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一、单项选择 (共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)

1.—Look, there is computer on desk by the window. It’s for you, Sandy.

—Really? That’s great! Thank you, Dad!

A. a; a B. the; the C. a; the D. the; a

2. —I’ve had a wonderful evening with you.

—. But I’m afraid it’s late.

A. I’m glad to hear that B. Don’t mention it

C. No, thanks D. It’s OK

3. —Is John coming by train?

—He should, but he not. He likes driving his car.

A. can B. may C. must D. need

4. —The young man is good at a lot of things but you can’t say he is —I agree with you. In fact, no one is.

A. amazing B. special C. complete D. perfect

5. The video often reminds me the days when I worked on the farm my classmates.

A. for; with B. of; with C. of; for D. for; with

6. I think we should get this book shelf, it will take up more space.

A. but B. although C. and D. so

7. Guo Mingyi asks for return when he helps others.

A. everything B. nothing C. anything D. something

8. We all know that plastic bags we use, it will be to the environment.

A. the less; the better B. the less; the worse

C. the fewer; the better D. the fewer; the best

9. Mary said sorry to her teacher because of the homework at home, but the truth was that she simply it.

A. forgetting; forgot doing B. forgot; forgot to do

C. leaving; forgot to do D. left; forgot doing

10. The lion is considered the king of the forest as it is a(n) of courage and power.

A. example B. sign C. mark D. symbol

11. —I’m sorry. I’m late for the music presentation.

—Why are you so late? The presentation for 10 minutes.

A. has begun B. has stopped C. has been over D. has finished

12. —Tom, you’ve left the TV on.

—Oh, I’m sorry. I and turn it off at once.

A. will go B. went C. have gone D. was going

13. —It says that it will rain hard next Sunday.

— ▲ . We’re planning to go boating that day.

A. I don’t think so B. I hope so C. I’m afraid not作文三年级 D. I hope not

14. —Did you ride your bicycles to the beach yesterday?

— we had!

A. What fun B.What a fun C. How fun D. How funny

15. —Did your father tell you

—No. Maybe he told my mother.

A. why did he go to Beijing B. how he goes to Shanghai

C. when he would travel to London D.where he has spent his holiday

二、完形填空 (共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)


It was a cold winter’s night. It was getting late and I was tired so I went to bed.

At about two in the morning my phone began to ring. It was from Mum. I started to feel frightened, because she only if something was wrong. I lived in the same flat as Mum, I rushed down to see what was wrong.

The door would not open. Everything was running through my mind including Mum could be dying and I could not get into her flat. I went around to her bedroom window and could see Mum on the floor. She had heard me and to unlock the door painfully.

Then I entered the flat and what I saw was terrible. I could see Mum’s leg was badly broken and it was completely the wrong way. I rang the ambulance(救护车) and while we were waiting I tried to make Mum comfortable.

The ambulance finally arrived and I it. It was a cold freezing night. The roads were empty and . It seemed that everything was going in a slow way.

We arrived at the hospital and rushed into A&E. The doctor told me that Mum would need an the next day. After Mum fell asleep, I went home to get some sleep.

When I rang the hospital the next morning, Mum had gone to the operating room. Everything was racing through my head. Is she OK? Will she be safe? Would she it through the operation? Finally that day she was fine. My mum is a very lady and I am so proud of her.i,enter,st,thomas,hospital,as,a,medical。

From this I have learned that you should never take family for granted(想当然), everyday, every moment you have with them because in my mind famil衔泥带得落花归y is the most important thing you will ever be a part of, so never, ever forget what you have.

16. A. waited

17. A. but

18. A.afforded

19. A. meeting

20. A. followed

21. A. safe B.wondered B. so B. offered B. facing B. missed B. clean C. rang C. unless C. allowed C. receiving C. ordered C. quiet

D. cared D. because D. managed D. allowing D.passed D. free

22. A. experience

23. A. test

24. A. brave

25. A. trust

三、阅读理解 (共10小题;每小题2分,满分20分)




For some people, the sight of a mouse can be the reason to scream. For other mice, the same sight can be the reason to sing.

