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And Rose, but we don’t need to fix 电大开放英语2形成性考核册答案来自time until we get there. Shall we have lunch together?

Xiaoyan; Yes, let’s. I’ve got some things to do, but I’ll finish them by 12.30.

David: Ok. I’m in a meeting until 1.00, so I’ll come to your office after that.

Susan ______ the ticket this morning.

booked B. got C. lost

___ has prepared the handouts for Xiaoyan.

Elaine B. Debbie C. Susan

We have to be at the airport by _____.

A.7 B5 C6

David will have a tow hour meeting with_____.

Guy and Rose B Max C. Xiaoyan

David won’t be free for lunch until______.

1.00 B.12.30 C 2.00

36-40 题:阅读短文,并选择


I’m thought you’d like to know what has happened to your report about improving the website.

Last week I had a meeting with designers. I gave them a copy of you report and I told them that we needed to have the website redesigned.

- I’ve had the first page simplified.

- I have asked them to make different too.

- The colours are now different too.

- There are more functions, as you suggested, so that customers will be able to transfer funds to an account in another bank.

- Customers also find access slow, so I’m getting it speeded up.

I’m going to make a presentation about these changes at the Paris conference and would like to talk to you about that. These are some things I can do myself, but I would like your help with some technical aspects. I must get some slides made too, and would like your opinion about them.

Have you got time for a coffee on either Wednesday or Thursday morning?


David had a meeting with the designers yesterday.

right B wrong

David had made the icons larger.

right B. wrong

The speed of access has been made quicker.

right B. wrong

David is going to make a presentation in Paris.

right B. wrong

David would like some help from Xiaoyan.

right B wrong


We have enough money to improve the website.


Do you take after your mother or father?


I have to move out of my room on Friday because Franco has got another tenant.


One of the biggest sporting events in the world is the Olympic Games.


It would be great to see you to catch up on all our news.



第一部分 交际用语

1-5题: 1. --- Are you ready to order?

---Yes. I’ll have a chicken steak please

right B wrong

2.--- Is there a bank near here?

---Yes. I saw him this morning.

right B wrong

When did he go to America

---Two years ago.

right B wrong

4.--- I went to a fashion show last night.

---Who took away my book?

right B wrong

Have you been to America、

------ I’ve never been there but I hope to go there in the future.

RightB wrong

第二部分 词汇与结构 6-25题

6.Tom helped her mother ____C____the cooking.

for B. on C. with

7.I was A my to school when I saw the accident.

on, way B. in, way C. on, time

8.A: C is at the door?

B: It must be our new neighbour, Mrs Jones.

What B. Which C. Who

9.It' s a long way to get there. This is A we started so early.

why B. what C. how

10.A:I haven’t eaten all day.

B: You ___A___be very hungry.

must B. should C. have to

11.I don't want to watch____A___.

anything sad B. something sad C. sad anything

I am going to ___C __ a flat near the company I’m working at.

hire B. borrow C. rent

13.Football is so popular that it is played B more than 20 million people in more than 140 countries.

A.with B. by C. for

14.The boy is wearing a ___B___ T- shirt.

baggy long B. long baggy C. baggy black

They are friends of ____C___. Please be nice to them.

my B. mine C. I

16.Guilin is C the west of China.

to B. at C. in

Mr smith has ___A___ gone out to meet an old friend.

just B. once C. yet

He loved ____B___ basketball when he was young.

A.doing B.playing C. going

19.A: ___C___ one is yours, Julie?

B: The blue one with flowers on it.

Who B. What C. Which

She ___B___ to town last week.

goes B. went C. has gone

21.Get up! Mary. Tom has B called you three times this morning.

yet B. already C. never

___B___ stole his camera while he is lying on the beach.

A Anyone B. Someone C. Everyone

23.I don’t know ____C___ to explain it to her.

what B. why C.how

I ____A___ him my bike last weekend.

A lent B. hire C. returned

____B___ of her brothers came to the wedding. They don’t like her new hunsband.

Either B. Neither C. All

第三部分 阅读理解(共计20分)

26-30 小题

26.He stole the laptop. (改为被动语态)

The laptop was stolen by him.

