
时间:2024-09-21 00:38:43 来源:作文网 作者:管理员

英语作文 > :收到礼物的经过英语作文是由小学生作文网为您精心收集,如果觉得好,请把这篇文章复制到您的博客或告诉您的朋友,以下是收到礼物的经过英语作文的正文:



La写给闺蜜的一封信ter, the teacher let another student taste the water. He spat it out, saying it was awful. It apparently had become stale because of the old leather container.


The student challenged his teacher: "Master, the water was foul. Why did you pretend to like it?"


The teacher replied, "You only tasted the water. I tasted the gift. The water was simply the container for an act of loving-kindness and nothing could be sweeter."


I think we understand this lesson best when we receive innocent gifts of love from young children. Whether it's a ceramic tray or a macaroni bracelet, the natural and proper response is appreciation and expressed thankfulness because we love the idea within the gift.



Gratitude doesn't always come naturally. Unfortunately, most children and many adults value only the thing given rather than the feeling embodied in it. We should remind ourselves and teach our children about the beauty and purity of feelings and expressions of gratitude. After all, gifts from the heart are really gifts of the heart.






1.假如你叫王林,是某中学的学生. 请根据表格中的活动时间和内容,用英语写一封信给你的朋友,向他介绍你们学校丰富多彩的课外活动.然后告诉他你最喜欢的一项课外活动是什么及喜欢这项活动的原因,并谈谈你对这些课外活动的看法.

时间 活动内容

星期一 电脑小组

星期二 英语角活动

星期四 音乐俱乐部

星期五 球类运动

要求:(1) 信中要包含表格里所有的内容;(2) 可以适当发挥;(3) 词数80左右.

Dear Tom,

How are you Now I enjoy my school life very much. Besides learning many subjects at school, we have all kinds of activities after class. We can take part in different activities according to our personal hobbies. For example, we can go to our school computer group on Monday to learn more knowledge about computer science. We can also improve our English by joining English corner on Thursday. If we like music, we can join the music club on Thursday. We can go to play balls on Friday in order to make us stronger.

Of all these activities, I like playing balls best because health is very important for us students. I think these activities can make our school life rich and colorful. We all like these activities. Yours,

Wang Lin

2.假设你是林华,今天在学校的公告拦上看到下面一则海报.现在请你写一封e-mail 给你的好朋友Sam, 一个集邮爱好者,告诉他有关海报内容,并邀请他和你一起去参观邮票展. 邮 票 展

想度过一个特别的周末吗 来看看我们的邮票展吧!

这里将展示国内外各种邮票,还将出售有关邮票的书籍, 另外我们还设有邮票交换角. 主办者: 少年宫

地 点: 艺术中心

时 间: 10月15日(星期六)


注意: (1)词数不少于80,开头和结尾已为你写好,不计入总词数.



From: Lin Hua

Subject: Stamp Show

Hi Sam,

I have good news to tell you. There will be a stamp show in Art Center on Saturday, October 15, which is held by Children's Palace. Different kinds of stamps from both 明知不可为而为之home and abroad will be on display. Books about stamps will also be available. Besides, there'll be an exchange corner at the show. Anyone who wants to watch the show needs to prepare six stamps for exchange.

I want to take part in activity, would you like to go with me I think we can make lots of friends who have the same hobbies as us, and maybe we can get some stamps that we have been expecting. I'm sure we'll have a special weekend.

If you'd like to go, please let me know.

Lin Hua



June 4, Sunday Fine

This morning my parents and I went to visit Ningbo Youngor Zoo and we had a picnic there. We had a big lunch on the grass, but there was still some food left, like bananas, apples, bread and so on. "What can we do with these things Throw them away!" I said to my parents. But my mother didn't think we could. Then I said that we could give them to the monkeys. My mother agreed that it was a good idea. We were going to feed the monkeys with our food when suddenly the zoo keeper came up to us and said, "Please don't feed the animals!"

Then we said sorry to him and went on with our visit.


假设你们班要进行一次野外郊游 (field trip),你作为班长,要对此活动进行计划安排,并向全班通知.请根据以下内容要求(具体内容自定),拟一份80词左右的通知.




An Announcement

Now, class, please be quiet. I have an announcement to make. On Saturday our class is going to have a field trip. In the morning we are going to hike to Bahao Mountains. At about noon, we are going to have a picnic at the top of the mountain. After lunch you may play games, draw pictures, have a dancing party and do anything you like. 3:30 is the time for us to come back.

Please get to our school gate at 7:00 on Saturday morning. Be sure to take some food and drinking water with you, but don't take too many things.

That's all. Thank you.



1.下面是你的笔友及其家庭的一些信息,请用英语写一篇短文把他介绍给大家.(词数:70左右) Name:Zhou yi

School name: No.1 Middle School of Yiyang

His dream :

a pop singer

Sex: male

Age :16

Hobbies: listening to music, swimming

Favorite subjects: math, English, art

Number of his family: 3

Father: a policeman

Mother: a doctor

Zhou Yi is my pen pal. He is sixteen. He is a student at No.1 Middle School of Yiyang. Of all the subjects he likes math, English and art best. His favorite sport is swimming. In his spare time, he likes listening to music and swimming. He wants to be a pop singer when he grows up. There are three people in his family. His father is a policeman and his mother is a doctor. He loves his family.



(1)获取各种信息 (2)打电话,发电子邮件(3)学外语,看书 (4)欣赏音乐,看体育比赛)(5)玩游戏,聊天 (6)网上购物

On the Internet

In our lives, the Internet is more and more important. On the Internet, we can get all kinds of information. And we can also make telephone calls, send messages by e-mail , learn foreign languages, read all kinds of books, enjoy music and watch sports matches , Besides, we can also play games and have a chat with others. And now, doing shopping on the Internet is getting more and more popular.



When did you get the present and who gave it to you

What does it look like

What do you think of it

How do you keep it


(2)题目自拟. 词数为70个左右.

My pet cat

On my last birthday, my aunt gave me a special present. It is a white cat, I call her Mimi. Last month, I made her a house and it made her quite happy. Mimi is very clever and easy to take care of. It's a lot of fun to see her play with a ball. When I feed her, she always eats all of the food on the plate. I like Mimi very much, now she is my best friend.



Hi, Jack , we're going to have our school sports meeting on the playground next week. It will last th


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热门排行: 2016拜年词 好词