Mice will possibly never sing their way to Broadway (百老汇), but researchers from Washington University in the United States have found evidence that mice do, in fact, sing. Until now, singing mice have become stars in cartoons, but they have never been heard singing out in real life before.

Scientists already knew that mice make ultrasonic (超声波) sounds—noises that are too high for people to hear without special equipment(仪器). Mouse babies cry out when they lose their mothers. Male mice make noise when they smell females.

To find out whether mice put such sounds together in song-like pattern(模式), the researchers recorded the sounds of 45 male mice. They put each mouse in its own room and cause them to make noise. Microphones recorded the sounds.

Using computer software, the researchers found the mic日记大全e produced about 10 syllables(音节) every second.

The results showed that nearly all of the mice repeated sequences (顺序)of syllables in different ways. Scientists call that a song. Birds, whales, and people do the same thing.

Not all scientists are sure that what the mice are doing is actually singing. To prove it, the researchers must show that mice are able to learn to sing. And, they need to figure out why the mice sing. One guess, the researchers say, is that male mice use songs to attract females that they like.

However, the discovery that mice produce such complicated sounds could be useful for the study of communication in animals, including people.


A. pay special attention to them

C. have learned a lot about them B. go to Broadway D. watch a cartoon movie B. excitement B. make B. lonely B. expect C. experiment C. push C. weak C. find D. operation D. cut D. serious D. enjoy

27. From the third paragraph, we know .

A. mice often sing their songs to warn other mice

B. mice are more clever than human beings

C. mice only use ultrasonic sounds to communicate

D. mice’s ultrasonic sounds are too high for people to hear without special equipment

28. What does the passage mainly tell us?

A. Mice sing in real life.


I entered St. Thomas’ Hospital as a medical student at the age of 18 and spent five years there. I was an unsatisfied student I had always wanted to be a writer and in the evening, I wrote and read. Before long, I wrote a novel, called Liza of Lambeth. I sent it to a publisher and it was accepted. It came out during my last year at the

B. Mouse babies cry in real life. C. Mice sing for no reasons. D. Computers are used to study mouse songs.

hospital and had something of success. It was of course an accident, but naturally I didn’t know that. I felt I could afford to give up medicine and make writing my profession. So, three days after I graduated from the school of medicine, I set out for Spain to write another book. Looking back now, I realize I was taking a fearful risk. It never even happened to me.

The next ten years was very hard, and I earned 100 pounds a year. Then I had a bit of luck. The manager of the he had in mind could be produced. It ran for 15 months. Within a short while I had four plays running in London at the same time. Nothing of the kind had even happened before. I was the talk of the town. One of the students at St. Thomas’ Hospital asked the famous surgeon(外科医生) with whom I had worked whether he remembered me. “Yes, I remember him quite well,” he said. “One of our failures, I’m afraid.”

29. The writer thought he was an unsatisfied student because .

A. he didn’t like the hospital he worked in B. he didn’t enjoy the work in the hospital

C. he thought he could be a famous doctor D. he didn’t want to earn so little money

30. Which of the following is TRUE?

A. The writer succeeded as a doctor during his stay in the hospital.

B. The writer set out for Spain to write another book soon after he graduated.

C. The writer lived a happy life after he graduated from the school of medicine.

D. The writer became a famous surgeon after he graduated from the school of medicine.

31. What does the underlined part “and he was at his wit’s end” mean in the passsage?

A. He didn’t know what to do. B. He didn’t realize what would happen.

C. He was successful at that time. D. He was ready to help others.


Next time you’re unhappy or complaining about your life, don’t turn to a cheerful comedy. You might find a tear-jerking tragedy(催人泪下的悲剧) is just the thing you need to brighten your day.

A team of researchers at Ohio State University, US, has found sad movies can make people happier, Science Daily reported last month.

Many people find tragedies make them realize how good their own lives are, the study showed.

“People seem to use tragedies as a way to reflect on the important relationships in their own lives,” said Silvia Knobloch-Westerwick, leader of the study. “Tragic stories often focus on themes of eternal(永恒的) love, and this leads viewers to think about their loved ones and count their good and helpful things.”

