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Unit 6.练习题 单项选择

1. He’s going to _____ an engineer when he _____ up.;grow;grows;grow;grows 2. An _____ must take _____ lessons.;act;acting C.acting;actor D.acting;act 3. What is he going to do when he _____ some money? going to save C.saves D.will save 4. I’m going to travel _____.

A.a place interesting B.a interesting place C.somewhere interesting D.interesting somewhere 5. That sounds _____. good a good plan \ C.likes good D.likes a good plan

6. --_____ the Greens going to move? --Maybe Beijing or Shanghai. I’m not sure yet.

A.What is B.What are C.Where is D.Where are 7. Mr Brown is an editor. And he finds a _____ job _____ a Teacher in our school.

A.part-time;as B.part-time;for C.full-time;as D.full-time;for8. More exercise can help you _____. B.keep fit C.keep joy D.keep busy 9. --What is your New Year’s _____ ?

--I’m going to study a lot.

A.exercise B.resolution C.job D.subject10. I think the exhibiiton will _____ me rich and famous. A.let B.have C.make 根据中文完成句子

1. 他不会在那儿。 He _____ going to _____ there. 2. 她不想成为一名篮球员。

She _____ want to be a basketball _____. 3. 我将做我想做的事。

I’m going to _____ _____ I want to do.

4. 他们打算搬到某个有趣的地方。

They are going to _____ somewhere _____. 5. 我想成为一名时装杂志的记者。 I want to be a _____ for a fashion magazine. 按要求改写句子

1. We got over 1,000 letters from our readers about their New Year’s resolutions.(改为同义句)

We got _____ _____ 1,000 letters from our readers about their New Year’s resolutions.

2. She is going to take acting lessons tomorrow.(改为否定句) She _____ going to _____ acting lessons tomorrow.

3. 对划线部分提问) _____ _____ your cousin going to leave?

4. What are you going to do?(改为同义句) What _____ you _____ to do?

5. Many students are going to work harder at school this year.(改为同义句) _____ _____ students are going to work hard at school this year. 第七单元 Ⅰ.单项选择。(20分) ( )1. My father needs ______ now.

A. six slices of apples B. five slices of onion C. four piece of onions D. five piece of breads ( )2. I also like some ______ and ______.

A. tomato; chicken B. tomatoes; chicken C. tomatos; chickenns D. tomatoes; chickens ( )3. Keep quiet !I have _______ to tell you.

A. a new B. a news C. a piece of new D. a piece of news

( )4.—What would you like to drink, girls?.— ,please.. A. Two cup of tea B. Two cups of teas C. Two cups of tea D. Two cup of teas ( )5.Please hot water into blender.. A. cut B.mix C. pour

D. carry

( )6.—Tom, It’s too dark in the classroom. Please _____the light. ---OK!


A. turn on B. turn up C. turn down D. turn off ( )7.—Look ! The piece of meat is too large,let’s cut_______. A.them up up C.up them D.up it ( )8.—How ______yogurt would you like to make a salad? ---–Only one teaspoon.

A. many B. few C. much D. often ( )9.How ______your sister _______a milk smoothie?

A. do; make B. does; make C. does, makes D. do, makes ( )10.—It’s better for you to ____the pear if you would like to eat. ---Why?

---Because there is some pesticide (农药) on it.

---Oh, I see, thank you.

A. pour B. peel C. wash D. cook ( )11. Father is sleeping .Will you ____the radio a little? A. turn on B. turn off C. turn up D. turn down ( )12.There’s _________ beef in the refrigerator. Go and buy some. A. little B. a little C. few D. a few ( )13.There _____two slices of turkey on the table and there____some relish on the slices.

