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1. What does the man want to do?

A. Eat dinner.

B. Watch a movie.

C. Get some ice cream.

2. What does the man suggest they do together?

A. Learn to draw animals.

B. Raise a pet.

C. Go to the zoo.

3. What does the woman watch at night sometimes?

A. The films. B. The news. C. The music programs.

4. What does the man think of math?

A. It’s confusing.

B. It’s interesting.

C. It makes him smarter.

5. When is Peter’s birthday?

A. Saturday. B. Sunday. C. Monday.




6. What’s wrong with the man?

A. His team didn’t win.

B. He hit the ball too hard.

C. He didn’t sleep well.

7. How many games did the man play?

A. One. B. Two. C. Three.


8. What did the woman see on the first day?

A. Hyde Park. B. The British Museum. C. The London zoo.

9. Why does the woman probably think English people like tea?

A. It rains so much there.

B. They sell it in the street.

C. It’s better for their health.


10. What was Andrew like at the concert?

A. Calm. B. Nervous. C. Excited.

11. How did Andrew perform?

A. He didn’t make any mistakes.

B. He made a lot of mistakes.

C. He made some little mistakes.

12. How does the woman feel now?

A. Pretty sad. B. Quite glad. C. A little worried.


13. What are the speakers discussing?

A. The education in America.

B. The choice of clubs.

C. High school life.

14. What team was the woman on in high school?

A. Tennis. B. Basketball. C. Swimming.

15. Where was the woman last year?

A. Canada. B. Japan. C. America.

16. What would the woman like to do in the future?

A. Start rowing again.

B. Go running around a lake.

C. Go swimming in a river.


17. Where will the students go?

A. A theater. B. A big park. C. A zoo.

18. Which of the following has displays from different countries?

A. The Japanese Tea Garden.

B. The House of Flowers.

C. The De Young Museum.

19. What is in the Japanese Tea Garden?

A. A concert hall. B. A small lake. C. An art gallery.

20. Where is Golden Gate Park?

A. In the countryside.

B. In the middle of the city.

C. Close to the city.高中英语听力下载




1. How does the man think the woman looks?

A. Sad. B. Tired. C. Energetic.

2. When will the woman come back?

A. In the early evening.

B. In the late morning.

C. In the early afternoon.

3. What is the man expecting?

A. A plan. B. A letter. C. A program.

4. Why doesn’t the woman take singing lessons?

A. They’re too expensive.

B. They’re too hard.

C. They’re useless.

5. What was Jason not allowed to do?

A. Eat all cookies. B. Enjoy himself. C. Go away at once.




6. What does the woman need?

A. A paid vacation.

B. Her pay in advance.

C. Extra hours to work.

7. Who might Mr. Simms be?

A. The woman’s boss.

B. The woman’s husband.

C. The woman’s brother.


8. What does the man do for work?高中英语听力下载

A. He has a sales job.


B. He works at a school.

C. He works at an Internet company. 9. Where is the woman now? A. In Beijing. B. In Hong Kong. C. In New York. 听第8段材料,回答第10至12题。 10. What sport is the man learning? A. Boxing. B. Kickboxing. C. Kung fu. 11. What does the woman ask the man to do? A. Give her a lesson. B. Tell her the rules. C. Show her some moves. 12. How can the man go into a higher level? A. By fighting someone from the next level. B. By passing a written test about the rules. C. By taking lessons for a couple of years. 听第9段材料,回答第13至16题。 13. What does the woman probably want the man to do? A. Help her make pizza. B. Try the pizza she made. C. Buy some pizza from the pizza shop. 14. Where does the man think pizza comes from? A. Italy. B. America. C. France. 15. How is the pizza bread in America, according to the woman? A. It’s very thin. B. It’s quite thick. C. It’s a little salty. 16. What does the man like in the pizza? A. Salt. B. Cheese. C. Sugar. 听第10段材料,回答第17至20题。 17. When can people get free sandwiches? A. On the 5th. B. This Friday. C. At 10:00 a.m. 18. How much will a salad and a beer cost? A. One dollar. B. Two dollars. C. Three dollars. 19. What is the main point of the special deals? A. To introduce a new bakery. B. To prove the restaurant is popular. C. To celebrate the opening of the restaurant. 20. What will be provided that day? A. Games for children. B. Free pies and cakes. C. Special performance.



Text 1

M: It’s very hot. Let’s get some ice cream. (1)

W: We have to wait for Esther. We’ll go after she comes.

Text 2


W: I love drawing. I’d like to learn how to draw animals better. (2)

M: That would be fun to learn. Why don’t we learn together?

Text 3

M: Mary, how often do you watch TV?

W: I watch the news or music programs in the morning, and when I come home at night I sometimes watch films on TV. (3)

Text 4

W: I love doing math. I feel like it makes me smarter.

M: It just makes me confused! (4)

W: It can be confusing. But if you think carefully, you will understand it.

Text 5


M: Today is Saturday. It’s Peter’s birthday tomorrow. (5) Let’s get him a present. What would he like?

W: He’d like a new bicycle, I think.

Text 6

W: Did you play tonight?

M: Yeah.

W: How did it go?

M: I don’t want to talk about it.

W: That bad?

M: Yes. My team didn’t win. (6) We lost both games. (7)

W: I’m sorry.