27.Tim didn’t go to work the next day. He cleared up the flat. (用instead of将两句合成一句)

He cleared up the flat instead of going to work.

“ I can’t find my notebook”,she said. (改为间接引语)

She said she couldn’t find her notebook.

29.It was a place. He wanted to go. (用where将两句合成一句)

It was a place his where he wanted to go.

Tim has lost his camera. I have lost my camera. (用so将两句合成一句)

Tim has lost his camera and so have I.


Ivydale Guesthouse Bath Tourist Association Approved

Ron and Ann welcome you to Ivydale, where modern comforts and traditional hospitality meet.

Conveniently located a short walk from the city centre.

Well-equipped all rooms have an en suite bathroom, colour TV with satellite channels, tea/coffee-making facilities, mini bar and phone.

Excellent food we offer full English and buffet breakfasts. Vegeta春夏秋冬的作文rian food available on request.

Peace and quiet Ivydale is situated in its own gardens, offering the perfect atmosphere for business travelers and tourists.

Please note that we operate a strict no-smoking policy.

Mini-break deals available.

For reservations or a brochure, please call (01225) 1212355

31. The owner of the guesthouse is/are ___A___.

A. Ron and Ann B. Ivydale C. Bath

32. The guesthouse is ___A___the city center.

A.far from A. near to C. in

33. Guests can ____C____.

A. get online with their computer B.smoke in their room

C. make tea in their room

34.The guesthouse is ___B___.

A.boring but quiet B.peaceful and quiet C.noisy and busy

35.People can call (01225)1212355 to C

A. book a room B. pay the bill C.ask for help

36-40 题:阅读

Last week Polly decided to give up her job. She is fed up with it. She finds it boring and she wants to change her career. Her employers, ‘Lucky Shops”,are not too bad. They give her quite good benefits, such as free lunches and paid holidays, but she does not get on with her boss. Her salary is quite good, but, because she is not happy, she wants to look for something else. Last Saturday she talked about it with David and Xiaoyan. They agreed with her. They said she should resign and try another career, so she is not happy, she took action. She looked at advertisements in the paper and picked out three jobs that looked interesting. She had to write out her CV to apply for a job, and she did that on Wednesday evening. Xiaoyan helped her with it. She has a lot of experience of selling and good business and good business training but is worried about her lack of experience in some areas.

36.Polly has decided to ask for a higher salary.

A.Right B.Wrong

37.She doesn’t like her boss.

A.Right B.Wrong

38.Her friends ageed that she should resign.

A.Right B.Wrong

39.She has experience of banking.

A.Right B.Wrong

40.She’s worried about her lack of experience in some areas.

A.Right B.Wrong

第四部分 翻译(共计30分)


41.I had the windows cleaned yesterday.


He used to play basketball every Sunday.


They enjoyed themselves at the party.


She doesn’t like swimming and neither does her sister.


45.I’ve been learning English for three years.




1.--- Have you ever tried windsurfing?

right B wrong

2.--- Where did you go in China?

I went to Xi’an and Guilin

right B wrong

------Can you remember the doctor’s telephone number?

Yes. It’s 6825612

right B wrong

Can I help you?

-------- Yes,please. I’d like to reserve a room.

right B wrong

5.--- How do you like the film?

It’s very good. I like it.

RightB wrong

第二部分 6-25题:

6.Is the supermarket ___A___ the right or left?

on B. in C. at

My brother told me ___C___ his trip to Scotland.

on B.with C.about

8.He is a good friend of ___C___.

our B.our’s C.ours

9.A: Have you hadyour breakfast?