A. are; are B. are; is C. is; is D. is; are ( )14.How many women workers are there in your factory? About two__.

A. hundreds B. hundred C. hundreds of D. hundred of ( )15.He _______some milk _______ the banana shake?

A. added; to B. added; in C. put; to D. added; / ( )16. —__________ are the mushrooms?—Two yuan a kilo. A.How much B.How many C.What D.How ( )17. do you think of the turkey sandwich?—— It’s very nice. A. How B. What C. Which D. Where ( )18. Let’s __________ fruit salad. A.make make C.makes


( )19. A: How do you make fruit salad?

B: ____,cut up three bananas and a watermelon. Next put them in a bowl.

A. First B. Next C. Then D. Finally )20. A: May I have__ slice of bread with butter, I’m still hungry — B: Certainly. Here you are.

A. other B. the other C. another D. the others Ⅳ.词汇(10分)A根据句意和提示完成单词。

1.Jenny, would you like to make a fruit s___________ for me ? 2.Kids! Don’t m__________ water and milk up!

3.My mother cut some s_________ of the watermelon for my father. 4.Would you like to p(倾倒)some milk into the glass?. 5. How m______ milk do you want to buy? B用所给词的适当形式填空

6.I spent an hour______(make) a bottle of delicious apple milk shake. 7.You need _________(add) some red sugar to the soup. 8. Why not __________(turn) off the TV?

9. What about (help) the farmers with their harvest? (buy) some oranges for me? V. 句型转换。(10分)

1.Peel the oranges, please.(改为否定句) the oranges, please..


of juice does he need?.

3.Mike’s pencil is longer than Tom’s.(改为一般疑问句). Mike’s pencil than Tom’s?. 对画线部分提问). water do you need?. 5.I need one apple. (改为一般疑问句) ______ you ______ one apple? Unit 7练习题 单项选择

1. I think kids will study at home on computers _____ ten years. B.for C.after

2. Hurry up! The train _____ in two minutes. A.go B.went C.has gone D.will go 3. My father was _____ than he is now.


A.thinner B.thin C.less D.few

4. The boy _____ off the bike and hurt his leg yesterday. A.fall B.fell C.falls D.will fall 5. I have _____ homework to do than you.

A.much less B.much C.very little D.fewer

6. Do you like playing _____ football or playing _____ violin? A.the,the B.the,/ C./,the D./,/ 7. I think that England _____ next time.

A.will win B.won winning D.wins 8. His mother _____ in a village five years ago. A.lives B.lived living D.will live 9. _____ seems very hard to work out this problem.

A.That B.This C.I D.It 10. There is only _____ time left. We must hurry. A.little B.a little C.few D.a few

11. Do you think _____ a football match tomorrow?

A.there will be B.will there be C.there will have D.there are going to be 12. Don’t make her _____ too much music.

A.hear of B.listen C.listen to listen to

13. He often helps his mother _____ the housework, but he never _____. A.with,get bored B.with,gets boring do,get bored D.with,get bored

14. It _____ her ten years to make money _____ the big house. A.takes,to pay B.take,pay for C.took,paid D.took,to pay for 15. ____ a basketball player he wants to be a person ____ YaoMing. A.Like,like B.As,as C.As,like D.Like,as 16. When he was twenty years old, his dream _____. A.came truth B.came truly

C.came true D.was coming to true

17. I’m good at ball games. I’ll be _____ in the future. A.a football player B.a movie star C.a reporter engineer 18. A dog robot could help _____ the room. B.getting C.clean D.get 19. You can read all kinds of books ____ computers in 10 years. B.on C.from D.of

20. They _____ to work. They’ll work at home instead. A.will go B.won’t go C.didn’t go D.went 第七单元检测题 一、单项选择。

( )1. --____ do you make a sandwich ? --Sorry , I don’t know.

A. What B. How C. Where D.Which ( )2. We need to put two ________ in the salad.

A. teaspoon of honey B. teaspoons relish C. teaspoons of honey D.teaspoon honey

( )3. I want to watch CCTV news. Please _____ the TV.

A. turn on B. cut up C. put into D.turn off

( )4. Here is a recipe ______ chicken sandwich.

