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 Prioritizing environmental protection will bring economic development in the long-run.

The world spends about 20% of its budget on the military, on "defense". A.K.A. Fighting countries for oil and sacrificing lives because we don't have sustainable energy. If we can spend at least 1/10 of that money, the earth could be saved. Environmental protection is keeping one’s physical, chemical and social surroundings from harm. The definition for environment includes the social and cultural

influences on an individual and on a community. Unless that can be protected and kept from harm, a developing country can never become a developed country. The administrator of the Environmental Protection Agency, Lisa Jackson said that “Environmental protection is good for economic growth. Don’t get me wrong – environmental regulations are not free. But the money that’s spent is an investment in our country – and one that pays for itself. Cleaner car standards will mean 950 million tons of carbon pollution cut from our skies; $3000 in savings for each driver of clean cars, and $2.3 billion that can stay at home in our economy rather than buying oil from overseas.” Better environmental policies mean less usage of fossil fuels and more efficient use of energy and therefore efficient use of money. For example, a 2007 study by the Alliance to Save Energy said that if only all Christmas bulbs were replaced with LED bulbs, U.S. would save $17 billion dollars per one year. When fossil fuels and minerals deplete,

sustainable energy will bring economic safety in the long-run. Merriam-Webster dictionary says that something sustainable is “able to last or continue for a long time.” Developing sustainable energy will bring economic opportunity in domestic land rather than depending on oil nations for power.

Americanprogress.Org says that the American Clean Energy and Security Act can generate roughly $150 billion per year and about 1.7 million jobs. Resources extraction will cause resource depletion which will cause an economic downfall, but investment in environmental protection will protect the society in the future.

 People over economy

The trade-off developing countries get for their resources is usually money. They are participating in the global commodity chain. This is how they continue to exist in most cases so I am speaking specifically about countries that do this. The money the country does end up getting is not nearly enough to

actually stabilize their economy and the vast majority goes to the small amount of rulers instead of the masses. Algeria is a perfect example. It extracts oil and has a lot of business, but the rulers take all the money. In the process of extracting, they pollute and destroy the environment. Now, 57% of the people of Algeria have no access to clean water and the vast majority of the country is poor. It is listed as one of the worst places to be born on earth. So the country valued resource extraction over protecting the environment and Its people are far worse off now than before. At least in poverty they had clean water rather than being poor and unhealthy. Its conditions like this that cause conflict rather than solving it.

 We only have one planet

We cannot let war, or any other human conflict be an excuse to forget we only have one planet. We cannot stand by as our planet dies. No more excuses. There needs to be a program where each country has a neutral environmental person in the UN so during times of war there can be negotiations of environment done even in the worst times of conflict.

 Life over Death

If we do not prioritize environmental protection, then we will all be wiped from the earth soon. The human race as a whole is too dependent on resources such as oil and petroleum, what happens when they run out? Because they will run out.

Because of the extraction of resources, such as oil, we are polluting the air with our extraction methods as well, as destroying our environment. If we destroy our environment then we will have no place to live to use the resources we extract. Its really simple, its just the reasons tacked onto it by people are complicated and useless.

What would you rather, Living but without certain resources such as electricity and oil, of die because of our continual refusal to let go of our IPads and fancy luxury cars meanwhile the world around us (the natural world) is dying?

 Developing Countries Need to Find Better Solutions

I do not see how just destroying much needed parts of nature to get temporary resources would help us. For example, in Nigeria, oil companies are destroying forests and wildlife just to harvest oil which a

quarter of the product harvested is spilled into water such as the Niger Delta. The developing companies should ether enforce or create policies and laws to punish these companies or, better yet, get rid of the companies performing illegal and unjustified actions upon the poor people in the country. Plants and animals are going extinct from these companies like Shell or PetroChina. Another reason why developing countries should prioritize the environment is because it puts them in debt. Imagine, how all the companies cause all these issues in which the country must handle with their already weak economy. These "accidents" are not performed by the developing country, they are produced by the companies. All in all, the developing countries should prioritize the environment over resource extraction.

第二篇:《the ash operation is used before the ash》

the ash operation is used before the ash, the shelf or Gao Ma Deng wants to leave wall or corner of wall 200~250 ㎜s, in order to at the operation.

