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Module 1 Wonders of the world



1.What ________ you ________(do)at seven yesterday evening?

2.The Grand Canyon is one of the ________(wonder)of the natural world.

3.I ________(be)to Xinjiang twice. It's really a beautiful place.

4.When I ________(arrive), it was raining.

5.Some of the pyramids are over 200 feet in ________.(high).

6.The rain stopped and the sun ________.(rise).

BThe best way of learning a language is it. The best way of learning English is in English as much as possible. Sometimes you'll get your words mixed up and people will not understand you. Sometimes people will say things and you can't understand them. But if you your sense of humor, you can always have a good laugh at the mistakes you make. Don't be if people to be laughing at your mistakes. It's better for people at your mistakes than to angry with you, because they don't understand what you . The most important thing for learning English is: “Don't be afraid of making mistakes because everyone mistakes.”


1.— When ________ you ________ the computer?

— Three years ago.

A.have; bought B.had; bought

C.do; buy D.did; buy

2.—Hi, Kate. You look tired. What's the matter?

—I ________ well last night.

A.didn't sleep B.don't sleep C.haven't slept D.won't sleep

3.— Did anyone ________ the football match yesterday evening?

— Yes, we won.

A.watch B.watched C.watches D.watching

4.Do you know where our headmaster ________?

A.living B.live C.lives D.to live

5.It's 4 o'clock. They ________ their compositions.

A.write B.writes C.wrote D.are writing

6.—My mother ________ to do some shopping after work.

—So am I.

A.will go B.goes C.went D.is going

7.The little girl ________ in the kindergarten when her mother came in.

A.cry B.cries C.was crying D.is crying

8.There will be a parents' meeting tomorrow. But my parents can't come because they ________

to Shandong.

A.has gone B.have gone C.has been D.have been

9.—Hasn't Betty come yet?

—No, I ________ for her for nearly 2 hours.

A.wait B.waited

C.have waited D.had waited

10.The story ________ in London many years ago.

A.was happening B.will happen

C.happened D.happens

11.Peter was playing the piano while Alice ________.

A.was singing B.sang C.would sing D.singing


12.She told me that she ________ my aunt the next week.

A.will visit B.would visit

C.is going to visit D.visited

13.—Who's taken away my English textbook?


A.I have B.He had C.She did D.He took it

14.—Mary, could you help me?

—Wait a moment. I ________.

A.read a book B.did my homework

C.was watching TV D.am cooking dinner

15.—Do you know Huang Ting well?

—Yes. She and I ________ friends since we met in Wuhan last summer.

A.made B.were C.have been D.become



Here are six business cards. They are three persons'. They are Andrew Irvine, Sandy West and Emma Bell. The cards on the left are old ones and the cards on the right are new. Read the cards and then choose the right answers.外研版九上英语作业本

1.If you want to get some advice about law, you can ring the number ________.

A.(415)772-3622 B.(617)264-3132

C.(212)555-2617 D.(415)474-6188

2.If you want to visit Professor Bell's home, you can go to ________.

A.Washington B.San Francisco

C.New York D.Brookline

3.________ haven't changed their places of work.

A.Sandy West and Emma Bell

B.Andrew Irvine and Sandy West

C.Emma Bell and Andrew Irvine

D.Andrew Irvine, Sandy West and Emma Bell


I first started playing the piano when I was three. My parents are musicians, so they were both very encouraging. It was their dream, I think, to raise a child who could one day become a world-class pianist. So they asked an expensive personal teacher to teach me, and I practiced every day, sometimes for five or six hours at a time. Despite(尽管)the long hours and frustration(挫折), I did enjoy it, especially at first, and I was good. According to my parents and my teacher, I was really excellent, and I was on the road to becoming a professional musician, just外研版九上英语作业本

like my mother and father.

The trouble was, my head really wasn't in it. My real interest was something quite different—mathematics(maths). Numbers were the things that really shone brightly in my mind. I found more beauty in a mathematical equation(相等), I told my parents, than in a piano sonata(奏鸣曲). So when I went to college, I chose to study mathematics, not music. Then I got a job, working as an accountant.