A. on B. for C. to

( )5. --_____ yogurt do we need? –Two cups.

A. How many B. How much C. What D.Where ( ) 6. How _________ he make a sandwich?

A. do B. does C. is D. was ( )7. How do you make a __________ milk shake? A. banana B. bananas C. a banana Dthe banana( )8. Let’s __________ vegetable salad. A. make B. making C. made D. to make( ) 9. You need three bananas and ___________.

A. cut up them B. cut up it C. cut them up D. cut it up ( ) 10. Next put the fruit __________ a bowl. A. on B. in C. at D. with ( ) 11. Let’s add some __________ to the noodles. A. salt B. the salt C. a salt D. salts ( ) 12. —How much butter does she need?

—She needs ___________.

A. two cup of butter

B. two cups of butter C. two cups of butters

D. two cup butter

( 风景散文 ) 13. —__________ do you need? —Two kilos. A. How much apple B. How many apples


C. How much onions D. How many onion ( )14. —What ___________ do you need to make it? — We need bread, ham and mayonnaise. A. snack B. bread C. ingredients D. vegetables ( ) 15. Can you tell me ___________ make a sandwich? A. how can I B. how do I C. how will I D. how I can

1. I don’t like milk but I like __________ very much. 2. —Would you like some bananas? —Yes, please p_______ one banana for me. 3. —How do you like Beijing food?

—Very much. I like Beijing _________ best.

4. —What would you like for breakfast? —Some ______, please. 5. You need to _____ your answers when you finish the exercises. B)根据句意和首字母提示,完成句中所缺单词。

6. How do you make a banana s__________?

7. Put the bananas and the yogurt into the b__________. 8. I need a s___________ of honey.

9. You need turkey slice and l___________ if you want to make a sandwich.

10. Do you like p_______? Yes, I’m from Shandong. People in my hometown like it very much.

C)用括号内所给动词的适当形式填空(必要时可加助动词或情态动词)。 11. Look! The bus ______ (come). 12. He ______(not go) home yesterday afternoon.

13. ______ you ______ (find) work in Hefei last year? 14. Tom usually ______ (walk) to school. 15. The moon ______ (move) round the earth.

1641. The children ______ (watch) TV at home every evening. 17. -What ______ you ______ (do) tomorrow? -Nothing much. 18. -Where is Jim? -He ______ (mend) his bike in the garden. 19. Alice ______ (write) two letters to her parents last week.


20. We ______ (visit) you next Sunday. 五、句式转换。

按括号内的要求转换下列句式,每空一词。 1. Cut up the tomatoes and beef. (变为否定句)

__________ ___________up the tomatoes and beef. 对划线部分提问) __________ ___________ honey does she need? 对划线部分提问)

__________ ___________ bananas do you need? 4. There were some bread in the bag. (改为一般疑问句) __________ there __________ bread in the bag? 5. You can’t eat ice cream. ((变为同义句) __________ __________ ice cream. 六、汉译英。

1.他关上了电脑,然后打开了电视机。 _________________________________________ 2.迈克生日那天,妈妈为他做了一个大蛋糕。 ___________________________________ 3.首先,把两个苹果洗干净并切碎。

___________________________________________ 4.你能把牛奶倒到榨汁机里吗?

___________________________________________ 5.你们需要多少香蕉?

________________________________________________ 第八单元

I. 选择填空。(共20分)

( )1. There is a shop ________ the street.

A. by the end of B. in the end C. at the end of D. on the end ( )2. ―Did you go to the zoo yesterday? —________.

A. Yes, I didn't B. No, I didn't C. Yes, I was D. No, I did ( )3. He has ________ to tell us. A. something else B. anything else

C. else something D. else anything

( )4. -Were there any seals in the zoo? -________.