B: No, I haven’t had it ___B___.

ever B. yet C.just

I’m really looking forward to ___B___ from you.

hear B. hearing C. being heard

Is it difficult to learn to ___C___ TaiChi?

play B. go C.do

I have to go now. I have to pick ___C___ my son from school.

in B.with C. up

I am having the TV ___A___ tomorrow.

repaired B. repair C. to repair

I had a sandwich before I played basketball,___A___ I’m very hungry now.

but B.and C. so

The hotel is famous ___C___ its delicious food.

with B. in C. for

The doctor told Mr.Smith that he wouldn’t get better if he didn’t ___A___ smoking.

give up B. give away C. give out

She ordered the fish,___B___?

doesn’t she B. didn’t she C. hasn’t she

A: Which jacket do you like?

B: The blue ___A___ over there.

one B. it C. that

This idea hit me when I ___C___ this morning.

awoke up B. woke C. woke up

There wasn’t ___C___ in the house when she got home.

any B. somebody C. anybody

21.Mr. Hilton is not good at music. Neither ___B __ his children.

are B. is C. be

I love travelling. I ___A___ most places in the world.

have been to B. have gone to C went to

The manager told all the empoyees ___C___ late for meetings.

not be B. be not C. not to be

We built the house ___A___. Nobody helped us.

ourselves B. ours C. myself

Sorry, I’m not free this evening. ___A___ dinner with Mike.

I will have B. I’m having C. I have

第三部分 句型转换(共计15分)

I was too hot. I couldn’t open the window.

I was too hot but I couldn’t open the window.

Although it rained, the visit was a success.

In spite of rain, the visit was success.

I’ tall and thin. My mother is too.

I’m tall and thin and so is my mother.

They are going to look after the cat.

What are they going to look after.

He disturbed the burglars.

The bur优美的句子摘抄glars were disturbed by him.


From: XiaoyanLin@

To; Sharon

Subject: Coming home


I’ve only got 10 days left in England. Can you believe I’ve already been here for a year?There’s so much to do before I leave! I really must buy presents for my English friends o thank them for all their help. I have to move out of my room on Friday because Franco has got another tenant. At least I don’t have to find somewhere else to live. I’ve going to spend a few days with friends. He is letting the whole flat because Mary is moving just before her marriage. The time has gone so quickly . I cannot believe that I’ve been here for whole year. And I must start packing too-I have bought a lot since I came, and I need another suitcase. I’ll give some things to charity shops I think.

Anyway, I’m really writing to say that I’ll be back in Shanghai on 27 April, and it would be great to see you catch up on all our news. I’ll phone as soon as I get back.

Xiaoyan has been in England for ___B__.

A 10.days B. a year C. 5 years

Franco is going to __B__

A.sell his house B.have a new tenant C move out of his house

33.Xi科技创新作文aoyan needs to buy __A__-

a new suitcase B. something for the charity shop C. more books

Xiaoyan is going to be back in Shanghai___B__

early in Apil B. nearly the end of April C. in the middle of April

Xiaoyan is going to see Sharon to __A__

A.talk about what has happened to them

B.buy some new clothes

learn more IT skills

36-40 题:阅读

When I leave university in July, I don’t want to get a job straightaway. I’ve worked hard for 3 years, and now I need a long holiday. I’ll have to work for the rest of my life, so now is a good time to take a break.

I’d like around the world for a few months. I’ve already bought a ticket to go and visit my relatives in New Zealand. I leave on August 14th. I plan to work there for a while. On the way back from there I hope to visit an old friend of mine in America, and I want to go to Canada as well. I might I hope in some other places, too. I haven’t decided yet.

When I finish travelling. I will have to get a job. I studied economics at Bristol University, and my father works in a band, so I’ll probably work there at first. I’m not looking forward to that, but I want as soon as possible.

I want to get a job as soon as possible. (B)

Right. B. Wrong.

I’ll first go to New Zealand. (A)

Right. B. Wrong.

38.I have relatives in America. (B)

Right. B. Wrong.

I’ll probably work in a bank first. (A)

Right. B. Wrong.

Want to earn some money to travel around the world.(A)

Right. B. Wrong.

第四部分 翻译(共计30分)41-45题:英译汉

He studies in a university west of Beijing.


He came across an old painting at his friend’s house


43.She would buy a large house if she won the lottery.


44.The flat was in a bit of mess.


Both of the boys are good at singing.



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