⑻When the house noodles waterproof engineering not yet finished headway goes the indoor to put on ash engineering, have to adopt to defend rain water measure. ⑼The indoor's putting on ashen environment temperature should be no lower than 5 ℃ , don't must put on ash on the wall noodles, crest Peng of congelation. ⑽Put on to acquaint with diagram paper before the ash, draw up to put on an ash project, work well to put on an ash sample product, through check authenticate attain good standard empress again formally put on ash. resources allocation plans


(1)Main machine tool equipments:Prepare to mix sand syrup to mix blend an equipments.

Main operation tool:The wood puts on son, iron to put on son, steel skin to put on son, plastics to put on son, Yin Cape to put on son, sun Cape to put on son, the Le Cape machine, wood Gang, give line plank and depend a Chinese foot, tape measure and powder the line wrap, sieve, brush and ash bucket etc..

(3)Material:The cement lime cream sand syrup, cement sand straches,

inflation the Bo turn light quality sand of tiny bead syrup and anti- crack sand syrup, foam rubber paint etc.. construction method

1, the wall noodles put on ash

The coating wall noodles puts on ash way of doing:

①Spray(brush, Gun) foam rubber to paint 2;

②Sealing a bottom paint is a;(dry empress again do noodles)

③5 thick 1:0.5:2.5 the cement lime cream sand the syrup seek even;

④8 thick 1:1:6 the cement lime cream sand the syrup beat bottom to sweep hair or row a line way;

⑤3 thick in addition appropriation sand the syrup put on radicle noodles to pare off Cao or interface a;(use wall noodles first before putting on water is smooth wet)

⑥The polymer cement sand syrup repairs wall noodles.

⑴Put on have to seek good rules first before the ash, namely four Cape rules square, horizontal lines seek even, sign line to mourn to keep, flick open quasi- line and wall skirt and kick sole line.

①Is common to put on ash:Use first to give line plank to check wall noodles neat and perpendicular degree, mostly decide to put on ash thickness(the thinnest place is generally no smaller than 7 ㎜s), again the last Cape in wall Be each to do a standard ash a round flat cake(use a dozen of bottoms sand to strach or cement sand syrup, can also use cement:Lime cream:Sand=1:3:9 mixture sand syrup, meet a doors and windows Duo Cape the place want to repair and do an ash a round flat cake), size 5 cm square, the thickness is decided with wall noodles neat perpendicularity, then according to these two ash a round flat cakes are used and given line plank or line and fallen to and hanged perpendicularity and done wall noodles a bottom Cape is two standard ash a round flat cakes(the height position is generally kicking an on-line of feet), the thickness takes

perpendicularity as quasi-, nail with the nail at the or so ash a round flat cake nearby wall again and sew in, the small line hangs a good on the Shuan line, and separate a 1.2~1.5 ms and up and down add and do some standard ash a round flat cakes each time according to the small line position.(figure 10.3-1)

Need an ash a round flat cake slightly stem after, the sand syrup that puts on breadth about the 10 cms between the top and bottom ash a round flat cake blunt Jin, pare off with the wood Gang even, thickness and ash a round flat cake are mutually even, treat slightly dry the empress can carry on first floor to put on ash.

②The high class puts on ash:First room rules square, small room can on facing to the wall and doing radicle line use a Chinese foot rules square of square, such as room area more big, flick ten word lines open first and puts on ash quasi- line by being a corner of wall on the gro形容温柔und, at leave corner of wall or so about the 10 cm, fall to and mourn and keep with the line, play one line of signing on the wall, again press the room rules square ground line(ten word lines) and wall noodles neat degree to inside anti- line, flick corner of wall open and put on ash quasi- line, and do a standard ash a round flat cake after lining up the good the line in the quasi- on-line bottom both ends and blunt Jin.

⑵The sun Cape of the indoor wall noodles, pillar noodles and the sun Cape of entrance to cave in the door, such as design to protect when the Cape line didn't stipulate generally can use 1:2 cement sand the syrup put on to protect Cape, protecting Cape height doesn't should be lower than a 2 ms, each side width is no smaller than 50 ㎜s, its way of doing BE:Put on ash, then glue good horoscope to depend a Chinese foot according to the ash a round flat cake thickness, and

seek a square to mourn to keep, use 1:2 cement sand syrup layerings put on even, need sand syrup slightly stem after, use Le Cape again the machine and cement strach a small circle of Le Cape.

