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第一篇:《英语毕业论文 Culture and English Teaching》



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专 业 英 语 教 育



学习中心 安 康 进 校


Culture and English Teaching




Chapter I Relationship between language and culture……………………………………… 5 Chapter II The relationship between English culture and English teaching. ………………………5


Chapter III Differences between Chinese and English cultures. ………………………… 6

3.1 Cultural differences in daily conversation……………………………………………6

3.1.1 Greetings and Farewells………………………………………………………………6

3.1.2Ways of addressing………………………………………………………………7

3.1.3 Ways of praise………………………………………………………………7

3.2 Cultural differences in colors…………………………………………………8

3.3 Cultural differences in social contact…………………………………………………………8

3.4 Cultural differences between China and Western society represent differences of folk custom.. …………… ……9

3.5 Cultural differences in allusions………… ………………………9

3.6 Cultural differences in value………………………10

3.7 Cultural differences in religious beliefs……… …………………………11

3.8 Cultural differences in body language…… ………………………11

ChapterIV Difficulties in teaching English culture……………………………………………… 12

4.1The direction of examination-oriented education system and its requirement………………………………………………12in,English,teaching,clear,and。

4.2The circumstance of English language learning for students…………………………………………… 12

ChapterV Some Advice for teaching English language in culture…… ………………………12

5.1 Changing English teachers’ teaching opinions…… ………………………12

5.2 Optimizing the circumstance of English learning for students…… ………………………13 Conclusion…………………………………………………………………………13数字手抄报




English plays an essential and significant role in life. How to teach and study

English well has become a public concern .As culture has closely associated with language, many an educator finds that cultural knowledge has become an important part in our English learning and teaching .With the development of modernization, the world itself is becoming a “global village”. Opportunities for Chinese to contact with westerners are growing .Due to the differences in geography, development level, different countries and nationalities possess different cultures, histories, customs and religion, misunderstandings often occur in English teaching. Language can never be separated from culture. It is impossible to study a language well, without learning culture. Meanwhile, it helps spread and pass down a culture. Every people have its own culture.

This paper includes five parts,the first part is about Relationship between

language and culture. the second part is about the relationship between English culture and English teaching .the third part is about Differences between Chinese and English cultures .Next part talk about Difficulties in teaching English culture .the final part is about Some Advice for teaching English language in culture. It is about suggesting teaching methods in cultural learning and teaching .

Key words: Cultuer communication English teaching.



With the development of modernization, the world itself is becoming a “global village”. Opportunities for Chinese to contact with westerners are growing.Due to the differences in geography, development level, different countries and nationalities possess different cultures, histories, customs and religion, misunderstandings often occur in English teaching. The same words or expressions may not mean the same thing to the people with different cultures. Because of cultural differences, a serious question may cause amusement or laughter; a harmless statement may cause displeasure or anger. Because of cultural differences, jokes by a foreign speaker may be received with blank faces and stony silence. Yet the same stories in the speaker’s own country would leave audiences holding their sides with laughter.

Professor Deng Yanchang once said “„In fact, the learning of a language is inseparable from the learning of its culture.” However, after several years of English study, even college students still find it hard to communicate with English native speakers. It’s not that they don’t have the command of the language forms, but that they lack the knowledge of the target culture. So English teachers should help students acknowledge the culture background in teaching. teaching should focus on culture study and learn the skills of communication.


Chapter I, Relationship between language and culture

What is the relationship between language and culture? What role does culture play with language? In any culture or region, language is much more than semantics, much more than what the written page or the spoken word can contain. This especially becomes clear when studying a foreign language and learning the ways of a particular culture. For example, the use of introductions, salutations, everyday sayings, etc. This area in particular gives more weight to culture then to the words themselves. Anyone studying a foreign language has to be bicultural as well as bilingual to speak the new language in a way that it is not disparaging to the culture and its origin. Language does not end at the meaning or the use of words associated to a culture" words represent beliefs, history, and the culture of their origin and they must be used accordingly.

As we all know, language is closely related to culture and can be said as a part of culture. From a dynamic view, language and culture interact with each other and shape each other. Language is the carrier of culture which in turn is the content of language. We can dig out cultural features from language and explain language phenomena with culture. Idioms as a special form of language exist in both of them and carry a large amount of cultural information such as history, geography, religion, custom, nationality psychology, thought pattern and etc, and therefore are closely related to culture. They are the heritage of history and product of cultural evolvement. Consequently, we can know much about culture through studying idioms and in turn get better understanding of idioms by learning the cultural background behind them.

Language is a system of arbitrary vocal symbols, which is creative, double-structured and changeable. It is a means of verbal communication and distinguishes human beings from,English,teaching,clear,and。

Culture, one of most widely accepted definition, is the total accumulation of beliefs, customs, values, behaviors, institutions and communication patterns that are shared, learned and passed down through the generations in an identifiable group of people.

According to the definitions above, language is a part of culture and plays a very important role in it. Some social scientists consider “Language is the keystone of culture. Without language, culture would not possible”. One the other hand, language is influenced and shaped by culture. It reflects cultures and is the symbolic representation of a nation. It comprises their historical and cultural backgrounds as well as their approach to life and their ways of living and thinking. J.C. Catford once said, “Meaning is property of a language.” To a certain extent, “meaning” stands for culture. Different society has different culture, and it changes with the change of the society. As cultures are diverse, languages are diverse. Therefore, language should be taught in culture, or culture should be taken into consideration in English language teaching.