M: Me, too! I don’t know where my head was tonight. I just couldn’t hit the ball. W: Well, it wasn’t all your fault. Your teammates didn’t play well, either.

Text 7

M: Lisa, did you enjoy your trip to England?

W: Yes, I did. We met some nice people there, and I got to see a lot of famous places. M: Where did you go?

W: We visited Buckingham Palace, Tower of London, and the British Museum on the first day. (8) The next day, we went to Hyde Park and the London Zoo. Then we went on a boat ride on the Thames River.

M: Did you enjoy the boat ride?




1.What does the man want to do?

A.To go out with Sally. B.To see Sally. C.To talk to Sally.

2.What are the speakers going to do?

A.To go shopping. B.To see a film. C.To have hair cut.

3.When will the next bus leave for Beijing?

A.10:07. B.10:30. C.11:00.

4.What can we learn about the boy?

A.He often finds excuses to be off. B.His grandfather is often ill. C.His grandfather died.

5.What did the woman tell the man to do?

A.To post a letter. B.To get the bread C.To buy newspapers.

第二节:请听下面5段对话或独白,选出最佳选项。每段对话或独白读两遍。 听第6段材料回答第6至8题。

6.What is Mike going to do?

A.To see a movie. B.To attend a party. C.To look after a baby.

7.Where will the children do picnic?

A.On the top of a mountain. B.On a small island. C.Near their house.

8.How will the children go there?

A.By bike. B.By bus. C.By car. 听第7段材料回答第9至11题。

9.What are the speakers talking about?

A.Traveling. B.Train engines making. C.Hobbies.

10.Which continent does the man probably live in?

A.America. B.Europe. C.Asia. 1 1.Whom does the steam engine belong to?

A.An American company. B.Five persons. C.The man 听第8段材料,回答l2至l4题。

12.What’s the most probable relationship between the speakers?

A.Classmates. B.Brother and sister. C. Roommates.

13.What’s the man going to do?

A.To have a date. B.To take part in a party. C. To visit a friend.

14.Why does the woman refuse to lend the man anything?

A.She doesn’t have any of them· B.She doesn’t trust the man. C.She thinks poorly of Liza


15.Why did the man decide to go to the library?

A.One of his classes finished early. B.He wanted to get some studying done.

C.The library had a special display on the Revolution·

16.After getting the books,what did the man do?

A.Checked them out. B.Put them in his book bag. C.Returned them to the shelves

17.According to the man,what happens to all the books in the library?

A.They are marked with colored labels. B.They are inspected by the guard.

C.They are specially coded.


18.What is the main purpose for making this announcement?

A.To describe an event. B.To invite people to Harry’s. C.To warn people of danger.

19.What is coming?

A.A storm. B.A camping ban. C.An electric disaster.

20.What does the speaker suggest?

A.Watching television. B.Staying with crowd. C. Listening to the radio.


1-5:CBCAB 6-l0:AACCA

ll-l5:BBACA l6-20:BCCAC


Text l M:If you see Sally,can you ask her to phone me? W:Sure.I'll be seeing her this evening,So I’ll tell her then.

Text 2 M:Hurry up! Are you ready to go? We’11 be late for the movie.

W:I’m still washing my hair.Well,come in and

wait.We can go there by taxi.

Text 3 W:When will the next bus leave for Beijing?

M:Buses leave for Beijing every thirty minutes.You’ve

just missed the ten thirty bus by seven minutes.

Text 4 W:What? you want another day off? I’m anxious to hear

what excuse you have this time.You have been off

for your grandfather’s funeral four times already.

M:But today my grandma is getting married again. Text 5 W:Did you remember to get the bread?

M:Well,I remember walking past the baker’s shop. W:But you forgot to get the bread.

M:I’m afraid so.I don’t remember you telling me that. Text 6 M:Hello,Linda! W:Hello,Mike! M:Would you like to go to the cinema with me?

W:Sorry.I’m getting ready for tomorrow’s picnic now.

M:Yes? Whom will you have it with?

W:Some of my classmates.


W:On the top of the mountain.

M:It’s so far from our town.How will you get there? W:Jack’s father will take US there in his car. Text 7

W:How did you begin to have this interest?

M:Well,when l was a boy,I used to collect train numbers,

the numbers of the engines,that is.When I got the numbers of nearly all the engines on this island,I went to France,Holland,Germany,and Italy to look up the railways there.

W:And how many foreign countries have you been to? M:I’ve been to 23 countries in Europe and Africa,and I'm

hoping to go to the Far East and Australia next year. W:You actually own a steam engine,don’t you?

M:It’s not just mine.Five of us bought all old steam

engine.So I'm a part—owner.We keep it on a track,which belongs to an American company.

W:Thank you very much,Mr..Andrews.

Text 8

M:Would you please do me a favor,Sarah?

W:It depends on what it is.

M:Could you lend me twenty dollars until Wednesday?

W:I suppose so.If you’re sure you can pay the money back

to me on Tuesday.


M:Of course.There’s something else,too,Sarah.Would

you mind me tiding your bike tonight?高中英语听力下载

W:Well,I guess not.I have to study anyway,so I won’t be using it.

M:Wonderful! I’ve one last favor to ask you.I'd appreciate

it if I could borrow your new walkman.


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