。故A项正确。

18.A.committed B.trained

C.controlled D.raised


19.A.created B.found

C.developed D.spread

答案:A Anne在Helen的人生里创造(created)了一个奇迹。find“发现”;develop“发展”;spread“传播”。故A项正确。


20.A.curiosity B.promise

C.confidence D.relief



[2015·甘肃兰州双基测试]It is quite reasonable to blame traffic jams, the cost

第三篇:《2014 上海高考一模完形填空》

杨浦 In a society where many families are torn apart by divorce, and fast-paced modern life often causes parents to lose out on time with their children, the importance of cultivating healthy relationships between fathers and sons is __51__. The following tips maybe helpful.

Learn to Talk to Your Son

Do not __52__ face-to-face chats; instead, try talking while working on a project together. Watch for clues that he is __53__ to talk, as your son may feel more like talking after dinner rather than first thing in the morning. Be available at any hour, and let your son know it. Give your son verbal affirmation(肯定、认可), letting him know that he is loved and that you are __54__ to be his dad.

Spend Time Together

Parents spend lots of time shuttling kids to practices, classes and various other activities. __55__, the quality time needed to build relationships is often lacking. How dads spend运动健儿 their time shows their sons what is most important to them. Whether playing pretend with preschoolers or taking a hike with a teenager, fathers are encouraged to __56__ activities that their sons find interesting.

Set Boundaries (界限)

__57__ discipline in a loving way shows sons that fathers __58__ care about their education and are concerned about __59__ their character. Fathers should teach their sons to be responsible for their behaviors and respect authority. Knowing the __60__ of their actions helps children control behavior and think before acting. Thus, it is better for fathers to guide their sons by setting clear expectations and reasonable __61__.

Teaching Respectful Behavior

By modeling respectful behavior, fathers demonstrate __62__ reactions and expression of feelings for their sons. Communicating positive emotions and controlling negative ones shows sons how to healthily __63__ their feelings. Fathers have the responsibility of teaching their sons to __64__ women and not view them as objects. This will help them foster healthy relationships in the future. Additionally, by showing respect toward the son's mother, a father not only sets the standard of __65__ behavior but also develops a sense of security and acceptance.

51. A. apparent B. remarkable C. principal

52. A. neglect B. force C. enjoy

53. A. curious B. active C. ready

54. A. ashamed B. eager C. willing

55. A. However B. Therefore C. Moreover

56. A. involve in B. hold on C. participate in

57. A. Debating on B. Devoting to C. Carrying out

58. A. critically B. flexibly C. deliberately

59. A. recognizing B. shaping C. creating

60. A. consequences B. reactions C. motivations

61. A. directions B. limits C. examples

62. A. extreme B. passionate C. appropriate

63. A. convey B. ignore C. mix

64. A. value B. overtake C. dominate

65. A. determined B. balanced C. deserved

51-65 A B C D A C C D B A B C A A D

D. essential D. exchange D. likely D. proud D. Otherwise D. insist on D. Complaining about D. genuinely D. changing D. procedures D. suggestions D. progressive D. hide D. inspect D. expectedIn,your,daily,life,,there,are,many,examples,where。

普陀It’s believed that intelligent people are better at learning languages. Most language learning skills, __51__, are habits, which can be formed through a bit of discipline and self-awareness. But, some of them are not good enough. Here are the three most common __52__ language learners make and how to correct them.

Not listening enough

There’s a school of language-teaching experts that believe language learning __53__ a ―silent period‖. Just as babies learn to produce language by hearing and parroting sounds, language learners need to practise listening in order to learn. This can develop learned vocabulary and structures, and help learners see patterns in language.

Listening is the communicative skill we use most in daily life, but it can be __54__ to practise unless you live in a foreign country or attend language classes. The solution? Find music, podcasts, TV shows and movies in the __55__ language, and list夜空中的星星en, listen, listen, as often as possible.

A single method

Some learners are most comfortable with the listen-and-repeat drills of a language lab. Some need a grammar textbook to __56__ a foreign tongue. Each of these approaches is fine, but it’s a mistake to rely on only one. Language learners who use __57__ methods get to practise different skills and see concepts explained in different ways. What’s more, the __58__ can keep them from working in a situation that never changes. When choosing a class, learners should seek a course that __59__ the four language skills (reading, writing, listening and speaking). For self-study, try a __60__ of textbooks, audio lessons, and language learning apps.