⑶When basic is a concrete, put on should pare off first before the ash vegetable the cement syrup is a;While adding to annoy concrete or powder ash from stove to carve a piece of basic to put on lime sand syrup, it is proper to sprinkle water first moist, water quantity with the humidity infiltration carve a piece of depth 8~10 ㎜s is proper, and water proper carry on for a day before putting on ash, but put on ash the wall noodles don't show to float water.Immediately brush 108 gums after watering:Water=1:5 aquas are a, should brush first while putting on to mix sand syrup 108 gums(Chan quantity is 10%~15% of cement weight) cement the syrup is a.

⑷Put on the strength of bottom ash in adding to annoy concrete basic proper with add to annoy concrete strength to approach, the match of the intermediate ash ratio is as well proper and the bottom ash is basic homology.The ash that the bottom ash is proper to use coarse sand, intermediate ash and noodles is proper to use medium sand.

Hang line to do standard ash a round flat cake and blunt Jin

⑸Adopt the cement sand syrup noodles layer, beard background ash the surface sweep hair or row a line way, the noodles layer should notice to connect Cha, the surface presses light not to must be less than two times of, cover next day to carry on sprinkling water to protect after the noodles.Put on an ash layer before coagulation, should prevent°fro quick stem and water blunt, bump shot and vibration.

⑹Paper Jin ash or the hemp knife ash cover noodles, proper in the background ash 5~60% carry on while doing, background ash such as too the aridity should water first smooth wet, cover noodles to divide 2 times to press solid to rush through light.

⑺When the wall noodles sun Cape puts on ash, will depend first Chinese foot to fall to seek to keep with the line in a side of the corner of wall, then fluently depend a Chinese foot to put on sand to strach in another side of corner of wall. ⑻Indoor wall skirt, kick sole to generally want to compare to cover the noodles ash wall noodles to bulge 3~5 ㎜s, play to be online according to the high size,

the horoscope depends Chinese foot near online with iron put on son to slice together, fix a side to clean up.

⑼Kick sole, doors and windows to stick face plank, hang mirror line and eliminate heat the wall noodles behind machine and intensive piping etc. put on ash, proper install to go forward to go at them, putting on ash noodles to connect Cha should follow even.

⑽Outside wall window sill, window lintel, rain Peng, veranda, press crest and outstanding waist line etc., the top should do a flowing water slope, below should do a drop of water line or drop sink.Depth and width of drop sink all not in response to less than 10 ㎜s, and tidy consistent.

Water line sketch map of the flowing water slope, drop

2, crest the Peng sand strach

⑴Start construction craft

①Prepare sand syrup

Use handheld dynamoelectric mixer agitation while starting construction, mix blend time to be no less than a 5 mins, the agitation has to be full, even, the dense degree is just right, also definitely sticky degree.After sand syrup makes to complete, beard quiet place a 5 mins, use before again carry on agitation,

Mixing to make good sand syrup should use up in the 1 h.

②It is a to brush appropriation interface

In order to strengthen to combine dint, at concrete plank bottom thin Tu


(Module 2) Unit 3

I. 根据所给的汉语或句子意思写出单词的正确形式。

1. Credit cards have brought about a ____________ (革命) in people’s spending habits.

2. Don’t lose heart. ___________(无论如何), you can try.

3. I’m sorry to say that I ____________(彻底地) forgot about it.The,earth,is,dyibg,before。

4. Unfortunately, a new problem has ____________(出现了).The,earth,is,dyibg,before。

5.In most math examinations senior high students are allowed to use ____________(计算器)。

6.I don’t like a__________ flowers, which can’t purity (净化) air.

7. To write a good essay you must first organize your ideas __________(有逻辑的)

8.It’s such a difficult problem that it was impossible to __________(解决) i作文在线t.

