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英语作文 > :Life,in,an,American,high,school,is,an,interesting,and,exciting,experience是由小学生作文网为您精心收集,如果觉得好,请把这篇文章复制到您的博客或告诉您的朋友,以下是Life,in,an,American,high,school,is,an,interesting,and,exciting,experience的正文:

第一篇:《2015暑假 新初一英语 第1讲 试题分析及讲练 教师版》


讲义编号 2015暑假 07YY01 (教师版)

1. 回顾预初试题;

2. 初中试题题型、分值及答题技巧介绍。

Part 2 Vocabulary and Grammar(30%)

II.Choose the best answer.(选择最恰当的答案)(共12分)

1. Joyce wrote an article ______ how to improve our memory. B. on

【考点】介词的固定搭配 平分秋色一轮满


2. The Greens and the Browns _____next-door neighbors for many years.

A were B. was

【考点】现在完成时的用法 C. have been D. had been


3. This is really a large amount of money. But it is _____than we need.

A. much fewer B.less much C. far more D. far less


【易错点】容易错选less much,形容词比较级变法掌握不牢。

4. Henry used to live with his parents, ____?

A. did he

【考点】反义疑问句; B.used he C. didn’t he D.doesn’t he

【易错点】容易错选B, used 是实义动词,需用助动词帮助否定。

5.—How clean the bed room is!

--- Yes, I am sure that someone______it.

A. cleans


6. Which sentence is true?

A.I have kept this book for two days.

B. The movie had begun for twenty minutes.

C.My uncle has away from his hometown since 10 years ago.

D. Where have you gone these days?


【易错点】1. 不能够区分瞬间性动词和延续性动词,错选B

2. be+adj类型延续性动词放在现在完成时里面容易漏掉been。错选c

3. 混淆have been to 和 have gone to 用法。错选D.

7. I would suggest they ____to Sheshan State Resort.

A.will go B.go

【考点】 考察suggest的用法 C. have gone D. went B. cleaned C.had cleaned D. has cleaned 【易错点】 错选一般现在时,忽视了结果影响到现在。

【易错点】不知道suggest sb do 的固定搭配。

8. I don't know _____ the opening show tomorrow. Can you tell me?

A. When we started

C. When we will start

【考点】 考察宾语从句的用法 B.When did we start D. When will we start


9. Mum ___me when I was young. She always asks me to do things carefully.

A.was angry B. was careful with C. was strict with D. was satisfied with



10.The woman made her husband_______out side the gate yesterday afternoon.

A. wait

【考点】非谓语动词 B. waiting C. to wait D. waited

【易错点】make sb do 的固定搭配

11. When the teacher passed the classroom, she heard someone_____in it.

A. cry

【考点】固定搭配 B. crying C. is crying D. cried

【易错点】hear sb do 和 hear sb doing 的用法意思不能分清,前者注重过程,后者注重正当时。

12. ----The music is too loud. Could you please turn it down, please?


A. Sure.What time?

C. Well, me too.


Ⅱ.Complete the sentences with the given words in their suitable forms.(用括号中所给单词 B. Sorry, I didn't notice that D. OK, go ahead. 【易错点】A提出了建议要求,只有B选项合理。 的适当形式完成下列句子。每空限填一词)(共6分)

1. Life is precious and nothing is _worse_____(bad) than death.


2. More and more___unhealthy___(health) food will cause varous illnesses.


3. He passed the exam __fortunately_______(fortunate) although it was very difficult


4. It is __unnecessary____(need) for him to spend too much time on this project.

【考点】动词---名词----反义词的变法,It is +adj. +for +sb to do….的句型考法。

5. There are many __differences______(different) between these two schools.

【考点】adj. ---n 要注意数的变化。

6. If you want to __succeed_______ (success) in the future, you must work hard from new on.

【考点】考点:n. ---v. want to 后加V。

Ⅲ. Fill in the blank with the proper form of the verb. 6%

1. They _built____(build ) another new bridge over the HuangPu River not long ago.


2. This time yesterday I __was showing_____(show) the foreigners around the ancient church.


3. The Century Park ___has attracted_____(attract)thousands of visitors for several years.



4. I will give her the message as soon as she__returns_______.(return)


5. Why not_close______(close) the windows when the weather is seriously polluted.

【考点】why not ..后面要跟动词原形。

6. He was surprised to see that Shanghai__had changed________(change) a lot.


Ⅳ. Rewrite the sentence as required.(改写句子) 6%

1. The 中秋手抄报beach is a nice place for tourists.(改成what感叹句)

What a nice place fourists the beach is!


