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全国性大罢工 general strike(Greek labor unions were planning a general strike and a mass protest on Wednesday against the country's economic austerity measures.希腊工会计划在周三举行一次全国性大罢工和大规模抗议活动,以反对国家推行的经济紧缩措施。) (2011-05-13)

文化旅游业 cultural tourism(The ongoing Chinese Culture Year in Italy will intensify cultural tourism and spread greater mutual awareness between the two countries, a senior Italian official says.一位意大利高级官员说,眼下在意大利举行的―中国文化年‖活动将促进文化旅游业的发展,增进两个国家之间的相互了解。) (2011-05-12)

利好因素 feel-good factor("It may provide a feel-good factor, but it's unlikely to make people feel any more confident about their own finances," said Nick Moon, managing director of the polling group.GfK NOP市场调查公司总经理尼克•莫恩说:―这场婚礼会为英国带来利好因素,但不太可能会让人们对自己的钱袋更有信心。‖) (2011-05-11)

酒精呼气测试 breath alcohol test(When the policeman asked the driver to take a breath alcohol test after smelling alcohol on him, the man bit the policeman's left hand. Then, when the policeman used an interphone to call for help, the man knocked the interphone to the ground and grabbed the officer by the neck, according to police.据警方称,警察在闻到该驾车男子身上的酒气后要求对其进行酒精测试,这时该男子一口咬住了警察的左手。警察用对讲机请求支援,该男子一把把对讲机打到地上,并用手掐住警察的脖子。) (2011-05-09)

B超 type-B ultrasonic

八宝饭 eight-treasure rice pudding(steamed glutinous rice with bean paste, lotus seeds, preserved fruit, etc.)

罢工 down tools (Workers are set to down tools in protest against employer's refusal to budge on wage demands. 由于雇主在工资问题上拒不让步,工人们准备进行罢工。)

八卦 gossip, gossipy.Originally the name of an eight-side diagram derived from the famous Chinese classic ―Ching‖(Book of Changes), it is now often used to describe gossip or gossipy people.

八卦网站 gossip site ("Everything that I type, everything that I do, some gossip site makes it news," she added. 她补充说:―我写的一切,我所做的一切,一些八卦网站都把它们编成了新闻。‖)

把关 guard a pass; check on; maintain a strict standard

拔尖人才 tip-top (or top-notch) talent

巴解 the Palestinian Liberation Organization(PLO)

《巴黎航空公约》(1919) The Paris Aviation Covenant

巴黎证券交易所 Paris Bourse

把妹达人 pickup artist (Studies show that China's 180 million single men and women, particularly those aged 25 to 45, are finding it increasingly difficult to find partners. To boost their chances, more are turning for help from pickup artists to master the art of seduction. 研究显示,中国有1.8亿单身男女,其中,年龄在25到45岁之间的单身人士发现找伴侣越来越难。为了给自己赢得更多机会,越来越多的人开始向把妹达人请教,学习―勾引‖人的艺术。)


八面玲珑 be slick (in social intercourse); try to please everybody or offend nobody

霸权主义 hegemonism

吧台 bar counter

把握大局 grasp the overall situation

八字没一撇 Not even the first stroke of the character is in sight; Nothing tangible is yet in sight. 八卦 Eight Diagrams; bagua

八卦(娱乐) gossip

拔河(游戏) tug-of-war

摆花架子 a metaphor for presenting an attractive facade but in reality lacking substance, do for show

白金汉宫 Buckingham Palace

拜金女 material girl (Ma Nuo, 22, a model from Beijing, has won plaudits for her stylish appearance, but is equally derided for her material girl image. 来自北京的模特马诺只有22岁,却因其时尚的外表赚足了众人的眼球。但同时她也成为人们所嘲笑的―拜金女郎‖。) 拜金主义 money worship

白领犯罪 white-collar crime

白领工人 white-collar worker

General Knowledge


亨利八世(英语:Henry VIII,1491年6月28日-1547年1月28日),是英格兰亨利七世次子,都铎王朝第二任国王,1509年4月22日继位。他也是爱尔兰领主,后来更成为爱尔兰国王。亨利八世推行宗教改革,将新教引入英格兰。他通过一些重要法案,使英国教会脱离罗马教廷,自己成为英格兰最高宗教领袖,并解散修道院,使英国王室的权力因此达到顶峰。他在位期间,把威尔士并入英格兰。虽然有说亨利八世在离世前成为新教徒,但是他一生都提倡天主教仪式及教条。他的后裔爱德华六世,以及伊丽莎白一世都继续推行改革。但是,他的女儿玛丽一世在位期间曾恢复天主教的地位。他曾经有六次婚姻,而有两个妻子是被其下令斩首。


"Henry VIII" redirects here. For other uses, see .

Henry VIII (28 June 1491 – 28 January 1547) was from 21 April 1509 until his death. He was (later ) and to the Kingdom of France. Henry was the second monarch of the , succeeding his father, .

Besides his six marriages, Henry VIII is known for his role in the separation of the from the . Henry's struggles with Rome led to the separation of the Church of England from papal authority, the , and establishing himself as the

. He did this and suppressed the monasteries, while however remaining a believer in core Catholic theological teachings, even after his excommunication from the Roman Catholic Church. Henry oversaw the legal union of with the .

Henry was an attractive and charismatic man in his prime, educated and accomplished. He was an author and a composer. He ruled with absolute power. His desire to provide England with a male heir—which stemmed partly from personal vanity and partly because he believed a daughter would be unable to consolidate the and the fragile pea我的爸爸作文500字ce that existed following the []—led to the two things that Henry is remembered for: , and the that made England a mostly Protestant nation. In later life he became morbidly obese and his health suffered; his public image is frequently depicted as one of a lustful, egotistical, harsh and insecure king.


莎士比亚中期创作的,被称为―四大悲剧‖的是:《哈姆莱特》 Hamlet 、《奥赛罗》Othello、《李尔王》King Lear 和《麦克白》Macbeth 。

喜剧是莎士比亚早期创作的,被人们称为―四大喜剧‖的是《仲夏夜之梦》 A Midsummer Night’s Dream、

《皆大欢喜》 As You Like It 、《第十二夜》 The Twelfth Night和《威尼斯商人》 The Merchant of Venice 。

39. 见戴炜栋语言学笔记第3页。

40. 见戴炜栋语言学笔记第7页。




倒扁:台湾岛上通过静坐、游行等方式反对陈水扁的活动 动能车:以石油之外的能源动力来驱动的新型汽车,如电动车、电池车、氢动能车等 沸腾可乐:将“曼妥思”薄荷糖扔进可乐或汽水,瞬间产生大量气体的饮料。 骨性:风骨和个性


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语言作为人类最重要的交际工具,随着社会文化的发展,而经常处在不断的发展变化中,以满足人们实际生活中的交际需要。每一种语言都因其民族文化的不同而有着不同的特性。著名学者罗常培先生曾经有过这样的论述:“语言文字是一个民族文化的结晶,感动的作文400字这个民族过去的文化靠着它来流传,未来的文化也仗着它来推进”。语言中受民族文化影响最直接、与文化联系最密切的,就是词语。特别在新世纪新阶段,经过改革开放的三十年发展,我国的经济社会方方面面都发生了翻天覆地的变化,经济体制的深刻变革,社会结构的深刻调整,生活方式的转变,人民生活水平的提高,这期间随着新事物新现象的不断涌现,社会生活发生了一系列巨大的变动,这些变化都最先体现在语言文字的变动中。其中表现最明显的就是新词的不断出现。社会越是突飞猛进, 新词语









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