A. Yes, there weren't B. No, there weren't

C. Yes, there was D. No, there were

( )5. We A. saw B. didn’t saw C. didn’t see D. see ( )6. I carefully but could nothing. A. listened, hear B. heard, listen C. listened to, hear D. hear, listen to

( )7. We _____ to the Children park if it is sunny this Sunday. A. went B. go C. going D. will go

( )8. -What do you want to be ________? -An English teacher. A. in the future B. on the future C. in future D. at the future ( a prize in the flower show.

A. got B. took C. won D. bought ( )10. -Let's play computer games. - ________. A. It doesn't matter B. No, I don't

C. That sounds really boring D. It's nothing

( )11. After lunch they ____ to the Gift Shop and _____ lots of gifts . A.go; buy B.go; bought C.went; buy D.went; bought ( your beautiful flowers. A. of B. with C. to D. for ( )13. What _______ Tina do on h关于读书的作文400字er last day off? A. was B. does C. did D. do ( )14. I had fun _______ in the pool when I was young.

A. swam B. swimming C. swimming D. swim ( )15. He finished A. write B. writing C. to write D. wrote ( )16. I'm goi变废为宝作文ng to the aquarium ________ my next day off. A. on B. in C. with D. at

( )17. It’s too late. Please stop and go home. soccer B.playing soccer play soccer D.played soccer. ( )18. You always have _______ questions.

A. too much B. much too C. to many D. many too ( )19.I'm thirsty .Could you give me _______? A. something to drink B. something to eat

C. anything to drink D. anything to eat ( )20.He watched the children_______ soccer yesterday afternoon. A. to play B. played C. play D. plays


1.Our team played so well that we w____ in the last week's football match. .It___,her,ten,years。

3. Children often get some g ______ on Christmas Day.

4. Many v______ from different countries come to China every year.

B,根据句意,用括号内所给词的适当形式填空。 7. Who _______ (teach) you English last term? 8. We went _______ (camp) on our last school trip.

9. She can’t decide what(buy) him as a birthday gift. 10. ________(lucky) I don't have enough money to travel. VI.句型转换(10分)

1. Tina got Jack Dean's autograph. (对划线部分提问) ________ autograph did Tina ________?

2.Maria was first in the writing competition (同义句) the first 3.There were some actors at the aquarium. (改为一般疑问句) ________ there ________ actors at the aquarium?

4. Jake often goes swimming. (以last year为状语改写句子) Jake often ________ swimming ______ year. 5. Did your father see any seals? (作否定回答) No, ________ ________. 第九单元


( )1.She is listening to .

A. a beautiful music B. a piece of beautiful music C. a beautiful piece of music D. a piece beautiful music

( )2.--____have you stayed in New York? --For about two weeks . A. How soon B. How often C. How long D. How far ( )3. are standing out of the classroom..


第二篇:《Unit7 知识点和练习题》

Unit 7 Will people have robots?

Section A


study at home on computers 在家用电脑学习 plant more trees 种更多的树

on paper在纸上 live to be 200 years old活到200岁

have less free time 自由时间 be in great danger处于极大危险中

in the future将来 live on the earth住在地球上

play a part in sth苏州水上乐园 在...中扮演一个角色 spend time together一起度过时光

be polluted 被污染 move to other planets搬到其他星球

save one’s life救某人的命 there will be 将会有


will + 动词原形 将要做 fewer/more + 可数名词复数 更少/更多…

less/more + 不可数名词 更少/更多 try to do sth. 尽力做某事

have to do sth 不得不做某事 agree with sb. 同意某人的意见

such + 名词(词组) 如此 play a part in doing sth 参与做某事

make sb do sth 让某人做某事 help sb with sth 帮助某人做某事

There will be + 主语 + 其他 将会有…. There is/are + sb. + doing sth 有…正在做…

It is + 形容词 + for sb + to do sth 做某事对某人来说…的


肯定式: 主语 + will/shall + 动词原形 + 其他 will 用于各种人称,shall 用于第一人称。

主语 + be going to + 动词原形 + 其他 be 随人称、数和时间的变化而变换。



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