It doesn’t matter how well a person can write in foreign script, or finish a vocabulary test. To learn, improve, and truly use our language, we need to speak. This is the stage when language students should calm down, and feelings of __62__ or insecurity hinder (阻碍) all their hard work. In Eastern cultures where saving face is a strong social value, EFL teachers often complain that students, despite years of studying English, simply will not speak it. They’re too __63__ making mistakes of the grammar or mispronouncing words in a way that would __64__ them.

The key is that those mistakes help language learners by showing them the limits of language, and correcting errors __65__ they become deep-rooted. The more learners speak and practise, the more quickly they improve.

51. A. however B. moreover C. furthermore D. therefore

52. A. successes B. wonders C. mistakes D. contributions

53. A. picks up B. begins with C. takes up D. meets with

54. A. efficient B. difficult C. easy D. ideal

55. A. national B. official C. sign D. target

56. A. make sense of B. make use of C. make profit of D. make fun of

57. A. common B. educational C. permanent D. multiple

58. A. variety B. change C. improvement D. alternative

59. A. postpones B. lacks C. assesses D. practises

60. A. selection B. preference C. combination D. replacement

61. A. Complaints B. Fear C. Secure D. Diligence

62. A. humor B. shyness C. achievements D. laughter

63. A. confident in B. comfortable with C. keen on D. afraid of

64. A. amuse B. inform C. remind D. embarrass

65. A. if B. before C. in case D. so that

51. A 52. C 53. B 54. B 55. D 56. A 57. D 58. A 59. D 60. C

61. B 62. B 63. D 64. D 65. BIn,your,daily,life,,there,are,many,examples,where。

Anyone planning to go camping or hiking should first learn to recognize poison ivy, 51_____ this plant can cause a rash resulting in reddened skin, an annoying itch, and painful blisters. A severe 52_____ can even force a person to remain in bed or become hospitalized. The best way to 53_____ these discomforts is to avoid the plant. P.F. Productions后期制作

Fortunately this plant is easy to 54_____. Whether it grows as a bush or a vine, the shape of it is always 55_____. Each leaf stalk has three glossy leaves, usually with jagged edges. In early spring the leaves are red, turning. And then the autumn comes, the leaves 56_____ to become bright red or orange. The poison ivy plant is found 57_____ everywhere in North America. Because many birds eat its berries, its seeds are 58_____ distributed. The plant loves the sun and flourishes along beaches, in fields, and by roadsides. It also grows 59_____ in light shade and is often found in parks and pine forests. However, in thick woods the story is different. It is not 60_____ there. That is because the leaves of the trees block out the sun, which the plant needs to grow.

The poison in poison ivy is in the form of an oil that is in all parts of the plant. It is extremely 61_____. Merely touching the plant is enough contact for a person to be infected by the 62_____. Touching clothing or shoes that have brushed against the plant can also cause a rash and blisters. Even the smoke from a fire where poison ivy is burning can cause the skin poisoning.

A person who makes 63_____ with the plant should wash all infected areas with a strong laundry soap as soon as possible. Clothes that have come in contact with the 64_____ should be dry cleaned or washed in soap and water. There is one good way to prevent the 65_____. Stay away from the plant!

( )51. A. since

( )52. A. cold

( )53. A. keepIn,your,daily,life,,there,are,many,examples,where。

( )54. A. forget

( )55. A. the same

( )56. A. become

( )57. A. barely

( )58. A. widely

( )59. A. very poor

( )60. A. supported

( )61. A. deep

( )62. A. oil

( )64. A. smoke B. so B. cough B. prevent B. grow B. various B. change B. always B. narrowly B. very good B. discovered B. high B. part B. contact B. fire

B. weeding C. therefore C. case C. protest C. fertilize C. beautiful C. get C. usually C. practically C. quite well C. watered C. catching C. form C. access C. plant C. growing D. then D. accident D. cut D. recognize D. ugly D. avoid D. almost D. strongly D. quite worse D. disturbed D. beautiful D. contact D. soap D. clothing D. seeding ( )63. A. combination ( )65. A. poisoning

51-55 ACBDA 56-60 BDACA 61-65 CABCA P.F. Productions后期制作In,your,daily,life,,there,are,many,examples,where。

Kodak’s decision to file for bankruptcy(破产)protection is a sad, though not unexpected, turning point for a leading American corporation that consumer photography and dominated the film market for decades, but finally failed to adapt to the digital revolution.