Now I work with numbers every day. My parents couldn't understand, and even now I guess they are still angry with me. They say I wasted a special gift. But I still believe what I did was right for me.

1.It cost the writer's parents a lot to ________.

A.help him with his lessons

B.raise their son to be an excellent pianist

C.become professional musicians

D.practice playing the piano

2.At first what the writer did showed that ________.

A.he was hopeful in music

B.he hated playing the piano

C.he didn't have a gift for music

D.he liked mathematics better

3.The writer's parents felt very sorry for their son because they thought ________.

A.his heart wasn't really in music

B.they didn't like his job of an accountant

C.he wasted a special gift

D.he didn't realize his mistake

4.Which is the best title of this story?

A.Nobody Understood Me

B.The Road to My Career

C.My Parents' Dream

D.Don't Be Sorry for Me


Matt Mason has seen the future—and it's fun. Mason likes thinking about how machines can make our lives easier by doing the work we hate, such as cleaning. He shows a hard floor cleaning system(系统)that's built into the wall: it will blow dirt to a part of the room where it will be collected by a vacuum(吸尘器). Then the system will drop some cleaner on the floor and an

arm will mop(用拖把擦)it up. “This may trouble you,” says Kara, an expert in Mason's company. “But you can program it to come on at 3 a. m., and it will just wet-mop the floor for you.”

When it comes to the kitchen, Bruce Beihoff, another expert at Whirlpool, is sure that in a few years, robots will be doing most of the boring work, freeing us to relax. “More than just fun, future kitchens will be environmentally friendly,” he says. “A new system will be built in the house which can recycle energy(能量)lost from your kitchen to make the whole home warm.”

“The fridge will be the center of the home,” says Daniel Lee, a market expert. The fridge will have a touch screen(触摸屏幕)where you can watch TV, surf the Internet, check your e- mail, keep a shopping list and order vegetables. “Your fridge is the first place you go in the morning and the last place at night,” says Lee.

Ever wonder why a 1.9-meter man and a 1.6-meter woman have to cook meals on counters(工作台)of the same height. “The height was decided over 50 years ago, according to the height of ordinary women,” says Jane Langmuir, an expert of cooking machines. “But times have changed. We have made a new counter where you press a button and it moves to whatever height you want.” At the same time, Ted Selker at MIT's Counter lab has made the Dishmaker which lets you make dishes and bowls out of plastics at home. After each meal, the dishes are changed straight back into plastics.

1.How many inventions are mentioned in the passage?

A.Three. B.Four. C.Five. D.Six.

2.In future, if you want to clean your house, you will ________.

A.have a recycling system built in the wall

B.get up early to start your cleaning system

C.use your fridge to give orders to a cleaner

D.leave the work to a kind of cleaning machine

3.What is future kitchen work like?

A.Terrific and relaxing. B.Easy and interesting.

C.Enjoyable and exciting. D.Funny and amazing.

4.From the passage, we know ________.

A.people will have more and more time enjoying themselves

B.future kitchens can provide all the energy for our life every day

C.the fridge can be found in the center of a future house

D.people must be expert at computers to use these inventions


Mr. Klein told the class that a new student, Inez, would join them soon. He that Inez was deaf. She “talked” with others by using sign language. Mr. Klein knew sign language, and he decided to teach students so that they could also “talk” with Inez.

First, they learned to sign the letters. Some letters were hard to . Other letters, such as C, were easier because the shape(形状)of the hand was the same as the shape of the letter.

The thing they learned was fingerspelling. They signed one letter after another to spell a word. They with two-letter words such as ‘at’ and ‘on’. Then they spelled words.

Finally, Mr. Klein showed that one sign could be used for a whole word. To make



Module One Wonders of the world

Unit 1 W hat is a wonder of the world?

I. Words.

A. Fill in the blank according to the sentence and the given letter,. 1. Xi'an is an a___________ city. It has a long history.