ChapterII The relationship between English culture and English teaching. The Chinese language is part of the Chinese culture and English is part of the 5

第二篇:《英语教学法 英汉对照A Course in English Language Teaching》

A Course in English Language Teaching

Unit 1 Language and Learning

Views on language语言观

Structural view结构主义 as a linguistic system

functional view功能主义 as a linguistic system but also a means for doing things,base on communicative functions

Interactional view交互性 as a communicative tool

Views on language learning and learning in general

1) Process-oriented theories 过程指向论in,English,teaching,clear,and。

concerned with how the mind processes new information, such as habit formation, induction, making inference, hypothesis testing and generalization.

2) Condition-oriented theories 强调条件理论

emphasize the nature of the human and physical context in which

language learning takes place, such as the number of students, what kind of input learners receive, and the learning atmosphere.

Behaviourist theory 行为主义理论 =audio-lingual method听说教学法

A stimulus-response theory of psychology

You can train an animal to do anything(within reason) if you follow a certain procedure which has three major stages, stimulus, response, and


Cognitive theory 认知主义理论 communicate approach 交际法 Constructivist theory 结构主义理论

Learning is a process in which the learner constructs meaning based on his/her own experience and what he/she already knows.

Socio-constructivist theory 社会结构主义理论

Emphasises interacion and engagement with the target language in a social context

A good language teacher

Ethic devotion,professional qualities and personal styles


Learning, practice, and reflection

Unit 2 Communicative Principles and Activities

CLT=Communicative Language Teaching 交际语言教学法

TBLT=Task-based Language Teaching 任务型教学法

PPP=the Presentation, Practice and Production呈现,操练,展出 Communicative competence

Entails knowing not only the language code or the form of language, but also what to say to whom and how to say it appropriately in any given situation

Five main components of communicative competence

Linguistic competence 语言能力

Pragmatic competence 语用能力

Discourse competence语篇能力

Strategic competence策略能力

Fluency 语言顺畅


Goal :

to develop students' communicative competence, which includes both the knowledge about the language and the knowledge about how to use the language appropriately in communicative situations.

Principles :

Communicative principle

Task principle

Meaningfulness principle

Main features:

(1)Functional communicative activities: 功能互动活动

Identifying pictures

Discovering identical pairs

Discovering sequences or locations

Discovering missing information

Discovering missing features

Discovering "secrets"

Communicating patterns and pictures

Communicative models

Discovering differences

Following directions

Reconstructing story-sequences

Pooling information to solve a problem

(2)Social interaction activities: 社会交往活动

Role-playing through cued dialogues

Role-playing through cues and information

Role-playing through situation and goals

Role-playing through debate or discussion

Large-scale simulation activities 模仿

Improvisation 即兴创作


No specific activities almost about listening and speaking

Six criteria for evaluating how communicative classroom activities are: Communicative purpose: information gap

Communicative desire: real needin,English,teaching,clear,and。

Content, not form: message

Variety of language

No teacher intervention 干涉

No materials control



Refers to an approach based on the use of task as the core unit of instruction in language

TBLT:pre-task, task cycle, language focus

Definition of a task:

A task is a piece of work undertaken for oneself or for others, freely or for some reward.

Four components of a task:

A purpose: focus on content,not form

A context: information gap

A process:problem solving reasoning , inquiring, conceptualising and communicating

A product: no communicational results

Exercises, exercise-tasks and tasks:

Focus on individual language items

→purposeful&contextualised communication

Exercise → exercise-task → task

How to design 矛盾心理tasks:

Think about students’ needs, interests, and abilities

Brainstorm possible tasks

Evaluate the list

Choose the language items



Module 1 Europe

Ⅰ. 单词拼写


by other opinions, and you should insist on your own view.

6. It is generally accepted that the Chinese 文明) is one of the oldest in the world.

7. The professor will give a lecture about (地理的) features.

8. Recently, a lot of farmers go to the city to sell their (农产品).


9. How many (代表) have been sent to the UN conference?

10. The little mountain village is the 出生地) of my father.

1. —You’re from Dalian, but?

—It is in Liaoning Province.

A. how do you like it B. how is it

C. whereabouts is it D. what’s it like

2. The plan for holding a football game was put off the bad weather.

A. in case of B. in spite of C. instead of D. because of

3. It was thanks to the honesty which they showed that we could the agreement with that company today.

A. write B. Create C. mark D. sign

the west of China.

A. is located in B. is situated on C. lies to D. stands on

5. Neither of the young men who had tried to get the job in the company after job interviews.

A. was accepted B. are accepted C. has been accepted D. have been accepted

of peace.

A. example B. signal C. feature D. symbol

7. It was in the country by the King of Josef Ⅱ that Beethoven grew up.

A. managing B. ruling C. governed D. controlled

8. I was running along the street when I heard somebody the street shouting my name.

A. off B. to C. opposite D. through

9. As a result of the farmers’ hardworking, they harvested the wheat this year as they did the year before.

A. twice as much B. as twice much C. as much twice D. twice so much

10. We are often with the two opposite sides of a thing which are both desirable.

A. supplied B. faced C. connected D. fixed

Module 2 Developing and Developed Countries

Ⅰ. 单词拼写

to support such a big family.

2. He his old car for a new model as soon as he won the money.

3. My mother me to see what size of dress I should wear.


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