Although many people owe Kodak’s downfall to ―complacency (自满)‖, that turns to a blind eye to the long time which the company spent in reinventing itself. Decades ago, Kodak foresaw that digital photography would unavoidably film — and in fact, Kodak invented the first digital camera in 1975 — but in a decision, the company chose to its new discovery and went on focusing on its traditional film business.

It wasn’t that Kodak was to the future, but rather that it failed to carry out a strategy to face it, said Rebecca Henderson, a professor at Harvard Business School. By the time the company realized its

Kodak is an example of a firm that was very much aware that they had to adapt, and spent a lot of money trying to do so, but failed. Large companies have a difficult time into new markets because they always attempt to put existing assets (资产) into the new businesses.

Although Kodak predicted the rise of digital photography, its corporate(企业的) culture was too the successes of the past. Therefore, it is impossible for them to make the clean break, which is necessary to fully embrace the future. They were a company stuck in time. Their history was so important to them. Now their history has become a burden.

Kodak’s downfall over the last several decades was 90% of the market for photographic film and 85% of the market for cameras. But the 1980s brought new from Japanese film company Fuji Photo, which defeated Kodak by offering lower prices for film and photo supplies. Kodak’s not to pursue the role of official film for the 1984 Los Angeles Olympics was a major miscalculation. The golden chance went to Fuji instead, which exploited its sponsorship to win a permanent foothold in the marketplace.


51. A. prepared B. preferred C. pioneered D. promised

52. A. result B. explanation C. purpose D. measure

53. A. charge B. overcome C. replace D. resist

54. A. fruitful B. fateful C. useful D. hopeful

55. A. share B. show C. shift D. shelf

56. A. sensitive B. blind C. accessible D. resistant

57. A. mistake B. decision C. fear D. concept

58. A. eventually B. necessarily C. flexibly D. naturally

59. A. switching B. looking C. falling D. plunging

60. A. critical B. reasonable C. inevitable D. essential

61. A. related to B. concerned about C. involved in D. trapped in

62. A. common B. average C. regular D. dramatic

63. A. decided on B. contributed to C. accounted for D. benefited from

64. A. chance B. competition C. hope D. means

65. A. decision B. effort C. regret D. access

51—55 CBCBD

56—60 BAAAC 61—65 DDCBA

Scientists fear rising energy bills may lead to an increase in obesity after discovering a link between poorly-heated homes and higher body fat.

Researchers from the University of Stirling’s Behavioral Science Centre to explore claims that warm indoor temperatures have increasing obesity levels in winter. Instead, the team found that people who live in homes are more likely to have low body mass index (BMI) levels while those who keep their heating or off tend to be heavier.

Dr Michael Daly, behavioral scientist and senior lecturer, said: ―We come on to investigate the scientific claims that cooler indoor temperatures help us to a healthy weight by pushing our bodies to consume more through shivering and generating heat through tissues.‖ In fact, the research suggests people may eat less and

more energy when living in a warmer indoor environment.

The 13-year study, published in the journal Obesity, more than 100,000 adults across England. Researchers found weight levels among people living in homes heated to above 23°C (73F), which accounted for about 15,000 of the households studied.

Dr Daly said: ―As national gas bills continue to rise faster than the rate of inflation(通货膨胀), this research suggests the of obesity could worsen where heating dropped below levels or off for lengthy periods to cut costs.

―This is not just about people who live in warm enough homes being in the position to afford more expensive low-calorie foods, exercise classes and sporting activities. gender, social class and other factors into account.

―The comfortable surrounding temperature of 20.3-23°C is where we feel comfortable in our and are neither hot nor cold. At temperatures above this, we consume more energy and we eat less because our is taken away.‖

51. A. set up B. set out C. set off D. set about

52. A. contributed to B. devoted to C. resulted from D. differed from

53. A. well-heated B. well-designed C. well-organized D. well-decorated

54. A. turned on B. turned out C. turned up D. turned down

55. A. stay B. drain C. maintain D. preserve

56. A. energy B. strength C. power D. muscle

57. A. explore B. exhaust C. exploit D. burn

58. A. impacted B. involved C. imposed D. inspired

59. A. increased B. added C. reduced D. lost

60. A. miracle B. existence C. trend D. delivery

61. A. sensitive B. agreeable C. graceful D. present

62. A. financial B. appropriate C. social D. defensive

63. A. Otherwise B. Besides C. However D. Therefore

64. A. shoes B. moods C. spirits D. clothes

65. A. nerve B. appetite C. stomach D. labor 51-55 BAADC 56-60 ADBCC 61-65 BADDB


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