2. I didn't take photos of the UFO. Because the UFO d___________ before I took out the camera.

3. The beauty of the West Lake a __________ thousands of tourists every year.


4. I can recognize him at once, because his mother gave me a d __________ of him clearly. 5. Next week we'll have a c___________ competition to see whose article is the best. B. Fill in the blank with the proper form of the given word.

1. Lucy went out an hour ago. She __________ (be) back in half an hour.

2. He __________ ( visit ) many countries and learned several foreign languages since 1992. 3. While we __________ ( talk ) yesterday afternoon, the bell rang. 4. Please be quiet! The baby __________ (sleep) at the moment. 5. He __________ (grow) vegetables in his garden and sold them. 6. We __________ (build) fifty tall buildings these years. 7. The doctor said that he __________ (need) two lights.

8. __________ you ever __________(visit) the Summer Palace? 9. Why not __________ (go) out for a walk?

10. Don't forget ___________ (lock) the door when you go out.

11. My sister wants to be a ___________ (science) when she grows up. 12. Today many students in China are under too much __________ (press). 13. When I got home ,my mother _________(cook)外研版九上英语作业本

14. Next week we ___________ (take) some Japanese friends to see the Summer Palace. 15. Hundreds of people ___________ ( visit ) the Forbidden City every day. II. Multiple choice.

( ) 1. --How long have you stayed here? -- two days.

A. For B. In C. By D. To ( ) 2. I'll go camping with you, if I free tomorrow.

A. will be B. shall be C. am D. was ( ) 3. Listen ! Someone outside.

A. sing B. sings C. is singing D. are singing ( ) 4. No one helped Lucy. She did it all by .

第 1 页

A. myself B. herself C. himself D. yourself ( ) 5. --What will you do if it tomorrow. --I'll stay at home and watc初三生活作文h the match on TV.

A. rain B. rains C. will rain D. is raining ( ) 6. Mother when I saw her in the kitchen.

A. cook B. cooks C. was cooking D. is cooking ( ) 7. --Do you know the man Mike? --Yes, I know him very well.

A. call B. calls C. calling D. called

( ) 8. do you know in the city?

A. Who else B. Else who C. Who other D. Other who ( ) 9. He'll Beijing tomorrow morning.

A. reach to B. arrive in C. get on D. arrive at ( ) 10. Both my brother and sister playing the piano.

A. enjoy B. enjoys C. enjoying D. to enjoy III. Rewrite the sentence according to the requirement.

1. It was very dark that I couldn't see anything. (改写句子,句意不变) It was dark see anything.

对画线部分提问) about at the meeting? 对画线部分提问) you like to join?

对画线部分提问) with the band Crazy Feet? 5. I think that's a fantastic idea. (改为否定句)

I that's a fantastic idea.

IV. Rewrite the sentence with the similar meaning of the unlined words or phrases. Please the dictionary to your classmate after school. 2. --Will you please pass the umbrella to me? --Will you please pass the umbrella to me? --OK. I'll do it .

the old bridge. The children on the playground. We have known each other .

共 37 页

Unit 2 I was on the edge of the Grand Canyon.

I. Words.

A. Fill in the blank according to the sentence and the given letter. . from the east. of the mountain. . We'd better take a taxi.

in the Summer Palace. B. Fill in the blank with the proper form of the given word.

1. When I was a child, I often (play) football in the street. 2. I (write) to you as soon as I arrive there. 3. I (leave) tomorrow.

4. I (not receive) his letter for almost a month. 5. When I got home, my father 6. If it 7. He 8. When she (arrive), I was telephoning Mary. 9.--Who --Betty will.

10. The sun (rise) at seven o'clock. II. Multiple choice.

( ) 1. I‘ll do some reviews _________ our favourite bands and movies. A. with B. about C. of D. in

( ) 2. --How much did you for the dictionary?

--20 Yuan. A. buy B. spend C. cost D. pay ( ) 3. --Where saying that he has something important to do. A. has Tom gone; message B. has Tom been; note

C. will Tom go; word D. did Tom go; excuse


( ) 4. --Can I see


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