2. They were too tired to walk on.(改成so…that句型)

They were so tired that they couldn’t walk on.

【考点】that 后面要加从句。

3. It took Linda one week to finish reading the book Harry Porter.(用spend改写)

Linda spent one week finishing reading the book Harry Porter.

【考点】spend doing 的用法。后面容易漏掉一个ing形式。

4. Tom rarely read this kind of fashion magazine.(改成反义疑问句)

Tom rarely read this kind of fashion magazine, did he?


5. (对划线部分提问)

How did Jim tell her the news?


Part 3 Reading and Writing(45%)

I. Read the passage and choose the best answer. 5%

We are all busy talking about and using the Internet, but how many of us know the history of the Internet? Many people are surprised when they find that the Internet was set up in the 1960s. At that time, computers were large and expensive. Computer networks didn't work well. If one computer in the network broke down, then the whole network stopped. So a new network sysytem had to be set up. It should be good enough to be used by many different computers. If part of the network was not working, information could be sent through another part. In this way computer network system would keep on working all the time.


At first the Internet was only used by the government, but in the early 1970s, universities, hspitals and banks were allowed to used it,too. However, computers were still very expensive and the Internet was difficult to use. Scientists had also developed software that made ―surfing‖ the Internet more convenient.

Today it is easy to get on-line and it is said that millions of people use the Internet every day. Sending e-mail is more and more popular among the students. The Internet has now become one of the most important parts of people’s life.

1. _____, computers were large and expensive, and computer network didn’t work well.

A. In the 1960s B. At the end of 18th century

C. Today D. By the start of the 19th century

【考点】细节题 ,注意上下文。

2. A new network system was set up to__________.Life,in,an,American,high,school,is,an,interesting,and,exciting,experience。

A. make computers cheaper

B. make itself keep on working all the time

C. break down the whole work

D. make computers large and expensive


3. At first the Internet itself was only used by______.

A.the goverment B. universities C. hospitals and banks D. schools

【考点】细节题。注意题目中的At first.

4. Which of the following is true?

A. In the 1960s, computers worked well.

B. In the 1970s, the Internet was easy to use.

C. Sending e-mails is now more popular among students than before.

D. Today it’s still not easy to get on –line.


5 .The best title for this passage may be‖________‖

A. The computr B. How to use the computere

C. How to Set Up A New Network D. The History of the Internet


Ⅱ.Read the passage and answer the questions. (读短文并回答问题) 5 %

Life in an American high school is an interesting and exciting learning experience. High school in America is not just a place for studying some subjects. It is also an important social centre, where students can develop other interests and talents.

The high school course is divided into four years. The teenager usually starts school about 8:00 a.m, and ends at 3 p.m. There is no school on weekends. Students have lunch at the school cafeteria. After lunch they play sports, talk to friends or simply relax. The lunch break lasts about an hour.

When the school day ends, some students go home, but many still stay at chool for after-school activities. There are many activities and clubs to choose. In the afternoon many students practise sports with the school students team. Sports are an important part of high school life. American hige school students like




Describe a performer, an actor or a musician, etc. that you think in great. Please give specific reasons why you think he/she is a great performer.

Well, I am an amateur for classic music. I like many musicians: Beethoven, Mozart, and so on. But my favorite musician is no doubt Paganini. The Italian violinist is more famous for his devil characteristics. However I admire him because of his perfect violin performance. People say that he can play a whole song with merely one string. And that’s real, not a legend! Besides, other musicians such as Liszt have also composed their music based on artworks of Paganini. Obviously Paganini is one of the greatest violinist and composer throughout the music history.