In the study, researchers gathered 361 college students and showed them the 2007 movie, Atonement. The movie is about two lovers who are separated(分离) and finally die during World War II. Before and after the movie, the students were asked questions measuring(衡量) how happy they were with their lives. Researchers also asked them before, after and three times during the movie to measure various emotions, including sadness.

Researchers found that the sadder students felt while watching the movie, the more likely they were to think about real people they had close relationships with in life. This increased their happiness after watching the movie. Knobloch-Westerwick explained that negative(消极的) moods make people more thoughtful.

“Positive(积极的) emotions show that everything is fine, you don’t have to worry, you don’t have to think about problems in your life,” she said. “But negative emotions, like sadness, make you think more critically about your situation. So seeing a tragic movie may make you sad, but that will make you to think more about your own close relationships and appreciate them more.”

The link between watching a tragic story and feeling better has long been recognized. The ancient Greeks even had a word for the feeling of happiness after seeing something sad that led to the modern English word “catharsis (宣


The study also showed that relationships are a very important source of happiness in our lives, so it is no surprise that thinking about your loved ones makes you happier, researchers said.

32. Which of the following about the study of Ohio State University is NOT true?

A. Only sadness is measured in the study.

B. Students’ emotions are measured by asking questions.

C. The study shows relationships are a source of happiness.

D. Those who felt sadder when watching the movie were more likely to be happier after that.

33. Why are ancient Greeks mentioned in the passage?

A. To introduce the meaning of the word “Catharsis”.

B. To explain the importance of knowing how to become happier.

C. To prove that they were of high intelligence and guessed its meaning.

D. To tell readers the relationship between tragedies and happiness was found long ago.

34. From Knobloch-Westerwick’ A. seeing tragedies makes you more thoughtful

B. positive emotions make you think more about your relationships

C. negative emotions show you have no need to think about your situation

D. after seeing comedies, you will appreciate your close relationships more

35. Which is the title of the passage?

A. Watching sad films may start smiles

C. It’s useless to complain about life B. There is eternal love in the world D. Comedies should make way for tragedies

四、词汇运用 (共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)

A) 根据句意,用括号中所给单词的正确形式填空,每空一词。

36. With those (policeman) help, the little boy found his parents at last.

38. My mood is always (influence) by the words my mother says.

39. What a pity! You have told the difference (correct). Try again, please!

40. Many new (invent) help us live a more colourful life.

B) 根据句意及汉语提示,写出各单词的正确形式,每空一词。

41. Tommy often tells ties. We all think him (不诚实的)

42. The parrot’s blue-and-green (羽毛) look so beautiful in the sun.

43. The Apple’s new product(产品) “iPhone 4S” has been (广泛地) used among the young people.

44. We all agreed to go on an outing (除„„之外)Simon because he had something important to do.

45. Did you hear the couple next door (争吵) last night?

五、短文填空 (共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)

根据短文内容及所给首字母提示写出所缺单词, 并将完整单词写在答题卡对应题号的横线上。 experiencing something back to their boss. Jimmy said, “It’s a pity that people here don’of shoes. I see no promising future for our product(产品).” How about Harry? He said, “for us! People around the country don’t have shoes. I’m sure that we’ll sell a lot of shoes here.” Interesting, isn’t it? They went to the same country and surely would be different. If you




听力理解 (共24分)


话读两遍。(共4分,每小题1分) 1.

A 2.

A 3.

A 4.







二、听对话或独白,根据对话或独白的内容,从下面各题所给的A、B、C三个选项中选择最佳选项。每段对话或独白读两遍。(共12分,每小题1分) 听下面一段对话,回答第5-6小题。 5. Where is Jack now?

A. In a book shop. B. In the library. C. At the swimming pool. 6. Who will give the talk?

A. Dick. B. Jack. C. Mr. Hopkins. 听下面一段对话,回答第7-8小题。 7. When will the man see the film?

A. At two o‘clock. B. At four o‘clock. C. At six o‘clock. 8. How much did he pay for the tickets?

A. $5. B. $15.

C. $20.


9. What will the weather be like tomorrow according to the woman?


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