9. We must learn some advanced __________(技术) to improve our work.

10. We should not judge a person by his __________(外表)

11. In basketball matches, American players have an obvious a__________ in height.

12. P__________ speaking, I’m in favor of light colors.

13. She explained the topic to us and s__________ it in a way that we all can understand.

14. The club has a t__________ membership of about 300.

15.You should forgive him for his forgetfulness; __________ all, he is over seventy. II.根据汉语提示完成下列句子。

16. As time _______ ________(流逝), I have been made smaller and smaller.

17. My memory became _______ large ______ (如此…以致于)I couldn’t believe it.

18. Personally, I think the team ___________________________(得冠军的队作弊了)

19. They had a new kind of program, which had just __________________________________. (比赛前刚刚研制出来的)

20. __________________(从某种程度上看), my programmer is like my coach.

21. She __________ me _________ (编入程序)all the possible moves she has seen while watching human games.

22. I _______ ________ (不再)felt so confident that I would win.The,earth,is,dyibg,before。

23. __________ ________ _________ many other scientists, (同…一样)Albert Einstein enjoyed music besides scientific research work.

24. My English has been greatly improved _________ ________ _______ ______ my teacher. (在…的帮助下)。

25. She asked me to _______ _______(照顾)her daughter on the journey.

26. He didn’t work hard, ________ __________ _________(结果) he failed the exam.

27. I was able to ________ my knowledge ________ others (同…分享)through the World Wide Web.

28. These ideas will ___________ _____________(被探讨) in more detail in Charpter7.

29. I _________ _________ _________(没有选择),---their decision was final.’

30蚯蚓的日记. The whole story is __________ ___________(虚构的)


Once a rich man met a group of Arabs in the desert. It was not long 31. __________ they became friends. Then one day 32. __________ rich man found his gold was gone. “someone

33.__________(take) it during the night,” he thought. The chief promised to find out the thief. He said to his men, “each of you must go to my tent and pull my donkey’s tail. You all know 34. __________ my donkey is very wise. When the donkey’s tail 35. __________(touch), he will bray(叫)”。 One 36.__________ one the Arabs went into the chief’s ten, 37. __________ the did not brayed. Then the chief asked his men to open their hands. He smelled their hands. After he smelled the hands of the last one he shouted, “you are the thief. Go and bring back your friend’s gold at once, 38. __________ I’ll kill you!” The man brought the gold to the rich man.

The rich man was surprised. The chief explained, “I was 39. __________ that the real thief dare not pull my donkey’s tail, so I rubbed the tail with some strong smelling oil. There was

40.__________ smell at all from the thief’s hands”.

(Module 2) Unit 4


1.Drunken-driving can not only cause traffic accidents, but also e_________ the lives of drivers.

2. He wore a thick overcoat as a p_________ against the bitter cold.

3. I don’t like going to work on an empty s_________.

4. We should pay more a_________ to state affairs.

5. When did the world come into b_________.

6. There are a number of ways you can help s_________ our wildlife.

7. An insect b_________ me on the arm.

8. M_________ bite people and animals, and suck their blood.

9. He was charged with selling d_________.

10. The plane crashed with serious l_________ of life.

11. Nothing else can _________ (影响) his decision once he has made it.

12. he has only _________ (最近) begun to learn Russian.

13. she’s the most _________ (有权势的) person in the organization.

14. the book _________ (包含) all the information you need.

15. he _________ (建议) taking the children to the zoo.


16. his unfortunate death was ________ _________ __________ (一个巨大的损失) to the company.

17. _________ _________ _________ (版权所有) 1. endangerThe,earth,is,dyibg,before。

18. I _________ quite _________ _________ (确信) that.

19. after his hard work, he ________ ________ ________ (一定会)pass his exams.

20. The amount of rain ________ ________ ________(影响) the growth of corps. The amount of rain ________ (影响) the growth of corps.

21. Smoking is harmful to your health.= smoking ________ ________ ________ your health.

22.we helped each other in studies and ________ ________ ________ (所以) we became good friends.

23. elephants would ________ ________ (灭绝) soon if men were allowed to kill as many as they wish.

24. I told him to go away and leave me ________ ________ (别打扰)。

25. The plant is now ________ ________ ________ ________.(灭绝的危险)

26. Hearing the news, she ________ ________ ________(大哭)

27. The farmers are busy ________ the crops ________ the cool.(使。。。免于)

28. Please ________ ________ ________ (注意)your handwriting.

29. Do you know when the Great Wall first ________ ________ ________(形成)?

30. ________ ________ (据….所载)the Bible, Adam was the first man.


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