Describe one of your friends. Explain how you met and became friends.

Cherry is definitely one of my best friends. She was my high school classmate. At that time, we were friends, but not very close ones. Then she went to another city to continue her college study. We seldom keep in touch in those four years. However life is always full of unexpected surprises. After her graduation, she returned to Shanghai and we had a chance to have a lunch together. We really talked a lot…about many things…and we were amazing to find out that we are so alike in many aspects. And in particular the common faith of studying abroad makes us to get even closer in our friendship. Since then, we hang out very often.

Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? It is good for students to attend a university or college in a foreign country. Explain why.

It is good for students to attend a university in a foreign country, because it provides students with international experiences. International experiences can cultivate students’ intercultural communication skills. Take myself as an example. In college, I attended an exchange program in Italy. At first, I found it difficult to communicate with my Italian classmates and then I realized that the problem was due to the cultural differences, not the linguistic problem as I previously thought. So I tried to learn more about Italian culture. Guess what? Now if I met someone from Italy, he will think that I’m an Italian-born Chinese after we communicate.

What do you think is the most important quality of a working environment: good leaders, good colleagues or flexible time?

Well, it’s true that good leaders and flexible time are vital to a well-balanced working environment. However, in my personal case, having good colleagues is a much more important factor, because my work needs cooperation. I cannot finish the task without my colleagues. In this sense, having friendly co-workers matters. Once we needed to confirm all the arrangements for a multiple inter-governmental event before the following day. Honestly, it was an impossible mission for any individual to complete by himself. Fortunately, I had my nice colleagues who worked with me

together to carry it out before the deadline.

Where do you like to go shopping? Explain why.

I like to go shopping in online stores. One main reason is that online stores are very convenient. There is a kind of online supermarkets where you can buy almost all daily supplies. You just simply make an order of your shopping list and wait at home for the delivery the next day. You see, no more need to drag a full shopping bag back from a distant Wal-Mart! Another reason is that we may find anything we want in online stores. Once I searched for a book in all bookstores nearby my home but without result. Then when I was back home I went on E-bay and surprisingly found that several E-bay shops were selling that book.

Talk about a memorable experience you had in a restaurant or cafe. Explain what happened and why it was memorable.

I like the nearby Starbucks very much, not only for grabbing a Frappuccino, but especially because I had my first intern interview there. And here is how my interview went on: I needed to finish a writing task first and then my ex-boss started to chat with me, about my resume and my personality. Well, even if it was a chat, I had to say that I was nervous…really nervous…I barely drank my favorite Frappuccino and eventually when I finished the interview, the Frappucino remained almost intact. Fortunately, I got the intern later and this Starbucks becomes very important to me. I would say that it’s my lucky Starbucks.

Among the following three types of books, which do you like the least? Mystery novel, science fiction, biography.

I like to read books, different kinds of books, such as mystery novel, science fiction, however I won’t read biography. The main reason is that some biographies are misleading. The author of the biography tends to create some events for the character that actually did not happen. For instance, writers often prefer arranging a heartbreaking love story for their character so that the biography can attract more female readers. So if you happen to read such a biography, and then you go on Wikipedia to search information about the character in the book, you will find a totally different story.

What's your favorite toy or game in your childhood?

All girls like Barbie, I’m not excluded. Having a Barbie is the biggest dream of all girls at that age. I got my first Barbie on my tenth birthday. My mother took me to a department store. I was very excited when I saw different types of Barbie presented on the shelf: Barbie in holiday, dancing Barbie and so on. It was such a pity that I could only take one of them back home. Finally I chose one Barbie with a long red dress. Since then every day I played with my Barbie, I combed her hair and bought her other dresses to change. This Barbie is my favorite toy in my childhood.

If a foreign visitor comes to your country, what food will you introduce to him/her?

Well, China is famous for its delicious food among which I will introduce a special food named Zongzi to foreign visitors, because you can find no food similar to Zongzi in other places. Zongzi is a typical Chinese food and people only eat it on Dragon Festival. This festival is


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热门排行: 2016拜年词 好词